import pytest from ssh_audit.ssh2_kexdb import SSH2_KexDB class Test_SSH2_KexDB: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def init(self): self.db = SSH2_KexDB.get_db() self.pq_warning = SSH2_KexDB.WARN_NOT_PQ_SAFE def test_ssh2_kexdb(self): '''Ensures that the SSH2_KexDB.ALGORITHMS dictionary is in the right format.''' db_keys = list(self.db.keys()) db_keys.sort() # Ensure only these keys exist in the database. assert db_keys == ['enc', 'kex', 'key', 'mac'] # For 'enc', 'kex', etc... for alg_type in self.db: # Iterate over algorithms within this type (i.e.: all 'enc' algorithms, all 'kex' algorithms, etc). for alg_name in self.db[alg_type]: # Get the list of failures, warnings, etc., for this algorithm. alg_data = self.db[alg_type][alg_name] # This list must be between 1 and 4 entries long. assert 1 <= len(alg_data) <= 4 # The first entry denotes the versions when this algorithm was added to OpenSSH, Dropbear, and/or libssh, followed by when it was deprecated, and finally when it was removed. Hence it must have between 0 and 3 entries. added_entry = alg_data[0] assert 0 <= len(added_entry) <= 3 def test_kex_pq_unsafe(self): '''Ensures that all key exchange algorithms are marked as post-quantum unsafe, unless they appear in a whitelist.''' # These algorithms include protections against quantum attacks. kex_pq_safe = [ "", "", "", "ext-info-c", "ext-info-s", "", "", "mlkem768x25519-sha256", "", "", "sntrup761x25519-sha512", "", "" ] failures = [] for kex_name in self.db['kex']: # Skip key exchanges that are PQ safe. if kex_name in kex_pq_safe: continue # Ensure all other kex exchanges have the proper PQ unsafe flag set in their warnings list. alg_data = self.db['kex'][kex_name] if len(alg_data) < 3 or self.pq_warning not in alg_data[2]: failures.append(kex_name) assert failures == []