/** * This DLL hosts CLR4 environment from within a native binary. This way it is possible to * call .NET APIs from an unmanaged runtime. * * Mariusz B., mgeeky, 19' * **/ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "mscoree.lib") ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Specify below .NET assembly, main class to instantiate and parameters to pass there. namespace CustomAssemblyParameters { LPCWSTR AssemblyName = L"%TEMP%\\ClmDisableAssembly.dll"; LPCWSTR TypeName = L"ClmDisableAssembly.ClmDisableAssembly"; LPCWSTR MethodName = L"Start"; LPCWSTR Argument = L"(called from native CLR host)"; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef _DEBUG # define msg(x) MessageBoxW(nullptr, x, L"LoadCLRFromNativeDLL", 0) #else # define msg(x) ((void)0) #endif void DoProcessAttach() { ICLRMetaHost *metaHost = nullptr; ICLRRuntimeInfo *runtimeInfo = nullptr; ICLRRuntimeHost *runtimeHost = nullptr; IEnumUnknown *runtime = nullptr; IUnknown *enumRuntime = nullptr; LPWSTR frameworkName = nullptr; DWORD bytes = 2048; DWORD result = 0; if (CLRCreateInstance( CLSID_CLRMetaHost, IID_ICLRMetaHost, reinterpret_cast(&metaHost) ) != S_OK) { msg(L"FAIL: Could not create MetaHost CLR instance."); return; } if (!metaHost || (metaHost->EnumerateInstalledRuntimes( &runtime ) != S_OK)) { msg(L"FAIL: Cannot enumerate installed runtimes."); return; } if (!runtime) { msg(L"FAIL: Could not find installed runtimes."); return; } frameworkName = reinterpret_cast(LocalAlloc( LPTR, bytes )); if (!frameworkName) { msg(L"FAIL: could not allocate 2048 bytes for framework name buffer."); return; } while (runtime->Next(1, &enumRuntime, 0) == S_OK) { if (enumRuntime && (enumRuntime->QueryInterface(&runtimeInfo) == S_OK)) { if (runtimeInfo != nullptr) { runtimeInfo->GetVersionString(frameworkName, &bytes); } } } if (runtimeInfo == nullptr || (runtimeInfo->GetInterface( CLSID_CLRRuntimeHost, IID_ICLRRuntimeHost, reinterpret_cast(&runtimeHost) ) != S_OK)) { msg(L"FAIL: Could not get CLRRuntimeHost interface's reference."); return; } if (runtimeHost == nullptr) { msg(L"FAIL: Could not obtain reference to CLRRuntimeHost."); return; } runtimeHost->Start(); WCHAR assemblyPath[1024] = L""; ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(CustomAssemblyParameters::AssemblyName, assemblyPath, _countof(assemblyPath)); LPCWSTR assemblyPathPtr = assemblyPath; HRESULT hres = runtimeHost->ExecuteInDefaultAppDomain( assemblyPathPtr, CustomAssemblyParameters::TypeName, CustomAssemblyParameters::MethodName, CustomAssemblyParameters::Argument, &result ); if (hres != S_OK) { wchar_t msgbuf[1024] = L""; swprintf_s(msgbuf, L"FAIL: Could not invoke custom .NET assembly, instantiate it's type or invoke a method. HRESULT = 0x%08x . Assembly path: '%s'", hres, assemblyPath); msg(msgbuf); } //runtimeHost->Stop(); //runtimeHost->Release(); runtimeInfo->Release(); metaHost->Release(); } BOOLEAN WINAPI DllMain( IN HINSTANCE /*hDllHandle*/, IN DWORD nReason, IN LPVOID /*Reserved*/ ) { switch (nReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { DoProcessAttach(); break; } case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; }