2019-08-18 00:34:03 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2015-12-23 05:01:24 +02:00
The MIT License ( MIT )
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
2020-02-08 18:44:42 -05:00
Copyright ( C ) 2017 - 2020 Joe Testa ( jtesta @positronsecurity.com )
2017-03-26 06:31:06 +03:00
Copyright ( C ) 2017 Andris Raugulis ( moo @arthepsy.eu )
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
2015-12-23 05:01:24 +02:00
Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files ( the " Software " ) , to deal
in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights
to use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and / or sell
copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so , subject to the following conditions :
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
2015-12-23 05:01:24 +02:00
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software .
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
2015-12-23 05:01:24 +02:00
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
from datetime import date
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
import base64
import binascii
import errno
import getopt
import hashlib
import io
import json
import os
import random
import re
import select
import socket
import struct
import sys
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
import traceback
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from typing import Dict , List , Set , Sequence , Tuple , Iterable
from typing import Callable , Optional , Union , Any
2020-02-08 18:44:42 -05:00
2020-03-18 12:19:05 -04:00
VERSION = ' v2.2.1-dev '
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
SSH_HEADER = ' SSH- {0} -OpenSSH_8.0 ' # SSH software to impersonate
2019-08-17 20:59:23 -04:00
2016-10-26 18:33:00 +03:00
try : # pragma: nocover
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
from colorama import init as colorama_init
colorama_init ( strip = False ) # pragma: nocover
2016-10-25 13:53:51 +03:00
except ImportError : # pragma: nocover
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2015-12-23 05:01:24 +02:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def usage ( err : Optional [ str ] = None ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
uout = Output ( )
p = os . path . basename ( sys . argv [ 0 ] )
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
uout . head ( ' # {} {} , https://github.com/jtesta/ssh-audit \n ' . format ( p , VERSION ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if err is not None and len ( err ) > 0 :
uout . fail ( ' \n ' + err )
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
uout . info ( ' usage: {0} [-h1246ptbcPjlnv] <host> \n ' . format ( p ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
uout . info ( ' -h, --help print this help ' )
uout . info ( ' -1, --ssh1 force ssh version 1 only ' )
uout . info ( ' -2, --ssh2 force ssh version 2 only ' )
uout . info ( ' -4, --ipv4 enable IPv4 (order of precedence) ' )
uout . info ( ' -6, --ipv6 enable IPv6 (order of precedence) ' )
uout . info ( ' -p, --port=<port> port to connect ' )
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
uout . info ( ' -t, --timeout=<secs> timeout (in seconds) for connection and reading \n (default: 5) ' )
uout . info ( ' ' )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
uout . info ( ' -b, --batch batch output ' )
uout . info ( ' -c, --client-audit starts a server on port 2222 to audit client \n software config (use -p to change port; \n use -t to change timeout) ' )
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
uout . info ( ' -M, --make-policy=<policy.txt> creates a policy based on the target server \n (i.e.: the target server has the ideal \n configuration that other servers should \n adhere to) ' )
uout . info ( ' -P, --policy=<policy.txt> run a policy test using the specified policy ' )
uout . info ( ' ' )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
uout . info ( ' -j, --json JSON output ' )
uout . info ( ' -l, --level=<level> minimum output level (info|warn|fail) ' )
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
uout . info ( ' -n, --no-colors disable colors ' )
uout . info ( ' -v, --verbose verbose output ' )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
uout . sep ( )
sys . exit ( 1 )
2015-12-23 05:01:24 +02:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
# Validates policy files and performs policy testing
class Policy :
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
def __init__ ( self , policy_file : Optional [ str ] = None , policy_data : Optional [ str ] = None ) - > None :
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
self . _name = None # type: Optional[str]
self . _version = None # type: Optional[str]
self . _banner = None # type: Optional[str]
self . _compressions = None # type: Optional[List[str]]
self . _host_keys = None # type: Optional[List[str]]
self . _kex = None # type: Optional[List[str]]
self . _ciphers = None # type: Optional[List[str]]
self . _macs = None # type: Optional[List[str]]
self . _hostkey_sizes = None # type: Optional[Dict[str, int]]
self . _cakey_sizes = None # type: Optional[Dict[str, int]]
self . _dh_modulus_sizes = None # type: Optional[Dict[str, int]]
if ( policy_file is None ) and ( policy_data is None ) :
raise RuntimeError ( ' policy_file and policy_data must not both be None. ' )
elif ( policy_file is not None ) and ( policy_data is not None ) :
raise RuntimeError ( ' policy_file and policy_data must not both be specified. ' )
if policy_file is not None :
with open ( policy_file , " r " ) as f :
policy_data = f . read ( )
lines = [ ]
if policy_data is not None :
lines = policy_data . split ( " \n " )
for line in lines :
line = line . strip ( )
if ( len ( line ) == 0 ) or line . startswith ( ' # ' ) :
key = None
val = None
try :
key , val = line . split ( ' = ' )
except ValueError :
raise ValueError ( " could not parse line: %s " % line )
key = key . strip ( )
val = val . strip ( )
2020-07-01 13:12:49 -04:00
if key not in [ ' name ' , ' version ' , ' banner ' , ' compressions ' , ' host keys ' , ' key exchanges ' , ' ciphers ' , ' macs ' ] and not key . startswith ( ' hostkey_size_ ' ) and not key . startswith ( ' cakey_size_ ' ) and not key . startswith ( ' dh_modulus_size_ ' ) :
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
raise ValueError ( " invalid field found in policy: %s " % line )
2020-07-01 13:12:49 -04:00
if key in [ ' name ' , ' banner ' ] :
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
# If the banner value is blank, set it to "" so that the code below handles it.
if len ( val ) < 2 :
val = " \" \" "
if ( val [ 0 ] != ' " ' ) or ( val [ - 1 ] != ' " ' ) :
raise ValueError ( ' the value for the %s field must be enclosed in quotes: %s ' % ( key , val ) )
# Remove the surrounding quotes, and unescape quotes & newlines.
val = val [ 1 : - 1 ] . replace ( " \\ \" " , " \" " ) . replace ( " \\ n " , " \n " )
if key == ' name ' :
self . _name = val
elif key == ' banner ' :
self . _banner = val
elif key == ' version ' :
self . _version = val
elif key in [ ' compressions ' , ' host keys ' , ' key exchanges ' , ' ciphers ' , ' macs ' ] :
try :
algs = val . split ( ' , ' )
except ValueError :
# If the value has no commas, then set the algorithm list to just the value.
algs = [ val ]
# Strip whitespace in each algorithm name.
algs = [ alg . strip ( ) for alg in algs ]
if key == ' compressions ' :
self . _compressions = algs
elif key == ' host keys ' :
self . _host_keys = algs
elif key == ' key exchanges ' :
self . _kex = algs
elif key == ' ciphers ' :
self . _ciphers = algs
elif key == ' macs ' :
self . _macs = algs
elif key . startswith ( ' hostkey_size_ ' ) :
hostkey_type = key [ 13 : ]
if self . _hostkey_sizes is None :
self . _hostkey_sizes = { }
self . _hostkey_sizes [ hostkey_type ] = int ( val )
elif key . startswith ( ' cakey_size_ ' ) :
cakey_type = key [ 11 : ]
if self . _cakey_sizes is None :
self . _cakey_sizes = { }
self . _cakey_sizes [ cakey_type ] = int ( val )
elif key . startswith ( ' dh_modulus_size_ ' ) :
dh_modulus_type = key [ 16 : ]
if self . _dh_modulus_sizes is None :
self . _dh_modulus_sizes = { }
self . _dh_modulus_sizes [ dh_modulus_type ] = int ( val )
if self . _name is None :
raise ValueError ( ' The policy does not have a name field. ' )
if self . _version is None :
raise ValueError ( ' The policy does not have a version field. ' )
2020-07-01 13:12:49 -04:00
def create ( host : str , banner : Optional [ ' SSH.Banner ' ] , kex : Optional [ ' SSH2.Kex ' ] ) - > str :
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
''' Creates a policy based on a server configuration. Returns a string. '''
today = date . today ( ) . strftime ( ' % Y/ % m/ %d ' )
compressions = None
host_keys = None
kex_algs = None
ciphers = None
macs = None
rsa_hostkey_sizes_str = ' '
rsa_cakey_sizes_str = ' '
dh_modulus_sizes_str = ' '
if kex is not None :
if kex . server . compression is not None :
compressions = ' , ' . join ( kex . server . compression )
if kex . key_algorithms is not None :
host_keys = ' , ' . join ( kex . key_algorithms )
if kex . kex_algorithms is not None :
kex_algs = ' , ' . join ( kex . kex_algorithms )
if kex . server . encryption is not None :
ciphers = ' , ' . join ( kex . server . encryption )
if kex . server . mac is not None :
macs = ' , ' . join ( kex . server . mac )
if kex . rsa_key_sizes ( ) :
rsa_key_sizes_dict = kex . rsa_key_sizes ( )
for host_key_type in sorted ( rsa_key_sizes_dict ) :
hostkey_size , cakey_size = rsa_key_sizes_dict [ host_key_type ]
rsa_hostkey_sizes_str = " %s hostkey_size_ %s = %d \n " % ( rsa_hostkey_sizes_str , host_key_type , hostkey_size )
if cakey_size != - 1 :
rsa_cakey_sizes_str = " %s cakey_size_ %s = %d \n " % ( rsa_cakey_sizes_str , host_key_type , cakey_size )
if len ( rsa_hostkey_sizes_str ) > 0 :
rsa_hostkey_sizes_str = " \n # RSA host key sizes. \n %s " % rsa_hostkey_sizes_str
if len ( rsa_cakey_sizes_str ) > 0 :
rsa_cakey_sizes_str = " \n # RSA CA key sizes. \n %s " % rsa_cakey_sizes_str
if kex . dh_modulus_sizes ( ) :
dh_modulus_sizes_dict = kex . dh_modulus_sizes ( )
for gex_type in sorted ( dh_modulus_sizes_dict ) :
modulus_size , _ = dh_modulus_sizes_dict [ gex_type ]
dh_modulus_sizes_str = " %s dh_modulus_size_ %s = %d \n " % ( dh_modulus_sizes_str , gex_type , modulus_size )
if len ( dh_modulus_sizes_str ) > 0 :
dh_modulus_sizes_str = " \n # Group exchange DH modulus sizes. \n %s " % dh_modulus_sizes_str
policy_data = ''' #
# Custom policy based on %s (created on %s)
# The name of this policy (displayed in the output during scans). Must be in quotes.
name = " Custom Policy (based on %s on %s ) "
# The version of this policy (displayed in the output during scans). Not parsed, and may be any value, including strings.
version = 1
# The banner that must match exactly. Commented out to ignore banners, since minor variability in the banner is sometimes normal.
# banner = "%s"
# The compression options that must match exactly (order matters). Commented out to ignore by default.
# compressions = %s
% s % s % s
# The host key types that must match exactly (order matters).
host keys = % s
# The key exchange algorithms that must match exactly (order matters).
key exchanges = % s
# The ciphers that must match exactly (order matters).
ciphers = % s
# The MACs that must match exactly (order matters).
macs = % s
2020-07-01 13:12:49 -04:00
''' % (host, today, host, today, banner, compressions, rsa_hostkey_sizes_str, rsa_cakey_sizes_str, dh_modulus_sizes_str, host_keys, kex_algs, ciphers, macs)
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
return policy_data
2020-07-01 13:12:49 -04:00
def evaluate ( self , banner : Optional [ ' SSH.Banner ' ] , kex : Optional [ ' SSH2.Kex ' ] ) - > Tuple [ bool , List [ str ] ] :
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
''' Evaluates a server configuration against this policy. Returns a tuple of a boolean (True if server adheres to policy) and an array of strings that holds error messages. '''
ret = True
errors = [ ]
banner_str = str ( banner )
if ( self . _banner is not None ) and ( banner_str != self . _banner ) :
ret = False
errors . append ( ' Banner did not match. Expected: [ %s ]; Actual: [ %s ] ' % ( self . _banner , banner_str ) )
# All subsequent tests require a valid kex, so end here if we don't have one.
if kex is None :
return ret , errors
if ( self . _compressions is not None ) and ( kex . server . compression != self . _compressions ) :
ret = False
errors . append ( ' Compression types did not match. Expected: %s ; Actual: %s ' % ( self . _compressions , kex . server . compression ) )
if ( self . _host_keys is not None ) and ( kex . key_algorithms != self . _host_keys ) :
ret = False
errors . append ( ' Host key types did not match. Expected: %s ; Actual: %s ' % ( self . _host_keys , kex . key_algorithms ) )
if self . _hostkey_sizes is not None :
hostkey_types = list ( self . _hostkey_sizes . keys ( ) )
hostkey_types . sort ( ) # Sorted to make testing output repeatable.
for hostkey_type in hostkey_types :
expected_hostkey_size = self . _hostkey_sizes [ hostkey_type ]
if hostkey_type in kex . rsa_key_sizes ( ) :
actual_hostkey_size , actual_cakey_size = kex . rsa_key_sizes ( ) [ hostkey_type ]
if actual_hostkey_size != expected_hostkey_size :
ret = False
errors . append ( ' RSA hostkey ( %s ) sizes did not match. Expected: %d ; Actual: %d ' % ( hostkey_type , expected_hostkey_size , actual_hostkey_size ) )
if self . _cakey_sizes is not None :
hostkey_types = list ( self . _cakey_sizes . keys ( ) )
hostkey_types . sort ( ) # Sorted to make testing output repeatable.
for hostkey_type in hostkey_types :
expected_cakey_size = self . _cakey_sizes [ hostkey_type ]
if hostkey_type in kex . rsa_key_sizes ( ) :
actual_hostkey_size , actual_cakey_size = kex . rsa_key_sizes ( ) [ hostkey_type ]
if actual_cakey_size != expected_cakey_size :
ret = False
errors . append ( ' RSA CA key ( %s ) sizes did not match. Expected: %d ; Actual: %d ' % ( hostkey_type , expected_cakey_size , actual_cakey_size ) )
if kex . kex_algorithms != self . _kex :
ret = False
errors . append ( ' Key exchanges did not match. Expected: %s ; Actual: %s ' % ( self . _kex , kex . kex_algorithms ) )
if ( self . _ciphers is not None ) and ( kex . server . encryption != self . _ciphers ) :
ret = False
errors . append ( ' Ciphers did not match. Expected: %s ; Actual: %s ' % ( self . _ciphers , kex . server . encryption ) )
if ( self . _macs is not None ) and ( kex . server . mac != self . _macs ) :
ret = False
errors . append ( ' MACs did not match. Expected: %s ; Actual: %s ' % ( self . _macs , kex . server . mac ) )
if self . _dh_modulus_sizes is not None :
dh_modulus_types = list ( self . _dh_modulus_sizes . keys ( ) )
dh_modulus_types . sort ( ) # Sorted to make testing output repeatable.
for dh_modulus_type in dh_modulus_types :
expected_dh_modulus_size = self . _dh_modulus_sizes [ dh_modulus_type ]
if dh_modulus_type in kex . dh_modulus_sizes ( ) :
actual_dh_modulus_size , _ = kex . dh_modulus_sizes ( ) [ dh_modulus_type ]
if expected_dh_modulus_size != actual_dh_modulus_size :
ret = False
errors . append ( ' Group exchange ( %s ) modulus sizes did not match. Expected: %d ; Actual: %d ' % ( dh_modulus_type , expected_dh_modulus_size , actual_dh_modulus_size ) )
return ret , errors
def get_name_and_version ( self ) - > str :
''' Returns a string of this Policy ' s name and version. '''
return ' %s v %s ' % ( self . _name , self . _version )
def __str__ ( self ) - > str :
undefined = ' {undefined} '
name = undefined
version = undefined
banner = undefined
compressions_str = undefined
host_keys_str = undefined
kex_str = undefined
ciphers_str = undefined
macs_str = undefined
if self . _name is not None :
name = ' [ %s ] ' % self . _name
if self . _version is not None :
version = ' [ %s ] ' % self . _version
if self . _banner is not None :
banner = ' [ %s ] ' % self . _banner
if self . _compressions is not None :
compressions_str = ' , ' . join ( self . _compressions )
if self . _host_keys is not None :
host_keys_str = ' , ' . join ( self . _host_keys )
if self . _kex is not None :
kex_str = ' , ' . join ( self . _kex )
if self . _ciphers is not None :
ciphers_str = ' , ' . join ( self . _ciphers )
if self . _macs is not None :
macs_str = ' , ' . join ( self . _macs )
2020-07-01 13:12:49 -04:00
return " Name: %s \n Version: %s \n Banner: %s \n Compressions: %s \n Host Keys: %s \n Key Exchanges: %s \n Ciphers: %s \n MACs: %s " % ( name , version , banner , compressions_str , host_keys_str , kex_str , ciphers_str , macs_str )
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class AuditConf :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
def __init__ ( self , host : str = ' ' , port : int = 22 ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . host = host
self . port = port
self . ssh1 = True
self . ssh2 = True
self . batch = False
self . client_audit = False
self . colors = True
self . json = False
self . verbose = False
self . level = ' info '
self . ipvo = ( ) # type: Sequence[int]
self . ipv4 = False
self . ipv6 = False
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
self . make_policy = False # When True, creates a policy file from an audit scan.
self . policy_file = None # type: Optional[str] # File system path to a policy
self . policy = None # type: Optional[Policy] # Policy object
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . timeout = 5.0
self . timeout_set = False # Set to True when the user explicitly sets it.
