mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 12:01:16 +01:00
Merge pull request #1472 from drwetter/reorder
Reorder functions and some variables
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
# cool and unique -- they are -- but probably you can achieve e.g. the same result with my favorite
# interactive shell: zsh (zmodload zsh/net/socket -- checkout zsh/net/tcp) too! Oh, and btw.
# ksh93 has socket support too.
# Also bash is quite powerful if you use it appropriately: It can operate on patterns, process lines
# and deal perfectly with regular expressions -- without external binaries.
# /bin/bash though is way more often used within Linux and it's perfect for cross platform support.
# MacOS X has it and also under Windows the MSYS2 extension or Cygwin as well as Bash on Windows (WSL)
# has /bin/bash.
@ -135,62 +137,17 @@ declare -r PROG_NAME="$(basename "$0")"
declare -r RUN_DIR="$(dirname "$0")"
declare -r SYSTEM="$(uname -s)"
declare -r SYSTEMREV="$(uname -r)"
SYSTEM2="" # currently only being used for WSL = bash on windows
TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR="${TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR:-""}" # If you run testssl.sh and it doesn't find it necessary file automagically set TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR
CA_BUNDLES_PATH="${CA_BUNDLES_PATH:-""}" # You can have your stores some place else
ADDITIONAL_CA_FILES="${ADDITIONAL_CA_FILES:-""}" # single file with a CA in PEM format or comma separated lists of them
TLS_DATA_FILE="" # mandatory file for socket-based handshakes
declare CMDLINE
CMDLINE_PARSED="" # This makes sure we don't let early fatal() write into files when files aren't created yet
declare -r -a CMDLINE_ARRAY=("$@") # When performing mass testing, the child processes need to be sent the
declare -a MASS_TESTING_CMDLINE # command line in the form of an array (see #702 and http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/050).
########### Some predefinitions: date, sed (we always use test and NOT try to determine
# capabilities by querying the OS)
if date -d @735275209 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if date -r @735275209 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# It can't do any conversion from a plain date output.
# FreeBSD and OS X date(1) accept "-f inputformat", so do newer OpenBSD versions >~ 6.6.
date -j -f '%s' 1234567 >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
echo A | sed -E 's/A//' >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
declare -r HAS_SED_E=true || \
declare -r HAS_SED_E=false
########### Terminal defintions
tty -s && \
declare -r INTERACTIVE=true || \
declare -r INTERACTIVE=false
if [[ -z $TERM_WIDTH ]]; then # no batch file and no otherwise predefined TERM_WIDTH
if ! tput cols &>/dev/null || ! "$INTERACTIVE";then # Prevent tput errors if running non interactive
export TERM_WIDTH=${COLUMNS:-80}
export TERM_WIDTH=${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)} # for custom line wrapping and dashes
TERM_CURRPOS=0 # custom line wrapping needs alter the current horizontal cursor pos
########### Defining (and presetting) variables which can be changed
# Following variables make use of $ENV and can be used like "OPENSSL=<myprivate_path_to_openssl> ./testssl.sh <URI>"
# Following variables make use of $ENV and can also be used like "<VAR>=<value> ./testssl.sh <URI>"
declare -x OPENSSL
OPENSSL_TIMEOUT=${OPENSSL_TIMEOUT:-""} # Default connect timeout with openssl before we call the server side unreachable
CONNECT_TIMEOUT=${CONNECT_TIMEOUT:-""} # Default connect timeout with sockets before we call the server side unreachable
@ -227,9 +184,12 @@ APPEND=${APPEND:-false} # append to csv/json file instead of ove
HAS_IPv6=${HAS_IPv6:-false} # if you have OpenSSL with IPv6 support AND IPv6 networking set it to yes
ALL_CLIENTS=${ALL_CLIENTS:-false} # do you want to run all client simulation form all clients supplied by SSLlabs?
OFFENSIVE=${OFFENSIVE:-true} # do you want to include offensive vulnerability tests which may cause blocking by an IDS?
