mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 03:51:16 +01:00
heavily updated decode-spam-headers.py and phishing-HTML-linter.py
This commit is contained in:
@ -95,9 +95,14 @@
It looks for things such as:
- Embedded images
- Images with lacking `ALT=""` attribute
- Anchors trying to masquerade links
- `Embedded Images`
- `Images without ALT`
- `Masqueraded Links`
- `Use of underline tag <u>`
- `HTML code in <a> link tags`
- `<a href="..."> URL contained GET parameter`
- `<a href="..."> URL contained GET parameter with URL`
- `<a href="..."> URL pointed to an executable file`
Such characteristics are known bad smells that will let your e-mail blocked.
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Required arguments:
infile Input file to be analysed
infile Input file to be analysed or --list tests to show available tests.
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
@ -124,12 +124,113 @@ Options:
-N, --nocolor Dont use colors in text output.
-v, --verbose Verbose mode.
-d, --debug Debug mode.
-l, --list List available tests and quit. Use it like so: --list tests
-i tests, --include-tests tests
Comma-separated list of test IDs to run. Ex. --include-tests 1,3,7
-e tests, --exclude-tests tests
Comma-separated list of test IDs to skip. Ex. --exclude-tests 1,3,7
-r, --resolve Resolve IPv4 addresses / Domain names.
-a, --decode-all Decode all =?us-ascii?Q? mail encoded messages and print their contents.
If you want to run only a subset of tests, you'll first need to learn Test IDs of which to pick.
Run the script with `-l tests` to grab that list.
List available test and their corresponding IDs:
C:\> py decode-spam-headers.py -l tests
[.] Available tests:
1 - Received - Mail Servers Flow
2 - Extracted IP addresses
3 - Extracted Domains
4 - Bad Keywords In Headers
5 - From Address Analysis
6 - Subject and Thread Topic Difference
7 - Authentication-Results
8 - ARC-Authentication-Results
9 - Received-SPF
10 - Mail Client Version
11 - User-Agent Version
12 - X-Forefront-Antispam-Report
13 - X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SCL
14 - X-Microsoft-Antispam-Mailbox-Delivery
15 - X-Microsoft-Antispam Bulk Mail
16 - X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test
17 - Domain Impersonation
18 - SpamAssassin Spam Status
19 - SpamAssassin Spam Level
20 - SpamAssassin Spam Flag
21 - SpamAssassin Spam Report
23 - OVH's X-Ovh-Spam-Reason
24 - OVH's X-Ovh-Spam-Score
25 - X-Virus-Scan
26 - X-Spam-Checker-Version
27 - X-IronPort-AV
28 - X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Filtered
29 - X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Result
30 - X-Mimecast-Spam-Score
31 - Spam Diagnostics Metadata
32 - MS Defender ATP Message Properties
33 - Message Feedback Loop
34 - End-to-End Latency - Message Delivery Time
35 - X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers
36 - X-IP-Spam-Verdict
37 - X-Amp-Result
38 - X-IronPort-RemoteIP
39 - X-IronPort-Reputation
40 - X-SBRS
41 - X-IronPort-SenderGroup
42 - X-Policy
43 - X-IronPort-MailFlowPolicy
44 - X-SEA-Spam
45 - X-FireEye
46 - X-AntiAbuse
47 - X-TMASE-Version
48 - X-TM-AS-Product-Ver
49 - X-TM-AS-Result
50 - X-IMSS-Scan-Details
51 - X-TM-AS-User-Approved-Sender
52 - X-TM-AS-User-Blocked-Sender
53 - X-TMASE-Result
54 - X-TMASE-SNAP-Result
55 - X-IMSS-DKIM-White-List
56 - X-TM-AS-Result-Xfilter
58 - X-TMASE-SNAP-Result
59 - X-TM-Authentication-Results
60 - X-Scanned-By
61 - X-Mimecast-Spam-Signature
62 - X-Mimecast-Bulk-Signature
63 - X-Forefront-Antispam-Report-Untrusted
64 - X-Microsoft-Antispam-Untrusted
65 - X-Mimecast-Impersonation-Protect
66 - X-Proofpoint-Spam-Details
67 - X-Proofpoint-Virus-Version
68 - SPFCheck
69 - X-Barracuda-Spam-Score
70 - X-Barracuda-Spam-Status
71 - X-Barracuda-Spam-Report
72 - X-Barracuda-Bayes
73 - X-Barracuda-Start-Time
74 - Similar to SpamAssassin Spam Level headers
75 - SMTP Header Contained IP address
76 - Other unrecognized Spam Related Headers
77 - Other interesting headers
78 - Security Appliances Spotted
79 - Email Providers Infrastructure Clues
80 - X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info
81 - Decoded Mail-encoded header values
82 - Header Containing Client IP
### Sample run
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
Anti_Spam_Rules_ReverseEngineered = \
'35100500006' : logger.colored('(SPAM) Message contained embedded image. Score +4', 'red'),
'35100500006' : logger.colored('(SPAM) Message contained embedded image.', 'red'),
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/416100/what-is-meanings-of-39x-microsoft-antispam-mailbox.html
'520007050' : logger.colored('(SPAM) Moved message to Spam and created Email Rule to move messages from this particular sender to Junk.', 'red'),
@ -654,6 +654,27 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
# This is a strong signal. Mails without <a> doesnt have this rule.
'166002' : 'HTML mail body contained URL <a> link.',
# Message contained <a href="https://something.com/file.html?parameter=value" - GET parameter with value.
'21615005' : 'Mail body contained <a> tag with URL containing GET parameter: href="https://foo.bar/file?aaa=bbb"',
# Message contained <a href="https://something.com/file.html?parameter=https://another.com/website"
# - GET parameter with value, being a URL to another website
'45080400002' : 'Mail body contained <a> tag with URL containing GET parameter with value of another URL: href="https://foo.bar/file?aaa=https://baz.xyz/"',
# Message contained <a> with href pointing to a file with dangerous extension, such as file.exe
'460985005' : 'Mail body contained HTML <a> tag with href URL pointing to a file with dangerous extension (such as .exe)',