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __setattr__ ( self , name : str , value : Union [ str , int , float , bool , Sequence [ int ] ] ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
valid = False
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
if name in [ ' ssh1 ' , ' ssh2 ' , ' batch ' , ' client_audit ' , ' colors ' , ' verbose ' , ' timeout_set ' , ' json ' , ' make_policy ' ] :
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
valid , value = True , bool ( value )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
elif name in [ ' ipv4 ' , ' ipv6 ' ] :
valid = False
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
value = bool ( value )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
ipv = 4 if name == ' ipv4 ' else 6
if value :
value = tuple ( list ( self . ipvo ) + [ ipv ] )
else : # pylint: disable=else-if-used
if len ( self . ipvo ) == 0 :
value = ( 6 , ) if ipv == 4 else ( 4 , )
else :
value = tuple ( [ x for x in self . ipvo if x != ipv ] )
self . __setattr__ ( ' ipvo ' , value )
elif name == ' ipvo ' :
if isinstance ( value , ( tuple , list ) ) :
uniq_value = utils . unique_seq ( value )
value = tuple ( [ x for x in uniq_value if x in ( 4 , 6 ) ] )
valid = True
ipv_both = len ( value ) == 0
object . __setattr__ ( self , ' ipv4 ' , ipv_both or 4 in value )
object . __setattr__ ( self , ' ipv6 ' , ipv_both or 6 in value )
elif name == ' port ' :
valid , port = True , utils . parse_int ( value )
if port < 1 or port > 65535 :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
raise ValueError ( ' invalid port: {} ' . format ( value ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
value = port
elif name in [ ' level ' ] :
if value not in ( ' info ' , ' warn ' , ' fail ' ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
raise ValueError ( ' invalid level: {} ' . format ( value ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
valid = True
elif name == ' host ' :
valid = True
elif name == ' timeout ' :
value = utils . parse_float ( value )
if value == - 1.0 :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
raise ValueError ( ' invalid timeout: {} ' . format ( value ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
valid = True
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
elif name in [ ' policy_file ' , ' policy ' ] :
valid = True
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if valid :
object . __setattr__ ( self , name , value )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def from_cmdline ( cls , args : List [ str ] , usage_cb : Callable [ . . . , None ] ) - > ' AuditConf ' : # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
aconf = cls ( )
try :
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
sopts = ' h1246M:p:P:jbcnvl:t: '
lopts = [ ' help ' , ' ssh1 ' , ' ssh2 ' , ' ipv4 ' , ' ipv6 ' , ' make-policy= ' , ' port= ' , ' policy= ' , ' json ' , ' batch ' , ' client-audit ' , ' no-colors ' , ' verbose ' , ' level= ' , ' timeout= ' ]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
opts , args = getopt . gnu_getopt ( args , sopts , lopts )
except getopt . GetoptError as err :
usage_cb ( str ( err ) )
aconf . ssh1 , aconf . ssh2 = False , False
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
host = ' ' # type: str
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
oport = None
for o , a in opts :
if o in ( ' -h ' , ' --help ' ) :
usage_cb ( )
elif o in ( ' -1 ' , ' --ssh1 ' ) :
aconf . ssh1 = True
elif o in ( ' -2 ' , ' --ssh2 ' ) :
aconf . ssh2 = True
elif o in ( ' -4 ' , ' --ipv4 ' ) :
aconf . ipv4 = True
elif o in ( ' -6 ' , ' --ipv6 ' ) :
aconf . ipv6 = True
elif o in ( ' -p ' , ' --port ' ) :
oport = a
elif o in ( ' -b ' , ' --batch ' ) :
aconf . batch = True
aconf . verbose = True
elif o in ( ' -c ' , ' --client-audit ' ) :
aconf . client_audit = True
elif o in ( ' -n ' , ' --no-colors ' ) :
aconf . colors = False
elif o in ( ' -j ' , ' --json ' ) :
aconf . json = True
elif o in ( ' -v ' , ' --verbose ' ) :
aconf . verbose = True
elif o in ( ' -l ' , ' --level ' ) :
if a not in ( ' info ' , ' warn ' , ' fail ' ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
usage_cb ( ' level {} is not valid ' . format ( a ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
aconf . level = a
elif o in ( ' -t ' , ' --timeout ' ) :
aconf . timeout = float ( a )
aconf . timeout_set = True
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
elif o in ( ' -M ' , ' --make-policy ' ) :
aconf . make_policy = True
aconf . policy_file = a
elif o in ( ' -P ' , ' --policy ' ) :
aconf . policy_file = a
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if len ( args ) == 0 and aconf . client_audit is False :
usage_cb ( )
if aconf . client_audit is False :
if oport is not None :
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
host = args [ 0 ]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
else :
mx = re . match ( r ' ^ \ [([^ \ ]]+) \ ](?::(.*))?$ ' , args [ 0 ] )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
host , oport = mx . group ( 1 ) , mx . group ( 2 )
else :
s = args [ 0 ] . split ( ' : ' )
if len ( s ) > 2 :
host , oport = args [ 0 ] , ' 22 '
else :
host , oport = s [ 0 ] , s [ 1 ] if len ( s ) > 1 else ' 22 '
if not host :
usage_cb ( ' host is empty ' )
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
elif oport is None :
oport = ' 2222 '
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
port = utils . parse_int ( oport )
if port < = 0 or port > 65535 :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
usage_cb ( ' port {} is not valid ' . format ( oport ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
aconf . host = host
aconf . port = port
if not ( aconf . ssh1 or aconf . ssh2 ) :
aconf . ssh1 , aconf . ssh2 = True , True
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
# If a policy file was provided, validate it.
if ( aconf . policy_file is not None ) and ( aconf . make_policy is False ) :
try :
aconf . policy = Policy ( policy_file = aconf . policy_file )
except Exception as e :
print ( " Error while loading policy file: %s : %s " % ( str ( e ) , traceback . format_exc ( ) ) )
sys . exit ( - 1 )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return aconf
2016-09-16 14:55:27 +03:00
2016-09-17 00:30:04 +03:00
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class Output :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
LEVELS = ( ' info ' , ' warn ' , ' fail ' ) # type: Sequence[str]
COLORS = { ' head ' : 36 , ' good ' : 32 , ' warn ' : 33 , ' fail ' : 31 }
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . batch = False
self . verbose = False
self . use_colors = True
self . json = False
self . __level = 0
self . __colsupport = ' colorama ' in sys . modules or os . name == ' posix '
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def level ( self ) - > str :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if self . __level < len ( self . LEVELS ) :
return self . LEVELS [ self . __level ]
return ' unknown '
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def level ( self , name : str ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __level = self . get_level ( name )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def get_level ( self , name : str ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
cname = ' info ' if name == ' good ' else name
if cname not in self . LEVELS :
return sys . maxsize
return self . LEVELS . index ( cname )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def sep ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if not self . batch :
print ( )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def colors_supported ( self ) - > bool :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __colsupport
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _colorized ( color : str ) - > Callable [ [ str ] , None ] :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
return lambda x : print ( u ' {} {} \033 [0m ' . format ( color , x ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __getattr__ ( self , name : str ) - > Callable [ [ str ] , None ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if name == ' head ' and self . batch :
return lambda x : None
if not self . get_level ( name ) > = self . __level :
return lambda x : None
if self . use_colors and self . colors_supported and name in self . COLORS :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
color = ' \033 [0; {} m ' . format ( self . COLORS [ name ] )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . _colorized ( color )
else :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
return lambda x : print ( u ' {} ' . format ( x ) )
2016-09-02 16:25:57 +03:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
class OutputBuffer ( List [ str ] ) :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __enter__ ( self ) - > ' OutputBuffer ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
self . __buf = io . StringIO ( )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __stdout = sys . stdout
sys . stdout = self . __buf
return self
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def flush ( self , sort_lines : bool = False ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Lines must be sorted in some cases to ensure consistent testing.
if sort_lines :
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
self . sort ( ) # pylint: disable=no-member
for line in self : # pylint: disable=not-an-iterable
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
print ( line )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __exit__ ( self , * args : Any ) - > None :
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
self . extend ( self . __buf . getvalue ( ) . splitlines ( ) ) # pylint: disable=no-member
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
sys . stdout = self . __stdout
2015-12-23 05:01:24 +02:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class SSH2 : # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class KexDB : # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
WARN_OPENSSH74_UNSAFE = ' disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.4, unsafe algorithm '
WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY = ' disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm '
FAIL_OPENSSH70_LEGACY = ' removed since OpenSSH 7.0, legacy algorithm '
FAIL_OPENSSH70_WEAK = ' removed (in server) and disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.0, weak algorithm '
FAIL_OPENSSH70_LOGJAM = ' disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.0, logjam attack '
INFO_OPENSSH69_CHACHA = ' default cipher since OpenSSH 6.9. '
FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE = ' removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm '
FAIL_OPENSSH61_REMOVE = ' removed since OpenSSH 6.1, removed from specification '
FAIL_OPENSSH31_REMOVE = ' removed since OpenSSH 3.1 '
FAIL_DBEAR67_DISABLED = ' disabled since Dropbear SSH 2015.67 '
FAIL_DBEAR53_DISABLED = ' disabled since Dropbear SSH 0.53 '
FAIL_DEPRECATED_CIPHER = ' deprecated cipher '
FAIL_WEAK_CIPHER = ' using weak cipher '
FAIL_WEAK_ALGORITHM = ' using weak/obsolete algorithm '
FAIL_PLAINTEXT = ' no encryption/integrity '
FAIL_DEPRECATED_MAC = ' deprecated MAC '
2020-06-30 22:51:13 -04:00
FAIL_1024BIT_MODULUS = ' using small 1024-bit modulus '
2020-07-01 14:32:55 -04:00
FAIL_UNPROVEN = ' using unproven algorithm '
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
WARN_CURVES_WEAK = ' using weak elliptic curves '
WARN_RNDSIG_KEY = ' using weak random number generator could reveal the key '
WARN_HASH_WEAK = ' using weak hashing algorithm '
WARN_CIPHER_MODE = ' using weak cipher mode '
WARN_BLOCK_SIZE = ' using small 64-bit block size '
WARN_CIPHER_WEAK = ' using weak cipher '
WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC = ' using encrypt-and-MAC mode '
WARN_TAG_SIZE = ' using small 64-bit tag size '
WARN_TAG_SIZE_96 = ' using small 96-bit tag size '
WARN_EXPERIMENTAL = ' using experimental algorithm '
2020-07-01 14:32:55 -04:00
WARN_OBSOLETE = ' using obsolete algorithm '
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Format: 'algorithm_name': [['version_first_appeared_in'], [reason_for_failure1, reason_for_failure2, ...], [warning1, warning2, ...]]
' kex ' : {
2020-06-30 22:51:13 -04:00
' diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 ' : [ [ ' 2.3.0,d0.28,l10.2 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 6.9 ' ] , [ FAIL_1024BIT_MODULUS , FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE , FAIL_OPENSSH70_LOGJAM ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' gss-group1-sha1-toWM5Slw5Ew8Mqkay+al2g== ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_1024BIT_MODULUS , FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE , FAIL_OPENSSH70_LOGJAM ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
' gss-gex-sha1-toWM5Slw5Ew8Mqkay+al2g== ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' gss-gex-sha1- ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' gss-group1-sha1- ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' gss-group14-sha1- ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' gss-group14-sha1-toWM5Slw5Ew8Mqkay+al2g== ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' gss-group14-sha256-toWM5Slw5Ew8Mqkay+al2g== ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' gss-group15-sha512-toWM5Slw5Ew8Mqkay+al2g== ' : [ [ ] ] ,
2020-06-30 22:58:28 -04:00
' diffie-hellman-group1-sha256 ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_1024BIT_MODULUS ] ] ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
' diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 ' : [ [ ' 3.9,d0.53,l10.6.0 ' ] , [ ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 ' : [ [ ' 7.3,d2016.73 ' ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group14-sha256@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group15-sha256 ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group15-sha256@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group15-sha384@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group15-sha512 ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group16-sha256 ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group16-sha384@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 ' : [ [ ' 7.3,d2016.73 ' ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group16-sha512@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group17-sha512 ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 ' : [ [ ' 7.3 ' ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group18-sha512@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 ' : [ [ ' 2.3.0 ' , ' 6.6 ' , None ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 ' : [ [ ' 4.4 ' ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha512@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-curve25519 ' : [ [ ] , [ ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistb233 ' : [ [ ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistb409 ' : [ [ ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistk163 ' : [ [ ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistk233 ' : [ [ ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistk283 ' : [ [ ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistk409 ' : [ [ ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistp192 ' : [ [ ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistp224 ' : [ [ ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistp256 ' : [ [ ' 5.7,d2013.62,l10.6.0 ' ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistp384 ' : [ [ ' 5.7,d2013.62 ' ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistp521 ' : [ [ ' 5.7,d2013.62 ' ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistt571 ' : [ [ ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] ] ,
' ecdh-sha2- ' : [ [ ] ] , # ECDH over secp256k1 (i.e.: the Bitcoin curve)
' curve25519-sha256@libssh.org ' : [ [ ' 6.5,d2013.62,l10.6.0 ' ] ] ,
' curve25519-sha256 ' : [ [ ' 7.4,d2018.76 ' ] ] ,
' curve448-sha512 ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' kexguess2@matt.ucc.asn.au ' : [ [ ' d2013.57 ' ] ] ,
2020-06-30 22:51:13 -04:00
' rsa1024-sha1 ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_1024BIT_MODULUS ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
' rsa2048-sha256 ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' sntrup4591761x25519-sha512@tinyssh.org ' : [ [ ' 8.0 ' ] , [ ] , [ WARN_EXPERIMENTAL ] ] ,
' ext-info-c ' : [ [ ] ] , # Extension negotiation (RFC 8308)
' ext-info-s ' : [ [ ] ] , # Extension negotiation (RFC 8308)
} ,
' key ' : {
' ssh-rsa1 ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_WEAK_ALGORITHM ] ] ,
' rsa-sha2-256 ' : [ [ ' 7.2 ' ] ] ,
' rsa-sha2-512 ' : [ [ ' 7.2 ' ] ] ,
' ssh-ed25519 ' : [ [ ' 6.5,l10.7.0 ' ] ] ,
' ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.5 ' ] ] ,
' ssh-rsa ' : [ [ ' 2.5.0,d0.28,l10.2 ' ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
2020-06-30 22:51:13 -04:00
' ssh-dss ' : [ [ ' 2.1.0,d0.28,l10.2 ' , ' 6.9 ' ] , [ FAIL_1024BIT_MODULUS , FAIL_OPENSSH70_WEAK ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
' ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ' : [ [ ' 5.7,d2013.62,l10.6.4 ' ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
' ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 ' : [ [ ' 5.7,d2013.62,l10.6.4 ' ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
' ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 ' : [ [ ' 5.7,d2013.62,l10.6.4 ' ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
' ecdsa-sha2- ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] , # ECDSA over secp256k1 (i.e.: the Bitcoin curve)
2020-06-30 22:51:13 -04:00
' x509v3-sign-dss ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_1024BIT_MODULUS , FAIL_OPENSSH70_WEAK ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
' x509v3-sign-rsa ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' x509v3-sign-rsa-sha256@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] ] ,
2020-06-30 22:51:13 -04:00
' x509v3-ssh-dss ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_1024BIT_MODULUS , FAIL_OPENSSH70_WEAK ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
' x509v3-ssh-rsa ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' ssh-rsa-cert-v00@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 5.4 ' , ' 6.9 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH70_LEGACY ] , [ ] ] ,
2020-06-30 22:51:13 -04:00
' ssh-dss-cert-v00@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 5.4 ' , ' 6.9 ' ] , [ FAIL_1024BIT_MODULUS , FAIL_OPENSSH70_LEGACY ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
' ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 5.6 ' ] ] ,
2020-06-30 22:51:13 -04:00
' ssh-dss-cert-v01@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 5.6 ' , ' 6.9 ' ] , [ FAIL_1024BIT_MODULUS , FAIL_OPENSSH70_WEAK ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
' ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 5.7 ' ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
' ecdsa-sha2-nistp384-cert-v01@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 5.7 ' ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
' ecdsa-sha2-nistp521-cert-v01@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 5.7 ' ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
' rsa-sha2-256-cert-v01@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 7.8 ' ] ] ,
' rsa-sha2-512-cert-v01@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 7.8 ' ] ] ,
' ssh-rsa-sha256@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] ] ,
2020-07-01 14:32:55 -04:00
' ssh-dss-sha256@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_1024BIT_MODULUS ] ] ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
' sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256-cert-v01@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 8.2 ' ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
' sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 8.2 ' ] , [ WARN_CURVES_WEAK ] , [ WARN_RNDSIG_KEY ] ] ,
' sk-ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 8.2 ' ] ] ,
' sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 8.2 ' ] ] ,
} ,
' enc ' : {
' none ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2,d2013.56,l10.2 ' ] , [ FAIL_PLAINTEXT ] ] ,
' des ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_WEAK_CIPHER ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE , WARN_BLOCK_SIZE ] ] ,
' des-cbc ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_WEAK_CIPHER ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE , WARN_BLOCK_SIZE ] ] ,
' des-cbc-ssh1 ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_WEAK_CIPHER ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE , WARN_BLOCK_SIZE ] ] ,
' 3des-cbc ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2,d0.28,l10.2 ' , ' 6.6 ' , None ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH74_UNSAFE , WARN_CIPHER_WEAK , WARN_CIPHER_MODE , WARN_BLOCK_SIZE ] ] ,
' 3des-ctr ' : [ [ ' d0.52 ' ] , [ FAIL_WEAK_CIPHER ] ] ,
' blowfish ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_WEAK_ALGORITHM ] , [ WARN_BLOCK_SIZE ] ] ,
' blowfish-cbc ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2,d0.28,l10.2 ' , ' 6.6,d0.52 ' , ' 7.1,d0.52 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE , FAIL_DBEAR53_DISABLED ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_CIPHER_MODE , WARN_BLOCK_SIZE ] ] ,
' twofish-cbc ' : [ [ ' d0.28 ' , ' d2014.66 ' ] , [ FAIL_DBEAR67_DISABLED ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' twofish128-cbc ' : [ [ ' d0.47 ' , ' d2014.66 ' ] , [ FAIL_DBEAR67_DISABLED ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' twofish192-cbc ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' twofish256-cbc ' : [ [ ' d0.47 ' , ' d2014.66 ' ] , [ FAIL_DBEAR67_DISABLED ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' twofish-ctr ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' twofish128-ctr ' : [ [ ' d2015.68 ' ] ] ,
' twofish192-ctr ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' twofish256-ctr ' : [ [ ' d2015.68 ' ] ] ,
' serpent128-cbc ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_DEPRECATED_CIPHER ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' serpent192-cbc ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_DEPRECATED_CIPHER ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' serpent256-cbc ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_DEPRECATED_CIPHER ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' serpent128-ctr ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_DEPRECATED_CIPHER ] ] ,
' serpent192-ctr ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_DEPRECATED_CIPHER ] ] ,
' serpent256-ctr ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_DEPRECATED_CIPHER ] ] ,
' idea-cbc ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_DEPRECATED_CIPHER ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' idea-ctr ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_DEPRECATED_CIPHER ] ] ,
' cast128-ctr ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_DEPRECATED_CIPHER ] ] ,
' cast128-cbc ' : [ [ ' 2.1.0 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_CIPHER_MODE , WARN_BLOCK_SIZE ] ] ,
' arcfour ' : [ [ ' 2.1.0 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_CIPHER_WEAK ] ] ,
' arcfour128 ' : [ [ ' 4.2 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_CIPHER_WEAK ] ] ,
' arcfour256 ' : [ [ ' 4.2 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_CIPHER_WEAK ] ] ,
' aes128-cbc ' : [ [ ' 2.3.0,d0.28,l10.2 ' , ' 6.6 ' , None ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' aes192-cbc ' : [ [ ' 2.3.0,l10.2 ' , ' 6.6 ' , None ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' aes256-cbc ' : [ [ ' 2.3.0,d0.47,l10.2 ' , ' 6.6 ' , None ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' rijndael128-cbc ' : [ [ ' 2.3.0 ' , ' 3.0.2 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH31_REMOVE ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' rijndael192-cbc ' : [ [ ' 2.3.0 ' , ' 3.0.2 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH31_REMOVE ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' rijndael256-cbc ' : [ [ ' 2.3.0 ' , ' 3.0.2 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH31_REMOVE ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se ' : [ [ ' 2.3.0 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' aes128-ctr ' : [ [ ' 3.7,d0.52,l10.4.1 ' ] ] ,
' aes192-ctr ' : [ [ ' 3.7,l10.4.1 ' ] ] ,
' aes256-ctr ' : [ [ ' 3.7,d0.52,l10.4.1 ' ] ] ,
' aes128-gcm ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' aes256-gcm ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' AEAD_AES_128_GCM ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' AEAD_AES_256_GCM ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' aes128-gcm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.2 ' ] ] ,
' aes256-gcm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.2 ' ] ] ,
' chacha20-poly1305 ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ ] , [ INFO_OPENSSH69_CHACHA ] ] ,
' chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.5 ' ] , [ ] , [ ] , [ INFO_OPENSSH69_CHACHA ] ] ,
' camellia128-cbc ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' camellia128-ctr ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' camellia192-cbc ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' camellia192-ctr ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' camellia256-cbc ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
' camellia256-ctr ' : [ [ ] ] ,
2020-07-01 14:32:55 -04:00
' crypticore128@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_UNPROVEN ] ] ,
' seed-cbc@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_OBSOLETE , WARN_CIPHER_MODE ] ] ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
} ,
' mac ' : {
' none ' : [ [ ' d2013.56 ' ] , [ FAIL_PLAINTEXT ] ] ,
' hmac-sha1 ' : [ [ ' 2.1.0,d0.28,l10.2 ' ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC , WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' hmac-sha1-96 ' : [ [ ' 2.5.0,d0.47 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC , WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' hmac-sha2-56 ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_TAG_SIZE , WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha2-224 ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_TAG_SIZE , WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha2-256 ' : [ [ ' 5.9,d2013.56,l10.7.0 ' ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha2-256-96 ' : [ [ ' 5.9 ' , ' 6.0 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH61_REMOVE ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha2-384 ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha2-512 ' : [ [ ' 5.9,d2013.56,l10.7.0 ' ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha2-512-96 ' : [ [ ' 5.9 ' , ' 6.0 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH61_REMOVE ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha3-224 ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha3-256 ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha3-384 ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha3-512 ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha256 ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha256-96@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC , WARN_TAG_SIZE ] ] ,
' hmac-sha256@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha512 ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha512@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-md5 ' : [ [ ' 2.1.0,d0.28 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC , WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' hmac-md5-96 ' : [ [ ' 2.5.0 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC , WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' hmac-ripemd ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_DEPRECATED_MAC ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-ripemd160 ' : [ [ ' 2.5.0 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 2.1.0 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' umac-64@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 4.7 ' ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC , WARN_TAG_SIZE ] ] ,
' umac-128@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.2 ' ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] ,
' hmac-sha1-etm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.2 ' ] , [ ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' hmac-sha1-96-etm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.2 ' , ' 6.6 ' , None ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' hmac-sha2-256-96-etm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_TAG_SIZE_96 ] ] , # Despite the @openssh.com tag, it doesn't appear that this was ever shipped with OpenSSH; it is only implemented in AsyncSSH (?).
