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@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class DHEat:
# The warning added to DH algorithms in the UI when dh_rate_test determines that no throttling is being done.
DHEAT_WARNING = "Potentially insufficient connection throttling detected, resulting in possible vulnerability to the DHEat DoS attack (CVE-2002-20001). Either connection throttling or removal of Diffie-Hellman key exchanges is necessary to remediate this issue. Suppress this test/message with --skip-rate-test. Additional info: {connections:d} connections were created in {time_elapsed:.3f} seconds, or {rate:.1f} conns/sec; server must respond with a rate less than {max_safe_rate:.1f} conns/sec to be considered safe."
DHEAT_WARNING = "Potentially insufficient connection throttling detected, resulting in possible vulnerability to the DHEat DoS attack (CVE-2002-20001). Suppress this test and message with the --skip-rate-test option. Additional info: {connections:d} connections were created in {time_elapsed:.3f} seconds, or {rate:.1f} conns/sec; server must respond with a rate less than {max_safe_rate:.1f} conns/sec to be considered safe."
# List of the Diffie-Hellman group exchange algorithms this test supports.
gex_algs = [
@ -309,14 +309,14 @@ class DHEat:
def _dh_rate_test(out: 'OutputBuffer', aconf: 'AuditConf', kex: 'SSH2_Kex', max_time: float, max_connections: int, concurrent_sockets: int) -> str:
'''Attempts to quickly create many sockets to the target server. This simulates the DHEat attack without causing an actual DoS condition. If a rate greater than MAX_SAFE_RATE is allowed, then a warning string is returned.'''
def _close_socket(socket_list: List[socket.socket], s: socket.socket) -> None:
def _close_socket(socket_dict: Dict[socket.socket, float], s: socket.socket) -> None:
except OSError:
del socket_dict[s]
if sys.platform == "win32":
DHEat.YELLOWB = "\033[1;93m"
@ -357,22 +357,25 @@ class DHEat:
out.d("Skipping DHEat.dh_rate_test() since server does not support any DH algorithms: [%s]" % ", ".join(kex.kex_algorithms))
return ""
out.d("DHEat.dh_rate_test(): starting test; parameters: %f seconds, %u max connections, %u concurrent sockets." % (max_time, max_connections, concurrent_sockets))
out.d("DHEat.dh_rate_test(): starting test; parameters: %f seconds, %u max connections, %u concurrent sockets." % (max_time, max_connections, concurrent_sockets), write_now=True)
num_attempted_connections = 0
num_opened_connections = 0
socket_list: List[socket.socket] = []
socket_dict: Dict[socket.socket, float] = {}
start_timer = time.time()
now = start_timer
last_update = start_timer
while True:
now = time.time()
# During non-interactive tests, limit based on time and number of connections. Otherwise, we loop indefinitely until the user presses CTRL-C.
if (interactive is False) and ((time.time() - start_timer) >= max_time) and (num_opened_connections >= max_connections):
if (interactive is False) and ((now - start_timer) >= max_time) or (num_opened_connections >= max_connections):
# out.d("interactive: %r; time.time() - start_timer: %f; max_time: %f; num_opened_connections: %u; max_connections: %u" % (interactive, time.time() - start_timer, max_time, num_opened_connections, max_connections), write_now=True)
# Give the user some interactive feedback.
if interactive:
now = time.time()
if (now - last_update) >= 1.0:
seconds_running = now - start_timer
print("%s%s%s Run time: %s%.1f%s; TCP SYNs: %s%u%s; Compl. conns: %s%u%s; TCP SYNs/sec: %s%.1f%s; Compl. conns/sec: %s%.1f%s \r" % (DHEat.WHITEB, spinner[spinner_index], DHEat.CLEAR, DHEat.WHITEB, seconds_running, DHEat.CLEAR, DHEat.WHITEB, num_attempted_connections, DHEat.CLEAR, DHEat.WHITEB, num_opened_connections, DHEat.CLEAR, DHEat.BLUEB, num_attempted_connections / seconds_running, DHEat.CLEAR, DHEat.BLUEB, num_opened_connections / seconds_running, DHEat.CLEAR), end="")
@ -388,25 +391,48 @@ class DHEat:
if sleep_time > 0.0:
while (len(socket_list) < concurrent_sockets) and (len(socket_list) + num_opened_connections < max_connections):
# Check our sockets to see if they've existed for more than 30 seconds. If so, close them so new ones can be re-opened in their place.
