mirror of
synced 2025-02-05 15:21:16 +01:00
FIX: bail out better if $NODE doesn't resolve
cipher lists now wth plural ending added Liferay-Portal + X-OWA-Version for application banner new http_header (still leaving old one in) readability improvements
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,10 +9,6 @@
# Stable version from https://testssl.sh
# Please file bugs at github! https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/issues
SWCONTACT="dirk aet testssl dot sh"
# Main author: Dirk Wetter, copyleft: 2007-2015, contributions so far see CREDIT.md
# License: GPLv2, see http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/info/GPLv2.html
@ -62,9 +58,15 @@ SWCONTACT="dirk aet testssl dot sh"
# debugging help:
readonly PS4='${LINENO}: ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'
# make sure that temporary files are cleaned up after use
# make sure that temporary files are cleaned up after use in ANY case
trap "cleanup" QUIT EXIT
readonly VERSION="2.5dev"
readonly SWCONTACT="dirk aet testssl dot sh"
echo $VERSION | grep -q dev && \
SWURL="http://dev.testssl.sh" ||
SWURL=" https://testssl.sh"
readonly PROG_NAME=$(basename "$0")
readonly RUN_DIR=$(dirname $0)
@ -73,50 +75,49 @@ MAP_RFC_FNAME=""
which git &>/dev/null && readonly GIT_REL=$(git log --format='%h %ci' -1 2>/dev/null | awk '{ print $1" "$2" "$3 }')
readonly CVS_REL=$(tail -5 $0 | awk '/dirkw Exp/ { print $4" "$5" "$6}')
readonly CVS_REL_SHORT=$(tail -5 $0 | awk '/dirkw Exp/ { print $4 }')
readonly SYSTEM=$(uname -s)
date --help >/dev/null 2>&1 && \
readonly HAS_GNUDATE=true || \
readonly HAS_GNUDATE=false
readonly ECHO="/usr/bin/printf --" # works under Linux, BSD, MacOS.
TERM_DWITH=${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)} # for future custom line wrapping
TERM_CURRPOS=0 # ^^^ we also need to find out the length or current pos in the line
# following variables make use of $ENV, e.g. OPENSSL=<myprivate_path_to_openssl> ./testssl.sh <host>
# 0 means (normally) true here. Some of the variables are also accessible with a command line switch
# we have tab indentation with 5 virtual chars!
COLOR=${COLOR:-2} # 2: Full color, 1: b/w+positioning, 0: no ESC at all
COLOR=${COLOR:-2} # 2: Full color, 1: b/w+positioning, 0: no ESC at all
SHOW_LOC_CIPH=${SHOW_LOC_CIPH:-1} # will client side ciphers displayed before an individual test (makes no sense normally)
SHOW_EACH_C=${SHOW_EACH_C:-0} # where individual ciphers are tested show just the positively ones tested #FIXME: wrong value
SNEAKY=${SNEAKY:-1} # if zero: the referer and useragent we leave while checking the http header is just usual
SNEAKY=${SNEAKY:-1} # if zero: the referer and useragent we leave while checking the http header is just usual
SSL_NATIVE=${SSL_NATIVE:-1} # we do per default bash sockets where possible 0: switch back to native openssl
ASSUMING_HTTP=${ASSUMING_HTTP:-1} # in seldom cases (WAF, old servers/grumpy SSL) the service detection fails. Set to 0 for forcing HTTP
DEBUG=${DEBUG:-0} # if 1 the temp files won't be erased. 2: list more what's going on (formerly: eq VERBOSE=1),
# 3: slight hexdumps + other info, 4: send bytes via sockets, 5: received, 6: whole 9 yards
# FIXME: still to be filled with (more) sense or following to be included:
DEBUG=${DEBUG:-0} # if 1 the temp files won't be erased. 2: list more what's going on (formerly: eq VERBOSE=1),
# 3: slight hexdumps + other info, 4: send bytes via sockets, 5: received, 6: whole 9 yards
# FIXME: still to be filled with (more) sense or following to be included:
VERBERR=${VERBERR:-1} # 0 means to be more verbose (handshake errors to be displayed so that one can tell better
# whether handshake succeeded or not. While testing individual ciphers you also need to have SHOW_EACH_C=1
# whether handshake succeeded or not. While testing individual ciphers you also need to have SHOW_EACH_C=1
WIDE=${WIDE:-1} # whether to display for some options the cipher or the table with hexcode/KX,Enc,strength etc.
