mirror of https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh.git synced 2025-03-14 05:36:36 +01:00

501 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use JSON;
2018-11-12 20:46:35 +01:00
my @spec;
my %ciphers;
my @spec;
my %ciphers;
2018-11-12 20:46:35 +01:00
my $ossl = "bin/openssl." . `uname -s` . "." . `uname -m`;
$ossl =~ s/\R//g; # remove LFs
die "Unable to open $ossl" unless -f $ossl;
my $ossl = "$ossl" . " ciphers -V 'ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL:\@STRENGTH'";
# we get all data from here
my $json = `curl 'https://api.dev.ssllabs.com/api/v3/getClients'`;
foreach my $line ( split /\n/, `$ossl`) {
my @fields = split /\s+/, $line;
my $hex = "";
foreach my $byte ( split /,/, $fields[1] ) {
$byte = lc $byte;
$byte =~ s/^0x//;
$hex .= $byte;
$hex =~ s/^0+//;
$ciphers{hex "0x$hex"} = $fields[3];
my $namelength = 30;
# Get the data
my $ssllabs = decode_json($json);
my %sims;
foreach my $client ( @$ssllabs ) {
# Shorts
my $has_matched = 1;
my $shortname = "$client->{name}_$client->{version}";
$shortname =~ s/ /_/g;
$shortname =~ s/\.//g;
$shortname .= "_$client->{platform}" if exists $client->{platform};
$shortname =~ s/[ \.]//g;
$shortname = lc($shortname);
# Deduplicate
if ( ! exists $sims{$shortname} || $sims{$shortname}->{id} < $client->{id} ) {
my $sim = {};
$sims{$shortname} = $sim;
$sim->{shortname} = "short+=(\"$shortname\")";
# Names
my $name = "$client->{name} $client->{version}";
$name .= " $client->{platform}" if exists $client->{platform};
# Get first namelength characters only
$name = substr($name . "" x $namelength,0,$namelength);
$sim->{name} = "names+=(\"$name\")";
# Ciphers
my @ciphers = ();
my @ciphersuites = ();
foreach my $suite ( @{$client->{suiteIds}} ) {
if ( $suite == "4865" ) {
push @ciphersuites, "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256"; }
elsif ( $suite == "4866" ) {
push @ciphersuites, "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384"; }
elsif ( $suite == "4867" ) {
push @ciphersuites, "TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256"; }
elsif ( $suite == "4868" ) {
push @ciphersuites, "TLS_AES_128_CCM_SHA256"; }
elsif ( $suite == "4869" ) {
push @ciphersuites, "TLS_AES_128_CCM_8_SHA256"; }
elsif ( exists $ciphers{$suite} ) {
push @ciphers, $ciphers{$suite}; }
elsif ( $suite == "255" ) {
# no openssl name for this:
if ( $has_matched ) {
print "Ignored: \"$shortname\" has" ;
$has_matched = 0;
print " \"0xFF\""; }
elsif ( $suite == "65279" ) {
if ( $has_matched ) {
print "Ignored: \"$shortname\" has" ;
$has_matched = 0;
print " \"0xFEFF\""; }
elsif ( $suite == "52392" ) {
push @ciphers, "ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305"; }
elsif ( $suite == "52393" ) {
push @ciphers, "ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305"; }
elsif ( $suite == "52394" ) {
push @ciphers, "DHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305"; }
