diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 8b137891..ab5a28cf 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -1 +1,214 @@ +## Contributing Guidelines + * The **syntax** for links is ``[Name](http://homepage/) - Short description. ([Demo](http://url.to/demo), [Source Code](http://url.of/source/code)) `License` `Language` ``. All projects should have their **license** and main server-side **language**/platform/requirement listed, and a description at most 250 characters long. + * To **add an entry**: clone/[download](https://github.com/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted/archive/master.zip) and enter the repository, run `make add` and follow the instructions; or [edit the README.md file](https://github.com/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted/edit/master/README.md) directly. See [Editing files in another user's repository](https://help.github.com/articles/editing-files-in-another-user-s-repository/), [Creating Pull Requests](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request/), [Using Pull Requests](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests/) for help on sending your patch. + * Non-[Free](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software) software must be marked `⊘ Proprietary` next to the title, and added to [non-free.md](non-free.md) + * Software with no development activity for 6-12 months may be removed from the list. + * Check current [issues](https://github.com/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted/issues) and [Pull Requests](https://github.com/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted/pulls), as well as [closed issues/PRs](https://github.com/Kickball/awesome-selfhosted/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aclosed+) + * The list of contributors can be updated with `make contrib`. Several checks are available: `make noexternallink; make missinglicenselanguage; make nofullstop` + +## Contributors + +The list of contributors can be found below + + 264 nodiscc + 223 Edward D + 42 Andrew + 31 Kovah + 22 Kickball + 13 jungle-boogie + 10 Thomas Dalichow <2012-02-05.github.com@thomasdalichow.de> + 10 cave beat + 9 Joubert RedRat + 8 CooperBarrett + 7 Andrew Peng + 7 Andrew Rylatt + 7 Hammy Havoc + 7 Thomas Dalichow + 7 n1trux + 7 phre4k + 7 édouard u. + 6 Per Guth + 5 Jean Champémont + 5 Moti Korets + 5 cave + 4 Andrew + 4 AndrewCz + 4 Cory Gibbons + 4 Dominik Pfaffenbauer + 4 Dr. Azrael Tod + 4 Ilya Sevostyanov + 4 Jean Elchinger + 4 Joshua Westerheide + 4 Marius Voila + 4 Valmik + 4 dattaz + 4 paddo + 3 Aguay + 3 Akhyar Amarullah + 3 Chris McCormick + 3 Conor O'Callaghan + 3 Cédric Krier + 3 Ethan Lowman + 3 FoxMaSk + 3 George C. Privon + 3 Görkem Çetin + 3 Jan Vlnas + 3 Lee Watson + 3 Leo Gaggl + 3 Marc Picaud + 3 Mariusz Kozakowski <11mariom+wordpress@gmail.com> + 3 Martin Gontovnikas + 3 Mathieu Leplatre + 3 Pavan Yara + 3 Tobi Schäfer + 3 Ye Lin Aung + 3 jungle-boogie + 3 rett gerst + 2 Adminrezo (Nico Dewaele) + 2 Albert Cervera i Areny + 2 Alexander Ryzhov + 2 Alexis Metaireau + 2 Andrew Hayworth + 2 Bartłomiej Kurzeja + 2 Brendan Abolivier + 2 Charles Farence III + 2 Chris Missal + 2 Costin Moise + 2 David Leonard + 2 David Wayne Baxter + 2 Derek Viera + 2 Deryck + 2 Greg V + 2 Henry Ruhs + 2 Jason Robinson + 2 Joseph Dykstra + 2 Julien Bisconti + 2 Kevin Vandenborne + 2 Marien Fressinaud + 2 Massimo Santini + 2 Matthieu Aubry + 2 Michael Tunnell + 2 Mikael Peigney + 2 Nicolas Carlier + 2 Patrik Ragnarsson + 2 Peter Ivanov + 2 Peter Thaleikis + 2 Pierre Ozoux + 2 Poorchop + 2 ReadmeCritic + 2 Ricardo Torres + 2 Roland Geider + 2 Ryan Mulligan + 2 Sam Tuke + 2 Sameer Al-Sakran + 2 Shane Cooke + 2 Simon Vieille + 2 Stefane Fermigier + 2 Stefano + 2 Thomas Citharel + 2 Vadim Rutkovsky + 2 cornerot + 2 cron410 + 2 jimykk + 2 markkrj + 2 rafael-santiago + 2 thomasfrivold + 2 tillarnold + 2 tomc3 + 2 yuche + 1 Alashov Berkeli + 1 Alex Fornuto + 1 Alys + 1 Andrew Murray + 1 Angel Velasquez + 1 Bob Mottram + 1 Brett + 1 Burung Hantu + 1 Caleb Xu + 1 Calle Wolff + 1 Chanchal Kumar Ghosh + 1 Chema + 1 Craig Davison + 1 Dan + 1 David Baldwynn + 1 Dirk Krause + 1 Dmitriy Volkov + 1 Doğan Çelik + 1 Dražen Lučanin + 1 Eren Hatırnaz + 1 Ethan Madden + 1 Felix Bartels + 1 Florian Kaiser + 1 Florian Wilhelm + 1 FortressBuilder + 1 Gabriel Cossette + 1 Igor Antun + 1 Izac Lorimer + 1 Jan + 1 Jarek Lipski + 1 Jean Menezes da Rocha + 1 Jeremiah Marks + 1 Joel Calado + 1 Josh Harmon + 1 Joshua Hamilton + 1 José Castro + 1 Julien Bisconti + 1 Julien Reichardt + 1 Justin O'Reilly + 1 Jérémie Astori + 1 Keith Thibodeaux + 1 Keith Thibodeaux + 1 Keyhaku + 1 Kyle Stetz + 1 Liran Tal + 1 Madhu GB + 1 Madhu GB + 1 Marc Laporte + 1 Marcin Karpezo + 1 Marcus Ramberg + 1 Mark Ide + 1 MatFluor + 1 Matt Hazinski + 1 Matt Lee + 1 Matteo Piccina + 1 Michael Burns + 1 Mike Steele + 1 Morris Jobke + 1 Murdoc Bates + 1 NicolasCARPi + 1 Norman Xu + 1 Oliver Kopp + 1 Paul + 1 Pavel Lobashov + 1 Pavel Lobashov + 1 Peter van den Hurk + 1 Phill + 1 Remy Adriaanse + 1 Remy Honig + 1 Riddler + 1 Roberto Rosario + 1 Ryan Halliday + 1 Starbeamrainbowlabs + 1 Stefan Bohacek + 1 Stefan Bohacek + 1 Stefan Weil + 1 Sylvain Boily + 1 The Scorpion + 1 Tobias Zeising + 1 benmaynard11 + 1 bricej13 + 1 cbdev + 1 dimqua + 1 florianl + 1 hebbet + 1 lachlan-00 + 1 littleguga + 1 memorex258 + 1 mertinop + 1 sc0repi0 + 1 skarphet + 1 steven jacobs + 1 stevesbrain + 1 ttoups + 1 wxcafé