HEADER_MAXSLEEP=${HEADER_MAXSLEEP:-5} # we wait this long before killing the process to retrieve a service banner / http header
readonly MAX_WAITSOCK=10 # waiting at max 10 seconds for socket reply
HEADER_MAXSLEEP=${HEADER_MAXSLEEP:-5} # we wait this long before killing the process to retrieve a service banner / http header
readonly MAX_WAITSOCK=10 # waiting at max 10 seconds for socket reply
readonly CCS_MAX_WAITSOCK=5 # for the two CCS payload (each)
readonly HEARTBLEED_MAX_WAITSOCK=8 # for the heartbleed payload
USLEEP_SND=${USLEEP_SND:-0.1} # sleep time for general socket send
USLEEP_REC=${USLEEP_REC:-0.2} # sleep time for general socket receive
USLEEP_REC=${USLEEP_REC:-0.2} # sleep time for general socket receive
CAPATH="${CAPATH:-/etc/ssl/certs/}" # Does nothing yet (FC has only a CA bundle per default, ==> openssl version -d)
CAPATH="${CAPATH:-/etc/ssl/certs/}" # Does nothing yet (FC has only a CA bundle per default, ==> openssl version -d)
readonly HSTS_MIN=179 # >179 days is ok for HSTS
readonly HPKP_MIN=30 # >=30 days should be ok for HPKP_MIN, practical hints?
readonly CLIENT_MIN_PFS=5 # number of ciphers needed to run a test for PFS
readonly DAYS2WARN1=60 # days to warn before cert expires, threshold 1
readonly DAYS2WARN2=30 # days to warn before cert expires, threshold 2
# more global vars, here just declared
readonly ECHO="/usr/bin/printf --" # works under Linux, BSD, MacOS.
TERM_DWITH=${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)} # for future custom line wrapping
TERM_CURRPOS=0 # ^^^ we also need to find out the length or current pos in the line
readonly SYSTEM=$(uname -s) # OS
if date --help >/dev/null 2>&1; then
readonly HAS_GNUDATE=true
readonly HAS_GNUDATE=false
# furher vars needed to follow
readonly NPN_PROTOs="spdy/4a2,spdy/3,spdy/3.1,spdy/2,spdy/1,http/1.1"
@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ HEXC=""
OSSL_VER="" # openssl version, will be auto-determined
OSSL_VER="" # openssl version, will be auto-determined
@ -142,13 +143,13 @@ NODEIP=""
readonly VULN_THRESHLD=1 # if bigger than this no we show a separate header in blue
readonly VULN_THRESHLD=1 # if bigger than this no we show a separate header in blue
SERVICE="" # is the server running an HTTP server, SMTP, POP or IMAP?
SERVICE="" # is the server running an HTTP server, SMTP, POP or IMAP?
OPTIMAL_PROTO="" # we need this for IIS6 (sigh) and OpenSSL 1.02, otherwise some handshakes
# will fail, see https://github.com/PeterMosmans/openssl/issues/19#issuecomment-100897892
OPTIMAL_PROTO="" # we need this for IIS6 (sigh) and OpenSSL 1.02, otherwise some handshakes
# will fail, see https://github.com/PeterMosmans/openssl/issues/19#issuecomment-100897892
@ -162,13 +163,14 @@ readonly UA_STD="Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:42.0) Gecko/19700101 Firefox
# The various hexdump commands we need to replace xxd (BSD compatibility))
HEXDUMPVIEW=(hexdump -C) # This is used in verbose mode to see what's going on
# The various hexdump commands we need to replace xxd (BSD compatibility))
HEXDUMPVIEW=(hexdump -C) # This is used in verbose mode to see what's going on
HEXDUMP=(hexdump -ve '16/1 "%02x " " \n"') # This is used to analyze the reply
HEXDUMPPLAIN=(hexdump -ve '1/1 "%.2x"') # Replaces both xxd -p and tr -cd '[:print:]'
###### some hexbytes for bash network sockets ######
###### some hexbytes for bash network sockets follow ######
# 133 standard cipher + 4x GOST for TLS 1.2 and SPDY/NPN
readonly TLS12_CIPHER="
@ -458,8 +460,9 @@ runs_HTTP() {
return $ret
#problems not handled: chunked
http_header() {
OLDhttp_header() {
outln; pr_blue "--> Testing HTTP header response"; outln "\n"
[ -z "$1" ] && url="/" || url="$1"
@ -511,6 +514,40 @@ EOF
return $ret
http_header() {
outln; pr_blue "--> Testing HTTP header response"; outln "\n"
#FIXME: OWA still throws a 400!
printf "$GET_REQ11" | $OPENSSL s_client $OPTIMAL_PROTO -quiet -ign_eof -connect $NODEIP:$PORT $SNI &>$HEADERFILE &
if wait_kill $pid $HEADER_MAXSLEEP; then
if ! egrep -iaq "XML|HTML|DOCTYPE|HTTP|Connection" $HEADERFILE; then
pr_litemagenta " likely HTTP header requests failed (#lines: $(wc -l < $HEADERFILE | sed 's/ //g'))."