elsif ( $suite == "4865" ) {
push @ciphers, "TLS13-AES-128-GCM-SHA256"; }
elsif ( $suite == "4866" ) {
push @ciphers, "TLS13-AES-256-GCM-SHA384"; }
elsif ( $suite == "4867" ) {
push @ciphers, "TLS13-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256"; }
elsif ( $suite == "4868" ) {
push @ciphers, "TLS13-AES-128-CCM-SHA256"; }
elsif ( $suite == "4869" ) {
push @ciphers, "TLS13-AES-128-CCM-8-SHA256"; }
elsif ( $suite == "2570" || $suite == "6682" || $suite == "10794" ||
$suite == "14906" || $suite == "19018" || $suite == "23130" ||
$suite == "27242" || $suite == "31354" || $suite == "35466" ||
$suite == "39578" || $suite == "43690" || $suite == "47802" ||
$suite == "51914" || $suite == "56026" || $suite == "60138" ||
$suite == "64250" ) {
if ( $has_matched ) {
print " \"$shortname\": ";
$has_matched = 0;
print " skipping GREASE cipher "; printf("%s%04X", "0x", $suite);
else {
print " | FIXME: ";
if ( $has_matched ) {
print " \"$shortname\" has ";
$has_matched = 0;
printf("%s%04X", "0x", $suite); printf " ($suite)";
print "\n" if ! $has_matched ;
$sim->{ciphers} = "ch_ciphers+=(\"" . (join ":", @ciphers) . "\")";
$sim->{ciphersuites} = "ciphersuites+=(\"" . (join ":", @ciphersuites) . "\")";
if ( exists $client->{supportsSni} && $client->{supportsSni} ) {
$sim->{sni} = "ch_sni+=(\"\$SNI\")";
} else {
$sim->{sni} = "ch_sni+=(\"\")";
# warning (if needed)
$sim->{warning} = "warning+=(\"\")";
# Handshake
if ( exists $client->{hexHandshakeBytes} ) {
$sim->{handshakebytes} = "handshakebytes+=(\"$client->{hexHandshakeBytes}\")";
} else {
$sim->{handshakebytes} = "handshakebytes+=(\"\")";
# protos
my @proto_flags = ();
my @tls_flags = ();
if ( $client->{lowestProtocol} == $client->{highestProtocol} ) {
if ( $client->{lowestProtocol} == 512 ) {
push @proto_flags, "-ssl2"; }
elsif ( $client->{lowestProtocol} == 768 ) {
push @proto_flags, "-ssl3"; }
elsif ( $client->{lowestProtocol} == 769 ) {
push @proto_flags, "-tls1"; }
elsif ( $client->{lowestProtocol} == 770 ) {
push @proto_flags, "-tls1_1"; }
elsif ( $client->{lowestProtocol} == 771 ) {
push @proto_flags, "-tls1_2"; }
elsif ( $client->{lowestProtocol} == 772 ) {
push @proto_flags, "-tls1_3"; }
} else {
# Figure out if we need to support sslv2
if ( $client->{lowestProtocol} > 512 ) {
# 512 = 0x200 = sslv2
push @proto_flags, "-no_ssl2";
# Do we need to support SSL3?
if ( $client->{lowestProtocol} > 768 || $client->{highestProtocol} < 768 ) {
# 768 = 0x300 = sslv3
push @proto_flags, "-no_ssl3";
# Do we need to support TLS 1.0?
if ( $client->{lowestProtocol} > 769 || $client->{highestProtocol} < 769 ) {
# 769 = 0x301 = tls1.0
push @proto_flags, "-no_tls1";
} else {
push @tls_flags, "-tls1";
# Do we need to support TLS 1.1?
if ( $client->{lowestProtocol} > 770 || $client->{highestProtocol} < 770 ) {
# 770 = 0x302 = tls1.1
push @proto_flags, "-no_tls1_1";
} else {
push @tls_flags, "-tls1_1";
