#requires -version 2 <# Author: Mariusz B. (@mgeeky) License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: PowerView.ps1 Optional Dependencies: None #> function Get-DomainOUTree { <# .SYNOPSIS Author: Mariusz B. (@mgeeky) License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: PowerView.ps1 Optional Dependencies: None Prints out Organizational Units collected from Get-DomainOU as a tree. .DESCRIPTION Collects OU lines returned from PowerView's Get-NetOU cmdlet, and then prints that structure as a Organizational Units tree. It works with newer PowerView version (from dev branch as of 2018), that has reworked Get-NetOU into Get-DomainOU. .PARAMETER OU Parameter passed from pipelined PowerView's Get-DomainOU cmdlet. That cmdlet will return list of OUs in form of: "OU=...,DC=local,DC=test". .EXAMPLE PS> Get-DomainOU | Get-DomainOUTree #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)] $Distinguishedname ) begin { $OUlines = @() } process { $OUlines += $Distinguishedname } end { $OUlines | Get-NetOUTree } } function Get-NetOUTree { <# .SYNOPSIS Author: Mariusz B. (@mgeeky) License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: PowerView.ps1 Optional Dependencies: None Prints out Organizational Units collected from Get-NetOU as a tree. .DESCRIPTION Collects OU lines returned from PowerView's Get-NetOU cmdlet, and then prints that structure as a Organizational Units tree. It works with older PowerView version (from before 12 dec 2016), that got Get-NetOU cmdlet. .PARAMETER OU Parameter passed from pipelined PowerView's Get-NetOU cmdlet. That cmdlet will return list of OUs in form of: "LDAP://OU=...,DC=local,DC=test". .EXAMPLE PS> Get-NetOU | Get-NetOUTree #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $True)] $OU ) begin { $OUlines = @() } process { $OUlines += $OU } end { $OUs = @{} $NetOU = $OUlines $NetOU = $NetOU | %{$_ -replace 'LDAP://','' } $NetOU | ForEach-Object { $ousplit = $_.ToString() -split ',' [array]::Reverse($ousplit) $ousplit = $ousplit -join ',' $ousplit = $ousplit -replace "DC=\w+,", "" $ousplit | ForEach-Object { $str = $_ $currPath = "" While($str -match '^OU=([\s-\w]+),?.*$') { $thisOU = $matches[1] #Write-Output "Processing: $str / $thisOU ($currPath)" $hashRef = $null $fullPath = @() $fullPath += "`$OUs" $currPath -split ',' | ForEach-Object { If ($_) { $fullPath += "[`"$_`"]" } } $hashPath = $fullPath -join '' $cmd = "If (-not ($hashPath.ContainsKey(`"$thisOU`"))) {" $cmd += $hashPath $cmd += ".Add(`"$thisOU`", @{})" $cmd += "}" #Write-Output "Will IEX: $cmd" $cmd | IEX $str = $str -replace "OU=$thisOU", "" $currPath += $thisOU + "," If ($str.StartsWith(",")) { $str = $str.Substring(1) } } } } pretty $OUs 0 } } function pretty { param( [System.Collections.Hashtable]$hash, [Int]$indent ) $hash.Keys | % { $k = $_ $v = $hash.Item($_) $tabs = " " * $indent Write-Output "$tabs+ $k" If ($v.GetType().Name -eq "Hashtable") { $i = $indent + 1 pretty $v $i } } }