ADDTL_CA_FILES="${ADDTL_CA_FILES:-""}" # single file with a CA in PEM format or comma separated lists of them
########### Tuning vars which cannot be set by a cmd line switch. Use instead e.g "HEADER_MAXSLEEP=10 ./testssl.sh <your_args_here>"
TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR="${TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR:-""}" # If you run testssl.sh and it doesn't find it necessary file automagically set TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR
CA_BUNDLES_PATH="${CA_BUNDLES_PATH:-""}" # You can have your CA stores some place else
EXPERIMENTAL=${EXPERIMENTAL:-false} # a development hook which allows us to disable code
PROXY_WAIT=${PROXY_WAIT:-20} # waiting at max 20 seconds for socket reply through proxy
DNS_VIA_PROXY=${DNS_VIA_PROXY:-true} # do DNS lookups via proxy. --ip=proxy reverses this
@ -273,7 +233,11 @@ declare -r UA_SNEAKY="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Fi
########### Initialization part, further global vars just being declared here
SYSTEM2="" # currently only being used for WSL = bash on windows
PRINTF="" # which external printf to use. Empty presets the internal one, see #1130
TLS_DATA_FILE="" # mandatory file for socket-based handshakes
FIRST_FINDING=true # is this the first finding we are outputting to file?
JSONHEADER=true # include JSON headers and footers in HTML file, if one is being created
@ -438,6 +402,44 @@ declare TLS_CIPHER_EXPORT=()
########### Some predefinitions: date, sed (we always use tests for binaries and NOT try to determine
# capabilities by querying the OS)
if date -d @735275209 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if date -r @735275209 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# It can't do any conversion from a plain date output.
# FreeBSD and OS X date(1) accept "-f inputformat", so do newer OpenBSD versions >~ 6.6.
date -j -f '%s' 1234567 >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
echo A | sed -E 's/A//' >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
declare -r HAS_SED_E=true || \
declare -r HAS_SED_E=false
########### Terminal defintions
tty -s && \
declare -r INTERACTIVE=true || \
declare -r INTERACTIVE=false
if [[ -z $TERM_WIDTH ]]; then # No batch file and no otherwise predefined TERM_WIDTH
if ! tput cols &>/dev/null || ! "$INTERACTIVE";then # Prevent tput errors if running non interactive
export TERM_WIDTH=${COLUMNS:-80}
export TERM_WIDTH=${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)} # For custom line wrapping and dashes
TERM_CURRPOS=0 # Custom line wrapping needs alter the current horizontal cursor pos
########### Severity functions and globals
@ -725,6 +727,94 @@ set_color_functions() {
# FreeBSD 10 understands ESC codes like 'echo -e "\e[3mfoobar\e[23m"', but also no tput for italics
###### START universal helper function definitions ######
if [[ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" == 3 ]]; then
# older bash can do this only (MacOS X), even SLES 11, see #697
toupper() { tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' <<< "$1"; }
tolower() { tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' <<< "$1"; }
toupper() { echo -n "${1^^}"; }
tolower() { echo -n "${1,,}"; }
get_last_char() {
echo "${1:~0}" # "${string: -1}" would work too (both also in bash 3.2)
# Checking for last char. If already a separator supplied, we don't need an additional one
debugme() {
[[ "$DEBUG" -ge 2 ]] && "$@"
return 0
hex2dec() {
echo $((16#$1))
# convert 414243 into ABC
hex2ascii() {
for (( i=0; i<${#1}; i+=2 )); do
# 2>/dev/null added because 'warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input'
# --> didn't help though
printf "\x${1:$i:2}" 2>/dev/null
# convert decimal number < 256 to hex
dec02hex() {
printf "x%02x" "$1"