# Message1: GoPhish -> VPS 587/tcp redirector -> smtp.gmail.com:587 -> target
# Message2: GoPhish -> VPS 587/tcp redirector -> smtp-relay.gmail.com:587 -> target
# These were the only differences I spotted:
# Message1 - FirstHop Gmail SMTP Received with ESMTPS.
# Message2 - FirstHop Gmail SMTP-Relay Received with ESMTPSA.
'121216002' : 'First Hop MTA SMTP Server used as a SMTP Relay. It used to originate e-mails, but here it acted as a Relay. Or it\'s due to use of "with ESMTPSA" instead of ESMTPS',
ForeFront_Spam_Confidence_Levels = {
@ -747,6 +768,22 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
'ucf' : (
'User Custom Flow (?) - custom mail flow rule applied on message?',
'0' : 'No user custom mail rule applied.',
'1' : 'User custom mail rule applied.',
'jmr' : (
'Junk Mail Rule (?) - mail considered as Spam by previous, existing mail rules?',
'0' : logger.colored('Mail is not a Junk', 'green'),
'1' : logger.colored('Mail is a Junk', 'red'),
'OFR' : (
'Folder Rules applied to this Message',
@ -973,19 +1010,119 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
Verstring('Exchange Server 2019 CU3', 'March 2, 2021', '15.2.464.15'),
def __init__(self, logger, resolve, decode_all):
def __init__(self, logger, resolve = False, decode_all = False, testsToRun = []):
self.text = ''
self.results = {}
self.resolve = resolve
self.decode_all = decode_all
self.logger = logger
self.received_path = None
self.received_path = []
self.testsToRun = testsToRun
self.securityAppliances = set()
# (number, header, value)
self.headers = []
def getAllTests(self):
tests = (
( '1', 'Received - Mail Servers Flow', self.testReceived),
( '2', 'Extracted IP addresses', self.testExtractIP),
( '3', 'Extracted Domains', self.testResolveIntoIP),
( '4', 'Bad Keywords In Headers', self.testBadKeywords),
( '5', 'From Address Analysis', self.testFrom),
( '6', 'Subject and Thread Topic Difference', self.testSubjecThreadTopic),
( '7', 'Authentication-Results', self.testAuthenticationResults),
( '8', 'ARC-Authentication-Results', self.testARCAuthenticationResults),
( '9', 'Received-SPF', self.testReceivedSPF),
('10', 'Mail Client Version', self.testXMailer),
('11', 'User-Agent Version', self.testUserAgent),
('12', 'X-Forefront-Antispam-Report', self.testForefrontAntiSpamReport),
('13', 'X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SCL', self.testForefrontAntiSCL),
('14', 'X-Microsoft-Antispam-Mailbox-Delivery', self.testAntispamMailboxDelivery),
('15', 'X-Microsoft-Antispam Bulk Mail', self.testMicrosoftAntiSpam),
('16', 'X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test', self.testAntispamReportCFA),
('17', 'Domain Impersonation', self.testDomainImpersonation),
('18', 'SpamAssassin Spam Status', self.testSpamAssassinSpamStatus),
('19', 'SpamAssassin Spam Level', self.testSpamAssassinSpamLevel),
('20', 'SpamAssassin Spam Flag', self.testSpamAssassinSpamFlag),
('21', 'SpamAssassin Spam Report', self.testSpamAssassinSpamReport),
('22', 'OVH\'s X-VR-SPAMCAUSE', self.testSpamCause),
('23', 'OVH\'s X-Ovh-Spam-Reason', self.testOvhSpamReason),
('24', 'OVH\'s X-Ovh-Spam-Score', self.testOvhSpamScore),
('25', 'X-Virus-Scan', self.testXVirusScan),
('26', 'X-Spam-Checker-Version', self.testXSpamCheckerVersion),
('27', 'X-IronPort-AV', self.testXIronPortAV),
('28', 'X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Filtered', self.testXIronPortSpamFiltered),
('29', 'X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Result', self.testXIronPortSpamResult),
('30', 'X-Mimecast-Spam-Score', self.testXMimecastSpamScore),
('31', 'Spam Diagnostics Metadata', self.testSpamDiagnosticMetadata),
('32', 'MS Defender ATP Message Properties', self.testATPMessageProperties),
('33', 'Message Feedback Loop', self.testMSFBL),
('34', 'End-to-End Latency - Message Delivery Time', self.testTransportEndToEndLatency),
('35', 'X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers', self.testTLCOObClasifiers),
('36', 'X-IP-Spam-Verdict', self.testXIPSpamVerdict),
('37', 'X-Amp-Result', self.testXAmpResult),
('38', 'X-IronPort-RemoteIP', self.testXIronPortRemoteIP),
('39', 'X-IronPort-Reputation', self.testXIronPortReputation),
('40', 'X-SBRS', self.testXSBRS),
('41', 'X-IronPort-SenderGroup', self.testXIronPortSenderGroup),
('42', 'X-Policy', self.testXPolicy),
('43', 'X-IronPort-MailFlowPolicy', self.testXIronPortMailFlowPolicy),
('44', 'X-SEA-Spam', self.testXSeaSpam),
('45', 'X-FireEye', self.testXFireEye),
('46', 'X-AntiAbuse', self.testXAntiAbuse),
('47', 'X-TMASE-Version', self.testXTMVersion),
('48', 'X-TM-AS-Product-Ver', self.testXTMProductVer),
('49', 'X-TM-AS-Result', self.testXTMResult),
('50', 'X-IMSS-Scan-Details', self.testXTMScanDetails),
('51', 'X-TM-AS-User-Approved-Sender', self.testXTMApprSender),
('52', 'X-TM-AS-User-Blocked-Sender', self.testXTMBlockSender),
('53', 'X-TMASE-Result', self.testXTMASEResult),
('54', 'X-TMASE-SNAP-Result', self.testXTMSnapResult),
('55', 'X-IMSS-DKIM-White-List', self.testXTMDKIM),
('56', 'X-TM-AS-Result-Xfilter', self.testXTMXFilter),
('57', 'X-TM-AS-SMTP', self.testXTMASSMTP),
('58', 'X-TMASE-SNAP-Result', self.testXTMASESNAP),
('59', 'X-TM-Authentication-Results', self.testXTMAuthenticationResults),
('60', 'X-Scanned-By', self.testXScannedBy),
('61', 'X-Mimecast-Spam-Signature', self.testXMimecastSpamSignature),
('62', 'X-Mimecast-Bulk-Signature', self.testXMimecastBulkSignature),
('63', 'X-Forefront-Antispam-Report-Untrusted', self.testForefrontAntiSpamReportUntrusted),
('64', 'X-Microsoft-Antispam-Untrusted', self.testForefrontAntiSpamUntrusted),
('65', 'X-Mimecast-Impersonation-Protect', self.testMimecastImpersonationProtect),