timedout_sockets = []
for s, create_time in socket_dict.items():
if (now - create_time) > 30:
timedout_sockets.append(s) # We shouldn't modify the dictionary while iterating over it, so add it to a separate list.
# Now we can safely close the timed-out sockets.
while True:
if len(timedout_sockets) == 0: # Ensure that len() is called in every iteration by putting it here instead of the while clause.
out.d("Closing timed-out socket.", write_now=True)
_close_socket(socket_dict, timedout_sockets[0])
del timedout_sockets[0]
# Open new sockets until we've hit the number of concurrent sockets, or if we exceeded the number of maximum connections.
while (len(socket_dict) < concurrent_sockets) and (len(socket_dict) + num_opened_connections < max_connections):
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
out.d("Creating socket (%u of %u already exist)..." % (len(socket_list), concurrent_sockets))
# out.d("Creating socket (%u of %u already exist)..." % (len(socket_dict), concurrent_sockets), write_now=True)
ret = s.connect_ex((, aconf.port))
num_attempted_connections += 1
if ret in [0, 115]: # Check if connection is successful or EINPROGRESS.
socket_dict[s] = now
out.d("connect_ex() returned: %d" % ret, write_now=True)
# out.d("Calling select() on %u sockets..." % len(socket_dict), write_now=True)
socket_list: List[socket.socket] = [*socket_dict] # Get a list of sockets from the dictionary.
rlist, _, elist =, [], socket_list, 0.1)
# For each socket that has something for us to read...
for s in rlist:
# out.d("Socket in read list.", write_now=True)
buf = b''
buf = s.recv(8)
except (ConnectionResetError, BrokenPipeError):
_close_socket(socket_list, s)
# out.d("Banner: %r" % buf, write_now=True)
except (ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionResetError, BrokenPipeError, TimeoutError):
out.d("Socket error.", write_now=True)
_close_socket(socket_dict, s)
# If we received the SSH header, we'll count this as an opened connection.
@ -414,7 +440,7 @@ class DHEat:
num_opened_connections += 1
out.d("Number of opened connections: %u (max: %u)." % (num_opened_connections, max_connections))
_close_socket(socket_list, s)
_close_socket(socket_dict, s)
# Since we just closed the socket, ensure its not in the exception list.
if s in elist:
@ -422,20 +448,24 @@ class DHEat:
# Close all sockets that are in the exception state.
for s in elist:
_close_socket(socket_list, s)
# out.d("Socket in exception list.", write_now=True)
_close_socket(socket_dict, s)
# Close any remaining sockets.
while len(socket_list) > 0:
_close_socket(socket_list, socket_list[0])
while True:
if len(socket_dict) == 0: # Ensure that len() is called in every iteration by putting it here instead of the while clause.
_close_socket(socket_dict, [*socket_dict][0]) # Close & remove the first socket we find.
time_elapsed = time.time() - start_timer
out.d("DHEat.dh_rate_test() results: time elapsed: %f; connections created: %u" % (time_elapsed, num_opened_connections))
out.d("DHEat.dh_rate_test() results: time elapsed: %f; connections created: %u" % (time_elapsed, num_opened_connections), write_now=True)
note = ""
rate = 0.0
if time_elapsed > 0.0 and num_opened_connections > 0:
rate = num_opened_connections / time_elapsed
out.d("DHEat.dh_rate_test() results: %.1f connections opened per second." % rate)
out.d("DHEat.dh_rate_test() results: %.1f connections opened per second." % rate, write_now=True)
# If we were able to open connections at a rate greater than 25 per second, then we need to warn the user.
if rate > DHEat.MAX_SAFE_RATE: