mirror of https://github.com/jtesta/ssh-audit.git
Added docker testing framework.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
# This script will set up a docker image with multiple versions of OpenSSH, then
# use it to run tests.
# For debugging purposes, here is a cheat sheet for manually running the docker image:
# docker run -p 2222:22 -it ssh-audit-test:X /bin/bash
# docker run -p 2222:22 --security-opt seccomp:unconfined -it ssh-audit-test /debug.sh
# docker run -d -p 2222:22 ssh-audit-test:X /openssh/sshd-5.6p1 -D -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config-5.6p1_test1
# docker run -d -p 2222:22 ssh-audit-test:X /openssh/sshd-8.0p1 -D -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config-8.0p1_test1
# This is the docker tag for the image. If this tag doesn't exist, then we assume the
# image is out of date, and generate a new one with this tag.
# This is the name of our docker image.
# Terminal colors.
REDB="\033[1;31m" # Red + bold
GREENB="\033[1;32m" # Green + bold
# Returns 0 if current docker image exists.
function check_if_docker_image_exists {
images=`docker image ls | egrep "$IMAGE_NAME[[:space:]]+$IMAGE_VERSION"`
# Uncompresses and compiles the specified version of OpenSSH.
function compile_openssh {
echo "Uncompressing $1..."
tar xzf openssh-$1.tar.gz
echo "Compiling $1..."
pushd openssh-$1 > /dev/null
./configure && make -j 10
if [[ ! -f "sshd" ]]; then
echo -e "${REDB}Error: sshd not built!${CLR}"
exit 1
echo -e "\n${GREEN}Successfully built OpenSSH ${1}${CLR}\n"
popd > /dev/null
# Creates a new docker image.
function create_docker_image {
# Create a new temporary directory.
TMP_DIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/sshaudit-docker-XXXXXXXXXX`
# Copy the Dockerfile to our new temp directory.
cp test/docker/* $TMP_DIR
# Make the temp directory our working directory for the duration of the build
# process.
pushd $TMP_DIR > /dev/null
# Get the release key for OpenSSH.
# Aside from checking the GPG signatures, we also compare against this known-good
# SHA-256 hash just in case.
get_openssh '5.6p1' '538af53b2b8162c21a293bb004ae2bdb141abd250f61b4cea55244749f3c6c2b'
get_openssh '8.0p1' 'bd943879e69498e8031eb6b7f44d08cdc37d59a7ab689aa0b437320c3481fd68'
# Compile the versions of OpenSSH.
compile_openssh '5.6p1'
compile_openssh '8.0p1'
# Rename the default config files so we know they are our originals.
mv openssh-5.6p1/sshd_config sshd_config-5.6p1_orig
mv openssh-8.0p1/sshd_config sshd_config-8.0p1_orig
# Create the configurations for each test.
# OpenSSH v5.6p1
# Test 1: Basic test.
create_openssh_config '5.6p1' 'test1' "HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key_1024\nHostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key"
# Test 2: RSA 1024 host key with RSA 1024 certificate.
create_openssh_config '5.6p1' 'test2' "HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key_1024\nHostCertificate /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key_1024-cert_1024.pub"
# Test 3: RSA 1024 host key with RSA 3072 certificate.
create_openssh_config '5.6p1' 'test3' "HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key_1024\nHostCertificate /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key_1024-cert_3072.pub"
# Test 4: RSA 3072 host key with RSA 1024 certificate.
create_openssh_config '5.6p1' 'test4' "HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key_3072\nHostCertificate /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key_3072-cert_1024.pub"
# Test 5: RSA 3072 host key with RSA 3072 certificate.
create_openssh_config '5.6p1' 'test5' "HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key_3072\nHostCertificate /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key_3072-cert_3072.pub"
# OpenSSH v8.0p1
# Test 1: Basic test.
create_openssh_config '8.0p1' 'test1' "HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key_3072\nHostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key\nHostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key"
# Test 2: ED25519 certificate test.
create_openssh_config '8.0p1' 'test2' "HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key\nHostCertificate /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key-cert.pub"
# Test 3: Hardened installation test.
create_openssh_config '8.0p1' 'test3' "HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key\nKexAlgorithms curve25519-sha256,curve25519-sha256@libssh.org,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256\nCiphers chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com,aes256-gcm@openssh.com,aes128-gcm@openssh.com,aes256-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes128-ctr\nMACs hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com,hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com,umac-128-etm@openssh.com"
# Now build the docker image!
docker build --tag $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_VERSION .