('66', 'X-Proofpoint-Spam-Details', self.testXProofpointSpamDetails),
('67', 'X-Proofpoint-Virus-Version', self.testXProofpointVirusVersion),
('68', 'SPFCheck', self.testSPFCheck),
('69', 'X-Barracuda-Spam-Score', self.testXBarracudaSpamScore),
('70', 'X-Barracuda-Spam-Status', self.testXBarracudaSpamStatus),
('71', 'X-Barracuda-Spam-Report', self.testXBarracudaSpamReport),
('72', 'X-Barracuda-Bayes', self.testXBarracudaBayes),
('73', 'X-Barracuda-Start-Time', self.testXBarracudaStartTime),
# These tests shall be the last ones.
('74', 'Similar to SpamAssassin Spam Level headers', self.testSpamAssassinSpamAlikeLevels),
('75', 'SMTP Header Contained IP address', self.testMessageHeaderContainedIP),
('76', 'Other unrecognized Spam Related Headers', self.testSpamRelatedHeaders),
('77', 'Other interesting headers', self.testInterestingHeaders),
('78', 'Security Appliances Spotted', self.testSecurityAppliances),
('79', 'Email Providers Infrastructure Clues', self.testEmailIntelligence),
testsDecodeAll = (
('80', 'X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info', self.testMicrosoftAntiSpamMessageInfo),
('81', 'Decoded Mail-encoded header values', self.testDecodeEncodedHeaders),
testsReturningArray = (
('82', 'Header Containing Client IP', self.testAnyOtherIP),
return (tests, testsDecodeAll, testsReturningArray)
def safeBase64Decode(value):
enc = False
@ -1173,114 +1310,22 @@ Results will be unsound. Make sure you have pasted your headers with correct spa
self.headers = self.collect(text)
tests = (
('Received - Mail Servers Flow', self.testReceived),
('Extracted IP addresses', self.testExtractIP),
('Extracted Domains', self.testResolveIntoIP),
('Bad Keywords In Headers', self.testBadKeywords),
('From Address Analysis', self.testFrom),
('Subject and Thread Topic Difference', self.testSubjecThreadTopic),
('Authentication-Results', self.testAuthenticationResults),
('ARC-Authentication-Results', self.testARCAuthenticationResults),
('Received-SPF', self.testReceivedSPF),
('Mail Client Version', self.testXMailer),
('User-Agent Version', self.testUserAgent),
('X-Forefront-Antispam-Report', self.testForefrontAntiSpamReport),
('X-Microsoft-Antispam-Mailbox-Delivery', self.testAntispamMailboxDelivery),
('X-Microsoft-Antispam Bulk Mail', self.testMicrosoftAntiSpam),
('X-Exchange-Antispam-Report-CFA-Test', self.testAntispamReportCFA),
('Domain Impersonation', self.testDomainImpersonation),
('SpamAssassin Spam Status', self.testSpamAssassinSpamStatus),
('SpamAssassin Spam Level', self.testSpamAssassinSpamLevel),
('SpamAssassin Spam Flag', self.testSpamAssassinSpamFlag),
('SpamAssassin Spam Report', self.testSpamAssassinSpamReport),
('OVH\'s X-VR-SPAMCAUSE', self.testSpamCause),
('OVH\'s X-Ovh-Spam-Reason', self.testOvhSpamReason),
('OVH\'s X-Ovh-Spam-Score', self.testOvhSpamScore),
('X-Virus-Scan', self.testXVirusScan),
('X-Spam-Checker-Version', self.testXSpamCheckerVersion),
('X-IronPort-AV', self.testXIronPortAV),
('X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Filtered', self.testXIronPortSpamFiltered),
('X-IronPort-Anti-Spam-Result', self.testXIronPortSpamResult),
('X-Mimecast-Spam-Score', self.testXMimecastSpamScore),
('Spam Diagnostics Metadata', self.testSpamDiagnosticMetadata),
('MS Defender ATP Message Properties', self.testATPMessageProperties),
('Message Feedback Loop', self.testMSFBL),
('End-to-End Latency - Message Delivery Time', self.testTransportEndToEndLatency),
('X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers', self.testTLCOObClasifiers),
('X-IP-Spam-Verdict', self.testXIPSpamVerdict),
('X-Amp-Result', self.testXAmpResult),
('X-IronPort-RemoteIP', self.testXIronPortRemoteIP),
('X-IronPort-Reputation', self.testXIronPortReputation),
('X-SBRS', self.testXSBRS),
('X-IronPort-SenderGroup', self.testXIronPortSenderGroup),
('X-Policy', self.testXPolicy),
('X-IronPort-MailFlowPolicy', self.testXIronPortMailFlowPolicy),
('X-SEA-Spam', self.testXSeaSpam),
('X-FireEye', self.testXFireEye),
('X-AntiAbuse', self.testXAntiAbuse),
('X-TMASE-Version', self.testXTMVersion),
('X-TM-AS-Product-Ver', self.testXTMProductVer),
('X-TM-AS-Result', self.testXTMResult),
('X-IMSS-Scan-Details', self.testXTMScanDetails),
('X-TM-AS-User-Approved-Sender', self.testXTMApprSender),
('X-TM-AS-User-Blocked-Sender', self.testXTMBlockSender),
('X-TMASE-Result', self.testXTMASEResult),
('X-TMASE-SNAP-Result', self.testXTMSnapResult),
('X-IMSS-DKIM-White-List', self.testXTMDKIM),
('X-TM-AS-Result-Xfilter', self.testXTMXFilter),
('X-TM-AS-SMTP', self.testXTMASSMTP),
('X-TMASE-SNAP-Result', self.testXTMASESNAP),
('X-TM-Authentication-Results', self.testXTMAuthenticationResults),
('X-Scanned-By', self.testXScannedBy),
('X-Mimecast-Spam-Signature', self.testXMimecastSpamSignature),
('X-Mimecast-Bulk-Signature', self.testXMimecastBulkSignature),
('X-Forefront-Antispam-Report-Untrusted', self.testForefrontAntiSpamReportUntrusted),