outln "Rerun with DEBUG=1 and inspect \"http_header.txt\"\n"
debugme cat $HEADERFILE
sed -e '/^<HTML/,$d' -e '/^<html/,$d' -e '/^<XML /,$d' -e '/<?XML /,$d' \
-e '/^<xml /,$d' -e '/<?xml /,$d' -e '/^<\!DOCTYPE/,$d' -e '/^<\!doctype/,$d' $HEADERFILE >$HEADERFILE.2
#TODO ^^^ Attention: the filtering for the html body only as of now, doesn't work for other content yet
mv $HEADERFILE.2 $HEADERFILE # sed'ing in place doesn't work with BSD and Linux simultaneously
pr_litemagentaln " failed (HTTP header request stalled)"
if egrep -aq "^HTTP.1.. 301|^HTTP.1.. 302|^Location" $HEADERFILE; then
redir2=$(grep -a '^Location' $HEADERFILE | sed 's/Location: //' | tr -d '\r\n')
outln " (got 30x to $redir2 - may be better try this URL?)\n"
if egrep -aq "^HTTP.1.. 401|^WWW-Authenticate" $HEADERFILE; then
outln " (got 401 / WWW-Authenticate, can't look beyond it)\n"
[[ $DEBUG -eq 0 ]] && rm $HEADERFILE.2 2>/dev/null
return $ret
includeSubDomains() {
if grep -aiqw includeSubDomains "$1"; then
pr_litegreen ", includeSubDomains"
@ -666,7 +703,7 @@ applicationbanner() {
pr_bold " Application "
# examples: dev.testssl.sh, php.net, asp.net , www.regonline.com
egrep -ai '^X-Powered-By|^X-AspNet-Version|^X-Version' $HEADERFILE >$TMPFILE
egrep -ai '^X-Powered-By|^X-AspNet-Version|^X-Version|^Liferay-Portal|^X-OWA-Version' $HEADERFILE >$TMPFILE
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
outln " (no banner at \"$url\")"
@ -1183,17 +1220,17 @@ run_std_cipherlists() {
pr_blue "--> Testing standard cipher lists"; outln "\n"
# see ciphers(1ssl)
std_cipherlists NULL:eNULL " Null Cipher " 1
std_cipherlists aNULL " Anonymous NULL Cipher " 1
std_cipherlists ADH " Anonymous DH Cipher " 1
std_cipherlists EXPORT40 " 40 Bit encryption " 1
std_cipherlists EXPORT56 " 56 Bit encryption " 1
std_cipherlists EXPORT " Export Cipher (general) " 1
std_cipherlists LOW " Low (<=64 Bit) " 1
std_cipherlists DES " DES Cipher " 1
std_cipherlists 3DES " Triple DES Cipher " 2
std_cipherlists "MEDIUM:!NULL:!aNULL:!SSLv2" " Medium grade encryption " 2
std_cipherlists "HIGH:!NULL:!aNULL" " High grade encryption " 0
std_cipherlists NULL:eNULL " Null Ciphers " 1
std_cipherlists aNULL " Anonymous NULL Ciphers " 1
std_cipherlists ADH " Anonymous DH Ciphers " 1
std_cipherlists EXPORT40 " 40 Bit encryption " 1
std_cipherlists EXPORT56 " 56 Bit encryption " 1
std_cipherlists EXPORT " Export Ciphers (general) " 1
std_cipherlists LOW " Low (<=64 Bit) " 1
std_cipherlists DES " DES Ciphers " 1
std_cipherlists 3DES " Triple DES Ciphers " 2
std_cipherlists "MEDIUM:!NULL:!aNULL:!SSLv2" " Medium grade encryption " 2
std_cipherlists "HIGH:!NULL:!aNULL" " High grade encryption " 0
return 0
@ -1718,7 +1755,7 @@ pfs() {
pr_litegreen " PFS ciphers (OK): "
pr_litegreen " PFS is offered (OK) "
outln "Cipher follow (Client/browser support is here specially important) \n"
outln ", cipher follow (client/browser support is here specially important) \n"
while read hexcode dash pfs_cipher sslvers kx auth enc mac; do
@ -3247,8 +3284,9 @@ EOF
cleanup () {
if [[ "$DEBUG" -ge 1 ]] ; then
outln "\n"
pr_underline "DEBUG (level $DEBUG): see files in $TEMPDIR"
[ -d "$TEMPDIR" ] && rm -rf ${TEMPDIR};
@ -3854,6 +3892,7 @@ startup() {
lets_roll() {
local ret
[ -z "$NODEIP" ] && pr_magentaln "$NODE doesn't resolve to an IP address" && exit 1
determine_service "$1" # any starttls service goes here
@ -3959,6 +3998,6 @@ fi
exit $ret
# $Id: testssl.sh,v 1.276 2015/06/16 12:04:43 dirkw Exp $
# $Id: testssl.sh,v 1.277 2015/06/16 17:53:38 dirkw Exp $
# vim:ts=5:sw=5
# ^^^ FYI: use vim and you will see everything beautifully indented with a 5 char tab
Reference in New Issue
Block a user