## Linux-based Penetration Testing tools, scripts and cheatsheets. - **`find-nessus-plugin.sh`** - Given a Nessus plugin ID this script will echo path to the file containing the plugin's NASL code. Useful when there is a need to review what did the Nessus detected. ``` $ ./find-nessus-plugin.sh 62940 /opt/nessus/lib/nessus/plugins/iis_ftp7_ms12-073.nasl ``` - **`openvas-automate.sh`** - A simple OpenVAS scanner automation script. If you want to use your custom defined scan type - you'll need to edit script's code, especially `targets` array and `if` decision statement in lines 111-137. [gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/a038f809dff4d308db94f5f657908da7) - **`prepare-kali.sh`** - A script that supplies fresh Kali installation with set of initial packages, configurations, wordlists (`/root/data`) and a big repository of tools I've found useful (located in `/root/tools`). ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/39d1681e44804f089d1553cc7597e628)) - **`toggleWaf.sh`** - Simple script used to quickly enable/disable ModSecurity on Apache2