('X-Microsoft-Antispam-Untrusted', self.testForefrontAntiSpamUntrusted),
('X-Mimecast-Impersonation-Protect', self.testMimecastImpersonationProtect),
('X-Proofpoint-Spam-Details', self.testXProofpointSpamDetails),
('X-Proofpoint-Virus-Version', self.testXProofpointVirusVersion),
('SPFCheck', self.testSPFCheck),
('X-Barracuda-Spam-Score', self.testXBarracudaSpamScore),
('X-Barracuda-Spam-Status', self.testXBarracudaSpamStatus),
('X-Barracuda-Spam-Report', self.testXBarracudaSpamReport),
('X-Barracuda-Bayes', self.testXBarracudaBayes),
('X-Barracuda-Start-Time', self.testXBarracudaStartTime),
# These tests shall be the last ones.
('Similar to SpamAssassin Spam Level headers', self.testSpamAssassinSpamAlikeLevels),
('SMTP Header Contained IP address', self.testMessageHeaderContainedIP),
('Other unrecognized Spam Related Headers', self.testSpamRelatedHeaders),
('Other interesting headers', self.testInterestingHeaders),
('Security Appliances Spotted', self.testSecurityAppliances),
('Email Providers Infrastructure Clues', self.testEmailIntelligence),
for i in range(len(SMTPHeadersAnalysis.Handled_Spam_Headers)):
SMTPHeadersAnalysis.Handled_Spam_Headers[i] = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.Handled_Spam_Headers[i].lower()
testsDecodeAll = (
('X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info', self.testMicrosoftAntiSpamMessageInfo),
('Decoded Mail-encoded header values', self.testDecodeEncodedHeaders),
testsReturningArray = (
('Header Containing Client IP', self.testAnyOtherIP),
(tests, testsDecodeAll, testsReturningArray) = self.getAllTests()
testsConducted = 0
for testName, testFunc in tests:
for testId, testName, testFunc in tests:
if len(self.testsToRun) > 0 and int(testId) not in self.testsToRun:
self.logger.dbg(f'Skipping test {testId} {testName}')
testsConducted += 1
self.logger.dbg(f'Running "{testName}"...')
self.logger.dbg(f'Running test {testId}: "{testName}"...')
self.results[testName] = testFunc()
except Exception as e:
self.logger.err(f'Test: "{testName}" failed: {e} . Use --debug to show entire stack trace.')
self.logger.err(f'Test {testId}: "{testName}" failed: {e} . Use --debug to show entire stack trace.')
self.results[testName] = {
'header' : '',
@ -1292,14 +1337,18 @@ Results will be unsound. Make sure you have pasted your headers with correct spa
if self.decode_all:
for testName, testFunc in testsDecodeAll:
for testId, testName, testFunc in testsDecodeAll:
if len(self.testsToRun) > 0 and int(testId) not in self.testsToRun:
self.logger.dbg(f'Skipping test {testId} {testName}')
testsConducted += 1
self.logger.dbg(f'Running "{testName}"...')
self.logger.dbg(f'Running test {testId}: "{testName}"...')
self.results[testName] = testFunc()
except Exception as e:
self.logger.err(f'Test: "{testName}" failed: {e} . Use --debug to show entire stack trace.')
self.logger.err(f'Test {testId}: "{testName}" failed: {e} . Use --debug to show entire stack trace.')
self.results[testName] = {
'header' : '',
@ -1310,10 +1359,14 @@ Results will be unsound. Make sure you have pasted your headers with correct spa
if options['debug']:
for testName, testFunc in testsReturningArray:
for testId, testName, testFunc in testsReturningArray:
if len(self.testsToRun) > 0 and int(testId) not in self.testsToRun:
self.logger.dbg(f'Skipping test {testId} {testName}')
testsConducted += 1
self.logger.dbg(f'Running "{testName}"...')
self.logger.dbg(f'Running test {testId}: "{testName}"...')
outs = testFunc()
num = 0
@ -1322,7 +1375,7 @@ Results will be unsound. Make sure you have pasted your headers with correct spa
self.results[testName + ' ' + str(num)] = o
except Exception as e:
self.logger.err(f'Test: "{testName}" failed: {e} . Use --debug to show entire stack trace.')
self.logger.err(f'Test {testId}: "{testName}" failed: {e} . Use --debug to show entire stack trace.')
self.results[testName] = {
'header' : '',
@ -2933,7 +2986,7 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
result = '- SpamAssassin spam report\n\n'
return self._parseSpamAssassinStatus(result, '', num, header, value)
return self._parseSpamAssassinStatus(result, '', num, header, value, SMTPHeadersAnalysis.Barracuda_Score_Thresholds)
def _parseSpamAssassinStatus(self, topic, description, num, header, value, thresholds):
parsed = {}
@ -3048,82 +3101,83 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
m = re.search(r'<([^<@\s]+)@([^\s]+)>', value)
domain = ''
if m and len(self.received_path) > 2:
username = m.group(1)
domain = m.group(2)
email = f'{username}@{domain}'
if m and len(self.received_path) < 3:
return []
firstHop = self.received_path[1]
mailDomainAddr = ''
revMailDomain = ''
revFirstSenderDomain = ''
firstSenderAddr = ''
username = m.group(1)
domain = m.group(2)
email = f'{username}@{domain}'
mailDomainAddr = socket.gethostbyname(domain)
revMailDomain = socket.gethostbyaddr(mailDomainAddr)[0]
firstHop = self.received_path[1]
mailDomainAddr = ''
revMailDomain = ''
revFirstSenderDomain = firstHop['host2']
firstSenderAddr = ''
if(len(firstHop['ip'])) > 0:
revFirstSenderDomain = socket.gethostbyaddr(firstHop['ip'])[0]
mailDomainAddr = socket.gethostbyname(domain)
revMailDomain = socket.gethostbyaddr(mailDomainAddr)[0]
if(len(firstHop['host'])) > 0:
firstSenderAddr = socket.gethostbyname(firstHop['host'])
if(len(firstHop['ip'])) > 0 and len(revFirstSenderDomain) == 0:
revFirstSenderDomain = socket.gethostbyaddr(firstHop['ip'])[0]
if(len(firstHop['host'])) > 0:
firstSenderAddr = socket.gethostbyname(firstHop['host'])
if len(revFirstSenderDomain) == 0:
revFirstSenderDomain = socket.gethostbyaddr(firstSenderAddr)[0]
senderDomain = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.extractDomain(revMailDomain)
firstHopDomain1 = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.extractDomain(revFirstSenderDomain)
senderDomain = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.extractDomain(revMailDomain)
firstHopDomain1 = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.extractDomain(revFirstSenderDomain)
