#!/bin/bash # # This script simply calls `aws sts assume-role` using hardcoded parameters, in order # to retrieve set of session credentials and reformat it into ~/.aws/credentials file format. # # Mariusz B., mgeeky '19 # # # -------------------------- # Configure below variables. # # This profile name must be different among any other profiles oyu have defined in your # config and credentials file. PROFILE_NAME=your-profile-name ROLE_NAME=Your_Role_Name ROLE_ARN=arn:aws:iam:::role/$ROLE_NAME # If you leave this field empty - it will be deduced from `aws sts get-caller-identity` output #SERIAL_MFA=arn:aws:iam:::mfa/ SERIAL_MFA= # Duration in seconds. Values possible range: 900-43200 # 1 hour - 3600, 2 hours - 7200, 3 hours - 10800, 6 hours - 21600, 12 hours - 43200 DURATION=42000 # # -------------------------- # # Some times assume-role may return with an Access-Denied if there were no account authenticated # regular commands sent first. out=$(aws sts get-caller-identity) if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "[!] Could not get caller's identity: " echo "$out" exit 1 fi if [[ "$SERIAL_MFA" = "" ]]; then SERIAL_MFA=$(echo "$out" | python -c "import sys,json; foo=json.loads(sys.stdin.read()); print('arn:aws:iam::{}:mfa/{}'.format(foo['Account'], foo['Arn'].split('/')[1]))" ) fi read -p "Type your AWS MFA Code: " code echo out=$(aws sts assume-role --serial-number $SERIAL_MFA --role-arn $ROLE_ARN --role-session-name $ROLE_NAME --duration-seconds $DURATION --token-code $code 2>&1) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then valid=$(printf '%dh:%dm:%ds\n' $(($DURATION/3600)) $(($DURATION%3600/60)) $(($DURATION%60))) echo "[+] Collected session credentials. They will be valid for: $valid. " echo -e "\tPaste below lines to your '~/.aws/credentials' file:" echo echo "[$PROFILE_NAME]" echo "$out" | python3 -c 'import sys,json; foo=json.loads(sys.stdin.read()); print("aws_access_key_id={}\naws_secret_access_key={}\naws_session_token={}".format(foo["Credentials"]["AccessKeyId"],foo["Credentials"]["SecretAccessKey"],foo["Credentials"]["SessionToken"]))' echo else echo "[!] Could not obtain assume-role session credentials:" echo "$out" echo out2=$(env | grep -E 'AWS_[^=]+') if [[ "$out2" != "" ]]; then echo "[!] Your command could fail because of pre-set AWS-related environment variables." echo -e "\tPlease review them, correct any problems and re-launch that script." echo echo "$out2" echo fi exit 1 fi