diff --git a/phishing/phishing-HTML-linter.py b/phishing/phishing-HTML-linter.py
index b9ed61b..857b613 100644
--- a/phishing/phishing-HTML-linter.py
+++ b/phishing/phishing-HTML-linter.py
@@ -181,129 +181,41 @@ class PhishingMailParser:
'Manipulative': (
'creating unnecessary urgency or pressure',
- "Act now",
- "Action",
- "Apply now",
- "Apply online",
- "Buy",
- "Buy direct",
- "Call",
- "Call now",
- "Click here",
- "Clearance",
- "Click here",
- "Do it today",
- "Don't delete",
- "Drastically reduced",
- "Exclusive deal",
- "Expire",
- "Get",
- "Get it now",
- "Get started now",
- "Important information regarding",
- "Instant",
- "Limited time",
- "New customers only",
- "Now only",
- "Offer expires",
- "Once in a lifetime",
- "Order now",
- "Please read",
- "Special promotion",
- "Take action",
- "This won't last",
- "Urgent",
- "While stocks last"
+ "Act now", "Action", "Apply now", "Apply online", "Buy", "Buy direct", "Call", "Call now", "Click here",
+ "Clearance", "Click here", "Do it today", "Don't delete", "Drastically reduced", "Exclusive deal", "Expire",
+ "Get", "Get it now", "Get started now", "Important information regarding", "Instant", "Limited time",
+ "New customers only", "Now only", "Offer expires", "Once in a lifetime", "Order now", "Please read",
+ "Special promotion", "Take action", "This won't last", "Urgent", "While stocks last"
'Needy' : (
'sounding desperate or exaggerated claims',
- "All-new",
- "Bargain",
- "Best price",
- "Bonus",
- "Email marketing",
- "Free",
- "For instant access",
- "Free gift",
- "Free trial",
- "Have you been turned down?",
- "Great offer",
- "Join millions of Americans",
- "Incredible deal",
- "Prize",
- "Satisfaction guaranteed",
- "Will not believe your eyes"
+ "All-new", "Bargain", "Best price", "Bonus", "Email marketing", "Free", "For instant access", "Free gift",
+ "Free trial", "Have you been turned down?", "Great offer", "Join millions of Americans", "Incredible deal",
+ "Prize", "Satisfaction guaranteed", "Will not believe your eyes"
'Sleazy' : (
'being too pushy',
- "As seen on",
- "Click here",
- "Click below",
- "Deal",
- "Direct email",
- "Direct marketing",
- "Do it today",
- "Order now",
- "Order today",
- "Unlimited",
- "What are you waiting for?",
- "Visit our website"
+ "As seen on", "Click here", "Click below", "Deal", "Direct email", "Direct marketing", "Do it today",
+ "Order now", "Order today", "Unlimited", "What are you waiting for?", "Visit our website"
'Cheap' : (
'no pre-qualifications, everybody wins',
- "Acceptance",
- "Access",
- "Avoid bankruptcy",
- "Boss",
- "Cancel",
- "Card accepted",
- "Certified",
- "Cheap",
- "Compare",
- "Compare rates",
- "Congratulations",
- "Credit card offers",
- "Cures",
- "Dear ",
- "Dear friend",
- "Drastically reduced",
- "Easy terms",
- "Free grant money",
- "Free hosting",
- "Free info",
- "Free membership",
- "Friend",
- "Get out of debt",
- "Giving away",
- "Guarantee",
- "Guaranteed",
- "Have you been turned down?",
- "Hello",
- "Information you requested",
- "Join millions",
- "No age restrictions",
- "No catch",
- "No experience",
- "No obligation",
- "No purchase necessary",
- "No questions asked",
- "No strings attached",
- "Offer",
- "Opportunity",
- "Save big",
- "Winner",
- "Winning",
- "Won",
- "You are a winner!",
+ "Acceptance", "Access", "Avoid bankruptcy", "Boss", "Cancel", "Card accepted", "Certified",
+ "Cheap", "Compare", "Compare rates", "Congratulations", "Credit card offers", "Cures", "Dear ",
+ "Dear friend", "Drastically reduced", "Easy terms", "Free grant money", "Free hosting", "Free info",
+ "Free membership", "Friend", "Get out of debt", "Giving away", "Guarantee", "Guaranteed",
+ "Have you been turned down?", "Hello", "Information you requested", "Join millions", "No age restrictions",
+ "No catch", "No experience", "No obligation", "No purchase necessary", "No questions asked",
+ "No strings attached", "Offer", "Opportunity", "Save big", "Winner", "Winning", "Won", "You are a winner!",
"You've been selected!"