if len(senderDomain) == 0: senderDomain = domain
if len(firstHopDomain1) == 0: firstHopDomain1 = firstHop["host"]
if len(senderDomain) == 0: senderDomain = domain
if len(firstHopDomain1) == 0: firstHopDomain1 = firstHop["host"]
result += f'\t- Mail From: <{email}>\n\n'
result += f'\t- Mail Domain: {domain}\n'
result += f'\t --> resolves to: {mailDomainAddr}\n'
result += f'\t --> reverse-DNS resolves to: {revMailDomain}\n'
result += f'\t (sender\'s domain: {self.logger.colored(senderDomain, "cyan")})\n\n'
result += f'\t- Mail From: <{email}>\n\n'
result += f'\t- Mail Domain: {domain}\n'
result += f'\t --> resolves to: {mailDomainAddr}\n'
result += f'\t --> reverse-DNS resolves to: {revMailDomain}\n'
result += f'\t (sender\'s domain: {self.logger.colored(senderDomain, "cyan")})\n\n'
result += f'\t- First Hop: {firstHop["host"]} ({firstHop["ip"]})\n'
result += f'\t --> resolves to: {firstSenderAddr}\n'
result += f'\t --> reverse-DNS resolves to: {revFirstSenderDomain}\n'
result += f'\t (first hop\'s domain: {self.logger.colored(firstHopDomain1, "cyan")})\n\n'
result += f'\t- First Hop: {firstHop["host"]} ({firstHop["ip"]})\n'
result += f'\t --> resolves to: {firstSenderAddr}\n'
result += f'\t --> reverse-DNS resolves to: {revFirstSenderDomain}\n'
result += f'\t (first hop\'s domain: {self.logger.colored(firstHopDomain1, "cyan")})\n\n'
if firstHopDomain1.lower() != senderDomain.lower():
response = None
if domain.endswith('.'): domain = domain[:-1]
response = dns.resolver.resolve(domain, 'TXT')
if firstHopDomain1.lower() != senderDomain.lower():
response = None
if domain.endswith('.'): domain = domain[:-1]
response = dns.resolver.resolve(domain, 'TXT')
except (dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN, dns.resolver.NoAnswer) as e:
response = []
except (dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN, dns.resolver.NoAnswer) as e:
response = []
spf = False
spf = False
for answer in response:
txt = str(answer)
if 'v=spf' in txt:
result += f'- Domain SPF: {txt[:64]}\n'
for answer in response:
txt = str(answer)
if 'v=spf' in txt:
result += f'- Domain SPF: {txt[:64]}\n'
for _domain in re.findall(r'([a-z0-9_\.-]+\.[a-z]{2,})', txt):
_domain1 = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.extractDomain(_domain)
for _domain in re.findall(r'([a-z0-9_\.-]+\.[a-z]{2,})', txt):
_domain1 = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.extractDomain(_domain)
if _domain1.lower() == firstHopDomain1:
result += self.logger.colored(f'\n\t- [+] First Hop ({firstHopDomain1}) is authorized to send e-mails on behalf of ({domain}) due to SPF records.\n', 'yellow')
result += '\t- So I\'m not sure if there was Domain Impersonation or not, but my best guess is negative.\n'
spf = True
if _domain1.lower() == firstHopDomain1:
result += self.logger.colored(f'\n\t- [+] First Hop ({firstHopDomain1}) is authorized to send e-mails on behalf of ({domain}) due to SPF records.\n', 'yellow')
result += '\t- So I\'m not sure if there was Domain Impersonation or not, but my best guess is negative.\n'
spf = True
if spf:
if spf:
if not spf:
result += self.logger.colored('\n- WARNING! Potential Domain Impersonation!\n', 'red')
result += f'\t- Mail\'s domain should resolve to: \t{self.logger.colored(senderDomain, "green")}\n'
result += f'\t- But instead first hop resolved to:\t{self.logger.colored(firstHopDomain1, "red")}\n'
if not spf:
result += self.logger.colored('\n- WARNING! Potential Domain Impersonation!\n', 'red')
result += f'\t- Mail\'s domain should resolve to: \t{self.logger.colored(senderDomain, "green")}\n'
result += f'\t- But instead first hop resolved to:\t{self.logger.colored(firstHopDomain1, "red")}\n'
return {
'header' : header,
@ -3386,8 +3440,19 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
if len(obj['host2']) > 0:
if obj['ip'] == None or len(obj['ip']) == 0:
obj['ip'] = obj['host2']
match = re.match(r'\[?(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\]?', obj['host2'])
if obj['ip'] == None or len(obj['ip']) == 0 and match:
obj['ip'] = match.group(1)
obj['host2'] = ''
if len(obj['host2']) == 0:
if obj['ip'] != None and len(obj['ip']) > 0:
res = socket.gethostbyaddr(obj['ip'])
if len(res) > 0:
obj['host2'] = res[0]
obj['host2'] = self.logger.colored('NXDomain', 'red')
if extrapos == 0:
a = received.find(obj['host']) + len(obj['host'])
@ -3543,14 +3608,10 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
result += iindent + indent * (num+1) + f'{s} ({num}) {self.logger.colored(elem["host"], "yellow")}'
if len(elem['host2']) > 0:
if elem['host2'].endswith('.'):
elem['host2'] = self.logger.colored(elem['host2'][:-1], 'yellow')
if elem['host2'] != elem['host'] and elem['host2'] != elem['ip']:
result += f' (rev: {self.logger.colored(elem["host2"], "yellow")})'
if elem['ip'] != None and len(elem['ip']) > 0:
if elem['ip'][0] == '[' and elem['ip'][-1] == ']':
elem['ip'] = elem['ip'][1:-1]
if num == 2:
result += f' ({self.logger.colored(elem["ip"], "green")})\n'
@ -3558,6 +3619,14 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
result += '\n'
if len(elem['host2']) > 0:
if elem['host2'].endswith('.'):
elem['host2'] = self.logger.colored(elem['host2'][:-1], 'yellow')
if elem['host2'] != elem['host'] and elem['host2'] != elem['ip']:
#result += f' (rev: {self.logger.colored(elem["host2"], "yellow")})'
result += iindent + indent * (num+3) + 'rev-DNS: ' + self.logger.colored(elem["host2"], "yellow") + '\n'
if elem['timestamp'] != None:
result += iindent + indent * (num+3) + 'time: ' + elem['timestamp'] + '\n'
@ -3588,6 +3657,9 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
self.received_path = path
if '1' not in self.testsToRun:
return []
return {
'header' : 'Received',
'value': '...',
@ -3626,6 +3698,72 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
self.securityAppliances.add('MS ForeFront Anti-Spam')
return self._parseBulk(num, header, value)
def testForefrontAntiSCL(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SCL')