popd > /dev/null
rm -rf $TMP_DIR
# Creates an OpenSSH configuration file for a specific test.
function create_openssh_config {
cp sshd_config-${openssh_version}_orig sshd_config-${openssh_version}_${test_number}
echo -e "${config_text}" >> sshd_config-${openssh_version}_${test_number}
# Downloads the OpenSSH release key and adds it to the local keyring.
function get_openssh_release_key {
local release_key_fingerprint_expected='59C2 118E D206 D927 E667 EBE3 D3E5 F56B 6D92 0D30'
echo -e "\nGetting OpenSSH release key...\n"
wget https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/OpenSSH/RELEASE_KEY.asc
echo -e "\nImporting OpenSSH release key...\n"
gpg --import RELEASE_KEY.asc
local release_key_fingerprint_actual=`gpg --fingerprint 6D920D30`
if [[ $release_key_fingerprint_actual != *"$release_key_fingerprint_expected"* ]]; then
echo -e "\n${REDB}Error: OpenSSH release key fingerprint does not match expected value!\n\tExpected: $release_key_fingerprint_expected\n\tActual: $release_key_fingerprint_actual\n\nTerminating.${CLR}"
exit -1
echo -e "\n\n${GREEN}OpenSSH release key matches expected value.${CLR}\n"
# Downloads the specified version of OpenSSH.
function get_openssh {
echo -e "\nGetting OpenSSH $1 sources...\n"
wget https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/OpenSSH/portable/openssh-$1.tar.gz
echo -e "\nGetting OpenSSH $1 signature...\n"
wget https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/OpenSSH/portable/openssh-$1.tar.gz.asc
local gpg_verify=`gpg --verify openssh-$1.tar.gz.asc openssh-$1.tar.gz 2>&1`
if [[ $gpg_verify != *"Good signature from \"Damien Miller "* ]]; then
echo -e "\n\n${REDB}Error: OpenSSH signature invalid!\n$gpg_verify\n\nTerminating.${CLR}"
exit -1
# Check GPG's return value. 0 denotes a valid signature, and 1 is returned
# on invalid signatures.
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo -e "\n\n${REDB}Error: OpenSSH signature invalid! Verification returned code: $?\n\nTerminating.${CLR}"
exit -1
echo -e "${GREEN}Signature on OpenSSH sources verified.${CLR}\n"
local openssh_checksum_actual=`sha256sum openssh-$1.tar.gz | cut -f1 -d" "`
if [[ $openssh_checksum_actual != "$2" ]]; then
echo -e "${REDB}Error: OpenSSH checksum is invalid!\n Expected: $2\n Actual: $openssh_checksum_actual\n\n Terminating.${CLR}"
exit -1
# Runs an OpenSSH test. Upon failure, a diff between the expected and actual results
# is shown, then the script immediately terminates.
function run_openssh_test {
cid=`docker run -d -p 2222:22 ${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_VERSION} /openssh/sshd-${openssh_version} -D -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config-${openssh_version}_${test_number}`
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo -e "${REDB}Failed to run docker image! (exit code: $?)${CLR}"
exit 1
./ssh-audit.py localhost:2222 > ${TEST_RESULT_DIR}/openssh_${openssh_version}_${test_number}.txt
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo -e "${REDB}Failed to ssh-audit.py! (exit code: $?)${CLR}"
docker container stop $cid > /dev/null
exit 1
docker container stop $cid > /dev/null
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo -e "${REDB}Failed to stop docker container ${cid}! (exit code: $?)${CLR}"
exit 1
diff=`diff -u test/docker/expected_results/openssh_${openssh_version}_${test_number}.txt ${TEST_RESULT_DIR}/openssh_${openssh_version}_${test_number}.txt`
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
echo -e "OpenSSH ${openssh_version} ${test_number} ${GREEN}passed${CLR}."
echo -e "OpenSSH ${openssh_version} ${test_number} ${REDB}FAILED${CLR}.\n\n${diff}\n"
exit 1
# First check if docker is functional.
docker version > /dev/null
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo -e "${REDB}Error: 'docker version' command failed (error code: $?). Is docker installed and functioning?${CLR}"
exit 1
# Check if the docker image is the most up-to-date version. If not, create it.
if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
echo -e "\n${GREEN}Docker image $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_VERSION already exists.${CLR}"
echo -e "\nCreating docker image $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_VERSION..."
