- **`CDPFlooder.py`** - CDP Flooding tool, intended to take out entire segment switched by some old Cisco switches, vulnerable to Denial of Service after receiving big amount of invalid CDP packets.
- **`dtpscan.py`** - DTP Scanner - simple script trying to determine type of configured switchport and DTP negotation mode in order to assist in VLAN Hopping attacks. ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/3f678d385984ba0377299a844fb793fa))
- **`exchangeRecon.py`** - This tool connects to the given Exchange's hostname/IP address and then by collects various internal information being leaked while interacting with different Exchange protocols. Exchange may give away following helpful during OSINT or breach planning stages insights:
- Internal IP address
- Internal Domain Name (ActiveDirectory)
- Exchange Server Version
- support for various SMTP User Enumeration techniques
- Version of underlying software such as ASP.NET, IIS which
may point at OS version indirectly
This tool will be helpful before mounting social engieering attack against
victim's premises or to aid Password-Spraying efforts against exposed OWA
Sample run:
user@host:~/ $ python3 mail.example.com
Hostname: mail.example.com
*) SSL Certificate Subject components:
CN = mail.example.com
*) Outlook Web App version leaked in OWA HTML source:
(Exchange Server 2010 RTM; November 9, 2009; 14.0.639.21 14.00.0639.021)
*) IIS Version:
*) ASP.Net Version:
*) Leaked Internal IP address:
*) Leaked Internal Domain name in NTLM challenge packet:
- **`HSRPFlooder.py`** - Proof of concept _HSRP Coup State: Active_ flooder, trying to provoke Denial of Service within LAN segment due to tunnelling packets to the non-existent gateway that won active-router election. Not working stabily at the moment.
- **`IBM-MQ-Pentesting-notes.md`** - Busy-man's Practical IBM MQ Penetration Testing cheatsheet, equipped with a couple of handy tips and punch-q installation walkthrough. ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/2efcd86c62f0fb3f463638911a3e89ec))
- **`RoutingAttackKit.py`** - Tool collecting various Routing Protocols exploitation techniques in one place, one file, handy for Penetration Testing and Red-Teaming assignments. Currently supporting RIPv1/RIPv2 attacks, planning to cover OSPF, EIGRP, MPLS, IS-IS tricks someday.
- Add more protocols and their related attacks and fuzzers
- Add online brute-force attacks against authentication strings
- Implement sniffer hunting for used protocols and their auth strings
- Implement semi-auto mode that is first learning a network, then choosing specific attacks
bash $ python RoutingAttackKit.py
:: Routing Protocols Exploitation toolkit
Sends out various routing protocols management frames
Mariusz B. / mgeeky '19, <mb@binary-offensive.com>
- **`sshbrute.py`** - ripped out from Violent Python - by TJ O'Connor. ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/70606be7249a61ac26b34b1ef3b07553))
- **`smb-credential-leak.html`** - SMB Credentials leakage by MSEdge as presented in Browser Security White Paper, X41 D-Sec GmbH. ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/44ce8a8887c169aa6a0093d915ea103d))
- **`smtpdowngrade.rb`** - Bettercap TCP Proxy SMTP Downgrade module - prevents the SMTP client from sending "STARTTLS" and returns "454 TLS Not available..." to the client. ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/188f3f319e6f3536476e4b272ec0fb19))
- **`smtpvrfy.py`** - SMTP VRFY python tool intended to check whether SMTP server is leaking usernames. ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/1df141b18082b6f424df98fa6a630435))
- **`VLANHopperDTP.py`** - VLAN Hopping via DTP Trunk (Switch) Spoofing exploit - script automating full VLAN Hopping attack, from DTP detection to VLAN Hop with DHCP lease request ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/7ff9bb1dcf8aa093d3a157b3c22432a0))