@@ -311,155 +223,40 @@ class PhishingMailParser:
'Far-fetched' : (
'statements that are too good to be true',
- "Additional income",
- "All-natural",
- "Amazing",
- "Be your own boss",
- "Big bucks",
- "Billion",
- "Billion dollars",
- "Cash",
- "Cash bonus",
- "Consolidate debt and credit",
- "Consolidate your debt",
- "Double your income",
- "Earn",
- "Earn cash",
- "Earn extra cash",
- "Eliminate bad credit",
- "Eliminate debt",
- "Extra",
- "Fantastic deal",
- "Financial freedom",
- "Financially independent",
- "Free investment",
- "Free money",
- "Get paid",
- "Home",
- "Home-based",
- "Income",
- "Increase sales",
- "Increase traffic",
- "Lose",
- "Lose weight",
- "Money back",
- "No catch",
- "No fees",
- "No hidden costs",
- "No strings attached",
- "Potential earnings",
- "Pure profit",
- "Removes wrinkles",
- "Reverses aging",
- "Risk-free",
- "Serious cash",
- "Stop snoring",
- "Vacation",
- "Vacation offers",
- "Weekend getaway",
- "Weight loss",
- "While you sleep",
- "Work from home"
+ "Additional income", "All-natural", "Amazing", "Be your own boss", "Big bucks", "Billion",
+ "Billion dollars", "Cash", "Cash bonus", "Consolidate debt and credit", "Consolidate your debt",
+ "Double your income", "Earn", "Earn cash", "Earn extra cash", "Eliminate bad credit", "Eliminate debt",
+ "Extra", "Fantastic deal", "Financial freedom", "Financially independent", "Free investment", "Free money",
+ "Get paid", "Home", "Home-based", "Income", "Increase sales", "Increase traffic", "Lose", "Lose weight",
+ "Money back", "No catch", "No fees", "No hidden costs", "No strings attached", "Potential earnings",
+ "Pure profit", "Removes wrinkles", "Reverses aging", "Risk-free", "Serious cash", "Stop snoring",
+ "Vacation", "Vacation offers", "Weekend getaway", "Weight loss", "While you sleep", "Work from home"
'Exaggeration' : (
'exaggerated claims and promises',
- "100% more",
- "100% free",
- "100% satisfied",
- "Additional income",
- "Be your own boss",
- "Best price",
- "Big bucks",
- "Billion",
- "Cash bonus",
- "Cents on the dollar",
- "Consolidate debt",
- "Double your cash",
- "Double your income",
- "Earn extra cash",
- "Earn money",
- "Eliminate bad credit",
- "Extra cash",
- "Extra income",
- "Expect to earn",
- "Fast cash",
- "Financial freedom",
- "Free access",
- "Free consultation",
- "Free gift",
- "Free hosting",
- "Free info",
- "Free investment",
- "Free membership",
- "Free money",
- "Free preview",
- "Free quote",
- "Free trial",
- "Full refund",
- "Get out of debt",
- "Get paid",
- "Giveaway",
- "Guaranteed",
- "Increase sales",
- "Increase traffic",
- "Incredible deal",
- "Lower rates",
- "Lowest price",
- "Make money",
- "Million dollars",
- "Miracle",
- "Money back",
- "Once in a lifetime",
- "One time",
- "Pennies a day",
- "Potential earnings",
- "Prize",
- "Promise",
- "Pure profit",
- "Risk-free",
- "Satisfaction guaranteed",
- "Save big money",
- "Save up to",
- "Special promotion",
+ "100% more", "100% free", "100% satisfied", "Additional income", "Be your own boss", "Best price",
+ "Big bucks", "Billion", "Cash bonus", "Cents on the dollar", "Consolidate debt", "Double your cash",
+ "Double your income", "Earn extra cash", "Earn money", "Eliminate bad credit", "Extra cash", "Extra income",
+ "Expect to earn", "Fast cash", "Financial freedom", "Free access", "Free consultation", "Free gift",
+ "Free hosting", "Free info", "Free investment", "Free membership", "Free money", "Free preview", "Free quote",
+ "Free trial", "Full refund", "Get out of debt", "Get paid", "Giveaway", "Guaranteed", "Increase sales",