echo -e "\n${GREEN}Done creating docker image!${CLR}"
# Create a temporary directory to write test results to.
TEST_RESULT_DIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/ssh-audit_test-results_XXXXXXXXXX`
# Now run all the tests.
echo -e "\nRunning tests..."
run_openssh_test '5.6p1' 'test1'
run_openssh_test '5.6p1' 'test2'
run_openssh_test '5.6p1' 'test3'
run_openssh_test '5.6p1' 'test4'
run_openssh_test '5.6p1' 'test5'
echo ""
run_openssh_test '8.0p1' 'test1'
run_openssh_test '8.0p1' 'test2'
run_openssh_test '8.0p1' 'test3'
# The test functions above will terminate the script on failure, so if we reached here,
# all tests are successful.
echo -e "\n${GREENB}ALL TESTS PASS!${CLR}\n"
exit 0
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
FROM ubuntu:16.04
COPY openssh-5.6p1/sshd /openssh/sshd-5.6p1
COPY openssh-8.0p1/sshd /openssh/sshd-8.0p1
COPY sshd_config* /etc/ssh/
COPY ssh_host_* /etc/ssh/
COPY moduli_1024 /usr/local/etc/moduli
COPY debug.sh /debug.sh
RUN apt update 2> /dev/null
RUN apt install -y libssl-dev strace rsyslog 2> /dev/null
RUN apt clean 2> /dev/null
RUN useradd -s /bin/false sshd
RUN mkdir /var/empty
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# This script is run on in docker container. It will enable logging for sshd in
# /var/log/auth.log.
/etc/init.d/rsyslog start
sleep 1
/openssh/sshd-5.6p1 -o LogLevel=DEBUG3 -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config-5.6p1_test1
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
[0;36m# general[0m
[0;32m(gen) banner: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.6[0m
[0;32m(gen) software: OpenSSH 5.6[0m
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 4.7-6.6, Dropbear SSH 0.53+ (some functionality from 0.52)[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-3115 -- (CVSSv2: 5.5) bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-1907 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6564 -- (CVSSv2: 6.9) privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6563 -- (CVSSv2: 1.9) conduct impersonation attack[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-2532 -- (CVSSv2: 5.8) bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-1692 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2012-0814 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) leak data via debug messages[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2011-5000 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-5107 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4755 -- (CVSSv2: 4.0) cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4478 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) bypass authentication check via crafted values[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;33m(kex) diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.9, Dropbear SSH 0.53
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;31m `- [fail] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.0, logjam attack[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;36m# host-key algorithms[0m
[0;31m(key) ssh-rsa (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(key) ssh-dss -- [fail] removed (in server) and disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.0, weak algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak random number generator could reveal the key[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;36m# encryption algorithms (ciphers)[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes128-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes192-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes256-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;31m(enc) arcfour256 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.2
[0;31m(enc) arcfour128 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.2
[0;31m(enc) aes128-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) 3des-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.4, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 1.2.2, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) blowfish-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;31m `- [fail] disabled since Dropbear SSH 0.53[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 1.2.2, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) cast128-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(enc) aes192-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;31m(enc) aes256-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.47
[0;31m(enc) arcfour -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(enc) rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;36m# message authentication code algorithms[0m
[0;31m(mac) hmac-md5 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha1 -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;33m(mac) umac-64@openssh.com -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit tag size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.7
[0;31m(mac) hmac-ripemd160 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0
[0;31m(mac) hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(mac) hmac-sha1-96 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.47
[0;31m(mac) hmac-md5-96 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0
[0;36m# fingerprints[0m
[0;32m(fin) ssh-rsa: SHA256:YZ457EBcJTSxRKI3yXRgtAj3PBf5B9/F36b1SVooml4[0m
[0;36m# algorithm recommendations (for OpenSSH 5.6)[0m
[0;31m(rec) !diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 -- kex algorithm to change (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger) [0m
[0;31m(rec) !ssh-rsa -- key algorithm to change (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger) [0m
[0;31m(rec) -3des-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes128-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes192-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes256-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour128 -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour256 -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -blowfish-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -cast128-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-md5 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-md5-96 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-ripemd160 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-sha1-96 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -ssh-dss -- key algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
[0;36m# general[0m
[0;32m(gen) banner: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.6[0m
[0;32m(gen) software: OpenSSH 5.6[0m
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 5.6-6.6, Dropbear SSH 0.53+ (some functionality from 0.52)[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-3115 -- (CVSSv2: 5.5) bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-1907 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6564 -- (CVSSv2: 6.9) privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6563 -- (CVSSv2: 1.9) conduct impersonation attack[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-2532 -- (CVSSv2: 5.8) bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-1692 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2012-0814 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) leak data via debug messages[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2011-5000 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-5107 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4755 -- (CVSSv2: 4.0) cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4478 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) bypass authentication check via crafted values[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;33m(kex) diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.9, Dropbear SSH 0.53
