## Azure-related penetration testing scripts, tools and Cheatsheets - [**`Azure Roles`**](https://github.com/mgeeky/Penetration-Testing-Tools/blob/master/clouds/azure/Azure%20Roles/README.md) - All Azure RBAC and Azure AD Role Definitions, along with their permissions associated listed in a handy markdown report. - **`AzureRT`** - Powershell module implementing various cmdlets to interact with Azure and Azure AD from an offensive perspective. Helpful utilities dealing with access token based authentication, easily switching from `Az` to `AzureAD` and `az cli` interfaces, easy to use pre-made attacks such as Runbook-based command execution and more. Authentication & Token mechanics: - *`Get-ARTWhoami`* - *`Connect-ART`* - *`Connect-ARTAD`* - *`Connect-ARTADServicePrincipal`* - *`Get-ARTAccessTokenAzCli`* - *`Get-ARTAccessTokenAz`* - *`Get-ARTAccessTokenAzureAD`* - *`Get-ARTAccessTokenAzureADCached`* - *`Parse-JWTtokenRT`* - *`Remove-ARTServicePrincipalKey`* Recon and Situational Awareness: - *`Get-ARTAccess`* - *`Get-ARTADAccess`* - *`Get-ARTTenants`* - *`Get-ARTDangerousPermissions`* - *`Get-ARTADScopedRoleAssignment`* - *`Get-ARTResource`* - *`Get-ARTRolePermissions`* - *`Get-ARTADRolePermissions`* - *`Get-ARTADDynamicGroups`* - *`Get-ARTADApplications`* - *`Get-ARTRoleAssignment`* - *`Get-ARTKeyVaultSecrets`* - *`Get-ARTAutomationRunbookCode`* - *`Get-ARTAzVMPublicIP`* - *`Get-ARTResourceGroupDeploymentTemplate`* - *`Get-ARTAzVMUserDataFromInside`* Privilege Escalation: - *`Add-ARTADGuestUser`* - *`Set-ARTADUserPassword`* - *`Add-ARTUserToGroup`* - *`Add-ARTUserToRole`* - *`Add-ARTADAppSecret`* Lateral Movement: - *`Invoke-ARTAutomationRunbook`* - *`Invoke-ARTRunCommand`* - *`Invoke-ARTCustomScriptExtension`* - *`Update-ARTAzVMUserData`* Misc: - *`Get-ARTPRTToken`* - *`Get-ARTPRTNonce`* - *`Get-ARTUserId`* - *`Get-ARTTenantID`* - *`Get-ARTSubscriptionId`* - *`Parse-JWTtokenRT`* - *`Invoke-ARTGETRequest`* - *`Import-ARTModules`*