# convert decimal number between 256 and < 256*256 to hex
dec04hex() {
local a=$(printf "%04x" "$1")
printf "x%02s, x%02s" "${a:0:2}" "${a:2:2}"
# trim spaces for BSD and old sed
count_lines() {
echo $(wc -l <<< "$1")
count_words() {
echo $(wc -w <<< "$1")
count_ciphers() {
echo $(wc -w <<< "${1//:/ }")
newline_to_spaces() {
tr '\n' ' ' <<< "$1" | sed 's/ $//'
colon_to_spaces() {
echo "${1//:/ }"
strip_lf() {
tr -d '\n' <<< "$1" | tr -d '\r'
strip_spaces() {
echo "${1// /}"
# https://web.archive.org/web/20121022051228/http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/1816
strip_leading_space() {
printf "%s" "${1#"${1%%[![:space:]]*}"}"
strip_trailing_space() {
printf "%s" "${1%"${1##*[![:space:]]}"}"
is_number() {
[[ "$1" =~ ^[1-9][0-9]*$ ]] && \
return 0 || \
return 1
strip_quote() {
# remove color codes (see http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/3584/remove-color-codes-special-characters-with-sed)
# \', leading and all trailing spaces
@ -736,7 +826,171 @@ strip_quote() {
# " deconfuse vim\'s syntax highlighting ;-)
#################### JSON FILE FORMATTING ####################
is_ipv4addr() {
local octet="(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])"
local ipv4address="$octet\\.$octet\\.$octet\\.$octet"
[[ -z "$1" ]] && return 1
# more than numbers, important for hosts like AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD.in-addr.arpa.DOMAIN.TLS
[[ -n $(tr -d '0-9\.' <<< "$1") ]] && return 1
grep -Eq "$ipv4address" <<< "$1" && \
return 0 || \
return 1
# a bit easier
is_ipv6addr() {
[[ -z "$1" ]] && return 1
# less than 2x ":"
[[ $(count_lines "$(tr ':' '\n' <<< "$1")") -le 1 ]] && \
return 1
# check which chars allowed:
[[ -n "$(tr -d '0-9:a-fA-F ' <<< "$1" | sed -e '/^$/d')" ]] && \
return 1
return 0
###### END universal helper function definitions ######
###### START ServerHello/OpenSSL/F5 function definitions ######
#arg1: TLS 1.2 and below ciphers
#arg2: TLS 1.3 ciphers
#arg3: options (e.g., -V)
actually_supported_osslciphers() {
local tls13_ciphers="$TLS13_OSSL_CIPHERS"
[[ "$2" != ALL ]] && tls13_ciphers="$2"
$OPENSSL ciphers $3 $OSSL_CIPHERS_S -ciphersuites "$tls13_ciphers" "$1" 2>/dev/null || echo ""
elif [[ -n "$tls13_ciphers" ]]; then
$OPENSSL ciphers $3 $OSSL_CIPHERS_S "$tls13_ciphers:$1" 2>/dev/null || echo ""
$OPENSSL ciphers $OSSL_CIPHERS_S $3 "$1" 2>/dev/null || echo ""
# Given a protocol (arg1) and a list of ciphers (arg2) that is formatted as
# ", xx,xx, xx,xx, xx,xx, xx,xx" remove any TLSv1.3 ciphers if the protocol
# is less than 04 and remove any TLSv1.2-only ciphers if the protocol is less
# than 03.
strip_inconsistent_ciphers() {
local -i proto=0x$1
local cipherlist="$2"
[[ $proto -lt 4 ]] && cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 13,0[0-9a-fA-F]/}"
if [[ $proto -lt 3 ]]; then
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 00,3[b-fB-F]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 00,40/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 00,6[7-9a-dA-D]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 00,9[c-fC-F]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 00,[abAB][0-9a-fA-F]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 00,[cC][0-5]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 16,[bB][7-9aA]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, [cC]0,2[3-9a-fA-F]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, [cC]0,3[01278a-fA-F]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, [cC]0,[4-9aA][0-9a-fA-F]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, [cC][cC],1[345]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, [cC][cC],[aA][89a-eA-E]/}"
echo "$cipherlist"
return 0
# retrieve cipher from ServerHello (via openssl)
get_cipher() {
local cipher=""
local server_hello="$(cat -v "$1")"