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;31m `- [fail] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.0, logjam attack[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;36m# host-key algorithms[0m
[0;31m(key) ssh-rsa (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(key) ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com (1024-bit cert/1024-bit CA) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.6
[0;36m# encryption algorithms (ciphers)[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes128-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes192-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes256-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;31m(enc) arcfour256 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.2
[0;31m(enc) arcfour128 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.2
[0;31m(enc) aes128-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) 3des-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.4, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 1.2.2, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) blowfish-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;31m `- [fail] disabled since Dropbear SSH 0.53[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 1.2.2, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) cast128-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(enc) aes192-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;31m(enc) aes256-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.47
[0;31m(enc) arcfour -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(enc) rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;36m# message authentication code algorithms[0m
[0;31m(mac) hmac-md5 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha1 -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;33m(mac) umac-64@openssh.com -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit tag size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.7
[0;31m(mac) hmac-ripemd160 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0
[0;31m(mac) hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(mac) hmac-sha1-96 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.47
[0;31m(mac) hmac-md5-96 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0
[0;36m# fingerprints[0m
[0;32m(fin) ssh-rsa: SHA256:YZ457EBcJTSxRKI3yXRgtAj3PBf5B9/F36b1SVooml4[0m
[0;36m# algorithm recommendations (for OpenSSH 5.6)[0m
[0;31m(rec) !diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 -- kex algorithm to change (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger) [0m
[0;31m(rec) !ssh-rsa -- key algorithm to change (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger) [0m
[0;31m(rec) !ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com -- key algorithm to change (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger) [0m
[0;31m(rec) -3des-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes128-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes192-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes256-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour128 -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour256 -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -blowfish-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -cast128-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-md5 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-md5-96 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-ripemd160 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-sha1-96 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
[0;36m# general[0m
[0;32m(gen) banner: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.6[0m
[0;32m(gen) software: OpenSSH 5.6[0m
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 5.6-6.6, Dropbear SSH 0.53+ (some functionality from 0.52)[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-3115 -- (CVSSv2: 5.5) bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-1907 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6564 -- (CVSSv2: 6.9) privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6563 -- (CVSSv2: 1.9) conduct impersonation attack[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-2532 -- (CVSSv2: 5.8) bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-1692 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2012-0814 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) leak data via debug messages[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2011-5000 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-5107 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4755 -- (CVSSv2: 4.0) cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4478 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) bypass authentication check via crafted values[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;33m(kex) diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.9, Dropbear SSH 0.53
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;31m `- [fail] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.0, logjam attack[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;36m# host-key algorithms[0m
[0;31m(key) ssh-rsa (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(key) ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com (1024-bit cert/3072-bit CA) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.6
[0;36m# encryption algorithms (ciphers)[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes128-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes192-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes256-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;31m(enc) arcfour256 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.2
[0;31m(enc) arcfour128 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.2
[0;31m(enc) aes128-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) 3des-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.4, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 1.2.2, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) blowfish-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;31m `- [fail] disabled since Dropbear SSH 0.53[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 1.2.2, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) cast128-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(enc) aes192-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;31m(enc) aes256-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.47
[0;31m(enc) arcfour -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(enc) rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;36m# message authentication code algorithms[0m
[0;31m(mac) hmac-md5 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha1 -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;33m(mac) umac-64@openssh.com -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit tag size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.7
