Weigh faults to recommend lesser evil. Colorize recommendations.

This commit is contained in:
Andris Raugulis 2016-10-04 11:14:03 +03:00
parent 5de7b913fd
commit 5269b63e64
1 changed files with 31 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -1181,18 +1181,18 @@ def get_alg_recommendations(software, kex, pkm, for_server=True):
if version is not None:
software = SSH.Software(None, product, version, None, None)
recommendations = {'.software': software}
rec = {'.software': software}
if software is None:
return recommendations
return rec
for alg_pair in alg_pairs:
sshv, alg_db = alg_pair[0]
alg_sets = alg_pair[1:]
recommendations[sshv] = {}
rec[sshv] = {}
for alg_set in alg_sets:
alg_type, alg_list = alg_set
if alg_type == 'aut':
recommendations[sshv][alg_type] = {'add': [], 'del': []}
rec[sshv][alg_type] = {'add': [], 'del': {}}
for n, alg_desc in alg_db[alg_type].items():
if alg_type == 'key' and '-cert-' in n:
@ -1218,34 +1218,45 @@ def get_alg_recommendations(software, kex, pkm, for_server=True):
adl, faults = len(alg_desc), 0
for i in range(1, 3):
if adl > i and len(alg_desc[i]) > 0:
faults += 1
if not adl > i:
fc = len(alg_desc[i])
if fc > 0:
faults += pow(10, 2 - i) * fc
if n not in alg_list:
if faults > 0:
if faults == 0:
if n == 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256':
if software.compare_version('7.3') < 0:
add_count = len(recommendations[sshv][alg_type]['add'])
del_count = len(recommendations[sshv][alg_type]['del'])
rec[sshv][alg_type]['del'][n] = faults
add_count = len(rec[sshv][alg_type]['add'])
del_count = len(rec[sshv][alg_type]['del'])
new_alg_count = len(alg_list) + add_count - del_count
if new_alg_count < 1 and del_count > 0:
mf, new_del = min(rec[sshv][alg_type]['del'].values()), {}
for k, v in rec[sshv][alg_type]['del'].items():
if v != mf:
new_del[k] = v
if del_count != len(new_del):
rec[sshv][alg_type]['del'] = new_del
new_alg_count += del_count - len(new_del)
if new_alg_count < 1:
del recommendations[sshv][alg_type]
del rec[sshv][alg_type]
if add_count == 0:
del recommendations[sshv][alg_type]['add']
del rec[sshv][alg_type]['add']
if del_count == 0:
del recommendations[sshv][alg_type]['del']
if len(recommendations[sshv][alg_type]) == 0:
del recommendations[sshv][alg_type]
if len(recommendations[sshv]) == 0:
del recommendations[sshv]
return recommendations
del rec[sshv][alg_type]['del']
if len(rec[sshv][alg_type]) == 0:
del rec[sshv][alg_type]
if len(rec[sshv]) == 0:
del rec[sshv]
return rec
def output_algorithms(title, alg_db, alg_type, algorithms, maxlen=0):
@ -1390,6 +1401,8 @@ def output_recommendations(software, kex, pkm, padlen=0):
p = '' if out.batch else ' ' * (padlen - len(name))
if action == 'del':
an, sg, fn = 'remove', '-', out.warn
if alg_rec[sshv][alg_type][action][name] >= 10:
fn = out.fail
an, sg, fn = 'append', '+', out.good
b = '(SSH{0})'.format(sshv) if sshv == 1 else ''