' hmac-sha2-512-96-etm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_TAG_SIZE_96 ] ] , # Despite the @openssh.com tag, it doesn't appear that this was ever shipped with OpenSSH; it is only implemented in AsyncSSH (?).
' hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.2 ' ] ] ,
' hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.2 ' ] ] ,
' hmac-md5-etm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.2 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' hmac-md5-96-etm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.2 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY , WARN_HASH_WEAK ] ] ,
' hmac-ripemd160-etm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.2 ' , ' 6.6 ' , ' 7.1 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH67_UNSAFE ] , [ WARN_OPENSSH72_LEGACY ] ] ,
' umac-32@openssh.com ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC , WARN_TAG_SIZE ] ] , # Despite having the @openssh.com suffix, this may never have shipped with OpenSSH (!).
' umac-64-etm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.2 ' ] , [ ] , [ WARN_TAG_SIZE ] ] ,
' umac-96@openssh.com ' : [ [ ] , [ ] , [ WARN_ENCRYPT_AND_MAC ] ] , # Despite having the @openssh.com suffix, this may never have shipped with OpenSSH (!).
' umac-128-etm@openssh.com ' : [ [ ' 6.2 ' ] ] ,
' aes128-gcm ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' aes256-gcm ' : [ [ ] ] ,
' chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com ' : [ [ ] ] , # Despite the @openssh.com tag, this was never shipped as a MAC in OpenSSH (only as a cipher); it is only implemented as a MAC in Syncplify.
2020-07-01 14:32:55 -04:00
' crypticore-mac@ssh.com ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_UNPROVEN ] ] ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[List[Optional[str]]]]]
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class KexParty :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , enc : List [ str ] , mac : List [ str ] , compression : List [ str ] , languages : List [ str ] ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __enc = enc
self . __mac = mac
self . __compression = compression
self . __languages = languages
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def encryption ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __enc
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def mac ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __mac
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def compression ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __compression
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def languages ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __languages
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class Kex :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , cookie : bytes , kex_algs : List [ str ] , key_algs : List [ str ] , cli : ' SSH2.KexParty ' , srv : ' SSH2.KexParty ' , follows : bool , unused : int = 0 ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __cookie = cookie
self . __kex_algs = kex_algs
self . __key_algs = key_algs
self . __client = cli
self . __server = srv
self . __follows = follows
self . __unused = unused
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
self . __rsa_key_sizes = { } # type: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]
self . __dh_modulus_sizes = { } # type: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]
self . __host_keys = { } # type: Dict[str, bytes]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def cookie ( self ) - > bytes :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __cookie
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def kex_algorithms ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __kex_algs
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def key_algorithms ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __key_algs
# client_to_server
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def client ( self ) - > ' SSH2.KexParty ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __client
# server_to_client
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def server ( self ) - > ' SSH2.KexParty ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __server
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def follows ( self ) - > bool :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __follows
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def unused ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __unused
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def set_rsa_key_size ( self , rsa_type : str , hostkey_size : int , ca_size : int = - 1 ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __rsa_key_sizes [ rsa_type ] = ( hostkey_size , ca_size )
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def rsa_key_sizes ( self ) - > Dict [ str , Tuple [ int , int ] ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __rsa_key_sizes
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def set_dh_modulus_size ( self , gex_alg : str , modulus_size : int ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __dh_modulus_sizes [ gex_alg ] = ( modulus_size , - 1 )
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def dh_modulus_sizes ( self ) - > Dict [ str , Tuple [ int , int ] ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __dh_modulus_sizes
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def set_host_key ( self , key_type : str , hostkey : bytes ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __host_keys [ key_type ] = hostkey
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def host_keys ( self ) - > Dict [ str , bytes ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __host_keys
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def write ( self , wbuf : ' WriteBuf ' ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
wbuf . write ( self . cookie )
wbuf . write_list ( self . kex_algorithms )
wbuf . write_list ( self . key_algorithms )
wbuf . write_list ( self . client . encryption )
wbuf . write_list ( self . server . encryption )
wbuf . write_list ( self . client . mac )
wbuf . write_list ( self . server . mac )
wbuf . write_list ( self . client . compression )
wbuf . write_list ( self . server . compression )
wbuf . write_list ( self . client . languages )
wbuf . write_list ( self . server . languages )
wbuf . write_bool ( self . follows )
wbuf . write_int ( self . __unused )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def payload ( self ) - > bytes :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
wbuf = WriteBuf ( )
self . write ( wbuf )
return wbuf . write_flush ( )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def parse ( cls , payload : bytes ) - > ' SSH2.Kex ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
buf = ReadBuf ( payload )
cookie = buf . read ( 16 )
kex_algs = buf . read_list ( )
key_algs = buf . read_list ( )
cli_enc = buf . read_list ( )
srv_enc = buf . read_list ( )
cli_mac = buf . read_list ( )
srv_mac = buf . read_list ( )
cli_compression = buf . read_list ( )
srv_compression = buf . read_list ( )
cli_languages = buf . read_list ( )
srv_languages = buf . read_list ( )
follows = buf . read_bool ( )
unused = buf . read_int ( )
cli = SSH2 . KexParty ( cli_enc , cli_mac , cli_compression , cli_languages )
srv = SSH2 . KexParty ( srv_enc , srv_mac , srv_compression , srv_languages )
kex = cls ( cookie , kex_algs , key_algs , cli , srv , follows , unused )
return kex
# Obtains host keys, checks their size, and derives their fingerprints.
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class HostKeyTest :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Tracks the RSA host key types. As of this writing, testing one in this family yields valid results for the rest.
RSA_FAMILY = [ ' ssh-rsa ' , ' rsa-sha2-256 ' , ' rsa-sha2-512 ' ]
# Dict holding the host key types we should extract & parse. 'cert' is True to denote that a host key type handles certificates (thus requires additional parsing). 'variable_key_len' is True for host key types that can have variable sizes (True only for RSA types, as the rest are of fixed-size). After the host key type is fully parsed, the key 'parsed' is added with a value of True.
' ssh-rsa ' : { ' cert ' : False , ' variable_key_len ' : True } ,
' rsa-sha2-256 ' : { ' cert ' : False , ' variable_key_len ' : True } ,
' rsa-sha2-512 ' : { ' cert ' : False , ' variable_key_len ' : True } ,
' ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com ' : { ' cert ' : True , ' variable_key_len ' : True } ,
' ssh-ed25519 ' : { ' cert ' : False , ' variable_key_len ' : False } ,
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
' ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com ' : { ' cert ' : True , ' variable_key_len ' : False } ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def run ( s : ' SSH.Socket ' , server_kex : ' SSH2.Kex ' ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
' diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 ' : KexGroup1 ,
' diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 ' : KexGroup14_SHA1 ,
' diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 ' : KexGroup14_SHA256 ,
' curve25519-sha256 ' : KexCurve25519_SHA256 ,
' curve25519-sha256@libssh.org ' : KexCurve25519_SHA256 ,
' diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 ' : KexGroup16_SHA512 ,
' diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 ' : KexGroup18_SHA512 ,
' diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 ' : KexGroupExchange_SHA1 ,
' diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 ' : KexGroupExchange_SHA256 ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistp256 ' : KexNISTP256 ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistp384 ' : KexNISTP384 ,
' ecdh-sha2-nistp521 ' : KexNISTP521 ,
# 'kexguess2@matt.ucc.asn.au': ???
# Pick the first kex algorithm that the server supports, which we
# happen to support as well.
kex_str = None
kex_group = None
for server_kex_alg in server_kex . kex_algorithms :
if server_kex_alg in KEX_TO_DHGROUP :
kex_str = server_kex_alg
kex_group = KEX_TO_DHGROUP [ kex_str ] ( )
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
if kex_str is not None and kex_group is not None :
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
SSH2 . HostKeyTest . perform_test ( s , server_kex , kex_str , kex_group , SSH2 . HostKeyTest . HOST_KEY_TYPES )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def perform_test ( s : ' SSH.Socket ' , server_kex : ' SSH2.Kex ' , kex_str : str , kex_group : ' KexDH ' , host_key_types : Dict [ str , Dict [ str , bool ] ] ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
hostkey_modulus_size = 0
ca_modulus_size = 0
# For each host key type...
for host_key_type in host_key_types :
# Skip those already handled (i.e.: those in the RSA family, as testing one tests them all).
if ' parsed ' in host_key_types [ host_key_type ] and host_key_types [ host_key_type ] [ ' parsed ' ] :
# If this host key type is supported by the server, we test it.
if host_key_type in server_kex . key_algorithms :
cert = host_key_types [ host_key_type ] [ ' cert ' ]
variable_key_len = host_key_types [ host_key_type ] [ ' variable_key_len ' ]
# If the connection is closed, re-open it and get the kex again.
if not s . is_connected ( ) :
s . connect ( )
unused = None # pylint: disable=unused-variable
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
unused2 = None # pylint: disable=unused-variable
unused , unused2 , err = s . get_banner ( )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if err is not None :
s . close ( )
# Parse the server's initial KEX.
packet_type = 0 # pylint: disable=unused-variable
packet_type , payload = s . read_packet ( )
SSH2 . Kex . parse ( payload )
# Send the server our KEXINIT message, using only our
# selected kex and host key type. Send the server's own
# list of ciphers and MACs back to it (this doesn't
# matter, really).
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
client_kex = SSH2 . Kex ( os . urandom ( 16 ) , [ kex_str ] , [ host_key_type ] , server_kex . client , server_kex . server , False , 0 )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
s . write_byte ( SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXINIT )
client_kex . write ( s )
s . send_packet ( )
# Do the initial DH exchange. The server responds back
# with the host key and its length. Bingo. We also get back the host key fingerprint.
kex_group . send_init ( s )
host_key = kex_group . recv_reply ( s , variable_key_len )
2020-06-27 23:59:15 -04:00
if host_key is not None :
server_kex . set_host_key ( host_key_type , host_key )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
hostkey_modulus_size = kex_group . get_hostkey_size ( )
ca_modulus_size = kex_group . get_ca_size ( )
# Close the socket, as the connection has
# been put in a state that later tests can't use.
s . close ( )
# If the host key modulus or CA modulus was successfully parsed, check to see that its a safe size.
if hostkey_modulus_size > 0 or ca_modulus_size > 0 :
# Set the hostkey size for all RSA key types since 'ssh-rsa',
# 'rsa-sha2-256', etc. are all using the same host key.
# Note, however, that this may change in the future.
if cert is False and host_key_type in SSH2 . HostKeyTest . RSA_FAMILY :
for rsa_type in SSH2 . HostKeyTest . RSA_FAMILY :
server_kex . set_rsa_key_size ( rsa_type , hostkey_modulus_size )
elif cert is True :
server_kex . set_rsa_key_size ( host_key_type , hostkey_modulus_size , ca_modulus_size )
# Keys smaller than 2048 result in a failure. Update the database accordingly.
if ( cert is False ) and ( hostkey_modulus_size < 2048 ) :
for rsa_type in SSH2 . HostKeyTest . RSA_FAMILY :
alg_list = SSH2 . KexDB . ALGORITHMS [ ' key ' ] [ rsa_type ]
alg_list . append ( [ ' using small %d -bit modulus ' % hostkey_modulus_size ] )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
elif ( cert is True ) and ( ( hostkey_modulus_size < 2048 ) or ( ca_modulus_size > 0 and ca_modulus_size < 2048 ) ) : # pylint: disable=chained-comparison
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
alg_list = SSH2 . KexDB . ALGORITHMS [ ' key ' ] [ host_key_type ]
min_modulus = min ( hostkey_modulus_size , ca_modulus_size )
min_modulus = min_modulus if min_modulus > 0 else max ( hostkey_modulus_size , ca_modulus_size )
alg_list . append ( [ ' using small %d -bit modulus ' % min_modulus ] )
# If this host key type is in the RSA family, then mark them all as parsed (since results in one are valid for them all).
if host_key_type in SSH2 . HostKeyTest . RSA_FAMILY :
for rsa_type in SSH2 . HostKeyTest . RSA_FAMILY :
host_key_types [ rsa_type ] [ ' parsed ' ] = True
else :
host_key_types [ host_key_type ] [ ' parsed ' ] = True
# Performs DH group exchanges to find what moduli are supported, and checks
# their size.
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class GEXTest :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
# Creates a new connection to the server. Returns True on success, or False.
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def reconnect ( s : ' SSH.Socket ' , gex_alg : str ) - > bool :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if s . is_connected ( ) :
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
return True
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
s . connect ( )
unused = None # pylint: disable=unused-variable
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
unused2 = None # pylint: disable=unused-variable
unused , unused2 , err = s . get_banner ( )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if err is not None :
s . close ( )
return False
# Parse the server's initial KEX.
packet_type = 0 # pylint: disable=unused-variable
packet_type , payload = s . read_packet ( 2 )
kex = SSH2 . Kex . parse ( payload )
# Send our KEX using the specified group-exchange and most of the
# server's own values.
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
client_kex = SSH2 . Kex ( os . urandom ( 16 ) , [ gex_alg ] , kex . key_algorithms , kex . client , kex . server , False , 0 )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
s . write_byte ( SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXINIT )
client_kex . write ( s )
s . send_packet ( )
return True
# Runs the DH moduli test against the specified target.
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def run ( s : ' SSH.Socket ' , kex : ' SSH2.Kex ' ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
' diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 ' : KexGroupExchange_SHA1 ,
' diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 ' : KexGroupExchange_SHA256 ,
# The previous RSA tests put the server in a state we can't
# test. So we need a new connection to start with a clean
# slate.
if s . is_connected ( ) :
s . close ( )
# Check if the server supports any of the group-exchange
# algorithms. If so, test each one.
for gex_alg in GEX_ALGS :
if gex_alg in kex . kex_algorithms :
if SSH2 . GEXTest . reconnect ( s , gex_alg ) is False :
kex_group = GEX_ALGS [ gex_alg ] ( )
smallest_modulus = - 1
# First try a range of weak sizes.
try :
kex_group . send_init_gex ( s , 512 , 1024 , 1536 )
kex_group . recv_reply ( s , False )
# Its been observed that servers will return a group
# larger than the requested max. So just because we
# got here, doesn't mean the server is vulnerable...
smallest_modulus = kex_group . get_dh_modulus_size ( )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
except Exception :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
finally :
s . close ( )
# Try an array of specific modulus sizes... one at a time.
reconnect_failed = False
for bits in [ 512 , 768 , 1024 , 1536 , 2048 , 3072 , 4096 ] :
# If we found one modulus size already, but we're about
# to test a larger one, don't bother.
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
if bits > = smallest_modulus > 0 :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if SSH2 . GEXTest . reconnect ( s , gex_alg ) is False :
reconnect_failed = True
try :
kex_group . send_init_gex ( s , bits , bits , bits )
kex_group . recv_reply ( s , False )
smallest_modulus = kex_group . get_dh_modulus_size ( )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
except Exception :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# import traceback
# print(traceback.format_exc())
finally :
# The server is in a state that is not re-testable,
# so there's nothing else to do with this open
# connection.
s . close ( )
if smallest_modulus > 0 :
kex . set_dh_modulus_size ( gex_alg , smallest_modulus )
# We flag moduli smaller than 2048 as a failure.
if smallest_modulus < 2048 :
text = ' using small %d -bit modulus ' % smallest_modulus
lst = SSH2 . KexDB . ALGORITHMS [ ' kex ' ] [ gex_alg ]
# For 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256', add
# a failure reason.
if len ( lst ) == 1 :
lst . append ( [ text ] )
