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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Basics: is there a synatx error where alerady bash hiccups on?
use strict;
use Test::More;
my $tests = 0;
my $fileout="";
my $prg="./testssl.sh";
my $out="";
# Try to detect remainders from debugging:
my $debug_regexp='^(\s)*set (-|\+)x';
# Blacklists we use to trigger an error:
my $error_regexp1='(syntax|parse) (e|E)rror';
my $error_regexp2='testssl.sh: line';
my $error_regexp3='bash: warning';
my $error_regexp4='command not found';
my $error_regexp5='(syntax error|unexpected token)';
printf "\n%s\n", "Testing whether just calling \"./testssl.sh\" produces no error ...";
$fileout = `timeout 10 bash $prg 2>&1`;
my $retval=$?;
unlike($fileout, qr/$error_regexp1/, "regex 1");
unlike($fileout, qr/$error_regexp2/, "regex 2");
unlike($fileout, qr/$error_regexp3/, "regex 3");
unlike($fileout, qr/$error_regexp4/, "regex 4");
unlike($fileout, qr/$error_regexp5/, "regex 5");
is($retval, 0, "return value should be equal zero: \"$retval\"");
$out=`grep -E "$debug_regexp" $prg`;
unlike($out, qr/$debug_regexp/, "Debug RegEx");
printf "\n";