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# Creates an utterly simple AD structure with groups, users and their profile images.
# This script was heavily based on:
# https://github.com/kurobeats/Active-Directory-User-Script
Import-module activedirectory
$dnsDomain =gc env:USERDNSDOMAIN
$split = $dnsDomain.split(".")
foreach($part in $split)
if($domain -ne $null)
$domain += "DC=$part"
#Declare any Variables
$dirpath = $pwd.path
$orgName = "Contoso"
$orgUnit = "OU=Groups,OU=$orgName"
$orgUnit2 = "OU=Users,OU=$orgName"
$counter = 0
$ImportFile = Import-csv "$dirpath\ADUsers.csv"
$TotalImports = $importFile.Count
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $orgName -Path $domain
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "Groups" -Path "OU=$orgName,$domain"
New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "Users" -Path "OU=$orgName,$domain"
$ImportFile | foreach {
$progress = [int]($counter / $totalImports * 100)
$pass = "Password$($counter)!"
$ident = "CN=$($_.Name),$orgUnit2,$domain"
$dummyPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $pass -Force
if ($_.Manager -eq "") {
New-ADUser -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName -Name $_.Name -Surname $_.Sn -GivenName $_.GivenName -Path "$orgUnit2,$domain" -AccountPassword $dummyPassword -Enabled $true -title $_.title -officePhone $_.officePhone -department $_.department -emailaddress $_.mail
} else {
New-ADUser -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName -Name $_.Name -Surname $_.Sn -GivenName $_.GivenName -Path "$orgUnit2,$domain" -AccountPassword $dummyPassword -Enabled $true -title $_.title -officePhone $_.officePhone -department $_.department -manager "$($_.Manager),$orgUnit2,$domain" -emailaddress $_.mail
Write-Host "$($_.Name) / $pass"
If (gci "$dirpath\userimages\$($_.name).jpg") {
$photo = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$dirpath\userImages\$($_.name).jpg")
Set-AdUser -Identity $ident -Replace @{thumbnailPhoto=$photo}
$san = $_.department -replace ' ', ''
$dep = $_.department
$group = (Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -like $dep} -SearchBase "$orgUnit,$domain")
if ($group -eq $null) {
New-ADGroup -Name $_.department -SamAccountName $san -Path "$orgUnit,$domain" -GroupScope Global
$group = (Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -like $dep} -SearchBase "$orgUnit,$domain")
$user = Get-ADUser -Identity $ident
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $group -Members $user