# This and two other following instances are not best practice and normally a useless use of "cat", see
# https://web.archive.org/web/20160711205930/http://porkmail.org/era/unix/award.html#uucaletter
# However there seem to be cases where the preferred $(< "$1") logic has a problem.
# Esepcially with bash 3.2 (Mac OS X) and when on the server side binary chars
# are returned, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7427262/how-to-read-a-file-into-a-variable-in-shell#22607352
# and https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/issues/1292
# Performance measurements showed no to barely measureable penalty (1s displayed in 9 tries).
if [[ "$server_hello" =~ Cipher\ *:\ ([A-Z0-9]+-[A-Za-z0-9\-]+|TLS_[A-Za-z0-9_]+) ]]; then
cipher="${BASH_REMATCH##* }"
elif [[ "$server_hello" =~ (New|Reused)", "(SSLv[23]|TLSv1(\.[0-3])?(\/SSLv3)?)", Cipher is "([A-Z0-9]+-[A-Za-z0-9\-]+|TLS_[A-Za-z0-9_]+) ]]; then
cipher="${BASH_REMATCH##* }"
tm_out "$cipher"
# retrieve protocol from ServerHello (via openssl)
get_protocol() {
local protocol=""
local server_hello="$(cat -v "$1")"
if [[ "$server_hello" =~ Protocol\ *:\ (SSLv[23]|TLSv1(\.[0-3])?) ]]; then
protocol="${BASH_REMATCH##* }"
elif [[ "$server_hello" =~ (New|Reused)", TLSv1.3, Cipher is "TLS_[A-Z0-9_]+ ]]; then
# Note: When OpenSSL prints "New, <protocol>, Cipher is <cipher>", <cipher> is the
# negotiated cipher, but <protocol> is not the negotiated protocol. Instead, it is
# the SSL/TLS protocol that first defined <cipher>. Since the ciphers that were
# first defined for TLSv1.3 may only be used with TLSv1.3, this line may be used
# to determine whether TLSv1.3 was negotiated, but if another protocol is specified
# on this line, then this line does not indicate the actual protocol negotiated. Also,
# only TLSv1.3 cipher suites have names that begin with TLS_, which provides additional
# assurance that the above match will only succeed if TLSv1.3 was negotiated.
tm_out "$protocol"
# now some function for the integrated BIGIP F5 Cookie detector (see https://github.com/drwetter/F5-BIGIP-Decoder)
f5_hex2ip() {
debugme echo "$1"
echo $((16#${1:0:2})).$((16#${1:2:2})).$((16#${1:4:2})).$((16#${1:6:2}))
f5_hex2ip6() {
debugme echo "$1"
echo "[${1:0:4}:${1:4:4}:${1:8:4}:${1:12:4}.${1:16:4}:${1:20:4}:${1:24:4}:${1:28:4}]"
f5_determine_routeddomain() {
local tmp
echo "${tmp/rd/}"
f5_ip_oldstyle() {
local tmp
local a b c d
tmp="${1/%.*}" # until first dot
tmp="$(printf "%08x" "$tmp")" # convert the whole thing to hex, now back to ip (reversed notation:
tmp="$(f5_hex2ip $tmp)" # transform to ip with reversed notation
IFS="." read -r a b c d <<< "$tmp" # reverse it
echo $d.$c.$b.$a
f5_port_decode() {
local tmp
tmp="$(strip_lf "$1")" # remove lf if there is one
tmp="${tmp/.0000/}" # to be sure remove trailing zeros with a dot
tmp="${tmp#*.}" # get the port
tmp="$(printf "%04x" "${tmp}")" # to hex
if [[ ${#tmp} -eq 4 ]]; then
elif [[ ${#tmp} -eq 3 ]]; then # fill it up with leading zeros if needed
elif [[ ${#tmp} -eq 2 ]]; then
echo $((16#${tmp:2:2}${tmp:0:2})) # reverse order and convert it from hex to dec
