## File-Formats Penetration Testing related scripts, tools and Cheatsheets - [**`msi-shenanigans`**] - Proof of Concept code and samples presenting emerging threat of MSI installer files. Based on my [MSI Shenanignas 1 - Offensive Capabilities Overview](https://mgeeky.tech/msi-shenanigans-part-1/) research conducted. - [**`PackMyPayload`**](https://github.com/mgeeky/PackMyPayload) - A script that takes file/directory on input and creates a new (or backdoors existing) container file with input ones embedded. Some of the formats (ISO, IMG, VHD, VHDX) could be used to bypass Mark-of-the-Web (MOTW) file taint flag. Supported formats: 1. `ZIP` (+password) 2. `7zip` (+password) 3. `PDF` (+password) 4. `ISO` 5. `IMG` 6. `CAB` 7. `VHD` 8. `VHDX` - **`tamperUpx.py`** - A small utility that corrupts UPX-packed executables, making them much harder to be decompressed & restored. ```powershell c:\>py -3 tamperUpx.py foo-upx.exe foo-upx-corrupted.exe :: tamperUpx - a small utility that corrupts UPX-packed executables, making them much harder to be decompressed & restored. Mariusz Banach / mgeeky, '21 Step 1. Renaming UPX sections... Renamed UPX section (UPX0 ) => (.text) Renamed UPX section (UPX1 ) => (.data) Step 2. Removing obvious indicators... Removed "UPX!" (UPX_MAGIC_LE32) magic value... Removed "3.96" indicator... Step 3. Corrupting PackHeader... Overwriting metadata (version=13, format=36, method=2, level=10)... Corrupting stored lengths and sizes: - uncompressed_adler (u_adler): (2044521623 / 0x79dcec97) => (0) - compressed_adler (c_adler): (2542804071 / 0x97901c67) => (0) - uncompressed_len (u_len): (1802399544 / 0x6b6e6f38) => (0) - compressed_len (c_len): (2653142051 / 0x9e23bc23) => (0) - original file size: (529611336 / 0x1f913a48) => (0) - filter id: (73 / 0x49) => (0) - filter cto: (5 / 0x5) => (0) - unused: (0 / 0x0) => (0) - header checksum: (197 / 0xc5) => (0) [+] UPX-protected executable corrupted: foo-upx-corrupted.exe [+] Success. UPX should have some issues decompressing output artifact now. ``` - **`zipcrack.rb`** - Simple multi-threaded ZIP cracker. ([gist](https://gist.github.com/mgeeky/f89262744fa37e9ec2351dccdc81b44c))