# Do we need to support TLS 1.2?
if ( $client->{lowestProtocol} > 771 || $client->{highestProtocol} < 771 ) {
# 771 = 0x303 = tls1.2
push @proto_flags, "-no_tls1_2";
} else {
push @tls_flags, "-tls1_2";
$sim->{protos} = "protos+=(\"" . (join " ", reverse @proto_flags) . "\")";
$sim->{tlsvers} = "tlsvers+=(\"" . (join " ", reverse @tls_flags) . "\")";
$sim->{lowestProtocol} = sprintf("lowest_protocol+=(\"0x%04x\")", $client->{lowestProtocol});
# https://api.dev.ssllabs.com/api/v3/getClients incorrectly indicates
# a highestProtocol of TLS 1.2 for clients that support TLS 1.3, which
# can lead to client simulation reporting "no connection" if the connection
# is made using TLS 1.3. In order to avoid this problem, assume that any
# client with a highestProtocol of TLS 1.2 that supports any TLS 1.3
# ciphers really supports TLS 1.3.
if ( $client->{highestProtocol} != 771 || scalar(@ciphersuites) == 0 ) {
$sim->{highestProtocol} = sprintf("highest_protocol+=(\"0x%04x\")", $client->{highestProtocol});
} else {
$sim->{highestProtocol} = sprintf("highest_protocol+=(\"0x0304\")", $client->{highestProtocol});
if ( lc($client->{name}) eq "java" || lc($client->{name}) eq "openssl" ) {
# Java and OpenSSL are generic clients
$sim->{service} = "service+=(\"ANY\")";
} elsif ( $shortname =~ /^apple_ats/ ) {
# Apple ATS is HTTP(s) only
$sim->{service} = "service+=(\"HTTP\")";
} else {
# All others are HTTP(s)/FTP only
$sim->{service} = "service+=(\"HTTP,FTP\")";
# Bit size limitations
$sim->{minDhBits} = "minDhBits+=($client->{minDhBits})";
$sim->{maxDhBits} = "maxDhBits+=($client->{maxDhBits})";
$sim->{minRsaBits} = "minRsaBits+=($client->{minRsaBits})";
$sim->{maxRsaBits} = "maxRsaBits+=($client->{maxRsaBits})";
$sim->{minEcdsaBits} = "minEcdsaBits+=($client->{minEcdsaBits})";
if ( defined $client->{requiresSha2} && $client->{requiresSha2} ) {
$sim->{requiresSha2} = "requiresSha2+=(true)";
} else {
$sim->{requiresSha2} = "requiresSha2+=(false)";
my @curves = ();
foreach my $curve ( @{$client->{ellipticCurves}} ) {
if ( $curve == 1 ) {
push @curves, "sect163k1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 2 ) {
push @curves, "sect163r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 3 ) {
push @curves, "sect163r2"; }
elsif ( $curve == 4 ) {
push @curves, "sect193r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 5 ) {
push @curves, "sect193r2"; }
elsif ( $curve == 6 ) {
push @curves, "sect233k1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 7 ) {
push @curves, "sect233r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 8 ) {
push @curves, "sect239k1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 9 ) {
push @curves, "sect283k1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 10 ) {
push @curves, "sect283r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 11 ) {
push @curves, "sect409k1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 12 ) {
push @curves, "sect409r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 13 ) {
push @curves, "sect571k1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 14 ) {
push @curves, "sect571r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 15 ) {
push @curves, "secp160k1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 16 ) {
push @curves, "secp160r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 17 ) {
push @curves, "secp160r2"; }
elsif ( $curve == 18 ) {
push @curves, "secp192k1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 19 ) {
push @curves, "prime192v1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 20 ) {
push @curves, "secp224k1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 21 ) {