if num == -1: return []
tmp = self._parseSCLBased(value.strip(), 'SCL', 'Spam Confidence Level', 'spam', SMTPHeadersAnalysis.ForeFront_Spam_Confidence_Levels)
if len(tmp) == 0:
return []
result = tmp + '\n'
return {
'header' : header,
'value': value,
'analysis' : result,
'description' : '',
def _parseSCLBased(self, score, key, topic, listname, listelems):
addscl = False
tmpfoo = ''
result = ''
v = (topic, listname, listelems)
k = key
addscl = True
scl = int(score)
k0 = self.logger.colored(k, 'magenta')
tmpfoo += f'- {k0}: {v[0]}: ' + str(scl) + '\n'
levels = list(v[2].keys())
if scl in levels:
s = v[2][scl]
f = self.logger.colored(f'Not {v[1]}', 'green')
if s[0]:
f = self.logger.colored(v[1].upper(), 'red')
tmpfoo += f'\t- {f}: {s[1]}\n'
for i in range(len(levels)):
if scl <= levels[i] and i > 0:
s = v[2][levels[i-1]]
f = self.logger.colored(f'Not {v[1]}', 'green')
if s[0]:
f = self.logger.colored(v[1].upper(), 'red')
tmpfoo += f'\t- {f}: {s[1]}\n'
elif scl <= levels[0]:
s = v[2][levels[0]]
f = self.logger.colored(f'Not {v[1]}', 'green')
if s[0]:
f = self.logger.colored(v[1].upper(), 'red')
tmpfoo += f'\t- {f}: {s[1]}\n'
if addscl:
result += tmpfoo
return result
def _parseBulk(self, num, header, value):
parsed = {}
result = ''
@ -3740,6 +3878,7 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
if found:
result += tmp + '\n'
usedRE = False
for k in ['SFS', 'RULEID', 'ENG']:
if k in parsed.keys():
res = ''
@ -3749,20 +3888,27 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
rules = []
k0 = self.logger.colored(k, 'magenta')
tmp = f'- Message matched {len(rules)} Anti-Spam rules ({k0}):\n'
tmp = f'- Message matched {self.logger.colored(str(len(rules)), "yellow")} Anti-Spam rules ({k0}):\n'
for r in rules:
if len(r) == 0: continue
r2 = f'({r})'
if r in SMTPHeadersAnalysis.Anti_Spam_Rules_ReverseEngineered.keys():
e = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.Anti_Spam_Rules_ReverseEngineered[r]
tmp += f'\t- ({r}) - {e}\n'
tmp += f'\t- {r2: <15} - {e}\n'
usedRE = True
tmp += f'\t- ({r})\n'
tmp += f'\t- {r2}\n'
result += tmp + '\n'
if usedRE:
result += '\tNOTICE:\n'
result += '\t(Anti-Spam rule explanation can only be considered as a clue, hint rather than a definitive explanation.)\n'
result += '\t(Rules meaning was established merely in a trial-and-error process by observing SMTP header differences.)\n\n'
sclpcl = {
'SCL' : ('Spam Confidence Level', 'spam', SMTPHeadersAnalysis.ForeFront_Spam_Confidence_Levels),
'PCL' : ('Phishing Confidence Level', 'phishing', SMTPHeadersAnalysis.ForeFront_Phishing_Confidence_Levels),
@ -3974,20 +4120,29 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
rules = []
k0 = self.logger.colored(k, 'magenta')
tmp = f'- Message matched {len(rules)} Anti-Spam Delivery rules ({k0}):\n'
tmp = f'- Message matched {self.logger.colored(len(rules), "yellow")} Anti-Spam Delivery rules ({k0}):\n'
usedRE = False
for r in rules:
if len(r) == 0: continue
r2 = f'({r})'
if r in SMTPHeadersAnalysis.Anti_Spam_Rules_ReverseEngineered.keys():
e = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.Anti_Spam_Rules_ReverseEngineered[r]
tmp += f'\t- ({r}) - {e}\n'
tmp += f'\t- {r2: <15} - {e}\n'
usedRE = True
tmp += f'\t- ({r})\n'
tmp += f'\t- {r2}\n'
result += tmp + '\n'
if usedRE:
result += '\tNOTICE:\n'
result += '\t(Anti-Spam rule explanation can only be considered as a clue, hint rather than a definitive explanation.)\n'
result += '\t(Rules meaning was established merely in a trial-and-error process by observing SMTP header differences.)\n\n'
return {
'header' : header,
'value': value,
@ -4349,11 +4504,11 @@ def opts(argv):
global logger
o = argparse.ArgumentParser(
usage = 'decode-spam-headers.py [options] <file>'
usage = 'decode-spam-headers.py [options] <file | --list tests>'
req = o.add_argument_group('Required arguments')
req.add_argument('infile', help = 'Input file to be analysed')
req.add_argument('infile', help = 'Input file to be analysed or --list tests to show available tests.')
opt = o.add_argument_group('Options')
opt.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', default='', type=str, help = 'Output file with report')
@ -4363,6 +4518,9 @@ def opts(argv):
opt.add_argument('-d', '--debug', default=False, action='store_true', help='Debug mode.')
tst = o.add_argument_group('Tests')
opt.add_argument('-l', '--list', default=False, action='store_true', help='List available tests and quit. Use it like so: --list tests')
tst.add_argument('-i', '--include-tests', default='', metavar='tests', help='Comma-separated list of test IDs to run. Ex. --include-tests 1,3,7')
tst.add_argument('-e', '--exclude-tests', default='', metavar='tests', help='Comma-separated list of test IDs to skip. Ex. --exclude-tests 1,3,7')
tst.add_argument('-r', '--resolve', default=False, action='store_true', help='Resolve IPv4 addresses / Domain names.')
tst.add_argument('-a', '--decode-all', default=False, action='store_true', help='Decode all =?us-ascii?Q? mail encoded messages and print their contents.')
@ -4446,7 +4604,26 @@ def printOutput(out):
def main(argv):
args = opts(argv)
if not args:
return False
return Falsex
if args.list:
print('[.] Available tests:\n')
print('\tTEST_ID - TEST_NAME')
an = SMTPHeadersAnalysis(logger)
(a, b, c) = an.getAllTests()
tests = a+b+c
for test in tests:
(testId, testName, testFunc) = test
print(f'\t{testId: >7} - {testName}')
return True
logger.info('Analysing: ' + args.infile)
@ -4454,7 +4631,32 @@ def main(argv):
with open(args.infile) as f:
text = f.read()
an = SMTPHeadersAnalysis(logger, args.resolve, args.decode_all)
include_tests = []
exclude_tests = []
if len(args.include_tests) > 0: include_tests = [int(x) for x in args.include_tests.split(',')]
if len(args.exclude_tests) > 0: exclude_tests = [int(x) for x in args.exclude_tests.split(',')]
if len(include_tests) > 0 and len(exclude_tests) > 0:
logger.fatal('--include-tests and --exclude-tests options are mutually exclusive!')