+ "Increase traffic", "Incredible deal", "Lower rates", "Lowest price", "Make money", "Million dollars", "Miracle",
+ "Money back", "Once in a lifetime", "One time", "Pennies a day", "Potential earnings", "Prize",
+ "Promise", "Pure profit", "Risk-free", "Satisfaction guaranteed", "Save big money", "Save up to", "Special promotion",
'Urgency' : (
'create unnecessary urgency and pressure',
- "Act now",
- "Apply now",
- "Become a member",
- "Call now",
- "Click below",
- "Click here",
- "Get it now",
- "Do it today",
- "Don’t delete",
- "Exclusive deal",
- "Get started now",
- "Important information regarding",
- "Information you requested",
- "Instant",
- "Limited time",
- "New customers only",
- "Order now",
- "Please read",
- "See for yourself",
- "Sign up free",
- "Take action",
- "This won’t last",
- "Urgent",
- "What are you waiting for?",
- "While supplies last",
- "Will not believe your eyes",
- "Winner",
- "Winning",
- "You are a winner",
- "You have been selected",
+ "Act now", "Apply now", "Become a member", "Call now", "Click below", "Click here", "Get it now",
+ "Do it today", "Don’t delete", "Exclusive deal", "Get started now", "Important information regarding",
+ "Information you requested", "Instant", "Limited time", "New customers only", "Order now", "Please read",
+ "See for yourself", "Sign up free", "Take action", "This won’t last", "Urgent", "What are you waiting for?",
+ "While supplies last", "Will not believe your eyes", "Winner", "Winning", "You are a winner", "You have been selected",
@@ -467,636 +264,199 @@ class PhishingMailParser:
'Spammy' : (
'shady, spammy, or unethical behavior',
- "Bulk email",
- "Buy direct",
- "Cancel at any time",
- "Check or money order",
- "Congratulations",
- "Confidentiality",
- "Cures",
- "Dear friend",
- "Direct email",
- "Direct marketing",
- "Hidden charges",
- "Human growth hormone",
- "Internet marketing",
- "Lose weight",
- "Mass email",
- "Meet singles",
- "Multi-level marketing",
- "No catch",
- "No cost",
- "No credit check",
- "No fees",
- "No gimmick",
- "No hidden costs",
- "No hidden fees",
- "No interest",
- "No investment",
- "No obligation",
- "No purchase necessary",
- "No questions asked",
- "No strings attached",
- "Not junk",
- "Notspam",
- "Obligation",
- "Passwords",
- "Requires initial investment",
- "Social security number",
- "This isn’t a scam",
- "This isn’t junk",
- "This isn’t spam",
- "Undisclosed",
- "Unsecured credit",
- "Unsecured debt",
- "Unsolicited",
- "Valium",
- "Viagra",
- "Vicodin",
- "We hate spam",
- "Weight loss",
- "Xanax",
+ "Bulk email", "Buy direct", "Cancel at any time", "Check or money order", "Congratulations", "Confidentiality",
+ "Cures", "Dear friend", "Direct email", "Direct marketing", "Hidden charges", "Human growth hormone", "Internet marketing",
+ "Lose weight", "Mass email", "Meet singles", "Multi-level marketing", "No catch", "No cost", "No credit check",
+ "No fees", "No gimmick", "No hidden costs", "No hidden fees", "No interest", "No investment", "No obligation",
+ "No purchase necessary", "No questions asked", "No strings attached", "Not junk", "Notspam", "Obligation",
+ "Passwords", "Requires initial investment", "Social security number", "This isn’t a scam", "This isn’t junk",
+ "This isn’t spam", "Undisclosed", "Unsecured credit", "Unsecured debt", "Unsolicited", "Valium",
+ "Viagra", "Vicodin", "We hate spam", "Weight loss", "Xanax",
'Jargon' : (
'jargon or legalese',
- "Accept credit cards",
- "All new",
- "As seen on",
- "Bargain",
- "Beneficiary",
- "Billing",
- "Bonus",