[0;31m(mac) hmac-ripemd160 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0
[0;31m(mac) hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(mac) hmac-sha1-96 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.47
[0;31m(mac) hmac-md5-96 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0
[0;36m# fingerprints[0m
[0;32m(fin) ssh-rsa: SHA256:YZ457EBcJTSxRKI3yXRgtAj3PBf5B9/F36b1SVooml4[0m
[0;36m# algorithm recommendations (for OpenSSH 5.6)[0m
[0;31m(rec) !diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 -- kex algorithm to change (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger) [0m
[0;31m(rec) !ssh-rsa -- key algorithm to change (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger) [0m
[0;31m(rec) !ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com -- key algorithm to change (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger) [0m
[0;31m(rec) -3des-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes128-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes192-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes256-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour128 -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour256 -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -blowfish-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -cast128-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-md5 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-md5-96 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-ripemd160 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-sha1-96 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
[0;36m# general[0m
[0;32m(gen) banner: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.6[0m
[0;32m(gen) software: OpenSSH 5.6[0m
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 5.6-6.6, Dropbear SSH 0.53+ (some functionality from 0.52)[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-3115 -- (CVSSv2: 5.5) bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-1907 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6564 -- (CVSSv2: 6.9) privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6563 -- (CVSSv2: 1.9) conduct impersonation attack[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-2532 -- (CVSSv2: 5.8) bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-1692 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2012-0814 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) leak data via debug messages[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2011-5000 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-5107 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4755 -- (CVSSv2: 4.0) cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4478 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) bypass authentication check via crafted values[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;33m(kex) diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.9, Dropbear SSH 0.53
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;31m `- [fail] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.0, logjam attack[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;36m# host-key algorithms[0m
[0;32m(key) ssh-rsa (3072-bit) -- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28[0m
[0;31m(key) ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com (3072-bit cert/1024-bit CA) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.6
[0;36m# encryption algorithms (ciphers)[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes128-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes192-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes256-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;31m(enc) arcfour256 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.2
[0;31m(enc) arcfour128 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.2
[0;31m(enc) aes128-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) 3des-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.4, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 1.2.2, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) blowfish-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;31m `- [fail] disabled since Dropbear SSH 0.53[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 1.2.2, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) cast128-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(enc) aes192-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;31m(enc) aes256-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.47
[0;31m(enc) arcfour -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(enc) rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;36m# message authentication code algorithms[0m
[0;31m(mac) hmac-md5 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha1 -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;33m(mac) umac-64@openssh.com -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit tag size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.7
[0;31m(mac) hmac-ripemd160 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0
[0;31m(mac) hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(mac) hmac-sha1-96 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.47
[0;31m(mac) hmac-md5-96 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0
[0;36m# fingerprints[0m
[0;32m(fin) ssh-rsa: SHA256:nsWtdJ9Z67Vrf7OsUzQov7esXhsWAfVppArGh25u244[0m
[0;36m# algorithm recommendations (for OpenSSH 5.6)[0m
[0;31m(rec) !diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 -- kex algorithm to change (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger) [0m
[0;31m(rec) !ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com -- key algorithm to change (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger) [0m
[0;31m(rec) -3des-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes128-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes192-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes256-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour128 -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour256 -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -blowfish-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -cast128-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-md5 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-md5-96 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-ripemd160 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-sha1-96 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
[0;36m# general[0m
[0;32m(gen) banner: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.6[0m
[0;32m(gen) software: OpenSSH 5.6[0m