push @curves, "secp224r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 22 ) {
push @curves, "secp256k1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 23 ) {
push @curves, "prime256v1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 24 ) {
push @curves, "secp384r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 25 ) {
push @curves, "secp521r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 26 ) {
push @curves, "brainpoolP256r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 27 ) {
push @curves, "brainpoolP384r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 28 ) {
push @curves, "brainpoolP512r1"; }
elsif ( $curve == 29 ) {
push @curves, "X25519"; }
elsif ( $curve == 30 ) {
push @curves, "X448"; }
$sim->{ellipticCurves} = "curves+=(\"" . (join ":", @curves) . "\")";
# This is where we maintain our own clients
my $sim = {};
#$sim->{name} = "names+=(\"Mail iOS 9.3.2 \")";
#$sim->{shortname} = "short+=(\"mail_ios_932\")";
#$sim->{ciphersuites} = "ciphersuites+=(\"\")";
#$sim->{sni} = "ch_sni+=(\"\$SNI\")";
#$sim->{warning} = "warning+=(\"\")";
#$sim->{handshakebytes} = "handshakebytes+=(\"16030100bb010000b703015767e6ae46f9abf3138e26a9f9880f9697bf3387f7eff709db1fa220e692d80420fb04b0979bae1664e11ef172d4dfba15af59dd200b7831992a35c73cde9efed9003200ffc024c023c00ac009c008c028c027c014c013c012006b0067003900330016003d003c0035002f000ac007c011000500040100003c000000190017000014696d61702e73656374696f6e7a65726f2e6f7267000a00080006001700180019000b0002010000050005010000000000120000\")";
#$sim->{protos} = "protos+=(\"#-no_tls1_2 -no_ssl3 -no_ssl2\")";
#$sim->{tlsvers} = "tlsvers+=(\"#-tls1_1 -tls1\")";
#$sim->{lowestProtocol} = "lowest_protocol+=(\"0x0300\")";
#$sim->{highestProtocol} = "highest_protocol+=(\"0x0301\")";
#$sim->{service} = "service+=(\"SMTP,POP,IMAP\")";
#$sim->{minDhBits} = "minDhBits+=(-1)";
#$sim->{maxDhBits} = "maxDhBits+=(-1)";
#$sim->{minRsaBits} = "minRsaBits+=(-1)";
#$sim->{maxRsaBits} = "maxRsaBits+=(-1)";
#$sim->{minEcdsaBits} = "minEcdsaBits+=(-1)";
#$sim->{ellipticCurves} = "curves+=(\"sect233k1:secp256r1:secp384r1:secp521r1\")";
#$sim->{requiresSha2} = "requiresSha2+=(false)";
#$sim->{name} = "names+=(\"Mail OSX 10.11.15 \")";
#$sim->{shortname} = "short+=(\"mail_osx_101115\")";
#$sim->{ciphersuites} = "ciphersuites+=(\"\")";
#$sim->{sni} = "ch_sni+=(\"\$SNI\")";
#$sim->{warning} = "warning+=(\"\")";
#$sim->{handshakebytes} = "handshakebytes+=(\"16030100940100009003015770e928499e82df2eb7477200e2a828d9fa4109514385bd1602df44aaf2b0f400003200ffc024c023c00ac009c008c028c027c014c013c012006b0067003900330016003d003c0035002f000ac007c011000500040100003500000012001000000d3137382e3233372e33342e3932000a00080006001700180019000b0002010000050005010000000000120000\")";
#$sim->{protos} = "protos+=(\"-tls1\")";
#$sim->{tlsvers} = "tlsvers+=(\"-tls1\")";
#$sim->{lowestProtocol} = "lowest_protocol+=(\"0x0301\")";
#$sim->{highestProtocol} = "highest_protocol+=(\"0x0301\")";
#$sim->{service} = "service+=(\"SMTP,POP,IMAP\")";
#$sim->{minDhBits} = "minDhBits+=(-1)";
#$sim->{maxDhBits} = "maxDhBits+=(-1)";
#$sim->{minRsaBits} = "minRsaBits+=(-1)";
#$sim->{maxRsaBits} = "maxRsaBits+=(-1)";
#$sim->{minEcdsaBits} = "minEcdsaBits+=(-1)";
#$sim->{ellipticCurves} = "curves+=(\"sect233k1:secp256r1:secp384r1:secp521r1\")";
#$sim->{requiresSha2} = "requiresSha2+=(false)";
# example of self generated / provided handshake:
$sim->{name} = "names+=(\"Thunderbird 45.1.1 OSX 10.11 \")";
$sim->{shortname} = "short+=(\"thunderbird_45.1.1_osx_101115\")";
$sim->{ciphersuites} = "ciphersuites+=(\"\")";