- "Cards accepted",
- "Cash",
- "Certified",
- "Cheap",
- "Claims",
- "Clearance",
- "Compare rates",
- "Credit card offers",
- "Deal",
- "Debt",
- "Discount",
- "Fantastic",
- "In accordance with laws",
- "Income",
- "Investment",
- "Join millions",
- "Lifetime",
- "Loans",
- "Luxury",
- "Marketing solution",
- "Message contains",
- "Mortgage rates",
- "Name brand",
- "Offer",
- "Online marketing",
- "Opt in",
- "Pre-approved",
- "Quote",
- "Rates",
- "Refinance",
- "Removal",
- "Reserves the right",
- "Score",
- "Search engine",
- "Sent in compliance",
- "Subject to",
- "Terms and conditions",
- "Trial",
- "Unlimited",
- "Warranty",
- "Web traffic",
- "Work from home",
+ "Accept credit cards", "All new", "As seen on", "Bargain", "Beneficiary", "Billing", "Bonus",
+ "Cards accepted", "Cash", "Certified", "Cheap", "Claims", "Clearance", "Compare rates", "Credit card offers",
+ "Deal", "Debt", "Discount", "Fantastic", "In accordance with laws", "Income", "Investment", "Join millions",
+ "Lifetime", "Loans", "Luxury", "Marketing solution", "Message contains", "Mortgage rates", "Name brand",
+ "Offer", "Online marketing", "Opt in", "Pre-approved", "Quote", "Rates", "Refinance", "Removal", "Reserves the right",
+ "Score", "Search engine", "Sent in compliance", "Subject to", "Terms and conditions", "Trial", "Unlimited",
+ "Warranty", "Web traffic", "Work from home",
'Shady' : (
'ethically or legally questionable behavior',
- "Addresses",
- "Beneficiary",
- "Billing",
- "Casino",
- "Celebrity",
- "Collect child support",
- "Copy DVDs",
- "Fast viagra delivery",
- "Hidden",
- "Human growth hormone",
- "In accordance with laws",
- "Investment",
- "Junk",
- "Legal",
- "Life insurance",
- "Loan",
- "Lottery",
- "Luxury car",
- "Medicine",
- "Meet singles",
- "Message contains",
- "Miracle",
- "Money",
- "Multi-level marketing",
- "Nigerian",
- "Offshore",
- "Online degree",
- "Online pharmacy",
- "Passwords",
- "Refinance",
- "Request",
- "Rolex",
- "Score",
- "Social security number",
- "Spam",
- "This isn't spam",
- "Undisclosed recipient",
- "University diplomas",
- "Unsecured credit",
- "Unsolicited",
- "US dollars",
- "Valium",
- "Viagra",
- "Vicodin",
- "Warranty",
- "Xanax"
+ "Addresses", "Beneficiary", "Billing", "Casino", "Celebrity", "Collect child support", "Copy DVDs",
+ "Fast viagra delivery", "Hidden", "Human growth hormone", "In accordance with laws", "Investment",
+ "Junk", "Legal", "Life insurance", "Loan", "Lottery", "Luxury car", "Medicine", "Meet singles", "Message contains",
+ "Miracle", "Money", "Multi-level marketing", "Nigerian", "Offshore", "Online degree", "Online pharmacy", "Passwords",
+ "Refinance", "Request", "Rolex", "Score", "Social security number", "Spam", "This isn't spam", "Undisclosed recipient",
+ "University diplomas", "Unsecured credit", "Unsolicited", "US dollars", "Valium", "Viagra", "Vicodin",
+ "Warranty", "Xanax"
"Commerce" : (
- "As seen on",
- "Buy",
- "Buy direct",
- "Buying judgments",
- "Clearance",
- "Order",
- "Order status",
- "Orders shipped by shopper",
+ "As seen on", "Buy", "Buy direct", "Buying judgments", "Clearance", "Order", "Order status", "Orders shipped by shopper",
"Personal" : (
- "Dig up dirt on friends",
- "Meet singles",
- "Score with babes",
- "XXX",
- "Near you",
+ "Dig up dirt on friends", "Meet singles", "Score with babes", "XXX", "Near you",
"Employment" : (
- "Additional income",
- "Be your own boss",
- "Compete for your business",
- "Double your",
- "Earn $",
- "Earn extra cash",
- "Earn per week",
- "Expect to earn",
- "Extra income",
- "Home based",