logger.fatal('Tests to be included/excluded need to be numbers! Ex. --include-tests 1,5,7')
testsToRun = set()
for i in range(1000):
if len(include_tests) > 0:
if i not in include_tests:
elif len(exclude_tests) > 0:
if i in exclude_tests:
an = SMTPHeadersAnalysis(logger, args.resolve, args.decode_all, testsToRun)
out = an.parse(text)
output = printOutput(out)
@ -6,13 +6,169 @@ import argparse
import yaml
import textwrap
import json
from urllib import parse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
options = {
'format' : 'text',
executable_extensions = [
options = {
'debug': False,
'verbose': False,
'nocolor' : False,
'log' : sys.stderr,
'format' : 'text',
class Logger:
colors_map = {
'red': 31,
'green': 32,
'yellow': 33,
'blue': 34,
'magenta': 35,
'cyan': 36,
'white': 37,
'grey': 38,
colors_dict = {
'error': colors_map['red'],
'trace': colors_map['magenta'],
'info ': colors_map['green'],
'debug': colors_map['grey'],
'other': colors_map['grey'],
options = {}
def __init__(self, opts = None):
if opts != None and len(opts) > 0:
def with_color(c, s):
return "\x1b[%dm%s\x1b[0m" % (c, s)
def colored(self, txt, col):
if self.options['nocolor']:
return txt
return Logger.with_color(Logger.colors_map[col], txt)
# Invocation:
# def out(txt, mode='info ', fd=None, color=None, noprefix=False, newline=True):
def out(txt, fd, mode='info ', **kwargs):
if txt == None or fd == 'none':
elif fd == None:
raise Exception('[ERROR] Logging descriptor has not been specified!')
args = {
'color': None,
'noprefix': False,
'newline': True,
'nocolor' : False
if type(txt) != str:
txt = str(txt)
txt = txt.replace('\t', ' ' * 4)
if args['nocolor']:
col = ''
elif args['color']:
col = args['color']
if type(col) == str and col in Logger.colors_map.keys():
col = Logger.colors_map[col]
col = Logger.colors_dict.setdefault(mode, Logger.colors_map['grey'])
prefix = ''
if mode:
mode = '[%s] ' % mode
if not args['noprefix']:
if args['nocolor']:
prefix = mode.upper()
prefix = Logger.with_color(Logger.colors_dict['other'], '%s'
% (mode.upper()))
nl = ''
if 'newline' in args:
if args['newline']:
nl = '\n'
if 'force_stdout' in args:
fd = sys.stdout
if type(fd) == str:
with open(fd, 'a') as f:
prefix2 = ''
if mode:
prefix2 = '%s' % (mode.upper())
f.write(prefix2 + txt + nl)
if args['nocolor']:
fd.write(prefix + txt + nl)
fd.write(prefix + Logger.with_color(col, txt) + nl)
# Info shall be used as an ordinary logging facility, for every desired output.
def info(self, txt, forced = False, **kwargs):
kwargs['nocolor'] = self.options['nocolor']
if forced or (self.options['verbose'] or \
self.options['debug'] ) \
or (type(self.options['log']) == str and self.options['log'] != 'none'):
Logger.out(txt, self.options['log'], 'info', **kwargs)
def text(self, txt, **kwargs):
kwargs['noPrefix'] = True
kwargs['nocolor'] = self.options['nocolor']
Logger.out(txt, self.options['log'], '', **kwargs)
def dbg(self, txt, **kwargs):
if self.options['debug']:
kwargs['nocolor'] = self.options['nocolor']
Logger.out(txt, self.options['log'], 'debug', **kwargs)
def err(self, txt, **kwargs):
kwargs['nocolor'] = self.options['nocolor']
Logger.out(txt, self.options['log'], 'error', **kwargs)
def fatal(self, txt, **kwargs):
kwargs['nocolor'] = self.options['nocolor']
Logger.out(txt, self.options['log'], 'error', **kwargs)
logger = Logger(options)
class PhishingMailParser:
def __init__(self, options):
self.options = options
@ -22,10 +178,14 @@ class PhishingMailParser:
self.html = html
self.soup = BeautifulSoup(html, features="lxml")
self.results['Embedded Images'] = self.testEmbeddedImages()
self.results['Images without ALT'] = self.testImagesNoAlt()
self.results['Masqueraded Links'] = self.testMaskedLinks()
self.results['Use of underline tag <u>'] = self.testUnderlineTag()
self.results['Embedded Images'] = self.testEmbeddedImages()
self.results['Images without ALT'] = self.testImagesNoAlt()
self.results['Masqueraded Links'] = self.testMaskedLinks()
self.results['Use of underline tag <u>'] = self.testUnderlineTag()
self.results['HTML code in <a> link tags'] = self.testLinksWithHtmlCode()
self.results['<a href="..."> URL contained GET parameter'] = self.testLinksWithGETParams()
self.results['<a href="..."> URL contained GET parameter with URL'] = self.testLinksWithGETParamsBeingURLs()
self.results['<a href="..."> URL pointed to an executable file'] = self.testLinksWithDangerousExtensions()
return {k: v for k, v in self.results.items() if v}
@ -52,8 +212,8 @@ class PhishingMailParser:
context = ''
for i in range(len(links)):
context += '\t- ' + str(links[i]) + '\n'
if i > 10: break
context += str(links[i]) + '\n\n'
if i > 5: break
return {
'description' : desc,
@ -61,6 +221,205 @@ class PhishingMailParser:
'analysis' : result
def testLinksWithHtmlCode(self):
links = self.soup('a')
desc = 'Links that contain HTML code within <a> ... </a> may increase Spam score heavily'
context = ''
result = ''
num = 0
embed = ''
for link in links:
text = str(link)
pos = text.find('>')
code = text[pos+1:]
m = re.search(r'(.+)<\s*/\s*a\s*>', code, re.I)
if m:
code = m.group(1)
suspicious = '<' in text and '>' in text
if suspicious:
num += 1
if num < 5:
N = 70
tmp = text[:N]
if len(text) > N:
tmp += ' ... ' + text[-N:]
context += tmp + '\n'
code2 = PhishingMailParser.context(code)
context += f"\n\t- {logger.colored('Code inside of <a> tag:','red')}\n\t\t" + logger.colored(code2, 'yellow') + '\n'
if num > 0:
result += f'- Found {num} <a> tags that contained HTML code inside!\n'
result += '\t Links conveying HTML code within <a> ... </a> may greatly increase message Spam score!\n'
if len(result) == 0:
return []
return {
'description' : desc,
'context' : context,
'analysis' : result
def testLinksWithGETParams(self):
links = self.soup('a')
desc = 'Links with URLs containing GET parameters will be noticed by anti-spam filters resulting in another rule triggering on message (Office365: 21615005).'
