// ⚠️ IMPORTANT WARNING: do NOT edit this config file by hand, // else your modifications will be ERASED at each update of the Send package! // Instead, use the config panel in your web admin interface: // Applications ➡️ Send ➡️ Config panel ➡️ do your config edit ➡️ Save // Most of the relevant settings are available in the config panel, if you're // missing one, open an issue: https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/send_ynh/issues const convict = require('convict'); const convict_format_with_validator = require('convict-format-with-validator'); const { tmpdir } = require('os'); const path = require('path'); const { randomBytes } = require('crypto'); convict.addFormats(convict_format_with_validator); convict.addFormat({ name: 'positive-int-array', coerce: ints => { // can take: int[] | string[] | string (csv), returns -> int[] const ints_arr = Array.isArray(ints) ? ints : ints.trim().split(','); return ints_arr.map(int => typeof int === 'number' ? int : parseInt(int.replace(/['"]+/g, '').trim(), 10) ); }, validate: ints => { // takes: int[], errors if any NaNs, negatives, or floats present for (const int of ints) { if (typeof int !== 'number' || isNaN(int) || int < 0 || int % 1 > 0) throw new Error('must be a comma-separated list of positive integers'); } } }); const conf = convict({ s3_bucket: { format: String, default: '', env: 'S3_BUCKET' }, s3_endpoint: { format: String, default: '', env: 'S3_ENDPOINT' }, s3_use_path_style_endpoint: { format: Boolean, default: false, env: 'S3_USE_PATH_STYLE_ENDPOINT' }, gcs_bucket: { format: String, default: '', env: 'GCS_BUCKET' }, expire_times_seconds: { format: 'positive-int-array', default: [300, 3600, 86400, 604800], env: 'EXPIRE_TIMES_SECONDS' }, default_expire_seconds: { format: Number, default: 86400, env: 'DEFAULT_EXPIRE_SECONDS' }, max_expire_seconds: { format: Number, default: 86400 * 7, env: 'MAX_EXPIRE_SECONDS' }, download_counts: { format: 'positive-int-array', default: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 50, 100], env: 'DOWNLOAD_COUNTS' }, default_downloads: { format: Number, default: 1, env: 'DEFAULT_DOWNLOADS' }, max_downloads: { format: Number, default: 100, env: 'MAX_DOWNLOADS' }, max_files_per_archive: { format: Number, default: 64, env: 'MAX_FILES_PER_ARCHIVE' }, max_archives_per_user: { format: Number, default: 16, env: 'MAX_ARCHIVES_PER_USER' }, redis_host: { format: String, default: 'localhost', env: 'REDIS_HOST' }, redis_port: { format: Number, default: 6379, env: 'REDIS_PORT' }, redis_user: { format: String, default: '', env: 'REDIS_USER' }, redis_password: { format: String, default: '', env: 'REDIS_PASSWORD' }, redis_db: { format: String, default: '__REDIS_DB__', env: 'REDIS_DB' }, redis_event_expire: { format: Boolean, default: false, env: 'REDIS_EVENT_EXPIRE' }, redis_retry_time: { format: Number, default: 10000, env: 'REDIS_RETRY_TIME' }, redis_retry_delay: { format: Number, default: 500, env: 'REDIS_RETRY_DELAY' }, listen_address: { format: 'ipaddress', default: '', env: 'IP_ADDRESS' }, listen_port: { format: 'port', default: __PORT__, arg: 'port', env: 'PORT' }, sentry_id: { format: String, default: '', env: 'SENTRY_CLIENT' }, sentry_dsn: { format: String, default: '', env: 'SENTRY_DSN' }, env: { format: ['production', 'development', 'test'], default: 'production', env: 'NODE_ENV' }, max_file_size: { format: Number, default: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 