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 5.6-6.6, Dropbear SSH 0.53+ (some functionality from 0.52)[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# security[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-3115 -- (CVSSv2: 5.5) bypass command restrictions via crafted X11 forwarding data[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2016-1907 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via crafted network traffic (out of bounds read)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6564 -- (CVSSv2: 6.9) privilege escalation via leveraging sshd uid[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2015-6563 -- (CVSSv2: 1.9) conduct impersonation attack[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-2532 -- (CVSSv2: 5.8) bypass environment restrictions via specific string before wildcard[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2014-1692 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) cause DoS via triggering error condition (memory corruption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2012-0814 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) leak data via debug messages[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2011-5000 -- (CVSSv2: 3.5) cause DoS via large value in certain length field (memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-5107 -- (CVSSv2: 5.0) cause DoS via large number of connections (slot exhaustion)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4755 -- (CVSSv2: 4.0) cause DoS via crafted glob expression (CPU and memory consumption)[0m
[0;33m(cve) CVE-2010-4478 -- (CVSSv2: 7.5) bypass authentication check via crafted values[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 (1024-bit) -- [fail] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;33m(kex) diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.9, Dropbear SSH 0.53
[0;31m(kex) diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;31m `- [fail] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.0, logjam attack[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 1024-bit modulus[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;36m# host-key algorithms[0m
[0;32m(key) ssh-rsa (3072-bit) -- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28[0m
[0;32m(key) ssh-rsa-cert-v01@openssh.com (3072-bit cert/3072-bit CA) -- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.6[0m
[0;36m# encryption algorithms (ciphers)[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes128-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes192-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes256-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;31m(enc) arcfour256 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.2
[0;31m(enc) arcfour128 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.2
[0;31m(enc) aes128-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) 3des-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.4, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 1.2.2, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) blowfish-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;31m `- [fail] disabled since Dropbear SSH 0.53[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 1.2.2, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;31m(enc) cast128-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit block size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(enc) aes192-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;31m(enc) aes256-cbc -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0, Dropbear SSH 0.47
[0;31m(enc) arcfour -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(enc) rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak cipher mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.3.0
[0;36m# message authentication code algorithms[0m
[0;31m(mac) hmac-md5 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha1 -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;33m(mac) umac-64@openssh.com -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit tag size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.7
[0;31m(mac) hmac-ripemd160 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0
[0;31m(mac) hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0
[0;31m(mac) hmac-sha1-96 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.47
[0;31m(mac) hmac-md5-96 -- [fail] removed (in server) since OpenSSH 6.7, unsafe algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] disabled (in client) since OpenSSH 7.2, legacy algorithm[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0
[0;36m# fingerprints[0m
[0;32m(fin) ssh-rsa: SHA256:nsWtdJ9Z67Vrf7OsUzQov7esXhsWAfVppArGh25u244[0m
[0;36m# algorithm recommendations (for OpenSSH 5.6)[0m
[0;31m(rec) !diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 -- kex algorithm to change (increase modulus size to 2048 bits or larger) [0m
[0;31m(rec) -3des-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes128-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes192-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -aes256-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour128 -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -arcfour256 -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -blowfish-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -cast128-cbc -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-md5 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-md5-96 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-ripemd160 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -hmac-sha1-96 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se -- enc algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
[0;36m# general[0m
[0;32m(gen) banner: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.0[0m
[0;32m(gen) software: OpenSSH 8.0[0m
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 7.4+, Dropbear SSH 2016.73+[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;32m(kex) curve25519-sha256 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.4[0m
[0;32m(kex) curve25519-sha256@libssh.org -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.5, Dropbear SSH 2013.62[0m
[0;31m(kex) ecdh-sha2-nistp256 -- [fail] using weak elliptic curves[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.7, Dropbear SSH 2013.62
[0;31m(kex) ecdh-sha2-nistp384 -- [fail] using weak elliptic curves[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.7, Dropbear SSH 2013.62
[0;31m(kex) ecdh-sha2-nistp521 -- [fail] using weak elliptic curves[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.7, Dropbear SSH 2013.62
[0;32m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (2048-bit) -- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4[0m
[0;32m(kex) diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.3, Dropbear SSH 2016.73[0m
[0;32m(kex) diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.3[0m
[0;32m(kex) diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.3, Dropbear SSH 2016.73[0m
[0;33m(kex) diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.9, Dropbear SSH 0.53
[0;36m# host-key algorithms[0m
[0;32m(key) rsa-sha2-512 (3072-bit) -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.2[0m
[0;32m(key) rsa-sha2-256 (3072-bit) -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.2[0m
[0;32m(key) ssh-rsa (3072-bit) -- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.5.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28[0m
[0;31m(key) ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 -- [fail] using weak elliptic curves[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak random number generator could reveal the key[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.7, Dropbear SSH 2013.62
[0;32m(key) ssh-ed25519 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.5[0m
[0;36m# encryption algorithms (ciphers)[0m
[0;32m(enc) chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.5[0m
`- [info] default cipher since OpenSSH 6.9.