###### START ServerHello/OpenSSL/F5 function definitions ######
###### END helper function definitions ######
##################### START output file formatting functions #########################
#################### START JSON file functions ####################
fileout_json_footer() {
if "$do_json"; then
@ -853,8 +1107,6 @@ fileout_json_finding() {
##################### FILE FORMATTING #########################
fileout_pretty_json_banner() {
local target
@ -1040,7 +1292,7 @@ csv_header() {
################# JSON FILE FORMATTING END. HTML START ####################
################# END JSON file functions. START HTML functions ####################
html_header() {
local fname_prefix
@ -1111,7 +1363,7 @@ html_footer() {
return 0
################# HTML FILE FORMATTING END ####################
################# END HTML file functions ####################
prepare_logging() {
# arg1: for testing mx records name we put a name of logfile in here, otherwise we get strange file names
@ -1146,258 +1398,7 @@ prepare_logging() {
exec > >(tee -a -i "$LOGFILE")
################### FILE FORMATTING END #########################
###### START helper function definitions ######
if [[ "${BASH_VERSINFO[0]}" == 3 ]]; then
# older bash can do this only (MacOS X), even SLES 11, see #697
toupper() { tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' <<< "$1"; }
tolower() { tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' <<< "$1"; }
toupper() { echo -n "${1^^}"; }
tolower() { echo -n "${1,,}"; }
get_last_char() {
echo "${1:~0}" # "${string: -1}" would work too (both also in bash 3.2)
# Checking for last char. If already a separator supplied, we don't need an additional one
debugme() {
[[ "$DEBUG" -ge 2 ]] && "$@"
return 0
hex2dec() {
echo $((16#$1))
# convert 414243 into ABC
hex2ascii() {
for (( i=0; i<${#1}; i+=2 )); do
# 2>/dev/null added because 'warning: command substitution: ignored null byte in input'
# --> didn't help though
printf "\x${1:$i:2}" 2>/dev/null
# convert decimal number < 256 to hex
dec02hex() {
printf "x%02x" "$1"
# convert decimal number between 256 and < 256*256 to hex
dec04hex() {
local a=$(printf "%04x" "$1")
printf "x%02s, x%02s" "${a:0:2}" "${a:2:2}"
# trim spaces for BSD and old sed
count_lines() {
#echo "${$(wc -l <<< "$1")// /}"
# ^^ bad substitution under bash, zsh ok. For some reason this does the trick:
echo $(wc -l <<< "$1")
count_words() {
#echo "${$(wc -w <<< "$1")// /}"
# ^^ bad substitution under bash, zsh ok. For some reason this does the trick:
echo $(wc -w <<< "$1")
count_ciphers() {
echo $(wc -w <<< "${1//:/ }")
#arg1: TLS 1.2 and below ciphers
#arg2: TLS 1.3 ciphers
#arg3: options (e.g., -V)
actually_supported_osslciphers() {
local tls13_ciphers="$TLS13_OSSL_CIPHERS"
[[ "$2" != ALL ]] && tls13_ciphers="$2"
$OPENSSL ciphers $3 $OSSL_CIPHERS_S -ciphersuites "$tls13_ciphers" "$1" 2>/dev/null || echo ""
elif [[ -n "$tls13_ciphers" ]]; then
$OPENSSL ciphers $3 $OSSL_CIPHERS_S "$tls13_ciphers:$1" 2>/dev/null || echo ""
$OPENSSL ciphers $OSSL_CIPHERS_S $3 "$1" 2>/dev/null || echo ""