$sim->{sni} = "ch_sni+=(\"\$SNI\")";
$sim->{warning} = "warning+=(\"\")";
$sim->{handshakebytes} = "handshakebytes+=(\"160301009d010000990303c7c5b3ff80b3aa597c770c538b98ae34a94c9590ad8f947ba7bc28692061cb57000016c02bc02fc00ac009c013c01400330039002f0035000a0100005a0000001800160000136d78332e73656374696f6e7a65726f2e6f7267ff01000100000a00080006001700180019000b0002010000230000000500050100000000000d001600140401050106010201040305030603020304020202\")";
$sim->{protos} = "protos+=(\"-no_ssl3 -no_ssl2\")";
$sim->{tlsvers} = "tlsvers+=(\"-tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1\")";
$sim->{lowestProtocol} = "lowest_protocol+=(\"0x0301\")";
$sim->{highestProtocol} = "highest_protocol+=(\"0x0303\")";
$sim->{service} = "service+=(\"SMTP,POP,IMAP\")";
$sim->{minDhBits} = "minDhBits+=(-1)";
$sim->{maxDhBits} = "maxDhBits+=(-1)";
$sim->{minRsaBits} = "minRsaBits+=(-1)";
$sim->{maxRsaBits} = "maxRsaBits+=(-1)";
$sim->{minEcdsaBits} = "minEcdsaBits+=(-1)";
$sim->{ellipticCurves} = "curves+=(\"sect233k1:secp256r1:secp384r1:secp521r1\")";
$sim->{requiresSha2} = "requiresSha2+=(false)";
my %count;
foreach my $shortname ( reverse sort keys %sims ) {
if ( $shortname =~ /^baidu/ ) {
if ( $count{baidu} <= 1 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^bing/) {
if ( $count{bing} <= 1 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^chrome/) {
if ( $count{chrome} <= 1 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^firefox/) {
# Latest version + ESR releases
if ( $shortname =~ /ESR/ ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
if ( $count{firefox} <= 1 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^googlebot/) {
if ( $count{googlebot} <= 1 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^tor/) {
if ( $count{tor} <= 1 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^yahoo/) {
if ( $count{yahoo} <= 1 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^yandex/) {
if ( $count{yandex} <= 1 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^opera/) {
if ( $count{opera} <= 1 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^java 7/) {
if ( $count{java7} <= 1 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^java 8/) {
if ( $count{java8} <= 1 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^java/) {
# Other/older versions of java aren't current
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^openssl/) {
if ( $count{openssl} <= 1 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} elsif ($shortname =~ /^safari/) {
if ( $count{safari} <= 2 ) {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
} else {
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(false)";
} else {
# All versions are current
$sims{$shortname}->{current} = "current+=(true)";
my $header = <<"EOF";
# This file contains client handshake data used in the run_client_simulation() function.
# The file distributed with testssl.sh (etc/client-simulation.txt) has been generated
# from this script and manually edited (=which UA to show up) and sorted.
# Most clients are taken from Qualys SSL Labs --- From: https://api.dev.ssllabs.com/api/v3/getClients
open OUT, ">client-simulation_generated.txt" or die "Unable to open client-simulation_generated.txt";
print OUT "$header";
foreach my $shortname ( sort keys %sims ) {
foreach my $k ( qw(name shortname ciphers ciphersuites sni warning handshakebytes protos tlsvers lowestProtocol highestProtocol service
minDhBits maxDhBits minRsaBits maxRsaBits minEcdsaBits ellipticCurves requiresSha2 current) ) {
print OUT " $sims{$shortname}->{$k}\n";
print OUT "\n";
close OUT;
# vim:ts=5:sw=5:expandtab