[0;32m(enc) aes128-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes192-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes256-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes128-gcm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes256-gcm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;36m# message authentication code algorithms[0m
[0;33m(mac) umac-64-etm@openssh.com -- [warn] using small 64-bit tag size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2
[0;32m(mac) umac-128-etm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;32m(mac) hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;32m(mac) hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha1-etm@openssh.com -- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2
[0;33m(mac) umac-64@openssh.com -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit tag size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.7
[0;33m(mac) umac-128@openssh.com -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha2-256 -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.9, Dropbear SSH 2013.56
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha2-512 -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.9, Dropbear SSH 2013.56
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha1 -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;36m# fingerprints[0m
[0;32m(fin) ssh-ed25519: SHA256:UrnXIVH+7dlw8UqYocl48yUEcKrthGDQG2CPCgp7MxU[0m
[0;32m(fin) ssh-rsa: SHA256:nsWtdJ9Z67Vrf7OsUzQov7esXhsWAfVppArGh25u244[0m
[0;36m# algorithm recommendations (for OpenSSH 8.0)[0m
[0;31m(rec) -ecdh-sha2-nistp256 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -ecdh-sha2-nistp384 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -ecdh-sha2-nistp521 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 -- key algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -hmac-sha1 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -hmac-sha1-etm@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -hmac-sha2-256 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -hmac-sha2-512 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -umac-128@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -umac-64-etm@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -umac-64@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
[0;36m# general[0m
[0;32m(gen) banner: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.0[0m
[0;32m(gen) software: OpenSSH 8.0[0m
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 7.4+, Dropbear SSH 2016.73+[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;32m(kex) curve25519-sha256 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.4[0m
[0;32m(kex) curve25519-sha256@libssh.org -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.5, Dropbear SSH 2013.62[0m
[0;31m(kex) ecdh-sha2-nistp256 -- [fail] using weak elliptic curves[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.7, Dropbear SSH 2013.62
[0;31m(kex) ecdh-sha2-nistp384 -- [fail] using weak elliptic curves[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.7, Dropbear SSH 2013.62
[0;31m(kex) ecdh-sha2-nistp521 -- [fail] using weak elliptic curves[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.7, Dropbear SSH 2013.62
[0;32m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (2048-bit) -- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4[0m
[0;32m(kex) diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.3, Dropbear SSH 2016.73[0m
[0;32m(kex) diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.3[0m
[0;32m(kex) diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.3, Dropbear SSH 2016.73[0m
[0;33m(kex) diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.9, Dropbear SSH 0.53
[0;36m# host-key algorithms[0m
[0;32m(key) ssh-ed25519 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.5[0m
[0;32m(key) ssh-ed25519-cert-v01@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.5[0m
[0;36m# encryption algorithms (ciphers)[0m
[0;32m(enc) chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.5[0m
`- [info] default cipher since OpenSSH 6.9.
[0;32m(enc) aes128-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes192-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes256-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes128-gcm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes256-gcm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;36m# message authentication code algorithms[0m
[0;33m(mac) umac-64-etm@openssh.com -- [warn] using small 64-bit tag size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2
[0;32m(mac) umac-128-etm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;32m(mac) hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;32m(mac) hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha1-etm@openssh.com -- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2
[0;33m(mac) umac-64@openssh.com -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using small 64-bit tag size[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.7
[0;33m(mac) umac-128@openssh.com -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha2-256 -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.9, Dropbear SSH 2013.56
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha2-512 -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 5.9, Dropbear SSH 2013.56
[0;33m(mac) hmac-sha1 -- [warn] using encrypt-and-MAC mode[0m
[0;33m `- [warn] using weak hashing algorithm[0m
`- [info] available since OpenSSH 2.1.0, Dropbear SSH 0.28
[0;36m# fingerprints[0m
[0;32m(fin) ssh-ed25519: SHA256:UrnXIVH+7dlw8UqYocl48yUEcKrthGDQG2CPCgp7MxU[0m
[0;36m# algorithm recommendations (for OpenSSH 8.0)[0m
[0;31m(rec) -ecdh-sha2-nistp256 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -ecdh-sha2-nistp384 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;31m(rec) -ecdh-sha2-nistp521 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;32m(rec) +rsa-sha2-256 -- key algorithm to append [0m
[0;32m(rec) +rsa-sha2-512 -- key algorithm to append [0m
[0;32m(rec) +ssh-rsa -- key algorithm to append [0m
[0;33m(rec) -diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -- kex algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -hmac-sha1 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -hmac-sha1-etm@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -hmac-sha2-256 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -hmac-sha2-512 -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -umac-128@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -umac-64-etm@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
[0;33m(rec) -umac-64@openssh.com -- mac algorithm to remove [0m
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
[0;36m# general[0m
[0;32m(gen) banner: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.0[0m
[0;32m(gen) software: OpenSSH 8.0[0m
[0;32m(gen) compatibility: OpenSSH 7.4+, Dropbear SSH 2013.62+[0m
[0;32m(gen) compression: enabled (zlib@openssh.com)[0m
[0;36m# key exchange algorithms[0m
[0;32m(kex) curve25519-sha256 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 7.4[0m
[0;32m(kex) curve25519-sha256@libssh.org -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.5, Dropbear SSH 2013.62[0m
[0;32m(kex) diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 (2048-bit) -- [info] available since OpenSSH 4.4[0m
[0;36m# host-key algorithms[0m
[0;32m(key) ssh-ed25519 -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.5[0m
[0;36m# encryption algorithms (ciphers)[0m
[0;32m(enc) chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.5[0m
`- [info] default cipher since OpenSSH 6.9.
