This fixes #865 and improves #588. All CAA records are now shown,
also with old DNS binaries.
This commit is contained in:
Dirk 2017-10-18 18:43:54 +02:00
parent 4b187d6253
commit 52e02d9d43

View File

@ -5984,7 +5984,7 @@ certificate_info() {
local days2warn2=$DAYS2WARN2
local days2warn1=$DAYS2WARN1
local provides_stapling=false
local caa_node=""
local caa_node="" all_caa="" caa_property_name="" caa_property_value=""
if [[ $number_of_certificates -gt 1 ]]; then
[[ $certificate_number -eq 1 ]] && outln
@ -6576,10 +6576,21 @@ certificate_info() {
[[ $caa_node =~ '.'$ ]] || caa_node+="."
if [[ -n "$caa" ]]; then
pr_done_good "OK"; out " (" ; pr_italic "$caa"; out ")"
fileout "${json_prefix}CAA_record" "OK" "DNS Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Resource Record / RFC6844 : \"$caa\" "
pr_done_good "available"; out " - please check for match with \"Issuer\" above"
if [[ $(count_lines "$caa") -eq 1 ]]; then
out ": "
outln; out "$spaces"
while read caa; do
if [[ -n "$caa" ]]; then
all_caa+="$caa, "
done <<< "$caa"
all_caa=${all_caa%, } # strip trailing comma
pr_italic "$(out_row_aligned_max_width "$all_caa" "$indent " $TERM_WIDTH)"
fileout "${json_prefix}CAA_record" "OK" "DNS Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Resource Record / RFC6844 (check for match): \"$all_caa\" "
elif "$NODNS"; then
pr_warning "(was instructed to not use DNS)"
fileout "${json_prefix}CAA_record" "WARN" "DNS Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Resource Record / RFC6844 : test skipped as instructed"
@ -13160,6 +13171,7 @@ get_caa_rr_record() {
local caa_property_name
local caa_property_value
local saved_openssl_conf="$OPENSSL_CONF"
local all_caa=""
"$NODNS" && return 0 # if no DNS lookup was instructed, leave here
# if there's a type257 record there are two output formats here, mostly depending on age of distribution
@ -13192,28 +13204,39 @@ get_caa_rr_record() {
OPENSSL_CONF="$saved_openssl_conf" # see
debugme echo $raw_caa
# '# 19' for is the tag length probably --> we use this also to identify the binary format
if [[ "$raw_caa" =~ \#\ [0-9][0-9]\ [A-F0-9]+$ ]]; then
raw_caa=$(awk '{ print $NF }' <<< $raw_caa) # caa_length would be awk '{ print $(NF-1) }' but we don't need it
if [[ "${raw_caa:0:2}" == "00" ]]; then # probably the flag
len_caa_property=${raw_caa:2:2} # implicit type casting, for google we have 05 here as a string
len_caa_property=$((len_caa_property*2)) # =>word! Now get name from 4th and value from 4th+len position...
caa_property_name=$(hex2ascii ${raw_caa:4:$len_caa_property})
caa_property_value=$(hex2ascii ${raw_caa:$((4+len_caa_property)):100})
outln "please report unknown CAA flag $caa_flag @ $NODE"
if [[ "$raw_caa" =~ \#\ [0-9][0-9] ]]; then
# for posteo we get this binary format returned e.g. for old dig versions:
# \# 19 0005697373756567656F74727573742E636F6D
# \# 23 0009697373756577696C6467656F74727573742E636F6D
# \# 34 0005696F6465666D61696C746F3A686F73746D617374657240706F73 74656F2E6465
# # len caaflag <more_see_below> @ p o s t e o . d e
while read hash len line ;do
if [[ "${line:0:2}" == "00" ]]; then # probably the caa flag, always 00, so we don't keep this
len_caa_property=$(printf "%0d" "$((10#${line:2:2}))") # get len and do type casting, for posteo we have 05 or 09 here as a string
len_caa_property=$((len_caa_property*2)) # =>word! Now get name from 4th and value from 4th+len position...
line="${line/ /}" # especially with iodefs there's a blank in the string which we just skip
caa_property_name="$(hex2ascii ${line:4:$len_caa_property})"
caa_property_value="$(hex2ascii "${line:$((4+len_caa_property)):100}")"
# echo "${caa_property_name}=${caa_property_value}"
outln "please report unknown CAA RR $line with flag @ $NODE"
return 7
done <<< "$raw_caa"
safe_echo "$all_caa"
return 0
elif grep -q '"' <<< $raw_caa; then
raw_caa=${raw_caa//\"/} # strip " first. Now we should have flag, name, value
caa_flag=$(awk '{ print $1 }' <<< $raw_caa)
caa_property_name=$(awk '{ print $2 }' <<< $raw_caa)
caa_property_value=$(awk '{ print $3 }' <<< $raw_caa)
raw_caa=${raw_caa//\"/} # strip all ". Now we should have flag, name, value
#caa_flag="$(awk '{ print $1 }' <<< "$raw_caa")"
#caa_property_name="$(awk '{ print $2 }' <<< "$raw_caa")"
#caa_property_value="$(awk '{ print $3 }' <<< "$raw_caa")"
safe_echo "$(awk '{ print $2"="$3 }' <<< "$raw_caa")"
return 0
# no caa record
return 1
echo "$caa_property_name: $caa_property_value"
# to do:
# 4: check whether $1 is a CNAME and take this