# For 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1', delete
# the existing failure reason (which is vague), and
# insert our own.
else :
del lst [ 1 ]
lst . insert ( 1 , [ text ] )
if reconnect_failed :
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class SSH1 :
class CRC32 :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . _table = [ 0 ] * 256
for i in range ( 256 ) :
crc = 0
n = i
for _ in range ( 8 ) :
x = ( crc ^ n ) & 1
crc = ( crc >> 1 ) ^ ( x * 0xedb88320 )
n = n >> 1
self . _table [ i ] = crc
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def calc ( self , v : bytes ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
crc , length = 0 , len ( v )
for i in range ( length ) :
n = ord ( v [ i : i + 1 ] )
n = n ^ ( crc & 0xff )
crc = ( crc >> 8 ) ^ self . _table [ n ]
return crc
_crc32 = None # type: Optional[SSH1.CRC32]
CIPHERS = [ ' none ' , ' idea ' , ' des ' , ' 3des ' , ' tss ' , ' rc4 ' , ' blowfish ' ]
AUTHS = [ ' none ' , ' rhosts ' , ' rsa ' , ' password ' , ' rhosts_rsa ' , ' tis ' , ' kerberos ' ]
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def crc32 ( cls , v : bytes ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if cls . _crc32 is None :
cls . _crc32 = cls . CRC32 ( )
return cls . _crc32 . calc ( v )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class KexDB : # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
FAIL_PLAINTEXT = ' no encryption/integrity '
FAIL_OPENSSH37_REMOVE = ' removed since OpenSSH 3.7 '
FAIL_NA_BROKEN = ' not implemented in OpenSSH, broken algorithm '
FAIL_NA_UNSAFE = ' not implemented in OpenSSH (server), unsafe algorithm '
TEXT_CIPHER_IDEA = ' cipher used by commercial SSH '
' key ' : {
' ssh-rsa1 ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2 ' ] ] ,
} ,
' enc ' : {
' none ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2 ' ] , [ FAIL_PLAINTEXT ] ] ,
' idea ' : [ [ None ] , [ ] , [ ] , [ TEXT_CIPHER_IDEA ] ] ,
' des ' : [ [ ' 2.3.0C ' ] , [ FAIL_NA_UNSAFE ] ] ,
' 3des ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2 ' ] ] ,
' tss ' : [ [ ' ' ] , [ FAIL_NA_BROKEN ] ] ,
' rc4 ' : [ [ ] , [ FAIL_NA_BROKEN ] ] ,
' blowfish ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2 ' ] ] ,
} ,
' aut ' : {
' rhosts ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2 ' , ' 3.6 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH37_REMOVE ] ] ,
' rsa ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2 ' ] ] ,
' password ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2 ' ] ] ,
' rhosts_rsa ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2 ' ] ] ,
' tis ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2 ' ] ] ,
' kerberos ' : [ [ ' 1.2.2 ' , ' 3.6 ' ] , [ FAIL_OPENSSH37_REMOVE ] ] ,
} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[List[Optional[str]]]]]
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class PublicKeyMessage :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , cookie : bytes , skey : Tuple [ int , int , int ] , hkey : Tuple [ int , int , int ] , pflags : int , cmask : int , amask : int ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if len ( skey ) != 3 :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
raise ValueError ( ' invalid server key pair: {} ' . format ( skey ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if len ( hkey ) != 3 :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
raise ValueError ( ' invalid host key pair: {} ' . format ( hkey ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __cookie = cookie
self . __server_key = skey
self . __host_key = hkey
self . __protocol_flags = pflags
self . __supported_ciphers_mask = cmask
self . __supported_authentications_mask = amask
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def cookie ( self ) - > bytes :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __cookie
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def server_key_bits ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __server_key [ 0 ]
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def server_key_public_exponent ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __server_key [ 1 ]
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def server_key_public_modulus ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __server_key [ 2 ]
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def host_key_bits ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __host_key [ 0 ]
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def host_key_public_exponent ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __host_key [ 1 ]
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def host_key_public_modulus ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __host_key [ 2 ]
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def host_key_fingerprint_data ( self ) - > bytes :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# pylint: disable=protected-access
mod = WriteBuf . _create_mpint ( self . host_key_public_modulus , False )
e = WriteBuf . _create_mpint ( self . host_key_public_exponent , False )
return mod + e
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def protocol_flags ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __protocol_flags
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def supported_ciphers_mask ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __supported_ciphers_mask
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def supported_ciphers ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
ciphers = [ ]
for i in range ( len ( SSH1 . CIPHERS ) ) :
if self . __supported_ciphers_mask & ( 1 << i ) != 0 :
2020-06-17 04:50:07 +02:00
ciphers . append ( utils . to_text ( SSH1 . CIPHERS [ i ] ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return ciphers
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def supported_authentications_mask ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __supported_authentications_mask
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def supported_authentications ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
auths = [ ]
for i in range ( 1 , len ( SSH1 . AUTHS ) ) :
if self . __supported_authentications_mask & ( 1 << i ) != 0 :
2020-06-17 04:50:07 +02:00
auths . append ( utils . to_text ( SSH1 . AUTHS [ i ] ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return auths
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def write ( self , wbuf : ' WriteBuf ' ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
wbuf . write ( self . cookie )
wbuf . write_int ( self . server_key_bits )
wbuf . write_mpint1 ( self . server_key_public_exponent )
wbuf . write_mpint1 ( self . server_key_public_modulus )
wbuf . write_int ( self . host_key_bits )
wbuf . write_mpint1 ( self . host_key_public_exponent )
wbuf . write_mpint1 ( self . host_key_public_modulus )
wbuf . write_int ( self . protocol_flags )
wbuf . write_int ( self . supported_ciphers_mask )
wbuf . write_int ( self . supported_authentications_mask )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def payload ( self ) - > bytes :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
wbuf = WriteBuf ( )
self . write ( wbuf )
return wbuf . write_flush ( )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def parse ( cls , payload : bytes ) - > ' SSH1.PublicKeyMessage ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
buf = ReadBuf ( payload )
cookie = buf . read ( 8 )
server_key_bits = buf . read_int ( )
server_key_exponent = buf . read_mpint1 ( )
server_key_modulus = buf . read_mpint1 ( )
skey = ( server_key_bits , server_key_exponent , server_key_modulus )
host_key_bits = buf . read_int ( )
host_key_exponent = buf . read_mpint1 ( )
host_key_modulus = buf . read_mpint1 ( )
hkey = ( host_key_bits , host_key_exponent , host_key_modulus )
pflags = buf . read_int ( )
cmask = buf . read_int ( )
amask = buf . read_int ( )
pkm = cls ( cookie , skey , hkey , pflags , cmask , amask )
return pkm
2016-09-15 18:00:09 +03:00
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class ReadBuf :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , data : Optional [ bytes ] = None ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
super ( ReadBuf , self ) . __init__ ( )
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
self . _buf = io . BytesIO ( data ) if data is not None else io . BytesIO ( )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . _len = len ( data ) if data is not None else 0
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def unread_len ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . _len - self . _buf . tell ( )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def read ( self , size : int ) - > bytes :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . _buf . read ( size )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def read_byte ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
v = struct . unpack ( ' B ' , self . read ( 1 ) ) [ 0 ] # type: int
return v
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def read_bool ( self ) - > bool :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . read_byte ( ) != 0
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def read_int ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
v = struct . unpack ( ' >I ' , self . read ( 4 ) ) [ 0 ] # type: int
return v
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def read_list ( self ) - > List [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
list_size = self . read_int ( )
return self . read ( list_size ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' , ' replace ' ) . split ( ' , ' )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def read_string ( self ) - > bytes :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
n = self . read_int ( )
return self . read ( n )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _parse_mpint ( cls , v : bytes , pad : bytes , f : str ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
r = 0
if len ( v ) % 4 != 0 :
v = pad * ( 4 - ( len ( v ) % 4 ) ) + v
for i in range ( 0 , len ( v ) , 4 ) :
r = ( r << 32 ) | struct . unpack ( f , v [ i : i + 4 ] ) [ 0 ]
return r
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def read_mpint1 ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# NOTE: Data Type Enc @ http://www.snailbook.com/docs/protocol-1.5.txt
bits = struct . unpack ( ' >H ' , self . read ( 2 ) ) [ 0 ]
n = ( bits + 7 ) / / 8
return self . _parse_mpint ( self . read ( n ) , b ' \x00 ' , ' >I ' )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def read_mpint2 ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# NOTE: Section 5 @ https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4251.txt
v = self . read_string ( )
if len ( v ) == 0 :
return 0
pad , f = ( b ' \xff ' , ' >i ' ) if ord ( v [ 0 : 1 ] ) & 0x80 != 0 else ( b ' \x00 ' , ' >I ' )
return self . _parse_mpint ( v , pad , f )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def read_line ( self ) - > str :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . _buf . readline ( ) . rstrip ( ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' , ' replace ' )
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def reset ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
self . _buf = io . BytesIO ( )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . _len = 0
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class WriteBuf :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , data : Optional [ bytes ] = None ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
super ( WriteBuf , self ) . __init__ ( )
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
self . _wbuf = io . BytesIO ( data ) if data is not None else io . BytesIO ( )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def write ( self , data : bytes ) - > ' WriteBuf ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . _wbuf . write ( data )
return self
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def write_byte ( self , v : int ) - > ' WriteBuf ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . write ( struct . pack ( ' B ' , v ) )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def write_bool ( self , v : bool ) - > ' WriteBuf ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . write_byte ( 1 if v else 0 )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def write_int ( self , v : int ) - > ' WriteBuf ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . write ( struct . pack ( ' >I ' , v ) )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def write_string ( self , v : Union [ bytes , str ] ) - > ' WriteBuf ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if not isinstance ( v , bytes ) :
v = bytes ( bytearray ( v , ' utf-8 ' ) )
self . write_int ( len ( v ) )
return self . write ( v )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def write_list ( self , v : List [ str ] ) - > ' WriteBuf ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . write_string ( u ' , ' . join ( v ) )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _bitlength ( cls , n : int ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
try :
return n . bit_length ( )
except AttributeError :
return len ( bin ( n ) ) - ( 2 if n > 0 else 3 )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _create_mpint ( cls , n : int , signed : bool = True , bits : Optional [ int ] = None ) - > bytes :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if bits is None :
bits = cls . _bitlength ( n )
length = bits / / 8 + ( 1 if n != 0 else 0 )
ql = ( length + 7 ) / / 8
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
fmt , v2 = ' > {} Q ' . format ( ql ) , [ 0 ] * ql
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
for i in range ( ql ) :
v2 [ ql - i - 1 ] = n & 0xffffffffffffffff
n >> = 64
data = bytes ( struct . pack ( fmt , * v2 ) [ - length : ] )
if not signed :
data = data . lstrip ( b ' \x00 ' )
elif data . startswith ( b ' \xff \x80 ' ) :
data = data [ 1 : ]
return data
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def write_mpint1 ( self , n : int ) - > ' WriteBuf ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# NOTE: Data Type Enc @ http://www.snailbook.com/docs/protocol-1.5.txt
bits = self . _bitlength ( n )
data = self . _create_mpint ( n , False , bits )
self . write ( struct . pack ( ' >H ' , bits ) )
return self . write ( data )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def write_mpint2 ( self , n : int ) - > ' WriteBuf ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# NOTE: Section 5 @ https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4251.txt
data = self . _create_mpint ( n )
return self . write_string ( data )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def write_line ( self , v : Union [ bytes , str ] ) - > ' WriteBuf ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if not isinstance ( v , bytes ) :
v = bytes ( bytearray ( v , ' utf-8 ' ) )
v + = b ' \r \n '
return self . write ( v )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def write_flush ( self ) - > bytes :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
payload = self . _wbuf . getvalue ( )
self . _wbuf . truncate ( 0 )
self . _wbuf . seek ( 0 )
return payload
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def reset ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
self . _wbuf = io . BytesIO ( )
2017-09-26 20:46:00 -04:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class SSH : # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class Protocol : # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class Product : # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
OpenSSH = ' OpenSSH '
DropbearSSH = ' Dropbear SSH '
LibSSH = ' libssh '
TinySSH = ' TinySSH '
PuTTY = ' PuTTY '
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class Software :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , vendor : Optional [ str ] , product : str , version : str , patch : Optional [ str ] , os_version : Optional [ str ] ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __vendor = vendor
self . __product = product
self . __version = version
self . __patch = patch
self . __os = os_version
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def vendor ( self ) - > Optional [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __vendor
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def product ( self ) - > str :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __product
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def version ( self ) - > str :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __version
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def patch ( self ) - > Optional [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __patch
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def os ( self ) - > Optional [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __os
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def compare_version ( self , other : Union [ None , ' SSH.Software ' , str ] ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
if other is None :
return 1
if isinstance ( other , SSH . Software ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
other = ' {} {} ' . format ( other . version , other . patch or ' ' )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
else :
other = str ( other )
mx = re . match ( r ' ^([ \ d \ .]+ \ d+)(.*)$ ' , other )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
oversion , opatch = mx . group ( 1 ) , mx . group ( 2 ) . strip ( )
else :
oversion , opatch = other , ' '
if self . version < oversion :
return - 1
elif self . version > oversion :
return 1
spatch = self . patch or ' '
if self . product == SSH . Product . DropbearSSH :
if not re . match ( r ' ^test \ d.*$ ' , opatch ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
opatch = ' z {} ' . format ( opatch )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if not re . match ( r ' ^test \ d.*$ ' , spatch ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
spatch = ' z {} ' . format ( spatch )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
elif self . product == SSH . Product . OpenSSH :
mx1 = re . match ( r ' ^p \ d(.*) ' , opatch )
mx2 = re . match ( r ' ^p \ d(.*) ' , spatch )
if not ( bool ( mx1 ) and bool ( mx2 ) ) :
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx1 is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
opatch = mx1 . group ( 1 )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx2 is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
spatch = mx2 . group ( 1 )
if spatch < opatch :
return - 1
elif spatch > opatch :
return 1
return 0
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def between_versions ( self , vfrom : str , vtill : str ) - > bool :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if bool ( vfrom ) and self . compare_version ( vfrom ) < 0 :
return False
if bool ( vtill ) and self . compare_version ( vtill ) > 0 :
return False
return True
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def display ( self , full : bool = True ) - > str :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r = ' {} ' . format ( self . vendor ) if bool ( self . vendor ) else ' '
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
r + = self . product
if bool ( self . version ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r + = ' {} ' . format ( self . version )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if full :
patch = self . patch or ' '
if self . product == SSH . Product . OpenSSH :
mx = re . match ( r ' ^(p \ d)(.*)$ ' , patch )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
r + = mx . group ( 1 )
patch = mx . group ( 2 ) . strip ( )
if bool ( patch ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r + = ' ( {} ) ' . format ( patch )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if bool ( self . os ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r + = ' running on {} ' . format ( self . os )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return r
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __str__ ( self ) - > str :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . display ( )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __repr__ ( self ) - > str :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r = ' vendor= {} , ' . format ( self . vendor ) if bool ( self . vendor ) else ' '
r + = ' product= {} ' . format ( self . product )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if bool ( self . version ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r + = ' , version= {} ' . format ( self . version )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if bool ( self . patch ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r + = ' , patch= {} ' . format ( self . patch )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if bool ( self . os ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r + = ' , os= {} ' . format ( self . os )
return ' < {} ( {} )> ' . format ( self . __class__ . __name__ , r )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _fix_patch ( patch : str ) - > Optional [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return re . sub ( r ' ^[-_ \ .]+ ' , ' ' , patch ) or None
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
def _fix_date ( d : Optional [ str ] ) - > Optional [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if d is not None and len ( d ) == 8 :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
return ' {} - {} - {} ' . format ( d [ : 4 ] , d [ 4 : 6 ] , d [ 6 : 8 ] )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
else :
return None
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _extract_os_version ( cls , c : Optional [ str ] ) - > Optional [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if c is None :
return None
mx = re . match ( r ' ^NetBSD(?:_Secure_Shell)?(?:[ \ s-]+( \ d {8} )(.*))?$ ' , c )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
d = cls . _fix_date ( mx . group ( 1 ) )
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
return ' NetBSD ' if d is None else ' NetBSD ( {} ) ' . format ( d )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
mx = re . match ( r ' ^FreeBSD(?: \ slocalisations)?[ \ s-]+( \ d {8} )(.*)$ ' , c )
if not bool ( mx ) :
mx = re . match ( r ' ^[^@]+@FreeBSD \ .org[ \ s-]+( \ d {8} )(.*)$ ' , c )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
d = cls . _fix_date ( mx . group ( 1 ) )
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
return ' FreeBSD ' if d is None else ' FreeBSD ( {} ) ' . format ( d )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
w = [ ' RemotelyAnywhere ' , ' DesktopAuthority ' , ' RemoteSupportManager ' ]
for win_soft in w :
mx = re . match ( r ' ^in ' + win_soft + r ' ([ \ d \ .]+ \ d)$ ' , c )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
ver = mx . group ( 1 )
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
return ' Microsoft Windows ( {} {} ) ' . format ( win_soft , ver )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
generic = [ ' NetBSD ' , ' FreeBSD ' ]
for g in generic :
if c . startswith ( g ) or c . endswith ( g ) :
return g
return None
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def parse ( cls , banner : ' SSH.Banner ' ) - > Optional [ ' SSH.Software ' ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
software = str ( banner . software )
mx = re . match ( r ' ^dropbear_([ \ d \ .]+ \ d+)(.*) ' , software )
v = None # type: Optional[str]
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
patch = cls . _fix_patch ( mx . group ( 2 ) )
v , p = ' Matt Johnston ' , SSH . Product . DropbearSSH
v = None
return cls ( v , p , mx . group ( 1 ) , patch , None )
mx = re . match ( r ' ^OpenSSH[_ \ .-]+([ \ d \ .]+ \ d+)(.*) ' , software )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
patch = cls . _fix_patch ( mx . group ( 2 ) )
v , p = ' OpenBSD ' , SSH . Product . OpenSSH
v = None
os_version = cls . _extract_os_version ( banner . comments )
return cls ( v , p , mx . group ( 1 ) , patch , os_version )
mx = re . match ( r ' ^libssh-([ \ d \ .]+ \ d+)(.*) ' , software )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
patch = cls . _fix_patch ( mx . group ( 2 ) )
v , p = None , SSH . Product . LibSSH
os_version = cls . _extract_os_version ( banner . comments )
return cls ( v , p , mx . group ( 1 ) , patch , os_version )
mx = re . match ( r ' ^libssh_([ \ d \ .]+ \ d+)(.*) ' , software )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
patch = cls . _fix_patch ( mx . group ( 2 ) )
v , p = None , SSH . Product . LibSSH
os_version = cls . _extract_os_version ( banner . comments )
return cls ( v , p , mx . group ( 1 ) , patch , os_version )
mx = re . match ( r ' ^RomSShell_([ \ d \ .]+ \ d+)(.*) ' , software )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
patch = cls . _fix_patch ( mx . group ( 2 ) )
v , p = ' Allegro Software ' , ' RomSShell '
return cls ( v , p , mx . group ( 1 ) , patch , None )
mx = re . match ( r ' ^mpSSH_([ \ d \ .]+ \ d+) ' , software )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
v , p = ' HP ' , ' iLO (Integrated Lights-Out) sshd '
return cls ( v , p , mx . group ( 1 ) , None , None )
mx = re . match ( r ' ^Cisco-([ \ d \ .]+ \ d+) ' , software )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
v , p = ' Cisco ' , ' IOS/PIX sshd '
return cls ( v , p , mx . group ( 1 ) , None , None )
mx = re . match ( r ' ^tinyssh_(.*) ' , software )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is not None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return cls ( None , SSH . Product . TinySSH , mx . group ( 1 ) , None , None )
mx = re . match ( r ' ^PuTTY_Release_(.*) ' , software )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return cls ( None , SSH . Product . PuTTY , mx . group ( 1 ) , None , None )
return None
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class Banner :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
_RXP , _RXR = r ' SSH- \ d \ . \ s*? \ d+ ' , r ' (- \ s*([^ \ s]*)(?: \ s+(.*))?)? '
RX_PROTOCOL = re . compile ( re . sub ( r ' \\ d( \ +?) ' , r ' ( \\ d \ g<1>) ' , _RXP ) )
RX_BANNER = re . compile ( r ' ^( {0} (?:(?:- {0} )*)) {1} $ ' . format ( _RXP , _RXR ) )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , protocol : Tuple [ int , int ] , software : Optional [ str ] , comments : Optional [ str ] , valid_ascii : bool ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __protocol = protocol
self . __software = software
self . __comments = comments
self . __valid_ascii = valid_ascii
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def protocol ( self ) - > Tuple [ int , int ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __protocol
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def software ( self ) - > Optional [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __software
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def comments ( self ) - > Optional [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __comments
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def valid_ascii ( self ) - > bool :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __valid_ascii
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __str__ ( self ) - > str :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r = ' SSH- {} . {} ' . format ( self . protocol [ 0 ] , self . protocol [ 1 ] )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if self . software is not None :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r + = ' - {} ' . format ( self . software )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if bool ( self . comments ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r + = ' {} ' . format ( self . comments )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return r
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __repr__ ( self ) - > str :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
p = ' {} . {} ' . format ( self . protocol [ 0 ] , self . protocol [ 1 ] )
r = ' protocol= {} ' . format ( p )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if self . software is not None :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r + = ' , software= {} ' . format ( self . software )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if bool ( self . comments ) :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
r + = ' , comments= {} ' . format ( self . comments )
return ' < {} ( {} )> ' . format ( self . __class__ . __name__ , r )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def parse ( cls , banner : str ) - > Optional [ ' SSH.Banner ' ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
valid_ascii = utils . is_print_ascii ( banner )
ascii_banner = utils . to_print_ascii ( banner )
mx = cls . RX_BANNER . match ( ascii_banner )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
if mx is None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return None
protocol = min ( re . findall ( cls . RX_PROTOCOL , mx . group ( 1 ) ) )
protocol = ( int ( protocol [ 0 ] ) , int ( protocol [ 1 ] ) )
software = ( mx . group ( 3 ) or ' ' ) . strip ( ) or None
if software is None and ( mx . group ( 2 ) or ' ' ) . startswith ( ' - ' ) :
software = ' '
comments = ( mx . group ( 4 ) or ' ' ) . strip ( ) or None
if comments is not None :
comments = re . sub ( r ' \ s+ ' , ' ' , comments )
return cls ( protocol , software , comments , valid_ascii )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class Fingerprint :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , fpd : bytes ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __fpd = fpd
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def md5 ( self ) - > str :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
h = hashlib . md5 ( self . __fpd ) . hexdigest ( )
r = u ' : ' . join ( h [ i : i + 2 ] for i in range ( 0 , len ( h ) , 2 ) )
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
return u ' MD5: {} ' . format ( r )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def sha256 ( self ) - > str :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
h = base64 . b64encode ( hashlib . sha256 ( self . __fpd ) . digest ( ) )
r = h . decode ( ' ascii ' ) . rstrip ( ' = ' )
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
return u ' SHA256: {} ' . format ( r )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class Algorithm :
class Timeframe :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __storage = { } # type: Dict[str, List[Optional[str]]]
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __contains__ ( self , product : str ) - > bool :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return product in self . __storage
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __getitem__ ( self , product ) : # type: (str) -> Sequence[Optional[str]]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return tuple ( self . __storage . get ( product , [ None ] * 4 ) )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __str__ ( self ) - > str :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __storage . __str__ ( )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __repr__ ( self ) - > str :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __str__ ( )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def get_from ( self , product : str , for_server : bool = True ) - > Optional [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self [ product ] [ 0 if bool ( for_server ) else 2 ]
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def get_till ( self , product : str , for_server : bool = True ) - > Optional [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self [ product ] [ 1 if bool ( for_server ) else 3 ]
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _update ( self , versions : Optional [ str ] , pos : int ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
ssh_versions = { } # type: Dict[str, str]
for_srv , for_cli = pos < 2 , pos > 1
for v in ( versions or ' ' ) . split ( ' , ' ) :
ssh_prod , ssh_ver , is_cli = SSH . Algorithm . get_ssh_version ( v )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
if not ssh_ver or ( is_cli and for_srv ) or ( not is_cli and for_cli and ssh_prod in ssh_versions ) :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
ssh_versions [ ssh_prod ] = ssh_ver
for ssh_product , ssh_version in ssh_versions . items ( ) :
if ssh_product not in self . __storage :
self . __storage [ ssh_product ] = [ None ] * 4
prev = self [ ssh_product ] [ pos ]
if ( prev is None or ( prev < ssh_version and pos % 2 == 0 ) or ( prev > ssh_version and pos % 2 == 1 ) ) :
self . __storage [ ssh_product ] [ pos ] = ssh_version
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def update ( self , versions : List [ Optional [ str ] ] , for_server : Optional [ bool ] = None ) - > ' SSH.Algorithm.Timeframe ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
for_cli = for_server is None or for_server is False
for_srv = for_server is None or for_server is True
vlen = len ( versions )
for i in range ( min ( 3 , vlen ) ) :
if for_srv and i < 2 :
self . _update ( versions [ i ] , i )
if for_cli and ( i % 2 == 0 or vlen == 2 ) :
self . _update ( versions [ i ] , 3 - 0 * * i )
return self
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def get_ssh_version ( version_desc : str ) - > Tuple [ str , str , bool ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
is_client = version_desc . endswith ( ' C ' )
if is_client :
version_desc = version_desc [ : - 1 ]
if version_desc . startswith ( ' d ' ) :
return SSH . Product . DropbearSSH , version_desc [ 1 : ] , is_client
elif version_desc . startswith ( ' l1 ' ) :
return SSH . Product . LibSSH , version_desc [ 2 : ] , is_client
else :
return SSH . Product . OpenSSH , version_desc , is_client
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def get_since_text ( cls , versions : List [ Optional [ str ] ] ) - > Optional [ str ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
tv = [ ]
if len ( versions ) == 0 or versions [ 0 ] is None :
return None
for v in versions [ 0 ] . split ( ' , ' ) :
ssh_prod , ssh_ver , is_cli = cls . get_ssh_version ( v )
if not ssh_ver :
if ssh_prod in [ SSH . Product . LibSSH ] :
if is_cli :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
ssh_ver = ' {} (client only) ' . format ( ssh_ver )
tv . append ( ' {} {} ' . format ( ssh_prod , ssh_ver ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if len ( tv ) == 0 :
return None
return ' available since ' + ' , ' . join ( tv ) . rstrip ( ' , ' )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class Algorithms :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , pkm : Optional [ SSH1 . PublicKeyMessage ] , kex : Optional [ SSH2 . Kex ] ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __ssh1kex = pkm
self . __ssh2kex = kex
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def ssh1kex ( self ) - > Optional [ SSH1 . PublicKeyMessage ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __ssh1kex
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def ssh2kex ( self ) - > Optional [ SSH2 . Kex ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __ssh2kex
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def ssh1 ( self ) - > Optional [ ' SSH.Algorithms.Item ' ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if self . ssh1kex is None :
return None
item = SSH . Algorithms . Item ( 1 , SSH1 . KexDB . ALGORITHMS )
item . add ( ' key ' , [ u ' ssh-rsa1 ' ] )
item . add ( ' enc ' , self . ssh1kex . supported_ciphers )
item . add ( ' aut ' , self . ssh1kex . supported_authentications )
return item
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def ssh2 ( self ) - > Optional [ ' SSH.Algorithms.Item ' ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if self . ssh2kex is None :
return None
item = SSH . Algorithms . Item ( 2 , SSH2 . KexDB . ALGORITHMS )
item . add ( ' kex ' , self . ssh2kex . kex_algorithms )
item . add ( ' key ' , self . ssh2kex . key_algorithms )
item . add ( ' enc ' , self . ssh2kex . server . encryption )
item . add ( ' mac ' , self . ssh2kex . server . mac )
return item
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def values ( self ) - > Iterable [ ' SSH.Algorithms.Item ' ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
for item in [ self . ssh1 , self . ssh2 ] :
if item is not None :
yield item
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def maxlen ( self ) - > int :
def _ml ( items : Sequence [ str ] ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return max ( len ( i ) for i in items )
maxlen = 0
if self . ssh1kex is not None :
maxlen = max ( _ml ( self . ssh1kex . supported_ciphers ) ,
_ml ( self . ssh1kex . supported_authentications ) ,
maxlen )
if self . ssh2kex is not None :
maxlen = max ( _ml ( self . ssh2kex . kex_algorithms ) ,
_ml ( self . ssh2kex . key_algorithms ) ,
_ml ( self . ssh2kex . server . encryption ) ,
_ml ( self . ssh2kex . server . mac ) ,
maxlen )
return maxlen
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def get_ssh_timeframe ( self , for_server : Optional [ bool ] = None ) - > ' SSH.Algorithm.Timeframe ' :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
timeframe = SSH . Algorithm . Timeframe ( )
for alg_pair in self . values :
alg_db = alg_pair . db
for alg_type , alg_list in alg_pair . items ( ) :
for alg_name in alg_list :
2020-06-17 04:50:07 +02:00
alg_name_native = utils . to_text ( alg_name )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
alg_desc = alg_db [ alg_type ] . get ( alg_name_native )
if alg_desc is None :
versions = alg_desc [ 0 ]
timeframe . update ( versions , for_server )
return timeframe
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def get_recommendations ( self , software : Optional [ ' SSH.Software ' ] , for_server : bool = True ) - > Tuple [ Optional [ ' SSH.Software ' ] , Dict [ int , Dict [ str , Dict [ str , Dict [ str , int ] ] ] ] ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements
vproducts = [ SSH . Product . OpenSSH ,
SSH . Product . DropbearSSH ,
SSH . Product . LibSSH ,
SSH . Product . TinySSH ]