2.5, env: 'MAX_FILE_SIZE' }, l10n_dev: { format: Boolean, default: false, env: 'L10N_DEV' }, base_url: { format: 'url', default: 'https://__DOMAIN__', env: 'BASE_URL' }, custom_title: { format: String, default: 'Send', env: 'CUSTOM_TITLE' }, custom_description: { format: String, default: 'Encrypt and send files with a link that automatically expires to ensure your important documents don’t stay online forever.', env: 'CUSTOM_DESCRIPTION' }, detect_base_url: { format: Boolean, default: false, env: 'DETECT_BASE_URL' }, file_dir: { format: 'String', default: `${tmpdir()}${path.sep}send-${randomBytes(4).toString('hex')}`, env: 'FILE_DIR' }, fxa_url: { format: 'url', default: 'https://send-fxa.dev.lcip.org', env: 'FXA_URL' }, fxa_client_id: { format: String, default: '', // disabled env: 'FXA_CLIENT_ID' }, fxa_key_scope: { format: String, default: 'https://identity.mozilla.com/apps/send', env: 'FXA_KEY_SCOPE' }, fxa_csp_oauth_url: { format: String, default: '', env: 'FXA_CSP_OAUTH_URL' }, fxa_csp_content_url: { format: String, default: '', env: 'FXA_CSP_CONTENT_URL' }, fxa_csp_profile_url: { format: String, default: '', env: 'FXA_CSP_PROFILE_URL' }, fxa_csp_profileimage_url: { format: String, default: '', env: 'FXA_CSP_PROFILEIMAGE_URL' }, survey_url: { format: String, default: '', env: 'SURVEY_URL' }, ip_db: { format: String, default: '', env: 'IP_DB' }, footer_donate_url: { format: String, default: '', env: 'SEND_FOOTER_DONATE_URL' }, footer_cli_url: { format: String, default: 'https://github.com/timvisee/ffsend', env: 'SEND_FOOTER_CLI_URL' }, footer_dmca_url: { format: String, default: '', env: 'SEND_FOOTER_DMCA_URL' }, footer_source_url: { format: String, default: 'https://github.com/timvisee/send', env: 'SEND_FOOTER_SOURCE_URL' }, custom_footer_text: { format: String, default: '', env: 'CUSTOM_FOOTER_TEXT' }, custom_footer_url: { format: String, default: '', env: 'CUSTOM_FOOTER_URL' }, ui_color_primary: { format: String, default: '#0a84ff', env: 'UI_COLOR_PRIMARY' }, ui_color_accent: { format: String, default: '#003eaa', env: 'UI_COLOR_ACCENT' }, custom_locale: { format: String, default: '', env: 'CUSTOM_LOCALE' }, ui_custom_assets: { android_chrome_192px: { format: String, default: '', env: 'UI_CUSTOM_ASSETS_ANDROID_CHROME_192PX' }, android_chrome_512px: { format: String, default: '', env: 'UI_CUSTOM_ASSETS_ANDROID_CHROME_512PX' }, apple_touch_icon: { format: String, default: '', env: 'UI_CUSTOM_ASSETS_APPLE_TOUCH_ICON' }, favicon_16px: { format: String, default: '', env: 'UI_CUSTOM_ASSETS_FAVICON_16PX' }, favicon_32px: { format: String, default: '', env: 'UI_CUSTOM_ASSETS_FAVICON_32PX' }, icon: { format: String, default: '', env: 'UI_CUSTOM_ASSETS_ICON' }, safari_pinned_tab: { format: String, default: '', env: 'UI_CUSTOM_ASSETS_SAFARI_PINNED_TAB' }, facebook: { format: String, default: '', env: 'UI_CUSTOM_ASSETS_FACEBOOK' }, twitter: { format: String, default: '', env: 'UI_CUSTOM_ASSETS_TWITTER' }, wordmark: { format: String, default: '', env: 'UI_CUSTOM_ASSETS_WORDMARK' }, custom_css: { format: String, default: '', env: 'UI_CUSTOM_CSS' } } }); // Perform validation conf.validate({ allowed: 'strict' }); const props = conf.getProperties(); const deriveBaseUrl = req => { if (!props.detect_base_url) { return props.base_url; } const protocol = req.secure ? 'https://' : 'http://'; return `${protocol}${req.headers.host}`; }; module.exports = { ...props, deriveBaseUrl };