* **Java:** JRE keystore pulled + extracted with keytool from a Linux machine from $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
* **Microsoft:** Following command pulls all certificates from Windows Update services: ``CertUtil -syncWithWU -f -f . `` (see also http://aka.ms/RootCertDownload, https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn265983(v=ws.11).aspx#BKMK_CertUtilOptions).
* **Apple:**
1.__System:__ from Apple OS X keychain app. Open Keychain Access utility, i.e.
In the Finder window, under Favorites --> "Applications" --> "Utilities"
2.__Internet:__ Pick the latest subdir from https://opensource.apple.com/source/security_certificates/. They are in DER format despite their file extension.
Google Chromium uses basically the trust stores above, see https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/root-ca-policy.
If you want to test against e.g. a company internal CA you want to avoid warnings from the certificate stores here it's recommended to use ``ADDITIONAL_CA_FILES=<companyCA.pem ./testssl.sh <your cmdline>``. (The former mechanism was to put the company root CA certificate here.)