# Set to True if server is not one of vproducts, above.
unknown_software = False
if software is not None :
if software . product not in vproducts :
unknown_software = True
# The code below is commented out because it would try to guess what the server is,
# usually resulting in wild & incorrect recommendations.
# if software is None:
# ssh_timeframe = self.get_ssh_timeframe(for_server)
# for product in vproducts:
# if product not in ssh_timeframe:
# continue
# version = ssh_timeframe.get_from(product, for_server)
# if version is not None:
# software = SSH.Software(None, product, version, None, None)
# break
rec = { } # type: Dict[int, Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, int]]]]
if software is None :
unknown_software = True
for alg_pair in self . values :
sshv , alg_db = alg_pair . sshv , alg_pair . db
rec [ sshv ] = { }
for alg_type , alg_list in alg_pair . items ( ) :
if alg_type == ' aut ' :
rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] = { ' add ' : { } , ' del ' : { } , ' chg ' : { } }
for n , alg_desc in alg_db [ alg_type ] . items ( ) :
versions = alg_desc [ 0 ]
empty_version = False
if len ( versions ) == 0 or versions [ 0 ] is None :
empty_version = True
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
else :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
matches = False
if unknown_software :
matches = True
for v in versions [ 0 ] . split ( ' , ' ) :
ssh_prefix , ssh_version , is_cli = SSH . Algorithm . get_ssh_version ( v )
if not ssh_version :
if ( software is not None ) and ( ssh_prefix != software . product ) :
if is_cli and for_server :
if ( software is not None ) and ( software . compare_version ( ssh_version ) < 0 ) :
matches = True
if not matches :
adl , faults = len ( alg_desc ) , 0
for i in range ( 1 , 3 ) :
if not adl > i :
fc = len ( alg_desc [ i ] )
if fc > 0 :
faults + = pow ( 10 , 2 - i ) * fc
if n not in alg_list :
# Don't recommend certificate or token types; these will only appear in the server's list if they are fully configured & functional on the server.
if faults > 0 or ( alg_type == ' key ' and ( ( ' -cert- ' in n ) or ( n . startswith ( ' sk- ' ) ) ) ) or empty_version :
rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' add ' ] [ n ] = 0
else :
if faults == 0 :
if n in [ ' diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 ' , ' rsa-sha2-256 ' , ' rsa-sha2-512 ' , ' ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com ' ] :
rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' chg ' ] [ n ] = faults
else :
rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' del ' ] [ n ] = faults
# If we are working with unknown software, drop all add recommendations, because we don't know if they're valid.
if unknown_software :
rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' add ' ] = { }
add_count = len ( rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' add ' ] )
del_count = len ( rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' del ' ] )
chg_count = len ( rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' chg ' ] )
new_alg_count = len ( alg_list ) + add_count - del_count
if new_alg_count < 1 and del_count > 0 :
mf = min ( rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' del ' ] . values ( ) )
new_del = { }
for k , cf in rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' del ' ] . items ( ) :
if cf != mf :
new_del [ k ] = cf
if del_count != len ( new_del ) :
rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' del ' ] = new_del
new_alg_count + = del_count - len ( new_del )
if new_alg_count < 1 :
del rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ]
else :
if add_count == 0 :
del rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' add ' ]
if del_count == 0 :
del rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' del ' ]
if chg_count == 0 :
del rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ ' chg ' ]
if len ( rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] ) == 0 :
del rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ]
if len ( rec [ sshv ] ) == 0 :
del rec [ sshv ]
return software , rec
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class Item :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , sshv : int , db : Dict [ str , Dict [ str , List [ List [ Optional [ str ] ] ] ] ] ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __sshv = sshv
self . __db = db
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
self . __storage = { } # type: Dict[str, List[str]]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def sshv ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __sshv
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def db ( self ) - > Dict [ str , Dict [ str , List [ List [ Optional [ str ] ] ] ] ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __db
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def add ( self , key : str , value : List [ str ] ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __storage [ key ] = value
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def items ( self ) - > Iterable [ Tuple [ str , List [ str ] ] ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __storage . items ( )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class Security : # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Format: [starting_vuln_version, last_vuln_version, affected, CVE_ID, CVSSv2, description]
# affected: 1 = server, 2 = client, 4 = local
# Example: if it affects servers, both remote & local, then affected
# = 1. If it affects servers, but is a local issue only,
# then affected = 1 + 4 = 5.
# pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
CVE = {
' Dropbear SSH ' : [
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 2018.76 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2018-15599 ' , 5.0 , ' remote users may enumerate users on the system ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 2017.74 ' , 5 , ' CVE-2017-9079 ' , 4.7 , ' local users can read certain files as root ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 2017.74 ' , 5 , ' CVE-2017-9078 ' , 9.3 , ' local users may elevate privileges to root under certain conditions ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 2016.73 ' , 5 , ' CVE-2016-7409 ' , 2.1 , ' local users can read process memory under limited conditions ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 2016.73 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2016-7408 ' , 6.5 , ' remote users can execute arbitrary code ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 2016.73 ' , 5 , ' CVE-2016-7407 ' , 10.0 , ' local users can execute arbitrary code ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 2016.73 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2016-7406 ' , 10.0 , ' remote users can execute arbitrary code ' ] ,
[ ' 0.44 ' , ' 2015.71 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2016-3116 ' , 5.5 , ' bypass command restrictions via xauth command injection ' ] ,
[ ' 0.28 ' , ' 2013.58 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2013-4434 ' , 5.0 , ' discover valid usernames through different time delays ' ] ,
[ ' 0.28 ' , ' 2013.58 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2013-4421 ' , 5.0 , ' cause DoS via a compressed packet (memory consumption) ' ] ,
[ ' 0.52 ' , ' 2011.54 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2012-0920 ' , 7.1 , ' execute arbitrary code or bypass command restrictions ' ] ,
[ ' 0.40 ' , ' 0.48.1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2007-1099 ' , 7.5 , ' conduct a MitM attack (no warning for hostkey mismatch) ' ] ,
[ ' 0.28 ' , ' 0.47 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2006-1206 ' , 7.5 , ' cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion) ' ] ,
[ ' 0.39 ' , ' 0.47 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2006-0225 ' , 4.6 , ' execute arbitrary commands via scp with crafted filenames ' ] ,
[ ' 0.28 ' , ' 0.46 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2005-4178 ' , 6.5 , ' execute arbitrary code via buffer overflow vulnerability ' ] ,
[ ' 0.28 ' , ' 0.42 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2004-2486 ' , 7.5 , ' execute arbitrary code via DSS verification code ' ] ] ,
' libssh ' : [
[ ' 0.6.4 ' , ' 0.6.4 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2018-10933 ' , 6.4 , ' authentication bypass ' ] ,
[ ' 0.7.0 ' , ' 0.7.5 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2018-10933 ' , 6.4 , ' authentication bypass ' ] ,
[ ' 0.8.0 ' , ' 0.8.3 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2018-10933 ' , 6.4 , ' authentication bypass ' ] ,
[ ' 0.1 ' , ' 0.7.2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2016-0739 ' , 4.3 , ' conduct a MitM attack (weakness in DH key generation) ' ] ,
[ ' 0.5.1 ' , ' 0.6.4 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2015-3146 ' , 5.0 , ' cause DoS via kex packets (null pointer dereference) ' ] ,
[ ' 0.5.1 ' , ' 0.6.3 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2014-8132 ' , 5.0 , ' cause DoS via kex init packet (dangling pointer) ' ] ,
[ ' 0.4.7 ' , ' 0.6.2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2014-0017 ' , 1.9 , ' leak data via PRNG state reuse on forking servers ' ] ,
[ ' 0.4.7 ' , ' 0.5.3 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2013-0176 ' , 4.3 , ' cause DoS via kex packet (null pointer dereference) ' ] ,
[ ' 0.4.7 ' , ' 0.5.2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2012-6063 ' , 7.5 , ' cause DoS or execute arbitrary code via sftp (double free) ' ] ,
[ ' 0.4.7 ' , ' 0.5.2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2012-4562 ' , 7.5 , ' cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (overflow check) ' ] ,
[ ' 0.4.7 ' , ' 0.5.2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2012-4561 ' , 5.0 , ' cause DoS via unspecified vectors (invalid pointer) ' ] ,
[ ' 0.4.7 ' , ' 0.5.2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2012-4560 ' , 7.5 , ' cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (buffer overflow) ' ] ,
[ ' 0.4.7 ' , ' 0.5.2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2012-4559 ' , 6.8 , ' cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (double free) ' ] ] ,
' OpenSSH ' : [
[ ' 7.2 ' , ' 7.2p2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2016-6515 ' , 7.8 , ' cause DoS via long password string (crypt CPU consumption) ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2.2 ' , ' 7.2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2016-3115 ' , 5.5 , ' bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data ' ] ,
[ ' 5.4 ' , ' 7.1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2016-1907 ' , 5.0 , ' cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read) ' ] ,
[ ' 5.4 ' , ' 7.1p1 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2016-0778 ' , 4.6 , ' cause DoS via requesting many forwardings (heap based buffer overflow) ' ] ,
[ ' 5.0 ' , ' 7.1p1 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2016-0777 ' , 4.0 , ' leak data via allowing transfer of entire buffer ' ] ,
[ ' 6.0 ' , ' 7.2p2 ' , 5 , ' CVE-2015-8325 ' , 7.2 , ' privilege escalation via triggering crafted environment ' ] ,
[ ' 6.8 ' , ' 6.9 ' , 5 , ' CVE-2015-6565 ' , 7.2 , ' cause DoS via writing to a device (terminal disruption) ' ] ,
[ ' 5.0 ' , ' 6.9 ' , 5 , ' CVE-2015-6564 ' , 6.9 , ' privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid ' ] ,
[ ' 5.0 ' , ' 6.9 ' , 5 , ' CVE-2015-6563 ' , 1.9 , ' conduct impersonation attack ' ] ,
[ ' 6.9p1 ' , ' 6.9p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2015-5600 ' , 8.5 , ' cause Dos or aid in conduct brute force attack (CPU consumption) ' ] ,
[ ' 6.0 ' , ' 6.6 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2015-5352 ' , 4.3 , ' bypass access restrictions via a specific connection ' ] ,
[ ' 6.0 ' , ' 6.6 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2014-2653 ' , 5.8 , ' bypass SSHFP DNS RR check via unacceptable host certificate ' ] ,
[ ' 5.0 ' , ' 6.5 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2014-2532 ' , 5.8 , ' bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 6.4 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2014-1692 ' , 7.5 , ' cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption) ' ] ,
[ ' 6.2 ' , ' 6.3 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2013-4548 ' , 6.0 , ' bypass command restrictions via crafted packet data ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 5.6 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2012-0814 ' , 3.5 , ' leak data via debug messages ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 5.8 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2011-5000 ' , 3.5 , ' cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption) ' ] ,
[ ' 5.6 ' , ' 5.7 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2011-0539 ' , 5.0 , ' leak data or conduct hash collision attack ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 6.1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2010-5107 ' , 5.0 , ' cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion) ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 5.8 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2010-4755 ' , 4.0 , ' cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption) ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 5.6 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2010-4478 ' , 7.5 , ' bypass authentication check via crafted values ' ] ,
[ ' 4.3 ' , ' 4.8 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2009-2904 ' , 6.9 , ' privilege escalation via hard links to setuid programs ' ] ,
[ ' 4.0 ' , ' 5.1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2008-5161 ' , 2.6 , ' recover plaintext data from ciphertext ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 4.6 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2008-4109 ' , 5.0 , ' cause DoS via multiple login attempts (slot exhaustion) ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 4.8 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2008-1657 ' , 6.5 , ' bypass command restrictions via modifying session file ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2.2 ' , ' 4.9 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2008-1483 ' , 6.9 , ' hijack forwarded X11 connections ' ] ,
[ ' 4.0 ' , ' 4.6 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2007-4752 ' , 7.5 , ' privilege escalation via causing an X client to be trusted ' ] ,
[ ' 4.3p2 ' , ' 4.3p2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2007-3102 ' , 4.3 , ' allow attacker to write random data to audit log ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 4.6 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2007-2243 ' , 5.0 , ' discover valid usernames through different responses ' ] ,
[ ' 4.4 ' , ' 4.4 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2006-5794 ' , 7.5 , ' bypass authentication ' ] ,
[ ' 4.1 ' , ' 4.1p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2006-5229 ' , 2.6 , ' discover valid usernames through different time delays ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 4.3p2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2006-5052 ' , 5.0 , ' discover valid usernames through different responses ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 4.3p2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2006-5051 ' , 9.3 , ' cause DoS or execute arbitrary code (double free) ' ] ,
[ ' 4.5 ' , ' 4.5 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2006-4925 ' , 5.0 , ' cause DoS via invalid protocol sequence (crash) ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 4.3p2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2006-4924 ' , 7.8 , ' cause DoS via crafted packet (CPU consumption) ' ] ,
[ ' 3.8.1p1 ' , ' 3.8.1p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2006-0883 ' , 5.0 , ' cause DoS via connecting multiple times (client connection refusal) ' ] ,
[ ' 3.0 ' , ' 4.2p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2006-0225 ' , 4.6 , ' execute arbitrary code ' ] ,
[ ' 2.1 ' , ' 4.1p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2005-2798 ' , 5.0 , ' leak data about authentication credentials ' ] ,
[ ' 3.5 ' , ' 3.5p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2004-2760 ' , 6.8 , ' leak data through different connection states ' ] ,
[ ' 2.3 ' , ' 3.7.1p2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2004-2069 ' , 5.0 , ' cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion) ' ] ,
[ ' 3.0 ' , ' 3.4p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2004-0175 ' , 4.3 , ' leak data through directoy traversal ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 3.9p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2003-1562 ' , 7.6 , ' leak data about authentication credentials ' ] ,
[ ' 3.1p1 ' , ' 3.7.1p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2003-0787 ' , 7.5 , ' privilege escalation via modifying stack ' ] ,
[ ' 3.1p1 ' , ' 3.7.1p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2003-0786 ' , 10.0 , ' privilege escalation via bypassing authentication ' ] ,
[ ' 1.0 ' , ' 3.7.1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2003-0695 ' , 7.5 , ' cause DoS or execute arbitrary code ' ] ,
[ ' 1.0 ' , ' 3.7 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2003-0693 ' , 10.0 , ' execute arbitrary code ' ] ,
[ ' 3.0 ' , ' 3.6.1p2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2003-0386 ' , 7.5 , ' bypass address restrictions for connection ' ] ,
[ ' 3.1p1 ' , ' 3.6.1p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2003-0190 ' , 5.0 , ' discover valid usernames through different time delays ' ] ,
[ ' 3.2.2 ' , ' 3.2.2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2002-0765 ' , 7.5 , ' bypass authentication ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2.2 ' , ' 3.3p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2002-0640 ' , 10.0 , ' execute arbitrary code ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2.2 ' , ' 3.3p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2002-0639 ' , 10.0 , ' execute arbitrary code ' ] ,
[ ' 2.1 ' , ' 3.2 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2002-0575 ' , 7.5 , ' privilege escalation ' ] ,
[ ' 2.1 ' , ' 3.0.2p1 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2002-0083 ' , 10.0 , ' privilege escalation ' ] ,
[ ' 3.0 ' , ' 3.0p1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2001-1507 ' , 7.5 , ' bypass authentication ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2.3 ' , ' 3.0.1p1 ' , 5 , ' CVE-2001-0872 ' , 7.2 , ' privilege escalation via crafted environment variables ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2.3 ' , ' 2.1.1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2001-0361 ' , 4.0 , ' recover plaintext from ciphertext ' ] ,
[ ' 1.2 ' , ' 2.1 ' , 1 , ' CVE-2000-0525 ' , 10.0 , ' execute arbitrary code (improper privileges) ' ] ] ,
' PuTTY ' : [
2020-07-03 15:07:34 -04:00
[ ' 0.54 ' , ' 0.73 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2020-XXXX ' , 5.0 , ' out of bounds memory read ' ] ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 0.72 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2019-17069 ' , 5.0 , ' potential DOS by remote SSHv1 server ' ] ,
[ ' 0.71 ' , ' 0.72 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2019-17068 ' , 5.0 , ' xterm bracketed paste mode command injection ' ] ,
[ ' 0.52 ' , ' 0.72 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2019-17067 ' , 7.5 , ' port rebinding weakness in port forward tunnel handling ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 0.71 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2019-XXXX ' , 5.0 , ' undefined vulnerability in obsolete SSHv1 protocol handling ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 0.71 ' , 6 , ' CVE-2019-XXXX ' , 5.0 , ' local privilege escalation in Pageant ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 0.70 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2019-9898 ' , 7.5 , ' potential recycling of random numbers ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 0.70 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2019-9897 ' , 5.0 , ' multiple denial-of-service issues from writing to the terminal ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 0.70 ' , 6 , ' CVE-2019-9896 ' , 4.6 , ' local application hijacking through malicious Windows help file ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 0.70 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2019-9894 ' , 6.4 , ' buffer overflow in RSA key exchange ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 0.69 ' , 6 , ' CVE-2016-6167 ' , 4.4 , ' local application hijacking through untrusted DLL loading ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 0.67 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2017-6542 ' , 7.5 , ' buffer overflow in UNIX client that can result in privilege escalation or denial-of-service ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 0.66 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2016-2563 ' , 7.5 , ' buffer overflow in SCP command-line utility ' ] ,
[ ' 0.0 ' , ' 0.65 ' , 2 , ' CVE-2015-5309 ' , 4.3 , ' integer overflow in terminal-handling code ' ] ,
} # type: Dict[str, List[List[Any]]]
TXT = {
' Dropbear SSH ' : [
[ ' 0.28 ' , ' 0.34 ' , 1 , ' remote root exploit ' , ' remote format string buffer overflow exploit (exploit-db#387) ' ] ] ,
' libssh ' : [
[ ' 0.3.3 ' , ' 0.3.3 ' , 1 , ' null pointer check ' , ' missing null pointer check in " crypt_set_algorithms_server " ' ] ,
[ ' 0.3.3 ' , ' 0.3.3 ' , 1 , ' integer overflow ' , ' integer overflow in " buffer_get_data " ' ] ,
[ ' 0.3.3 ' , ' 0.3.3 ' , 3 , ' heap overflow ' , ' heap overflow in " packet_decrypt " ' ] ]
} # type: Dict[str, List[List[Any]]]
class Socket ( ReadBuf , WriteBuf ) :
class InsufficientReadException ( Exception ) :
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , host : Optional [ str ] , port : int , ipvo : Optional [ Sequence [ int ] ] = None , timeout : Union [ int , float ] = 5 , timeout_set : bool = False ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
super ( SSH . Socket , self ) . __init__ ( )
self . __sock = None # type: Optional[socket.socket]
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
self . __sock_map = { } # type: Dict[int, socket.socket]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __block_size = 8
self . __state = 0
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
self . __header = [ ] # type: List[str]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __banner = None # type: Optional[SSH.Banner]
if host is None :
raise ValueError ( ' undefined host ' )
nport = utils . parse_int ( port )
if nport < 1 or nport > 65535 :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
raise ValueError ( ' invalid port: {} ' . format ( port ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __host = host
self . __port = nport
if ipvo is not None :
self . __ipvo = ipvo
else :
self . __ipvo = ( )
self . __timeout = timeout
self . __timeout_set = timeout_set
self . client_host = None
self . client_port = None
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _resolve ( self , ipvo : Sequence [ int ] ) - > Iterable [ Tuple [ int , Tuple [ Any , . . . ] ] ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
ipvo = tuple ( [ x for x in utils . unique_seq ( ipvo ) if x in ( 4 , 6 ) ] )
ipvo_len = len ( ipvo )
prefer_ipvo = ipvo_len > 0
prefer_ipv4 = prefer_ipvo and ipvo [ 0 ] == 4
if ipvo_len == 1 :
family = socket . AF_INET if ipvo [ 0 ] == 4 else socket . AF_INET6
else :
family = socket . AF_UNSPEC
try :
stype = socket . SOCK_STREAM
r = socket . getaddrinfo ( self . __host , self . __port , family , stype )
if prefer_ipvo :
r = sorted ( r , key = lambda x : x [ 0 ] , reverse = not prefer_ipv4 )
check = any ( stype == rline [ 2 ] for rline in r )
for af , socktype , _proto , _canonname , addr in r :
if not check or socktype == socket . SOCK_STREAM :
yield af , addr
except socket . error as e :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
out . fail ( ' [exception] {} ' . format ( e ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
sys . exit ( 1 )