- "Home employment",
- "Homebased business",
- "Income from home",
- "Make $",
- "Make money",
- "Money making",
- "Online biz opportunity",
- "Online degree",
- "Opportunity",
- "Potential earnings",
- "University diplomas",
- "While you sleep",
- "Work at home",
- "Work from home",
+ "Additional income", "Be your own boss", "Compete for your business", "Double your", "Earn $", "Earn extra cash",
+ "Earn per week", "Expect to earn", "Extra income", "Home based", "Home employment", "Homebased business", "Income from home",
+ "Make $", "Make money", "Money making", "Online biz opportunity", "Online degree", "Opportunity",
+ "Potential earnings", "University diplomas", "While you sleep", "Work at home", "Work from home",
"Financial - General" : (
- "$$$",
- "Affordable",
- "Bargain",
- "Beneficiary",
- "Best price",
- "Big bucks",
- "Cash",
- "Cash bonus",
- "Cashcashcash",
- "Cents on the dollar",
- "Cheap",
- "Check",
- "Claims",
- "Collect",
- "Compare rates",
- "Cost",
- "Credit",
- "Credit bureaus",
- "Discount",
- "Earn",
- "Easy terms",
- "F r e e",
- "Fast cash",
- "For just $XXX",
- "Hidden assets",
- "hidden charges",
- "Income",
- "Incredible deal",
- "Insurance",
- "Investment",
- "Loans",
- "Lowest price",
- "Million dollars",
- "Money",
- "Money back",
- "Mortgage",
- "Mortgage rates",
- "No cost",
- "No fees",
- "One hundred percent free",
- "Only $",
- "Pennies a day",
- "Price",
- "Profits",
- "Pure profit",
- "Quote",
- "Refinance",
- "Save $",
- "Save big money",
- "Save up to",
- "Serious cash",
- "Subject to credit",
- "They keep your money — no refund!",
- "Unsecured credit",
- "Unsecured debt",
- "US dollars",
- "Why pay more?",
+ "$$$", "Affordable", "Bargain", "Beneficiary", "Best price", "Big bucks", "Cash", "Cash bonus", "Cashcashcash",
+ "Cents on the dollar", "Cheap", "Check", "Claims", "Collect", "Compare rates", "Cost", "Credit", "Credit bureaus",
+ "Discount", "Earn", "Easy terms", "F r e e", "Fast cash", "For just $XXX", "Hidden assets", "hidden charges",
+ "Income", "Incredible deal", "Insurance", "Investment", "Loans", "Lowest price", "Million dollars", "Money",
+ "Money back", "Mortgage", "Mortgage rates", "No cost", "No fees", "One hundred percent free", "Only $", "Pennies a day",
+ "Price", "Profits", "Pure profit", "Quote", "Refinance", "Save $", "Save big money", "Save up to", "Serious cash",
+ "Subject to credit", "They keep your money — no refund!", "Unsecured credit", "Unsecured debt",
+ "US dollars", "Why pay more?",
"Financial - Business" : (
- "Accept credit cards",
- "Cards accepted",
- "Check or money order",
- "Credit card offers",
- "Explode your business",
- "Full refund",
- "Investment decision",
- "No credit check",
- "No hidden Costs",
- "No investment",
- "Requires initial investment",
- "Sent in compliance",
- "Stock alert",
- "Stock disclaimer statement",
- "Stock pick",
+ "Accept credit cards", "Cards accepted", "Check or money order", "Credit card offers", "Explode your business",
+ "Full refund", "Investment decision", "No credit check", "No hidden Costs", "No investment",
+ "Requires initial investment", "Sent in compliance", "Stock alert", "Stock disclaimer statement", "Stock pick",
"Financial - Personal" : (
- "Avoice bankruptcy",
- "Calling creditors",
- "Collect child support",
- "Consolidate debt and credit",
- "Consolidate your debt",
- "Eliminate bad credit",
- "Eliminate debt",
- "Financially independent",
- "Get out of debt",
- "Get paid",
- "Lower interest rate",
- "Lower monthly payment",
- "Lower your mortgage rate",
- "Lowest insurance rates",
- "Pre-approved",