# Given a protocol (arg1) and a list of ciphers (arg2) that is formatted as
# ", xx,xx, xx,xx, xx,xx, xx,xx" remove any TLSv1.3 ciphers if the protocol
# is less than 04 and remove any TLSv1.2-only ciphers if the protocol is less
# than 03.
strip_inconsistent_ciphers() {
local -i proto=0x$1
local cipherlist="$2"
[[ $proto -lt 4 ]] && cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 13,0[0-9a-fA-F]/}"
if [[ $proto -lt 3 ]]; then
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 00,3[b-fB-F]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 00,40/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 00,6[7-9a-dA-D]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 00,9[c-fC-F]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 00,[abAB][0-9a-fA-F]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 00,[cC][0-5]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, 16,[bB][7-9aA]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, [cC]0,2[3-9a-fA-F]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, [cC]0,3[01278a-fA-F]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, [cC]0,[4-9aA][0-9a-fA-F]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, [cC][cC],1[345]/}"
cipherlist="${cipherlist//, [cC][cC],[aA][89a-eA-E]/}"
echo "$cipherlist"
return 0
newline_to_spaces() {
tr '\n' ' ' <<< "$1" | sed 's/ $//'
colon_to_spaces() {
echo "${1//:/ }"
strip_lf() {
tr -d '\n' <<< "$1" | tr -d '\r'
strip_spaces() {
echo "${1// /}"
# https://web.archive.org/web/20121022051228/http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/1816
strip_leading_space() {
printf "%s" "${1#"${1%%[![:space:]]*}"}"
strip_trailing_space() {
printf "%s" "${1%"${1##*[![:space:]]}"}"
# retrieve cipher from ServerHello (via openssl)
get_cipher() {
local cipher=""
local server_hello="$(cat -v "$1")"
# This and two other following instances are not best practice and normally a useless use of "cat", see
# https://web.archive.org/web/20160711205930/http://porkmail.org/era/unix/award.html#uucaletter
# However there seem to be cases where the preferred $(< "$1") logic has a problem.
# Esepcially with bash 3.2 (Mac OS X) and when on the server side binary chars
# are returned, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7427262/how-to-read-a-file-into-a-variable-in-shell#22607352
# and https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/issues/1292
# Performance measurements showed no to barely measureable penalty (1s displayed in 9 tries).
if [[ "$server_hello" =~ Cipher\ *:\ ([A-Z0-9]+-[A-Za-z0-9\-]+|TLS_[A-Za-z0-9_]+) ]]; then
cipher="${BASH_REMATCH##* }"
elif [[ "$server_hello" =~ (New|Reused)", "(SSLv[23]|TLSv1(\.[0-3])?(\/SSLv3)?)", Cipher is "([A-Z0-9]+-[A-Za-z0-9\-]+|TLS_[A-Za-z0-9_]+) ]]; then
cipher="${BASH_REMATCH##* }"
tm_out "$cipher"
# retrieve protocol from ServerHello (via openssl)
get_protocol() {
local protocol=""
local server_hello="$(cat -v "$1")"
if [[ "$server_hello" =~ Protocol\ *:\ (SSLv[23]|TLSv1(\.[0-3])?) ]]; then
protocol="${BASH_REMATCH##* }"
elif [[ "$server_hello" =~ (New|Reused)", TLSv1.3, Cipher is "TLS_[A-Z0-9_]+ ]]; then
