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# This script takes an input file containing Node names to be marked in Neo4j database as
# owned = True. The strategy for working with neo4j and Bloodhound becomes fruitful during
# complex Active Directory Security Review assessments or Red Teams. Imagine you've kerberoasted
# a number of accounts, access set of workstations or even cracked userPassword hashes. Using this
# script you can quickly instruct Neo4j to mark that principals as owned, which will enrich your
# future use of BloodHound.
# Mariusz Banach / mgeeky
import sys
import os
import time
from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
from neo4j import GraphDatabase
except ImportError:
print('[!] "neo4j >= 1.7.0" required. Install it with: python3 -m pip install neo4j')
# ===========================================
config = {
'host': 'bolt://localhost:7687',
'user': 'neo4j',
'pass': 'neo4j1',
# ===========================================
# Construct a MATCH ... SET owned=TRUE query of not more than this number of nodes.
# This number impacts single query execution time. If it is more than 1000, neo4j may complain
# about running out of heap memory space (java...).
numberOfNodesToAddPerStep = 500
def markNodes(tx, nodes):
query = ''
for i in range(len(nodes)):
n = nodes[i]
query += 'MATCH (n {name: "' + n + '"}) SET n.owned=TRUE RETURN 1'
if i < len(nodes) - 1: query += ' UNION'
query += '\n'
def opts(args):
global config
parser = ArgumentParser(description = 'markNodesOwned.py - collects first-degree and group-delegated outbound controlled objects number based on input node names list.', formatter_class = ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', dest = 'host', help = 'Neo4j BOLT URI', default = 'bolt://localhost:7687')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', dest = 'user', help = 'Neo4j User', default = 'neo4j')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', dest = 'pass', help = 'Neo4j Password', default = 'neo4j1')
parser.add_argument('nodesList', help = 'Path to file containing list of node names to check. Lines starting with "#" will be skipped.')
arguments = parser.parse_args()
return arguments
def main(argv):
if len(argv) != 2:
Takes a file containing node names on input and marks them as Owned in specified neo4j database.
Usage: ./markNodesOwned.py <nodes-file>
return False
args = opts(argv)
nodesFile = args.nodesList
programStart = time.time()
if not os.path.isfile(nodesFile):
log(f'[!] Input file containing nodes does not exist: "{nodesFile}"!')
return False
nodes = []
with open(nodesFile) as f:
for x in f.readlines():
if x.strip().startswith('#'):
if not '@' in x:
raise Exception('Node names must include "@" and be in form: NAME@DOMAIN !')
driver = GraphDatabase.driver(
auth = (config['user'], config['pass']),
encrypted = False,
connection_timeout = 10,
keep_alive = True
except Exception as e:
print(f'[-] Could not connect to the neo4j database. Reason: {str(e)}')
return False
print('[.] Connected to neo4j instance.')
if len(nodes) >= 200:
print('[*] Warning: Working with a large number of nodes may be time-consuming in large databases.')
print('\te.g. setting 1000 nodes as owned can take up to 10 minutes easily.')
finishEta = 0.0
totalTime = 0.0
runs = 0
print('[+] To be marked: {} nodes.'.format(len(nodes)))
with driver.session() as session:
for a in range(0, len(nodes), numberOfNodesToAddPerStep):
b = a + min(numberOfNodesToAddPerStep, len(nodes) - a)
print(f'[.] Marking nodes ({a}..{b}) ...')
start = time.time()
session.write_transaction(markNodes, nodes[a:b])
stop = time.time()
totalTime += (stop - start)
runs += 1
finishEta = ((len(nodes) / numberOfNodesToAddPerStep) - runs) * (totalTime / float(runs))
if finishEta < 0: finishEta = 0
print(f'[+] Marked {b-a} nodes in {stop - start:.3f} seconds. Finish ETA: in {finishEta:.3f} seconds.')
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('[.] User interruption.')
return False
programStop = time.time()
print(f'\n[+] Nodes marked as owned successfully in {programStop - programStart:.3f} seconds.')
if __name__ == '__main__':