# Listens on a server socket and accepts one connection (used for
# auditing client connections).
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def listen_and_accept ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
try :
# Socket to listen on all IPv4 addresses.
s = socket . socket ( socket . AF_INET , socket . SOCK_STREAM )
s . setsockopt ( socket . SOL_SOCKET , socket . SO_REUSEADDR , 1 )
s . bind ( ( ' ' , self . __port ) )
s . listen ( )
self . __sock_map [ s . fileno ( ) ] = s
except Exception :
print ( " Warning: failed to listen on any IPv4 interfaces. " )
try :
# Socket to listen on all IPv6 addresses.
s = socket . socket ( socket . AF_INET6 , socket . SOCK_STREAM )
s . setsockopt ( socket . SOL_SOCKET , socket . SO_REUSEADDR , 1 )
s . setsockopt ( socket . IPPROTO_IPV6 , socket . IPV6_V6ONLY , 1 )
s . bind ( ( ' :: ' , self . __port ) )
s . listen ( )
self . __sock_map [ s . fileno ( ) ] = s
except Exception :
print ( " Warning: failed to listen on any IPv6 interfaces. " )
# If we failed to listen on any interfaces, terminate.
if len ( self . __sock_map . keys ( ) ) == 0 :
print ( " Error: failed to listen on any IPv4 and IPv6 interfaces! " )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
sys . exit ( - 1 )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Wait for an incoming connection. If a timeout was explicitly
# set by the user, terminate when it elapses.
fds = None
time_elapsed = 0.0
interval = 1.0
while True :
# Wait for a connection on either socket.
fds = select . select ( self . __sock_map . keys ( ) , [ ] , [ ] , interval )
time_elapsed + = interval
# We have incoming data on at least one of the sockets.
if len ( fds [ 0 ] ) > 0 :
if self . __timeout_set and time_elapsed > = self . __timeout :
print ( " Timeout elapsed. Terminating... " )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
sys . exit ( - 1 )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Accept the connection.
c , addr = self . __sock_map [ fds [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ] . accept ( )
self . client_host = addr [ 0 ]
self . client_port = addr [ 1 ]
c . settimeout ( self . __timeout )
self . __sock = c
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def connect ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
err = None
for af , addr in self . _resolve ( self . __ipvo ) :
s = None
try :
s = socket . socket ( af , socket . SOCK_STREAM )
s . settimeout ( self . __timeout )
s . connect ( addr )
self . __sock = s
except socket . error as e :
err = e
self . _close_socket ( s )
if err is None :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
errm = ' host {} has no DNS records ' . format ( self . __host )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
else :
errt = ( self . __host , self . __port , err )
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
errm = ' cannot connect to {} port {} : {} ' . format ( * errt )
out . fail ( ' [exception] {} ' . format ( errm ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
sys . exit ( 1 )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def get_banner ( self , sshv : int = 2 ) - > Tuple [ Optional [ ' SSH.Banner ' ] , List [ str ] , Optional [ str ] ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if self . __sock is None :
return self . __banner , self . __header , ' not connected '
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
if self . __banner is not None :
return self . __banner , self . __header , None
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
banner = SSH_HEADER . format ( ' 1.5 ' if sshv == 1 else ' 2.0 ' )
if self . __state < self . SM_BANNER_SENT :
self . send_banner ( banner )
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
s = 0
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
e = None
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
while s > = 0 :
s , e = self . recv ( )
if s < 0 :
while self . unread_len > 0 :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
line = self . read_line ( )
if len ( line . strip ( ) ) == 0 :
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
self . __banner = SSH . Banner . parse ( line )
if self . __banner is not None :
return self . __banner , self . __header , None
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __header . append ( line )
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return self . __banner , self . __header , e
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def recv ( self , size : int = 2048 ) - > Tuple [ int , Optional [ str ] ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if self . __sock is None :
return - 1 , ' not connected '
try :
data = self . __sock . recv ( size )
except socket . timeout :
return - 1 , ' timed out '
except socket . error as e :
if e . args [ 0 ] in ( errno . EAGAIN , errno . EWOULDBLOCK ) :
return 0 , ' retry '
return - 1 , str ( e . args [ - 1 ] )
if len ( data ) == 0 :
return - 1 , None
pos = self . _buf . tell ( )
self . _buf . seek ( 0 , 2 )
self . _buf . write ( data )
self . _len + = len ( data )
self . _buf . seek ( pos , 0 )
return len ( data ) , None
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def send ( self , data : bytes ) - > Tuple [ int , Optional [ str ] ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if self . __sock is None :
return - 1 , ' not connected '
try :
self . __sock . send ( data )
return 0 , None
except socket . error as e :
return - 1 , str ( e . args [ - 1 ] )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def send_banner ( self , banner : str ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . send ( banner . encode ( ) + b ' \r \n ' )
if self . __state < self . SM_BANNER_SENT :
self . __state = self . SM_BANNER_SENT
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def ensure_read ( self , size : int ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
while self . unread_len < size :
s , e = self . recv ( )
if s < 0 :
raise SSH . Socket . InsufficientReadException ( e )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def read_packet ( self , sshv : int = 2 ) - > Tuple [ int , bytes ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
try :
header = WriteBuf ( )
self . ensure_read ( 4 )
packet_length = self . read_int ( )
header . write_int ( packet_length )
# XXX: validate length
if sshv == 1 :
padding_length = 8 - packet_length % 8
self . ensure_read ( padding_length )
padding = self . read ( padding_length )
header . write ( padding )
payload_length = packet_length
check_size = padding_length + payload_length
else :
self . ensure_read ( 1 )
padding_length = self . read_byte ( )
header . write_byte ( padding_length )
payload_length = packet_length - padding_length - 1
check_size = 4 + 1 + payload_length + padding_length
if check_size % self . __block_size != 0 :
out . fail ( ' [exception] invalid ssh packet (block size) ' )
sys . exit ( 1 )
self . ensure_read ( payload_length )
if sshv == 1 :
payload = self . read ( payload_length - 4 )
header . write ( payload )
crc = self . read_int ( )
header . write_int ( crc )
else :
payload = self . read ( payload_length )
header . write ( payload )
packet_type = ord ( payload [ 0 : 1 ] )
if sshv == 1 :
rcrc = SSH1 . crc32 ( padding + payload )
if crc != rcrc :
out . fail ( ' [exception] packet checksum CRC32 mismatch. ' )
sys . exit ( 1 )
else :
self . ensure_read ( padding_length )
padding = self . read ( padding_length )
payload = payload [ 1 : ]
return packet_type , payload
except SSH . Socket . InsufficientReadException as ex :
if ex . args [ 0 ] is None :
header . write ( self . read ( self . unread_len ) )
e = header . write_flush ( ) . strip ( )
else :
e = ex . args [ 0 ] . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
return - 1 , e
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def send_packet ( self ) - > Tuple [ int , Optional [ str ] ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
payload = self . write_flush ( )
padding = - ( len ( payload ) + 5 ) % 8
if padding < 4 :
padding + = 8
plen = len ( payload ) + padding + 1
pad_bytes = b ' \x00 ' * padding
data = struct . pack ( ' >Ib ' , plen , padding ) + payload + pad_bytes
return self . send ( data )
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def is_connected ( self ) - > bool :
""" Returns true if this Socket is connected, False otherwise. """
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
return self . __sock is not None
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def close ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __cleanup ( )
self . reset ( )
self . __state = 0
self . __header = [ ]
self . __banner = None
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _close_socket ( self , s : Optional [ socket . socket ] ) - > None : # pylint: disable=no-self-use
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
try :
if s is not None :
s . shutdown ( socket . SHUT_RDWR )
s . close ( ) # pragma: nocover
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
except Exception :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __del__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __cleanup ( )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __cleanup ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . _close_socket ( self . __sock )
for fd in self . __sock_map :
self . _close_socket ( self . __sock_map [ fd ] )
self . __sock = None
2015-12-23 05:01:24 +02:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class KexDH : # pragma: nocover
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , kex_name : str , hash_alg : str , g : int , p : int ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __kex_name = kex_name
self . __hash_alg = hash_alg
self . __g = 0
self . __p = 0
self . __q = 0
self . __x = 0
self . __e = 0
self . set_params ( g , p )
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
self . __ed25519_pubkey = None # type: Optional[bytes]
self . __hostkey_type = None # type: Optional[bytes]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __hostkey_e = 0
self . __hostkey_n = 0
self . __hostkey_n_len = 0 # Length of the host key modulus.
self . __ca_n_len = 0 # Length of the CA key modulus (if hostkey is a cert).
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def set_params ( self , g : int , p : int ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __g = g
self . __p = p
self . __q = ( self . __p - 1 ) / / 2
self . __x = 0
self . __e = 0
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def send_init ( self , s : SSH . Socket , init_msg : int = SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_INIT ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
r = random . SystemRandom ( )
self . __x = r . randrange ( 2 , self . __q )
self . __e = pow ( self . __g , self . __x , self . __p )
s . write_byte ( init_msg )
s . write_mpint2 ( self . __e )
s . send_packet ( )
# Parse a KEXDH_REPLY or KEXDH_GEX_REPLY message from the server. This
# contains the host key, among other things. Function returns the host
# key blob (from which the fingerprint can be calculated).
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
def recv_reply ( self , s : ' SSH.Socket ' , parse_host_key_size : bool = True ) - > Optional [ bytes ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
packet_type , payload = s . read_packet ( 2 )
# Skip any & all MSG_DEBUG messages.
while packet_type == SSH . Protocol . MSG_DEBUG :
packet_type , payload = s . read_packet ( 2 )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
if packet_type != - 1 and packet_type not in [ SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_REPLY , SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REPLY ] : # pylint: disable=no-else-raise
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# TODO: change Exception to something more specific.
raise Exception ( ' Expected MSG_KEXDH_REPLY ( %d ) or MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REPLY ( %d ), but got %d instead. ' % ( SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_REPLY , SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REPLY , packet_type ) )
elif packet_type == - 1 :
# A connection error occurred. We can't parse anything, so just
# return. The host key modulus (and perhaps certificate modulus)
# will remain at length 0.
return None
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
hostkey_len = 0 # pylint: disable=unused-variable
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
hostkey_type_len = hostkey_e_len = 0 # pylint: disable=unused-variable
key_id_len = principles_len = 0 # pylint: disable=unused-variable
critical_options_len = extensions_len = 0 # pylint: disable=unused-variable
nonce_len = ca_key_len = ca_key_type_len = 0 # pylint: disable=unused-variable
ca_key_len = ca_key_type_len = ca_key_e_len = 0 # pylint: disable=unused-variable
key_id = principles = None # pylint: disable=unused-variable
critical_options = extensions = None # pylint: disable=unused-variable
nonce = ca_key = ca_key_type = None # pylint: disable=unused-variable
ca_key_e = ca_key_n = None # pylint: disable=unused-variable
# Get the host key blob, F, and signature.
ptr = 0
hostkey , hostkey_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( payload , ptr )
# If we are not supposed to parse the host key size (i.e.: it is a type that is of fixed size such as ed25519), then stop here.
if not parse_host_key_size :
return hostkey
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
_ , _ , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( payload , ptr )
_ , _ , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( payload , ptr )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Now pick apart the host key blob.
# Get the host key type (i.e.: 'ssh-rsa', 'ssh-ed25519', etc).
ptr = 0
self . __hostkey_type , hostkey_type_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( hostkey , ptr )
# If this is an RSA certificate, skip over the nonce.
if self . __hostkey_type . startswith ( b ' ssh-rsa-cert-v0 ' ) :
nonce , nonce_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( hostkey , ptr )
# The public key exponent.
hostkey_e , hostkey_e_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( hostkey , ptr )
self . __hostkey_e = int ( binascii . hexlify ( hostkey_e ) , 16 )
# Here is the modulus size & actual modulus of the host key public key.
hostkey_n , self . __hostkey_n_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( hostkey , ptr )
self . __hostkey_n = int ( binascii . hexlify ( hostkey_n ) , 16 )
# If this is an RSA certificate, continue parsing to extract the CA
# key.
if self . __hostkey_type . startswith ( b ' ssh-rsa-cert-v0 ' ) :
# Skip over the serial number.
ptr + = 8
# Get the certificate type.
cert_type = int ( binascii . hexlify ( hostkey [ ptr : ptr + 4 ] ) , 16 )
ptr + = 4
# Only SSH2_CERT_TYPE_HOST (2) makes sense in this context.
if cert_type == 2 :
# Skip the key ID (this is the serial number of the
# certificate).
key_id , key_id_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( hostkey , ptr )
# The principles, which are... I don't know what.
principles , principles_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( hostkey , ptr )
# Skip over the timestamp that this certificate is valid after.
ptr + = 8
# Skip over the timestamp that this certificate is valid before.
ptr + = 8
# TODO: validate the principles, and time range.
# The critical options.
critical_options , critical_options_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( hostkey , ptr )
# Certificate extensions.
extensions , extensions_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( hostkey , ptr )
# Another nonce.
nonce , nonce_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( hostkey , ptr )
# Finally, we get to the CA key.
ca_key , ca_key_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( hostkey , ptr )
# Last in the host key blob is the CA signature. It isn't
# interesting to us, so we won't bother parsing any further.
# The CA key has the modulus, however...
ptr = 0
# 'ssh-rsa', 'rsa-sha2-256', etc.
ca_key_type , ca_key_type_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( ca_key , ptr )
# CA's public key exponent.
ca_key_e , ca_key_e_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( ca_key , ptr )
2017-09-26 20:46:00 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# CA's modulus. Bingo.
ca_key_n , self . __ca_n_len , ptr = KexDH . __get_bytes ( ca_key , ptr )
return hostkey
2017-09-26 20:46:00 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __get_bytes ( buf : bytes , ptr : int ) - > Tuple [ bytes , int , int ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
num_bytes = struct . unpack ( ' >I ' , buf [ ptr : ptr + 4 ] ) [ 0 ]
ptr + = 4
return buf [ ptr : ptr + num_bytes ] , num_bytes , ptr + num_bytes
2017-09-26 20:46:00 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Converts a modulus length in bytes to its size in bits, after some
# possible adjustments.
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __adjust_key_size ( size : int ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
size = size * 8
# Actual keys are observed to be about 8 bits bigger than expected
# (i.e.: 1024-bit keys have a 1032-bit modulus). Check if this is
# the case, and subtract 8 if so. This simply improves readability
# in the UI.
if ( size >> 3 ) % 2 != 0 :
size = size - 8
return size
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Returns the size of the hostkey, in bits.
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def get_hostkey_size ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return KexDH . __adjust_key_size ( self . __hostkey_n_len )
2017-09-26 20:46:00 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Returns the size of the CA key, in bits.
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def get_ca_size ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return KexDH . __adjust_key_size ( self . __ca_n_len )
2017-09-26 20:46:00 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Returns the size of the DH modulus, in bits.