# Note: When OpenSSL prints "New, <protocol>, Cipher is <cipher>", <cipher> is the
# negotiated cipher, but <protocol> is not the negotiated protocol. Instead, it is
# the SSL/TLS protocol that first defined <cipher>. Since the ciphers that were
# first defined for TLSv1.3 may only be used with TLSv1.3, this line may be used
# to determine whether TLSv1.3 was negotiated, but if another protocol is specified
# on this line, then this line does not indicate the actual protocol negotiated. Also,
# only TLSv1.3 cipher suites have names that begin with TLS_, which provides additional
# assurance that the above match will only succeed if TLSv1.3 was negotiated.
tm_out "$protocol"
is_number() {
[[ "$1" =~ ^[1-9][0-9]*$ ]] && \
return 0 || \
return 1
is_ipv4addr() {
local octet="(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])"
local ipv4address="$octet\\.$octet\\.$octet\\.$octet"
[[ -z "$1" ]] && return 1
# more than numbers, important for hosts like AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD.in-addr.arpa.DOMAIN.TLS
[[ -n $(tr -d '0-9\.' <<< "$1") ]] && return 1
grep -Eq "$ipv4address" <<< "$1" && \
return 0 || \
return 1
# a bit easier
is_ipv6addr() {
[[ -z "$1" ]] && return 1
# less than 2x ":"
[[ $(count_lines "$(tr ':' '\n' <<< "$1")") -le 1 ]] && \
return 1
#check on chars allowed:
[[ -n "$(tr -d '0-9:a-fA-F ' <<< "$1" | sed -e '/^$/d')" ]] && \
return 1
return 0
# now some function for the integrated BIGIP F5 Cookie detector (see https://github.com/drwetter/F5-BIGIP-Decoder)
f5_hex2ip() {
debugme echo "$1"
echo $((16#${1:0:2})).$((16#${1:2:2})).$((16#${1:4:2})).$((16#${1:6:2}))
f5_hex2ip6() {
debugme echo "$1"
echo "[${1:0:4}:${1:4:4}:${1:8:4}:${1:12:4}.${1:16:4}:${1:20:4}:${1:24:4}:${1:28:4}]"
f5_determine_routeddomain() {
local tmp
echo "${tmp/rd/}"
f5_ip_oldstyle() {
local tmp
local a b c d
tmp="${1/%.*}" # until first dot
tmp="$(printf "%08x" "$tmp")" # convert the whole thing to hex, now back to ip (reversed notation:
tmp="$(f5_hex2ip $tmp)" # transform to ip with reversed notation
IFS="." read -r a b c d <<< "$tmp" # reverse it
echo $d.$c.$b.$a
f5_port_decode() {
local tmp
tmp="$(strip_lf "$1")" # remove lf if there is one
tmp="${tmp/.0000/}" # to be sure remove trailing zeros with a dot
tmp="${tmp#*.}" # get the port
tmp="$(printf "%04x" "${tmp}")" # to hex
if [[ ${#tmp} -eq 4 ]]; then
elif [[ ${#tmp} -eq 3 ]]; then # fill it up with leading zeros if needed
elif [[ ${#tmp} -eq 2 ]]; then
echo $((16#${tmp:2:2}${tmp:0:2})) # reverse order and convert it from hex to dec
###### END helper function definitions ######
################### END all file output functions #########################
# prints out multiple lines in $1, left aligned by spaces in $2
out_row_aligned() {
@ -1744,9 +1745,9 @@ check_revocation_crl() {
return 1
if grep -q "\-\-\-\-\-BEGIN CERTIFICATE\-\-\-\-\-" $TEMPDIR/intermediatecerts.pem; then
$OPENSSL verify -crl_check -CAfile <(cat $ADDITIONAL_CA_FILES "$GOOD_CA_BUNDLE" "${tmpfile%%.crl}.pem") -untrusted $TEMPDIR/intermediatecerts.pem $HOSTCERT &> "${tmpfile%%.crl}.err"
$OPENSSL verify -crl_check -CAfile <(cat $ADDTL_CA_FILES "$GOOD_CA_BUNDLE" "${tmpfile%%.crl}.pem") -untrusted $TEMPDIR/intermediatecerts.pem $HOSTCERT &> "${tmpfile%%.crl}.err"
$OPENSSL verify -crl_check -CAfile <(cat $ADDITIONAL_CA_FILES "$GOOD_CA_BUNDLE" "${tmpfile%%.crl}.pem") $HOSTCERT &> "${tmpfile%%.crl}.err"