[0;32m(enc) aes256-gcm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes128-gcm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes256-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes192-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7[0m
[0;32m(enc) aes128-ctr -- [info] available since OpenSSH 3.7, Dropbear SSH 0.52[0m
[0;36m# message authentication code algorithms[0m
[0;32m(mac) hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;32m(mac) hmac-sha2-512-etm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;32m(mac) umac-128-etm@openssh.com -- [info] available since OpenSSH 6.2[0m
[0;36m# fingerprints[0m
[0;32m(fin) ssh-ed25519: SHA256:UrnXIVH+7dlw8UqYocl48yUEcKrthGDQG2CPCgp7MxU[0m
[0;36m# algorithm recommendations (for OpenSSH 8.0)[0m
[0;32m(rec) +diffie-hellman-group14-sha256 -- kex algorithm to append [0m
[0;32m(rec) +diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 -- kex algorithm to append [0m
[0;32m(rec) +diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 -- kex algorithm to append [0m
[0;32m(rec) +rsa-sha2-256 -- key algorithm to append [0m
[0;32m(rec) +rsa-sha2-512 -- key algorithm to append [0m
[0;32m(rec) +ssh-rsa -- key algorithm to append [0m
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIBsz1andk9wLwh+G7oaM0MlqgyDsrE7R6Xb6v0nflOW1 jdog@localhost.wonderland.lol
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDnRlN3AFnUe2lFf5XG9UhXLr/9POruNTFbMt0zrjOUSjmAS7hS6pDv5VEToT6DaR1EQUYaqSMpHYzZhuCK52vrydOm5XFbJ7712r9MyZQUhoVZx8SudBHzVDIVO3jcMMWIlrfWBMnUaUHEqpmy88Y7gKDa2TWxJg1+hg51KqHrUQ== jdog@localhost.wonderland.lol
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
ssh-rsa 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 jdog@localhost.wonderland.lol
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
20190821035337 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC08BE313B
20190821035338 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC08C0B443
20190821035338 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC08D1AF8B
20190821035338 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC08E76DDB
20190821035338 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC08E8F5D3
20190821035338 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC08EE3F1B
20190821035338 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC08F28387
20190821035339 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC08F69A57
20190821035339 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0903B157
20190821035339 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0905C973
20190821035339 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0909BCD3
20190821035339 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC090F4A2B
20190821035340 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0933BC13
20190821035340 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC09395757
20190821035340 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC093F40D7
20190821035340 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC09478D4F
20190821035340 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0953A4D7
20190821035340 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC095B5C7B
20190821035341 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC09696573
20190821035341 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC096BA243
20190821035341 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC096F3903
20190821035341 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC09850E4B
20190821035341 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC098A1C23
20190821035341 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC098E08E7
20190821035342 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC09A4FF7F
20190821035342 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC09AE4707
20190821035342 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC09B4CE73
20190821035342 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC09C60C6F
20190821035342 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC09D2588F
20190821035343 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0A025067
20190821035343 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0A0E38EB
20190821035343 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0A213923
20190821035344 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0A390CA7
20190821035344 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0A3C7ADB
20190821035344 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0A44D497
20190821035344 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0A479B13
20190821035345 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0A5EF01F
20190821035345 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0A615D43
20190821035345 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0A6BEADB
20190821035345 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0A86309F
20190821035345 2 6 100 1023 5 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0A991E8F
20190821035346 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0AA32C53
20190821035346 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0AA9FAAB
20190821035346 2 6 100 1023 2 F0B5E9E385A451D4F46BD2E354B5FCAAC21CA960E5D3D11F877DD50541ED125161E4A5055D528D67E525115BBFAB0B2A4AB8CF5BA98A8BBA41803ED5D4CF766E9ECD39A8D8D914B6F346E0EB2BA6936082751676DCE5C4817EFC7A8105C2A094B22C25245BE13CA4085F2985D3B7A2636FF4018A7E4EA9840BF5FFBC0AAC42BB
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
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Reference in New Issue