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def get_dh_modulus_size ( self ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# -2 to account for the '0b' prefix in the string.
return len ( bin ( self . __p ) ) - 2
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2016-11-03 19:10:49 +02:00
class KexGroup1 ( KexDH ) : # pragma: nocover
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# rfc2409: second oakley group
p = int ( ' ffffffffffffffffc90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc1cd129024e088a67cc74020bbea63b139b22514a08798e3404ddef9519b3cd3a431b302b0a6df25f14374fe1356d6d51c245e485b576625e7ec6f44c42e9a637ed6b0bff5cb6f406b7edee386bfb5a899fa5ae9f24117c4b1fe649286651ece65381ffffffffffffffff ' , 16 )
super ( KexGroup1 , self ) . __init__ ( ' KexGroup1 ' , ' sha1 ' , 2 , p )
2016-04-01 18:37:20 +03:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2016-11-03 19:10:49 +02:00
class KexGroup14 ( KexDH ) : # pragma: nocover
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , hash_alg : str ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# rfc3526: 2048-bit modp group
p = int ( ' 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 ' , 16 )
super ( KexGroup14 , self ) . __init__ ( ' KexGroup14 ' , hash_alg , 2 , p )
2016-09-02 17:56:47 +03:00
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
class KexGroup14_SHA1 ( KexGroup14 ) :
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
super ( KexGroup14_SHA1 , self ) . __init__ ( ' sha1 ' )
2016-04-01 18:37:20 +03:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
class KexGroup14_SHA256 ( KexGroup14 ) :
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
super ( KexGroup14_SHA256 , self ) . __init__ ( ' sha256 ' )
2015-12-23 05:01:24 +02:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
class KexGroup16_SHA512 ( KexDH ) :
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# rfc3526: 4096-bit modp group
p = int ( ' 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 ' , 16 )
super ( KexGroup16_SHA512 , self ) . __init__ ( ' KexGroup16_SHA512 ' , ' sha512 ' , 2 , p )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
class KexGroup18_SHA512 ( KexDH ) :
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# rfc3526: 8192-bit modp group
p = int ( ' 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 ' , 16 )
super ( KexGroup18_SHA512 , self ) . __init__ ( ' KexGroup18_SHA512 ' , ' sha512 ' , 2 , p )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
class KexCurve25519_SHA256 ( KexDH ) :
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
super ( KexCurve25519_SHA256 , self ) . __init__ ( ' KexCurve25519_SHA256 ' , ' sha256 ' , 0 , 0 )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# To start an ED25519 kex, we simply send a random 256-bit number as the
# public key.
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def send_init ( self , s : ' SSH.Socket ' , init_msg : int = SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_INIT ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . __ed25519_pubkey = os . urandom ( 32 )
s . write_byte ( init_msg )
s . write_string ( self . __ed25519_pubkey )
s . send_packet ( )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
class KexNISTP256 ( KexDH ) :
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
super ( KexNISTP256 , self ) . __init__ ( ' KexNISTP256 ' , ' sha256 ' , 0 , 0 )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Because the server checks that the value sent here is valid (i.e.: it lies
# on the curve, among other things), we would have to write a lot of code
# or import an elliptic curve library in order to randomly generate a
# valid elliptic point each time. Hence, we will simply send a static
# value, which is enough for us to extract the server's host key.
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def send_init ( self , s : ' SSH.Socket ' , init_msg : int = SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_INIT ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
s . write_byte ( init_msg )
s . write_string ( b ' \x04 \x0b \x60 \x44 \x9f \x8a \x11 \x9e \xc7 \x81 \x0c \xa9 \x98 \xfc \xb7 \x90 \xaa \x6b \x26 \x8c \x12 \x4a \xc0 \x09 \xbb \xdf \xc4 \x2c \x4c \x2c \x99 \xb6 \xe1 \x71 \xa0 \xd4 \xb3 \x62 \x47 \x74 \xb3 \x39 \x0c \xf2 \x88 \x4a \x84 \x6b \x3b \x15 \x77 \xa5 \x77 \xd2 \xa9 \xc9 \x94 \xf9 \xd5 \x66 \x19 \xcd \x02 \x34 \xd1 ' )
s . send_packet ( )
2016-04-01 18:37:20 +03:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
class KexNISTP384 ( KexDH ) :
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
super ( KexNISTP384 , self ) . __init__ ( ' KexNISTP384 ' , ' sha256 ' , 0 , 0 )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# See comment for KexNISTP256.send_init().
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def send_init ( self , s : ' SSH.Socket ' , init_msg : int = SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_INIT ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
s . write_byte ( init_msg )
s . write_string ( b ' \x04 \xe2 \x9b \x84 \xce \xa1 \x39 \x50 \xfe \x1e \xa3 \x18 \x70 \x1c \xe2 \x7a \xe4 \xb5 \x6f \xdf \x93 \x9f \xd4 \xf4 \x08 \xcc \x9b \x02 \x10 \xa4 \xca \x77 \x9c \x2e \x51 \x44 \x1d \x50 \x7a \x65 \x4e \x7e \x2f \x10 \x2d \x2d \x4a \x32 \xc9 \x8e \x18 \x75 \x90 \x6c \x19 \x10 \xda \xcc \xa8 \xe9 \xf4 \xc4 \x3a \x53 \x80 \x35 \xf4 \x97 \x9c \x04 \x16 \xf9 \x5a \xdc \xcc \x05 \x94 \x29 \xfa \xc4 \xd6 \x87 \x4e \x13 \x21 \xdb \x3d \x12 \xac \xbd \x20 \x3b \x60 \xff \xe6 \x58 \x42 ' )
s . send_packet ( )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
class KexNISTP521 ( KexDH ) :
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
super ( KexNISTP521 , self ) . __init__ ( ' KexNISTP521 ' , ' sha256 ' , 0 , 0 )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# See comment for KexNISTP256.send_init().
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def send_init ( self , s : ' SSH.Socket ' , init_msg : int = SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_INIT ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
s . write_byte ( init_msg )
s . write_string ( b ' \x04 \x01 \x02 \x90 \x29 \xe9 \x8f \xa8 \x04 \xaf \x1c \x00 \xf9 \xc6 \x29 \xc0 \x39 \x74 \x8e \xea \x47 \x7e \x7c \xf7 \x15 \x6e \x43 \x3b \x59 \x13 \x53 \x43 \xb0 \xae \x0b \xe7 \xe6 \x7c \x55 \x73 \x52 \xa5 \x2a \xc1 \x42 \xde \xfc \xf4 \x1f \x8b \x5a \x8d \xfa \xcd \x0a \x65 \x77 \xa8 \xce \x68 \xd2 \xc6 \x26 \xb5 \x3f \xee \x4b \x01 \x7b \xd2 \x96 \x23 \x69 \x53 \xc7 \x01 \xe1 \x0d \x39 \xe9 \x87 \x49 \x3b \xc8 \xec \xda \x0c \xf9 \xca \xad \x89 \x42 \x36 \x6f \x93 \x78 \x78 \x31 \x55 \x51 \x09 \x51 \xc0 \x96 \xd7 \xea \x61 \xbf \xc2 \x44 \x08 \x80 \x43 \xed \xc6 \xbb \xfb \x94 \xbd \xf8 \xdf \x2b \xd8 \x0b \x2e \x29 \x1b \x8c \xc4 \x8a \x04 \x2d \x3a ' )
s . send_packet ( )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
class KexGroupExchange ( KexDH ) :
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __init__ ( self , classname : str , hash_alg : str ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
super ( KexGroupExchange , self ) . __init__ ( classname , hash_alg , 0 , 0 )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def send_init ( self , s : ' SSH.Socket ' , init_msg : int = SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REQUEST ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
self . send_init_gex ( s )
2017-09-27 21:27:08 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# The group exchange starts with sending a message to the server with
# the minimum, maximum, and preferred number of bits are for the DH group.
# The server responds with a generator and prime modulus that matches that,
# then the handshake continues on like a normal DH handshake (except the
# SSH message types differ).
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def send_init_gex ( self , s : ' SSH.Socket ' , minbits : int = 1024 , prefbits : int = 2048 , maxbits : int = 8192 ) - > None :
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Send the initial group exchange request. Tell the server what range
# of modulus sizes we will accept, along with our preference.
s . write_byte ( SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REQUEST )
s . write_int ( minbits )
s . write_int ( prefbits )
s . write_int ( maxbits )
s . send_packet ( )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
packet_type , payload = s . read_packet ( 2 )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
if ( packet_type != SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_GEX_GROUP ) and ( packet_type != SSH . Protocol . MSG_DEBUG ) : # pylint: disable=consider-using-in
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# TODO: replace with a better exception type.
raise Exception ( ' Expected MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REPLY ( %d ), but got %d instead. ' % ( SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_GEX_REPLY , packet_type ) )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Skip any & all MSG_DEBUG messages.
while packet_type == SSH . Protocol . MSG_DEBUG :
packet_type , payload = s . read_packet ( 2 )
2019-09-19 20:08:10 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Parse the modulus (p) and generator (g) values from the server.
ptr = 0
p_len = struct . unpack ( ' >I ' , payload [ ptr : ptr + 4 ] ) [ 0 ]
ptr + = 4
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
p = int ( binascii . hexlify ( payload [ ptr : ptr + p_len ] ) , 16 )
ptr + = p_len
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
g_len = struct . unpack ( ' >I ' , payload [ ptr : ptr + 4 ] ) [ 0 ]
ptr + = 4
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
g = int ( binascii . hexlify ( payload [ ptr : ptr + g_len ] ) , 16 )
ptr + = g_len
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Now that we got the generator and modulus, perform the DH exchange
# like usual.
super ( KexGroupExchange , self ) . set_params ( g , p )
super ( KexGroupExchange , self ) . send_init ( s , SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXDH_GEX_INIT )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
class KexGroupExchange_SHA1 ( KexGroupExchange ) :
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
super ( KexGroupExchange_SHA1 , self ) . __init__ ( ' KexGroupExchange_SHA1 ' , ' sha1 ' )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
class KexGroupExchange_SHA256 ( KexGroupExchange ) :
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def __init__ ( self ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
super ( KexGroupExchange_SHA256 , self ) . __init__ ( ' KexGroupExchange_SHA256 ' , ' sha256 ' )
2017-09-21 22:44:34 -04:00
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def output_algorithms ( title : str , alg_db : Dict [ str , Dict [ str , List [ List [ Optional [ str ] ] ] ] ] , alg_type : str , algorithms : List [ str ] , unknown_algs : List [ str ] , maxlen : int = 0 , alg_sizes : Optional [ Dict [ str , Tuple [ int , int ] ] ] = None ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
with OutputBuffer ( ) as obuf :
for algorithm in algorithms :
output_algorithm ( alg_db , alg_type , algorithm , unknown_algs , maxlen , alg_sizes )
if len ( obuf ) > 0 :
out . head ( ' # ' + title )
obuf . flush ( )
out . sep ( )
2015-12-23 05:01:24 +02:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def output_algorithm ( alg_db : Dict [ str , Dict [ str , List [ List [ Optional [ str ] ] ] ] ] , alg_type : str , alg_name : str , unknown_algs : List [ str ] , alg_max_len : int = 0 , alg_sizes : Optional [ Dict [ str , Tuple [ int , int ] ] ] = None ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
prefix = ' ( ' + alg_type + ' ) '
if alg_max_len == 0 :
alg_max_len = len ( alg_name )
padding = ' ' if out . batch else ' ' * ( alg_max_len - len ( alg_name ) )
# If this is an RSA host key or DH GEX, append the size to its name and fix
# the padding.
alg_name_with_size = None
if ( alg_sizes is not None ) and ( alg_name in alg_sizes ) :
hostkey_size , ca_size = alg_sizes [ alg_name ]
if ca_size > 0 :
alg_name_with_size = ' %s ( %d -bit cert/ %d -bit CA) ' % ( alg_name , hostkey_size , ca_size )
padding = padding [ 0 : - 15 ]
else :
alg_name_with_size = ' %s ( %d -bit) ' % ( alg_name , hostkey_size )
padding = padding [ 0 : - 11 ]
texts = [ ]
if len ( alg_name . strip ( ) ) == 0 :
2020-06-17 04:50:07 +02:00
alg_name_native = utils . to_text ( alg_name )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if alg_name_native in alg_db [ alg_type ] :
alg_desc = alg_db [ alg_type ] [ alg_name_native ]
ldesc = len ( alg_desc )
for idx , level in enumerate ( [ ' fail ' , ' warn ' , ' info ' ] ) :
if level == ' info ' :
versions = alg_desc [ 0 ]
since_text = SSH . Algorithm . get_since_text ( versions )
if since_text is not None and len ( since_text ) > 0 :
texts . append ( ( level , since_text ) )
idx = idx + 1
if ldesc > idx :
for t in alg_desc [ idx ] :
if t is None :
texts . append ( ( level , t ) )
if len ( texts ) == 0 :
texts . append ( ( ' info ' , ' ' ) )
else :
texts . append ( ( ' warn ' , ' unknown algorithm ' ) )
unknown_algs . append ( alg_name )
alg_name = alg_name_with_size if alg_name_with_size is not None else alg_name
first = True
for level , text in texts :
f = getattr ( out , level )
comment = ( padding + ' -- [ ' + level + ' ] ' + text ) if text != ' ' else ' '
if first :
if first and level == ' info ' :
f = out . good
f ( prefix + alg_name + comment )
first = False
else : # pylint: disable=else-if-used
if out . verbose :
f ( prefix + alg_name + comment )
elif text != ' ' :
comment = ( padding + ' `- [ ' + level + ' ] ' + text )
f ( ' ' * len ( prefix + alg_name ) + comment )
2015-12-23 05:01:24 +02:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def output_compatibility ( algs : SSH . Algorithms , client_audit : bool , for_server : bool = True ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Don't output any compatibility info if we're doing a client audit.
if client_audit :
ssh_timeframe = algs . get_ssh_timeframe ( for_server )
comp_text = [ ]
for ssh_prod in [ SSH . Product . OpenSSH , SSH . Product . DropbearSSH ] :
if ssh_prod not in ssh_timeframe :
v_from = ssh_timeframe . get_from ( ssh_prod , for_server )
v_till = ssh_timeframe . get_till ( ssh_prod , for_server )
if v_from is None :
if v_till is None :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
comp_text . append ( ' {} {} + ' . format ( ssh_prod , v_from ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
elif v_from == v_till :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
comp_text . append ( ' {} {} ' . format ( ssh_prod , v_from ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
else :
software = SSH . Software ( None , ssh_prod , v_from , None , None )
if software . compare_version ( v_till ) > 0 :
tfmt = ' {0} {1} + (some functionality from {2} ) '
else :
tfmt = ' {0} {1} - {2} '
comp_text . append ( tfmt . format ( ssh_prod , v_from , v_till ) )
if len ( comp_text ) > 0 :
out . good ( ' (gen) compatibility: ' + ' , ' . join ( comp_text ) )
2016-08-12 04:28:46 +03:00
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def output_security_sub ( sub : str , software : Optional [ SSH . Software ] , client_audit : bool , padlen : int ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
secdb = SSH . Security . CVE if sub == ' cve ' else SSH . Security . TXT
if software is None or software . product not in secdb :
for line in secdb [ software . product ] :
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
vfrom = ' ' # type: str
vtill = ' ' # type: str
vfrom , vtill = line [ 0 : 2 ]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if not software . between_versions ( vfrom , vtill ) :
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
target = 0 # type: int
name = ' ' # type: str
target , name = line [ 2 : 4 ]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
is_server = target & 1 == 1
is_client = target & 2 == 2
# is_local = target & 4 == 4
# If this security entry applies only to servers, but we're testing a client, then skip it. Similarly, skip entries that apply only to clients, but we're testing a server.
if ( is_server and not is_client and client_audit ) or ( is_client and not is_server and not client_audit ) :
p = ' ' if out . batch else ' ' * ( padlen - len ( name ) )
if sub == ' cve ' :
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
cvss = 0.0 # type: float
descr = ' ' # type: str
cvss , descr = line [ 4 : 6 ]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# Critical CVSS scores (>= 8.0) are printed as a fail, otherwise they are printed as a warning.
out_func = out . warn
if cvss > = 8.0 :
out_func = out . fail
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
out_func ( ' (cve) {} {} -- (CVSSv2: {} ) {} ' . format ( name , p , cvss , descr ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
else :
descr = line [ 4 ]
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
out . fail ( ' (sec) {} {} -- {} ' . format ( name , p , descr ) )
2016-09-08 20:04:48 +03:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def output_security ( banner : Optional [ SSH . Banner ] , client_audit : bool , padlen : int ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
with OutputBuffer ( ) as obuf :
if banner is not None :
software = SSH . Software . parse ( banner )
output_security_sub ( ' cve ' , software , client_audit , padlen )
output_security_sub ( ' txt ' , software , client_audit , padlen )
if len ( obuf ) > 0 :
out . head ( ' # security ' )
obuf . flush ( )
out . sep ( )
2016-09-08 18:50:19 +03:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def output_fingerprints ( algs : SSH . Algorithms , sha256 : bool = True ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
with OutputBuffer ( ) as obuf :
fps = [ ]
if algs . ssh1kex is not None :
name = ' ssh-rsa1 '
fp = SSH . Fingerprint ( algs . ssh1kex . host_key_fingerprint_data )
# bits = algs.ssh1kex.host_key_bits
fps . append ( ( name , fp ) )
if algs . ssh2kex is not None :
host_keys = algs . ssh2kex . host_keys ( )
for host_key_type in algs . ssh2kex . host_keys ( ) :
if host_keys [ host_key_type ] is None :
fp = SSH . Fingerprint ( host_keys [ host_key_type ] )
# Workaround for Python's order-indifference in dicts. We might get a random RSA type (ssh-rsa, rsa-sha2-256, or rsa-sha2-512), so running the tool against the same server three times may give three different host key types here. So if we have any RSA type, we will simply hard-code it to 'ssh-rsa'.
if host_key_type in SSH2 . HostKeyTest . RSA_FAMILY :
host_key_type = ' ssh-rsa '
# Skip over certificate host types (or we would return invalid fingerprints).
if ' -cert- ' not in host_key_type :
fps . append ( ( host_key_type , fp ) )
# Similarly, the host keys can be processed in random order due to Python's order-indifference in dicts. So we sort this list before printing; this makes automated testing possible.
fps = sorted ( fps )
for fpp in fps :
name , fp = fpp
fpo = fp . sha256 if sha256 else fp . md5
# p = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (padlen - len(name))
# out.good('(fin) {0}{1} -- {2} {3}'.format(name, p, bits, fpo))
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
out . good ( ' (fin) {} : {} ' . format ( name , fpo ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if len ( obuf ) > 0 :
out . head ( ' # fingerprints ' )
obuf . flush ( )
out . sep ( )
2016-09-17 20:37:03 +03:00
2019-09-27 18:14:36 -04:00
# Returns True if no warnings or failures encountered in configuration.
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def output_recommendations ( algs : SSH . Algorithms , software : Optional [ SSH . Software ] , padlen : int = 0 ) - > bool :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
ret = True
# PuTTY's algorithms cannot be modified, so there's no point in issuing recommendations.
if ( software is not None ) and ( software . product == SSH . Product . PuTTY ) :
max_vuln_version = 0.0
max_cvssv2_severity = 0.0
# Search the CVE database for the most recent vulnerable version and the max CVSSv2 score.
for cve_list in SSH . Security . CVE [ ' PuTTY ' ] :
vuln_version = float ( cve_list [ 1 ] )
cvssv2_severity = cve_list [ 4 ]
if vuln_version > max_vuln_version :
max_vuln_version = vuln_version
if cvssv2_severity > max_cvssv2_severity :
max_cvssv2_severity = cvssv2_severity
fn = out . warn
if max_cvssv2_severity > 8.0 :
fn = out . fail
# Assuming that PuTTY versions will always increment by 0.01, we can calculate the first safe version by adding 0.01 to the latest vulnerable version.
current_version = float ( software . version )
upgrade_to_version = max_vuln_version + 0.01
if current_version < upgrade_to_version :
out . head ( ' # recommendations ' )
fn ( ' (rec) Upgrade to PuTTY v %.2f ' % upgrade_to_version )
out . sep ( )
ret = False
return ret
for_server = True
with OutputBuffer ( ) as obuf :
software , alg_rec = algs . get_recommendations ( software , for_server )
for sshv in range ( 2 , 0 , - 1 ) :
if sshv not in alg_rec :
for alg_type in [ ' kex ' , ' key ' , ' enc ' , ' mac ' ] :
if alg_type not in alg_rec [ sshv ] :
for action in [ ' del ' , ' add ' , ' chg ' ] :
if action not in alg_rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] :
for name in alg_rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ action ] :
p = ' ' if out . batch else ' ' * ( padlen - len ( name ) )
chg_additional_info = ' '
if action == ' del ' :
an , sg , fn = ' remove ' , ' - ' , out . warn
ret = False
if alg_rec [ sshv ] [ alg_type ] [ action ] [ name ] > = 10 :
fn = out . fail
elif action == ' add ' :
an , sg , fn = ' append ' , ' + ' , out . good
elif action == ' chg ' :
an , sg , fn = ' change ' , ' ! ' , out . fail
ret = False
chg_additional_info = ' (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger) '
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
b = ' (SSH {} ) ' . format ( sshv ) if sshv == 1 else ' '
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
fm = ' (rec) {0} {1} {2} -- {3} algorithm to {4} {5} {6} '
fn ( fm . format ( sg , name , p , alg_type , an , chg_additional_info , b ) )
if len ( obuf ) > 0 :
if software is not None :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
title = ' (for {} ) ' . format ( software . display ( False ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
else :
title = ' '
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
out . head ( ' # algorithm recommendations {} ' . format ( title ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
obuf . flush ( True ) # Sort the output so that it is always stable (needed for repeatable testing).
out . sep ( )
return ret
2019-09-27 18:14:36 -04:00
# Output additional information & notes.
Re-enable mypy options (#43)
* Convert type comments to annotations
- variable annotations are only possible for Python 3.6 and upwards
- class names as a result of a function have to be quoted
cf https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0563/#enabling-the-future-behavior-in-python-3-7
This is ongoing work for #32
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not use variable annotation
... as this feature works only for Python 3.6 and above only.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Re-enable strict_optional
`None` is a valid return type for mypy, even when you specify a certain
type. `strict_optional` makes sure that only the annotated return type
is actually returned.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_unused_ignores`
Quote from mypy docs:
This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses a
`# type: ignore` comment on a line that is not actually generating
an error message.