$OPENSSL verify -crl_check -CAfile <(cat $ADDTL_CA_FILES "$GOOD_CA_BUNDLE" "${tmpfile%%.crl}.pem") $HOSTCERT &> "${tmpfile%%.crl}.err"
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
out ", "
@ -1797,7 +1798,7 @@ check_revocation_ocsp() {
asciihex_to_binary "$stapled_response" > "$TEMPDIR/stapled_ocsp_response.dd"
$OPENSSL ocsp -no_nonce -respin "$TEMPDIR/stapled_ocsp_response.dd" \
-issuer $TEMPDIR/hostcert_issuer.pem -verify_other $TEMPDIR/intermediatecerts.pem \
-CAfile <(cat $ADDITIONAL_CA_FILES "$GOOD_CA_BUNDLE") -cert $HOSTCERT -text &> "$tmpfile"
-CAfile <(cat $ADDTL_CA_FILES "$GOOD_CA_BUNDLE") -cert $HOSTCERT -text &> "$tmpfile"
@ -1811,7 +1812,7 @@ check_revocation_ocsp() {
$OPENSSL ocsp -no_nonce ${host_header} -url "$uri" \
-issuer $TEMPDIR/hostcert_issuer.pem -verify_other $TEMPDIR/intermediatecerts.pem \
-CAfile <(cat $ADDITIONAL_CA_FILES "$GOOD_CA_BUNDLE") -cert $HOSTCERT -text &> "$tmpfile"
-CAfile <(cat $ADDTL_CA_FILES "$GOOD_CA_BUNDLE") -cert $HOSTCERT -text &> "$tmpfile"
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && grep -Fq "Response verify OK" "$tmpfile"; then
response="$(grep -F "$HOSTCERT: " "$tmpfile")"
@ -6971,9 +6972,9 @@ determine_trust() {
# in a subshell because that should be valid here only
(export SSL_CERT_DIR="/dev/null"; export SSL_CERT_FILE="/dev/null"
if [[ $certificates_provided -ge 2 ]]; then
$OPENSSL verify -purpose sslserver -CAfile <(cat $ADDITIONAL_CA_FILES "$bundle_fname") -untrusted $TEMPDIR/intermediatecerts.pem $HOSTCERT >$TEMPDIR/${certificate_file[i]}.1 2>$TEMPDIR/${certificate_file[i]}.2
$OPENSSL verify -purpose sslserver -CAfile <(cat $ADDTL_CA_FILES "$bundle_fname") -untrusted $TEMPDIR/intermediatecerts.pem $HOSTCERT >$TEMPDIR/${certificate_file[i]}.1 2>$TEMPDIR/${certificate_file[i]}.2
$OPENSSL verify -purpose sslserver -CAfile <(cat $ADDITIONAL_CA_FILES "$bundle_fname") $HOSTCERT >$TEMPDIR/${certificate_file[i]}.1 2>$TEMPDIR/${certificate_file[i]}.2
$OPENSSL verify -purpose sslserver -CAfile <(cat $ADDTL_CA_FILES "$bundle_fname") $HOSTCERT >$TEMPDIR/${certificate_file[i]}.1 2>$TEMPDIR/${certificate_file[i]}.2
verify_retcode[i]=$(awk '/error [1-9][0-9]? at [0-9]+ depth lookup:/ { if (!found) {print $2; found=1} }' $TEMPDIR/${certificate_file[i]}.1 $TEMPDIR/${certificate_file[i]}.2)
[[ -z "${verify_retcode[i]}" ]] && verify_retcode[i]=0
@ -19570,7 +19571,7 @@ parse_cmd_line() {
ADDITIONAL_CA_FILES="$(parse_opt_equal_sign "$1" "$2")"
ADDTL_CA_FILES="$(parse_opt_equal_sign "$1" "$2")"
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && shift
--devel) ### this development feature will soon disappear
@ -19876,8 +19877,8 @@ parse_cmd_line() {
"$do_mx_all_ips" && [[ "$NODNS" == none ]] && fatal "\"--mx\" and \"--nodns=none\" don't work together" $ERR_CMDLINE
[[ -n "$CONNECT_TIMEOUT" ]] && [[ "$MASS_TESTING_MODE" == parallel ]] && fatal "Parallel mass scanning and specifying connect timeouts currently don't work together" $ERR_CMDLINE
for fname in $ADDITIONAL_CA_FILES; do
for fname in $ADDTL_CA_FILES; do
[[ -s "$fname" ]] || fatal "CA file \"$fname\" does not exist" $ERR_RESOURCE
grep -q "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" "$fname" || fatal "\"$fname\" is not CA file in PEM format" $ERR_RESOURCE
Reference in New Issue
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