- "Refinance home",
- "Social security number",
- "Your income",
+ "Avoice bankruptcy", "Calling creditors", "Collect child support", "Consolidate debt and credit",
+ "Consolidate your debt", "Eliminate bad credit", "Eliminate debt", "Financially independent",
+ "Get out of debt", "Get paid", "Lower interest rate", "Lower monthly payment", "Lower your mortgage rate",
+ "Lowest insurance rates", "Pre-approved", "Refinance home", "Social security number", "Your income",
"General" : (
- "Acceptance",
- "Accordingly",
- "Avoid",
- "Chance",
- "Dormant",
- "Freedom",
- "Here",
- "Hidden",
- "Home",
- "Leave",
- "Lifetime",
- "Lose",
- "Maintained",
- "Medium",
- "Miracle",
- "Never",
- "Passwords",
- "Problem",
- "Remove",
- "Reverses",
- "Sample",
- "Satisfaction",
- "Solution",
- "Stop",
- "Success",
- "Teen",
- "Wife",
+ "Acceptance", "Accordingly", "Avoid", "Chance", "Dormant", "Freedom", "Here", "Hidden", "Home", "Leave",
+ "Lifetime", "Lose", "Maintained", "Medium", "Miracle", "Never", "Passwords", "Problem", "Remove", "Reverses",
+ "Sample", "Satisfaction", "Solution", "Stop", "Success", "Teen", "Wife",
"Greetings" : (
- "Dear ",
- "Friend",
- "Hello",
+ "Dear ", "Friend", "Hello",
"Marketing" : (
- "Ad",
- "Auto email removal",
- "Bulk email",
- "Click",
- "Click below",
- "Click here",
- "Click to remove",
- "Direct email",
- "Direct marketing",
- "Email harvest",
- "Email marketing",
- "Form",
- "Increase sales",
- "Increase traffic",
- "Increase your sales",
- "Internet market",
- "Internet marketing",
- "Marketing",
- "Marketing solutions",
- "Mass email",
- "Member",
- "Month trial offer",
- "More Internet Traffic",
- "Multi level marketing",
- "Notspam",
- "One time mailing",
- "Online marketing",
- "Open",
- "Opt in",
- "Performance",
- "Removal instructions",
- "Sale",
- "Sales",
- "Search engine listings",
- "Search engines",
- "Subscribe",
- "The following form",
- "This isn't junk",
- "This isn't spam",
- "Undisclosed recipient",
- "Unsubscribe",
- "Visit our website",
- "We hate spam",
- "Web traffic",
- "Will not believe your eyes",
+ "Ad", "Auto email removal", "Bulk email", "Click", "Click below", "Click here", "Click to remove", "Direct email",
+ "Direct marketing", "Email harvest", "Email marketing", "Form", "Increase sales", "Increase traffic",
+ "Increase your sales", "Internet market", "Internet marketing", "Marketing", "Marketing solutions", "Mass email",
+ "Member", "Month trial offer", "More Internet Traffic", "Multi level marketing", "Notspam", "One time mailing",
+ "Online marketing", "Open", "Opt in", "Performance", "Removal instructions", "Sale", "Sales",
+ "Search engine listings", "Search engines", "Subscribe", "The following form", "This isn't junk", "This isn't spam",
+ "Undisclosed recipient", "Unsubscribe", "Visit our website", "We hate spam", "Web traffic", "Will not believe your eyes",
"Medical" : (
- "Cures baldness",
- "Diagnostic",
- "Fast Viagra delivery",
- "Human growth hormone",
- "Life insurance",
- "Lose weight",
- "Lose weight spam",
- "Medicine",
- "No medical exams",
- "Online pharmacy",
- "Removes wrinkles",
- "Reverses aging",
- "Stop snoring",
- "Valium",
- "Viagra",
- "Vicodin",
- "Weight loss",
- "Xanax",
+ "Cures baldness", "Diagnostic", "Fast Viagra delivery", "Human growth hormone", "Life insurance",
+ "Lose weight", "Lose weight spam", "Medicine", "No medical exams", "Online pharmacy", "Removes wrinkles",
+ "Reverses aging", "Stop snoring", "Valium", "Viagra", "Vicodin", "Weight loss", "Xanax",
"Numbers" : (
- "#1",
- "100% free",
- "100% satisfied",
