- **`CDPFlooder.py`** - CDP Flooding tool, intended to take out entire segment switched by some old Cisco switches, vulnerable to Denial of Service after receiving big amount of invalid CDP packets.
- **`dtpscan.py`** - DTP Scanner - simple script trying to determine type of configured switchport and DTP negotation mode in order to assist in VLAN Hopping attacks. ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/3f678d385984ba0377299a844fb793fa))
- **`HSRPFlooder.py`** - Proof of concept _HSRP Coup State: Active_ flooder, trying to provoke Denial of Service within LAN segment due to tunnelling packets to the non-existent gateway that won active-router election. Not working stabily at the moment.
- **`RoutingAttackKit.py`** - Tool collecting various Routing Protocols exploitation techniques in one place, one file, handy for Penetration Testing and Red-Teaming assignments. Currently supporting RIPv1/RIPv2 attacks, planning to cover OSPF, EIGRP, MPLS, IS-IS tricks someday.
- Add more protocols and their related attacks and fuzzers
- Add online brute-force attacks against authentication strings
- Implement sniffer hunting for used protocols and their auth strings
- Implement semi-auto mode that is first learning a network, then choosing specific attacks
bash $ python RoutingAttackKit.py
:: Routing Protocols Exploitation toolkit
Sends out various routing protocols management frames
Mariusz B. / mgeeky '19, <mb@binary-offensive.com>
- **`sshbrute.py`** - ripped out from Violent Python - by TJ O'Connor. ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/70606be7249a61ac26b34b1ef3b07553))
- **`smb-credential-leak.html`** - SMB Credentials leakage by MSEdge as presented in Browser Security White Paper, X41 D-Sec GmbH. ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/44ce8a8887c169aa6a0093d915ea103d))
- **`smtpdowngrade.rb`** - Bettercap TCP Proxy SMTP Downgrade module - prevents the SMTP client from sending "STARTTLS" and returns "454 TLS Not available..." to the client. ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/188f3f319e6f3536476e4b272ec0fb19))
- **`smtpvrfy.py`** - SMTP VRFY python tool intended to check whether SMTP server is leaking usernames. ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/1df141b18082b6f424df98fa6a630435))
- **`VLANHopperDTP.py`** - VLAN Hopping via DTP Trunk (Switch) Spoofing exploit - script automating full VLAN Hopping attack, from DTP detection to VLAN Hop with DHCP lease request ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/7ff9bb1dcf8aa093d3a157b3c22432a0))