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_return_any`
Quote from the documenation:
"This flag causes mypy to generate a warning when returning a value with
type Any from a function declared with a non-Any return type."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `warn_redundant_casts`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag will make mypy report an error whenever your code uses an
unnecessary cast that can safely be removed."
modified: tox.ini
* Remove `warn_incomplete_stub`
... as the documentation says
"This flag is mainly intended to be used by people who want contribute
to typeshed and would like a convenient way to find gaps and omissions."
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `disallow_subclassing_any`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag reports an error whenever a class subclasses a value of type
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `follow_imports`
... and set it to `normal`.
For more information, see
modified: tox.ini
* Re-enable `ignore_missing_imports`
Quote from the documentation:
"This flag makes mypy ignore all missing imports. It is equivalent to
adding # type: ignore comments to all unresolved imports within your
modified: tox.ini
* Fix arguments for Kex initialization
`follows` has to be a boolean, but an int was provided.
This worked, as in Python boolean is a subtype of int.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not uncomment `check_untyped_defs` yet
modified: tox.ini
* Change KexDH.__ed25519_pubkey's default type
It was initialized with 0 (int), and later it gets set with bytes.
Now, it gets initialized with None, and thus gets the type
Optional means None or the named type.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Fix whitespace
modified: tox.ini
* Add type annotation for main function
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.set_params
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_rsa_key_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.rsa_key_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Kex.dh_modulus_sizes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.set_host_key
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Kex.host_keys
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for HostKeyTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add static typing to HostKeyTest.perform_test
This revealed a small oversight in the guard protecting the call to
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.reconnect
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for GexTest.run
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for ReadBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annoation for WriteBuf.reset
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to Socket.listen_and_accept
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Move comment for is_connected into docstring.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.is_connected
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for Socket.close
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Do not commit breakpoint
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add annotations for KexDH key size handling
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.get_ca_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to output_info
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__get_bytes
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexGroup14.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup14_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup16_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroup18_SHA512.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexCurve25519_SHA256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotations to several init methods
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotataion for KexGroupExchange.send_init_gex
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.__init__
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexCurve25519_SHA256.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP256.sent_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP384.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexNISTP521.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexGroupExchange.send_init
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation to KexDH.get_dh_modulus_size
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__f and f_len
__f was initialized as int, then assigned to bytes, but never used.
f_len assigned an int, but not all.
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Delete unused variables KexDH.__h_sig and h_sig_len
modified: ssh-audit.py
* Add type annotation for KexDH.__hostkey_type
modified: ssh-audit.py
2020-06-28 05:54:34 +02:00
def output_info ( software : Optional [ ' SSH.Software ' ] , client_audit : bool , any_problems : bool ) - > None :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
with OutputBuffer ( ) as obuf :
# Tell user that PuTTY cannot be hardened at the protocol-level.
if client_audit and ( software is not None ) and ( software . product == SSH . Product . PuTTY ) :
out . warn ( ' (nfo) PuTTY does not have the option of restricting any algorithms during the SSH handshake. ' )
2019-09-27 18:14:36 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# If any warnings or failures were given, print a link to the hardening guides.
if any_problems :
out . warn ( ' (nfo) For hardening guides on common OSes, please see: <https://www.ssh-audit.com/hardening_guides.html> ' )
2019-09-27 18:14:36 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if len ( obuf ) > 0 :
out . head ( ' # additional info ' )
obuf . flush ( )
out . sep ( )
2016-09-28 17:03:38 +03:00
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
def output ( aconf : AuditConf , banner : Optional [ SSH . Banner ] , header : List [ str ] , client_host : Optional [ str ] = None , kex : Optional [ SSH2 . Kex ] = None , pkm : Optional [ SSH1 . PublicKeyMessage ] = None ) - > None :
# If the user requested JSON output, output that and return immediately.
if aconf . json :
print ( json . dumps ( build_struct ( banner , kex = kex , client_host = client_host ) , sort_keys = True ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
client_audit = client_host is not None # If set, this is a client audit.
sshv = 1 if pkm is not None else 2
algs = SSH . Algorithms ( pkm , kex )
with OutputBuffer ( ) as obuf :
if client_audit :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
out . good ( ' (gen) client IP: {} ' . format ( client_host ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if len ( header ) > 0 :
out . info ( ' (gen) header: ' + ' \n ' . join ( header ) )
if banner is not None :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
out . good ( ' (gen) banner: {} ' . format ( banner ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if not banner . valid_ascii :
# NOTE: RFC 4253, Section 4.2
out . warn ( ' (gen) banner contains non-printable ASCII ' )
if sshv == 1 or banner . protocol [ 0 ] == 1 :
out . fail ( ' (gen) protocol SSH1 enabled ' )
software = SSH . Software . parse ( banner )
if software is not None :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
out . good ( ' (gen) software: {} ' . format ( software ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
else :
software = None
output_compatibility ( algs , client_audit )
if kex is not None :
compressions = [ x for x in kex . server . compression if x != ' none ' ]
if len ( compressions ) > 0 :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
cmptxt = ' enabled ( {} ) ' . format ( ' , ' . join ( compressions ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
else :
cmptxt = ' disabled '
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
out . good ( ' (gen) compression: {} ' . format ( cmptxt ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if len ( obuf ) > 0 :
out . head ( ' # general ' )
obuf . flush ( )
out . sep ( )
maxlen = algs . maxlen + 1
output_security ( banner , client_audit , maxlen )
2020-06-17 04:54:39 +02:00
# Filled in by output_algorithms() with unidentified algs.
unknown_algorithms = [ ] # type: List[str]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if pkm is not None :
ciphers = pkm . supported_ciphers
auths = pkm . supported_authentications
title , atype = ' SSH1 host-key algorithms ' , ' key '
output_algorithms ( title , adb , atype , [ ' ssh-rsa1 ' ] , unknown_algorithms , maxlen )
title , atype = ' SSH1 encryption algorithms (ciphers) ' , ' enc '
output_algorithms ( title , adb , atype , ciphers , unknown_algorithms , maxlen )
title , atype = ' SSH1 authentication types ' , ' aut '
output_algorithms ( title , adb , atype , auths , unknown_algorithms , maxlen )
if kex is not None :
title , atype = ' key exchange algorithms ' , ' kex '
output_algorithms ( title , adb , atype , kex . kex_algorithms , unknown_algorithms , maxlen , kex . dh_modulus_sizes ( ) )
title , atype = ' host-key algorithms ' , ' key '
output_algorithms ( title , adb , atype , kex . key_algorithms , unknown_algorithms , maxlen , kex . rsa_key_sizes ( ) )
title , atype = ' encryption algorithms (ciphers) ' , ' enc '
output_algorithms ( title , adb , atype , kex . server . encryption , unknown_algorithms , maxlen )
title , atype = ' message authentication code algorithms ' , ' mac '
output_algorithms ( title , adb , atype , kex . server . mac , unknown_algorithms , maxlen )
output_fingerprints ( algs , True )
perfect_config = output_recommendations ( algs , software , maxlen )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
output_info ( software , client_audit , not perfect_config )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
# If we encountered any unknown algorithms, ask the user to report them.
if len ( unknown_algorithms ) > 0 :
out . warn ( " \n \n !!! WARNING: unknown algorithm(s) found!: %s . Please email the full output above to the maintainer (jtesta@positronsecurity.com), or create a Github issue at <https://github.com/jtesta/ssh-audit/issues>. \n " % ' , ' . join ( unknown_algorithms ) )
2015-12-23 05:01:24 +02:00
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
2020-07-01 13:12:49 -04:00
def evaluate_policy ( aconf : AuditConf , banner : Optional [ ' SSH.Banner ' ] , kex : Optional [ ' SSH2.Kex ' ] = None ) - > bool :
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
if aconf . policy is None :
raise RuntimeError ( ' Internal error: cannot evaluate against null Policy! ' )
2020-07-01 13:12:49 -04:00
passed , errors = aconf . policy . evaluate ( banner , kex )
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
if aconf . json :
json_struct = { ' host ' : aconf . host , ' policy ' : aconf . policy . get_name_and_version ( ) , ' passed ' : passed , ' errors ' : errors }
print ( json . dumps ( json_struct , sort_keys = True ) )
else :
print ( " Host: %s " % aconf . host )
print ( " Policy: %s " % aconf . policy . get_name_and_version ( ) )
print ( " Result: " , end = ' ' )
if passed :
out . good ( " ✔ Passed " )
else :
out . fail ( " ❌ Failed! " )
out . warn ( " \n Errors: \n * %s " % ' \n * ' . join ( errors ) )
return passed
2020-07-01 13:12:49 -04:00
def make_policy ( aconf : AuditConf , banner : Optional [ ' SSH.Banner ' ] , kex : Optional [ ' SSH2.Kex ' ] ) - > None :
policy_data = Policy . create ( aconf . host , banner , kex )
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
if aconf . policy_file is None :
raise RuntimeError ( ' Internal error: cannot write policy file since filename is None! ' )
with open ( aconf . policy_file , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( policy_data )
print ( " Wrote policy to %s . Customize as necessary. " % aconf . policy_file )
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
class Utils :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _type_err ( cls , v : Any , target : str ) - > TypeError :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
return TypeError ( ' cannot convert {} to {} ' . format ( type ( v ) , target ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def to_bytes ( cls , v : Union [ bytes , str ] , enc : str = ' utf-8 ' ) - > bytes :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
if isinstance ( v , bytes ) :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return v
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
elif isinstance ( v , str ) :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return v . encode ( enc )
raise cls . _type_err ( v , ' bytes ' )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def to_text ( cls , v : Union [ str , bytes ] , enc : str = ' utf-8 ' ) - > str :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
if isinstance ( v , str ) :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return v
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
elif isinstance ( v , bytes ) :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return v . decode ( enc )
raise cls . _type_err ( v , ' unicode text ' )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _is_ascii ( cls , v : str , char_filter : Callable [ [ int ] , bool ] = lambda x : x < = 127 ) - > bool :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
r = False
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
if isinstance ( v , str ) :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
for c in v :
i = cls . ctoi ( c )
if not char_filter ( i ) :
return r
r = True
return r
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _to_ascii ( cls , v : str , char_filter : Callable [ [ int ] , bool ] = lambda x : x < = 127 , errors : str = ' replace ' ) - > str :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
if isinstance ( v , str ) :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
r = bytearray ( )
for c in v :
i = cls . ctoi ( c )
if char_filter ( i ) :
r . append ( i )
else :
if errors == ' ignore ' :
r . append ( 63 )
2020-06-17 04:50:07 +02:00
return cls . to_text ( r . decode ( ' ascii ' ) )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
raise cls . _type_err ( v , ' ascii ' )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def is_ascii ( cls , v : str ) - > bool :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return cls . _is_ascii ( v )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def to_ascii ( cls , v : str , errors : str = ' replace ' ) - > str :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return cls . _to_ascii ( v , errors = errors )
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def is_print_ascii ( cls , v : str ) - > bool :
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
return cls . _is_ascii ( v , lambda x : 126 > = x > = 32 )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def to_print_ascii ( cls , v : str , errors : str = ' replace ' ) - > str :
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
return cls . _to_ascii ( v , lambda x : 126 > = x > = 32 , errors )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def unique_seq ( cls , seq : Sequence [ Any ] ) - > Sequence [ Any ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
seen = set ( ) # type: Set[Any]
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def _seen_add ( x : Any ) - > bool :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
seen . add ( x )
return False
if isinstance ( seq , tuple ) :
return tuple ( x for x in seq if x not in seen and not _seen_add ( x ) )
else :
return [ x for x in seq if x not in seen and not _seen_add ( x ) ]
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def ctoi ( cls , c : Union [ str , int ] ) - > int :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
if isinstance ( c , str ) :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
return ord ( c [ 0 ] )
else :
return c
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def parse_int ( v : Any ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
try :
return int ( v )
except Exception : # pylint: disable=bare-except
return 0
2020-06-26 23:51:08 +02:00
def parse_float ( v : Any ) - > float :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
try :
return float ( v )
except Exception : # pylint: disable=bare-except
return - 1.0
2017-10-29 17:48:04 -04:00
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
def build_struct ( banner : Optional [ ' SSH.Banner ' ] , kex : Optional [ ' SSH2.Kex ' ] = None , pkm : Optional [ ' SSH1.PublicKeyMessage ' ] = None , client_host : Optional [ str ] = None ) - > Any :
banner_str = ' '
banner_protocol = None
banner_software = None
banner_comments = None
if banner is not None :
banner_str = str ( banner )
banner_protocol = banner . protocol
banner_software = banner . software
banner_comments = banner . comments
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
res = {
" banner " : {
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
" raw " : banner_str ,
" protocol " : banner_protocol ,
" software " : banner_software ,
" comments " : banner_comments ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
} ,
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
} # type: Any
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if client_host is not None :
res [ ' client_ip ' ] = client_host
if kex is not None :
res [ ' compression ' ] = kex . server . compression
res [ ' kex ' ] = [ ]
alg_sizes = kex . dh_modulus_sizes ( )
for algorithm in kex . kex_algorithms :
entry = {
' algorithm ' : algorithm ,
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
} # type: Any
if algorithm in alg_sizes :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
hostkey_size , ca_size = alg_sizes [ algorithm ]
entry [ ' keysize ' ] = hostkey_size
if ca_size > 0 :
entry [ ' casize ' ] = ca_size
res [ ' kex ' ] . append ( entry )
res [ ' key ' ] = [ ]
alg_sizes = kex . rsa_key_sizes ( )
for algorithm in kex . key_algorithms :
entry = {
' algorithm ' : algorithm ,
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
if algorithm in alg_sizes :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
hostkey_size , ca_size = alg_sizes [ algorithm ]
entry [ ' keysize ' ] = hostkey_size
if ca_size > 0 :
entry [ ' casize ' ] = ca_size
res [ ' key ' ] . append ( entry )
res [ ' enc ' ] = kex . server . encryption
res [ ' mac ' ] = kex . server . mac
res [ ' fingerprints ' ] = [ ]
host_keys = kex . host_keys ( )
# Normalize all RSA key types to 'ssh-rsa'. Otherwise, due to Python's order-indifference dictionary types, we would iterate key types in unpredictable orders, which interferes with the docker testing framework (i.e.: tests would fail because elements are reported out of order, even though the output is semantically the same).
2020-07-03 20:56:46 +02:00
for host_key_type in list ( host_keys . keys ( ) ) [ : ] :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if host_key_type in SSH2 . HostKeyTest . RSA_FAMILY :
val = host_keys [ host_key_type ]
2020-06-13 11:27:01 -04:00
del host_keys [ host_key_type ]
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
host_keys [ ' ssh-rsa ' ] = val
for host_key_type in sorted ( host_keys ) :
if host_keys [ host_key_type ] is None :
fp = SSH . Fingerprint ( host_keys [ host_key_type ] )
# Skip over certificate host types (or we would return invalid fingerprints).
if ' -cert- ' in host_key_type :
entry = {
' type ' : host_key_type ,
' fp ' : fp . sha256 ,
res [ ' fingerprints ' ] . append ( entry )
else :
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
pkm_supported_ciphers = None
pkm_supported_authentications = None
pkm_fp = None
if pkm is not None :
pkm_supported_ciphers = pkm . supported_ciphers
pkm_supported_authentications = pkm . supported_authentications
pkm_fp = SSH . Fingerprint ( pkm . host_key_fingerprint_data ) . sha256
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
res [ ' key ' ] = [ ' ssh-rsa1 ' ]
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
res [ ' enc ' ] = pkm_supported_ciphers
res [ ' aut ' ] = pkm_supported_authentications
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
res [ ' fingerprints ' ] = [ {
' type ' : ' ssh-rsa1 ' ,
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
' fp ' : pkm_fp ,
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
} ]
return res
2016-09-02 17:22:00 +03:00
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
def audit ( aconf : AuditConf , sshv : Optional [ int ] = None ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
out . batch = aconf . batch
out . verbose = aconf . verbose
out . level = aconf . level
out . use_colors = aconf . colors
s = SSH . Socket ( aconf . host , aconf . port , aconf . ipvo , aconf . timeout , aconf . timeout_set )
if aconf . client_audit :
s . listen_and_accept ( )
else :
s . connect ( )
if sshv is None :
sshv = 2 if aconf . ssh2 else 1
err = None
banner , header , err = s . get_banner ( sshv )
if banner is None :
if err is None :
err = ' [exception] did not receive banner. '
else :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
err = ' [exception] did not receive banner: {} ' . format ( err )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if err is None :
packet_type , payload = s . read_packet ( sshv )
if packet_type < 0 :
try :
2020-07-01 13:00:44 -04:00
if len ( payload ) > 0 :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
payload_txt = payload . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
else :
payload_txt = u ' empty '
except UnicodeDecodeError :
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
payload_txt = u ' " {} " ' . format ( repr ( payload ) . lstrip ( ' b ' ) [ 1 : - 1 ] )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if payload_txt == u ' Protocol major versions differ. ' :
if sshv == 2 and aconf . ssh1 :
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
return audit ( aconf , 1 )
2020-06-15 23:05:31 +02:00
err = ' [exception] error reading packet ( {} ) ' . format ( payload_txt )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
else :
err_pair = None
if sshv == 1 and packet_type != SSH . Protocol . SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY :
err_pair = ( ' SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY ' , SSH . Protocol . SMSG_PUBLIC_KEY )
elif sshv == 2 and packet_type != SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXINIT :
err_pair = ( ' MSG_KEXINIT ' , SSH . Protocol . MSG_KEXINIT )
if err_pair is not None :
fmt = ' [exception] did not receive {0} ( {1} ), ' + \
' instead received unknown message ( {2} ) '
err = fmt . format ( err_pair [ 0 ] , err_pair [ 1 ] , packet_type )
if err is not None :
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
output ( aconf , banner , header )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
out . fail ( err )
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
return 1
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
if sshv == 1 :
pkm = SSH1 . PublicKeyMessage . parse ( payload )
if aconf . json :
print ( json . dumps ( build_struct ( banner , pkm = pkm ) , sort_keys = True ) )
else :
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
output ( aconf , banner , header , pkm = pkm )
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
elif sshv == 2 :
kex = SSH2 . Kex . parse ( payload )
if aconf . client_audit is False :
SSH2 . HostKeyTest . run ( s , kex )
SSH2 . GEXTest . run ( s , kex )
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
# This is a standard audit scan.
if ( aconf . policy is None ) and ( aconf . make_policy is False ) :
output ( aconf , banner , header , client_host = s . client_host , kex = kex )
# This is a policy test.
elif ( aconf . policy is not None ) and ( aconf . make_policy is False ) :
2020-07-01 13:12:49 -04:00
return 0 if evaluate_policy ( aconf , banner , kex = kex ) else 1
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
# A new policy should be made from this scan.
elif ( aconf . policy is None ) and ( aconf . make_policy is True ) :
2020-07-01 13:12:49 -04:00
make_policy ( aconf , banner , kex = kex )
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
else :
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
raise RuntimeError ( ' Internal error while handling output: %r %r ' % ( aconf . policy is None , aconf . make_policy ) )
return 0
2016-09-15 18:00:09 +03:00
2016-10-19 20:47:13 +03:00
utils = Utils ( )
2016-10-13 17:53:01 +03:00
out = Output ( )
2019-09-04 15:05:07 -04:00
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
def main ( ) - > int :
2020-06-12 21:01:10 -04:00
conf = AuditConf . from_cmdline ( sys . argv [ 1 : ] , usage )
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
return audit ( conf )
2019-09-04 15:05:07 -04:00
2020-06-09 23:54:07 +02:00
2019-09-04 15:05:07 -04:00
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' : # pragma: nocover
2020-06-30 15:53:50 -04:00
exit_code = main ( )
sys . exit ( exit_code )