- "4U",
- "50% off",
- "Billion",
- "Billion dollars",
- "Join millions",
- "Join millions of Americans",
- "Million",
- "One hundred percent guaranteed",
- "Thousands",
+ "#1", "100% free", "100% satisfied", "4U", "50% off", "Billion", "Billion dollars", "Join millions",
+ "Join millions of Americans", "Million", "One hundred percent guaranteed", "Thousands",
"Offers" : (
- "Being a member",
- "Billing address",
- "Call",
- "Cannot be combined with any other offer",
- "Confidentially on all orders",
- "Deal",
- "Financial freedom",
- "Gift certificate",
- "Giving away",
- "Guarantee",
- "Have you been turned down?",
- "If only it were that easy",
- "Important information regarding",
- "In accordance with laws",
- "Long distance phone offer",
- "Mail in order form",
- "Message contains",
- "Name brand",
- "Nigerian",
- "No age restrictions",
- "No catch",
- "No claim forms",
- "No disappointment",
- "No experience",
- "No gimmick",
- "No inventory",
- "No middleman",
- "No obligation",
- "No purchase necessary",
- "No questions asked",
- "No selling",
- "No strings attached",
- "No-obligation",
- "Not intended",
- "Obligation",
- "Off shore",
- "Offer",
- "Per day",
- "Per week",
- "Priority mail",
- "Prize",
- "Prizes",
- "Produced and sent out",
- "Reserves the right",
- "Shopping spree",
- "Stuff on sale",
- "Terms and conditions",
- "The best rates",
- "They’re just giving it away",
- "Trial",
- "Unlimited",
- "Unsolicited",
- "Vacation",
- "Vacation offers",
- "Warranty",
- "We honor all",
- "Weekend getaway",
- "What are you waiting for?",
- "Who really wins?",
- "Win",
- "Winner",
- "Winning",
- "Won",
- "You are a winner!",
- "You have been selected",
- "You’re a Winner!",
+ "Being a member", "Billing address", "Call", "Cannot be combined with any other offer",
+ "Confidentially on all orders", "Deal", "Financial freedom", "Gift certificate", "Giving away",
+ "Guarantee", "Have you been turned down?", "If only it were that easy", "Important information regarding",
+ "In accordance with laws", "Long distance phone offer", "Mail in order form", "Message contains",
+ "Name brand", "Nigerian", "No age restrictions", "No catch", "No claim forms", "No disappointment",
+ "No experience", "No gimmick", "No inventory", "No middleman", "No obligation", "No purchase necessary",
+ "No questions asked", "No selling", "No strings attached", "No-obligation", "Not intended",
+ "Obligation", "Off shore", "Offer", "Per day", "Per week", "Priority mail", "Prize", "Prizes",
+ "Produced and sent out", "Reserves the right", "Shopping spree", "Stuff on sale", "Terms and conditions",
+ "The best rates", "They’re just giving it away", "Trial", "Unlimited", "Unsolicited", "Vacation",
+ "Vacation offers", "Warranty", "We honor all", "Weekend getaway", "What are you waiting for?", "Who really wins?",
+ "Win", "Winner", "Winning", "Won", "You are a winner!", "You have been selected", "You’re a Winner!",
"Calls-to-Action" : (
- "Cancel at any time",
- "Compare",
- "Copy accurately",
- "Get",
- "Give it away",
- "Print form signature",
- "Print out and fax",
- "See for yourself",
- "Sign up free today",
+ "Cancel at any time", "Compare", "Copy accurately", "Get", "Give it away", "Print form signature",
+ "Print out and fax", "See for yourself", "Sign up free today",
"Free" : (
- "Free",
- "Free access",
- "Free cell phone",
- "Free consultation",
- "Free DVD",
- "Free gift",
- "Free grant money",
- "Free hosting",
- "Free installation",
- "Free Instant",
- "Free investment",
- "Free leads",
- "Free membership",
- "Free money",
- "Free offer",