context = ''
result = ''
num = 0
embed = ''
for link in links:
href = link['href']
text = link.getText()
params = dict(parse.parse_qsl(parse.urlsplit(href).query))
if len(params) > 0:
num += 1
if num < 5:
context += PhishingMailParser.context(link) + '\n'
hr = href[:90]
pos = hr.find('?')
hr = hr[:pos] + logger.colored(hr[pos:], 'yellow')
context += f'\thref = "{hr}"\n'
context += f'\ttext = "{text[:90]}"\n\n'
if num > 0:
result += f'- Found {num} <a> tags with href="..." URLs containing GET params.\n'
result += '\t Links with URLs that contain GET params might trigger anti-spam rule (Office365: 21615005)\n'
if len(result) == 0:
return []
return {
'description' : desc,
'context' : context,
'analysis' : result
def testLinksWithDangerousExtensions(self):
links = self.soup('a')
desc = 'Message contained <a> tags with href="..." links pointing to a file with dangerous extension (such as .exe)'
context = ''
result = ''
num = 0
embed = ''
for link in links:
href = link['href']
text = link.getText()
parsed = parse.urlsplit(href)
if '.' not in parsed.path:
pos = parsed.path.rfind('.')
if pos == -1:
extension = parsed.path.lower()[pos:]
if extension in executable_extensions:
num += 1
if num < 5:
context += PhishingMailParser.context(link) + '\n'
hr = href[:90]
pos1 = hr.lower().find(extension.lower())
hr = logger.colored(hr[:pos1], 'yellow') + logger.colored(hr[pos1:pos1+len(extension)], 'red') + logger.colored(hr[pos1+len(extension):], 'yellow')
context += f'\thref = "{hr}"\n'
context += f'\ttext = "{text[:90]}"\n\n'
context += f'\tExtension matched: {logger.colored(extension, "red")}\n'
if num > 0:
result += f'- Found {num} <a> tags with href="..." URLs pointing to files with dangerous extensions (such as .exe).\n'
result += '\t Links with URLs that point to potentially executable files might trigger anti-spam rule (Office365: 460985005)\n'
if len(result) == 0:
return []
return {
'description' : desc,
'context' : context,
'analysis' : result
def testLinksWithGETParamsBeingURLs(self):
links = self.soup('a')
desc = 'Links with URLs that contain GET parameters pointing to another URL, will trigger two Office365 anti-spam rules (Office365: 45080400002).'
context = ''
result = ''
num = 0
embed = ''
for link in links:
href = link['href']
text = link.getText()
params = dict(parse.parse_qsl(parse.urlsplit(href).query))
url = re.compile(r'((http|https)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\.\/\?\:@\-_=#]+\.([a-zA-Z]){2,6}([a-zA-Z0-9\.\&\/\?\:@\-_=#])*')
if len(params) > 0:
for k, v in params.items():
m = url.match(v)
if m:
urlmatched = m.group(1)
num += 1
if num < 5:
context += PhishingMailParser.context(link) + '\n'
hr = href[:90]
hr = logger.colored(hr, 'yellow')
context += f'\thref = "{hr}"\n'
context += f'\ttext = "{text[:90]}"\n\n'
context += f'\thref URL GET parameter contained another URL:\n\t\t' + logger.colored(v, "red") + '\n'
if num > 0:
result += f'- Found {num} <a> tags with href="..." URLs containing GET params containing another URL.\n'
result += '\t Links with URLs that contain GET params with another URL might trigger anti-spam rule (Office365: 45080400002)\n'
if len(result) == 0:
return []
return {
'description' : desc,
'context' : context,
'analysis' : result
def testMaskedLinks(self):
links = self.soup('a')
@ -85,9 +444,11 @@ class PhishingMailParser:
if m1 and m2:
num += 1
context += '- ' + PhishingMailParser.context(link) + '\n'
context += f'\thref = "{href[:64]}"\n'
context += f'\ttext = "{text[:64]}"\n\n'
if num < 5:
context += PhishingMailParser.context(link) + '\n'
context += f'\thref = "{logger.colored(href[:90],"green")}"\n'
context += f'\ttext = "{logger.colored(text[:90],"red")}"\n\n'
if num > 0:
result += f'- Found {num} <a> tags that masquerade their href="" links with text!\n'
@ -122,7 +483,9 @@ class PhishingMailParser:
if alt == '':
num += 1
context += '- ' + PhishingMailParser.context(img) + '\n'
if num < 5:
context += PhishingMailParser.context(img) + '\n\n'
if num > 0:
result += f'- Found {num} <img> tags without ALT="value" attribute.\n'
@ -160,10 +523,18 @@ class PhishingMailParser:
embed = src[:30]
num += 1
if len(alt) > 0:
context += f'- ALT="{alt}": ' + PhishingMailParser.context(img) + '\n'
context += '- ' + PhishingMailParser.context(img) + '\n'
if num < 5:
if len(alt) > 0:
context += f'- ALT="{alt}": ' + PhishingMailParser.context(img) + '\n'
ctx = PhishingMailParser.context(img)
pos = ctx.find('data:')
pos2 = ctx.find('"', pos+1)
ctx = logger.colored(ctx[:pos], 'yellow') + logger.colored(ctx[pos:pos2], 'red') + logger.colored(ctx[pos2:], 'yellow')
context += ctx + '\n'
if num > 0:
result += f'- Found {num} <img> tags with embedded image ({embed}).\n'
@ -186,28 +557,31 @@ def printOutput(out):
for k, v in out.items():
num += 1
analysis = v['analysis']
context = v['context']
analysis = v['analysis'].strip()
context = v['context'].strip()
desc = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(
width = 80,
initial_indent = '',
subsequent_indent = ' '
analysis = analysis.replace('- ', '\t- ')
({num}) Test: {k}
({num}) Test: {logger.colored(k, "cyan")}
{logger.colored("DESCRIPTION", "blue")}:
{logger.colored("CONTEXT", "blue")}:
{logger.colored("ANALYSIS", "blue")}:
@ -226,6 +600,7 @@ def opts(argv):
req.add_argument('file', help = 'Input HTML file')
args = o.parse_args()
return args
def main(argv):
@ -246,7 +621,11 @@ def main(argv):
p = PhishingMailParser({})
ret = p.parse(html.decode())
if len(ret) > 0:
print('\n[+] Congrats! Your message does not have any known bad smells that could trigger anti-spam rules.\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user