- "Free preview",
- "Free priority mail",
- "Free quote",
- "Free sample",
- "Free trial",
- "Free website",
+ "Free", "Free access", "Free cell phone", "Free consultation", "Free DVD", "Free gift", "Free grant money",
+ "Free hosting", "Free installation", "Free Instant", "Free investment", "Free leads", "Free membership",
+ "Free money", "Free offer", "Free preview", "Free priority mail", "Free quote", "Free sample",
+ "Free trial", "Free website",
"Descriptions/Adjectives" : (
- "All natural",
- "All new",
- "Amazing",
- "Certified",
- "Congratulations",
- "Drastically reduced",
- "Fantastic deal",
- "For free",
- "Guaranteed",
- "It’s effective",
- "Outstanding values",
- "Promise you",
- "Real thing",
- "Risk free",
- "Satisfaction guaranteed",
+ "All natural", "All new", "Amazing", "Certified", "Congratulations", "Drastically reduced", "Fantastic deal",
+ "For free", "Guaranteed", "It’s effective", "Outstanding values", "Promise you", "Real thing",
+ "Risk free", "Satisfaction guaranteed",
"Sense of Urgency" : (
- "Access",
- "Act now!",
- "Apply now",
- "Apply online",
- "Call free",
- "Call now",
- "Can't live without",
- "Do it today",
- "Don't delete",
- "Don't hesitate",
- "For instant access",
- "For Only",
- "For you",
- "Get it now",
- "Get started now",
- "Great offer",
- "Info you requested",
- "Information you requested",
- "Instant",
- "Limited time",
- "New customers only",
- "Now",
- "Now only",
- "Offer expires",
- "Once in lifetime",
- "One time",
- "Only",
- "Order now",
- "Order today",
- "Please read",
- "Special promotion",
- "Supplies are limited",
- "Take action now",
- "Time limited",
- "Urgent",
+ "Access", "Act now!", "Apply now", "Apply online", "Call free", "Call now", "Can't live without", "Do it today",
+ "Don't delete", "Don't hesitate", "For instant access", "For Only", "For you", "Get it now", "Get started now",
+ "Great offer", "Info you requested", "Information you requested", "Instant", "Limited time", "New customers only",
+ "Now", "Now only", "Offer expires", "Once in lifetime", "One time", "Only", "Order now", "Order today",
+ "Please read", "Special promotion", "Supplies are limited", "Take action now", "Time limited", "Urgent",
"While supplies last",
@@ -1104,21 +464,8 @@ class PhishingMailParser:
"Nouns" : (
- "Addresses on CD",
- "Beverage",
- "Bonus",
- "Brand new pager",
- "Cable converter",
- "Casino",
- "Celebrity",
- "Copy DVDs",
- "Laser printer",
- "Legal",
- "Luxury car",
- "New domain extensions",
- "Phone",
- "Rolex",
- "Stainless steel"
+ "Addresses on CD", "Beverage", "Bonus", "Brand new pager", "Cable converter", "Casino", "Celebrity",
+ "Copy DVDs", "Laser printer", "Legal", "Luxury car", "New domain extensions", "Phone", "Rolex", "Stainless steel"
@@ -1187,6 +534,7 @@ Therefore you will have better chances of delivering your phishing e-mail when y
text = self.html
foundWords = set()
+ totalChecked = 0
totalFound = 0
for title, words in PhishingMailParser.Suspicious_Words.items():
@@ -1196,6 +544,7 @@ Therefore you will have better chances of delivering your phishing e-mail when y
if word.lower() in foundWords:
+ totalChecked += 1
if re.search(r'\b' + re.escape(word) + r'\b', text, re.I):
@@ -1229,7 +578,7 @@ Therefore you will have better chances of delivering your phishing e-mail when y
if totalFound == 0:
return {}
- result += f'- Found in total {logger.colored(totalFound, "red")} suspicious words.\n'
+ result += f'- Found in total {logger.colored(totalFound, "red")} suspicious words (out of {totalChecked} total checked).\n'
return {
'description' : desc,