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synced 2025-03-03 03:51:16 +01:00
Outsourcing of certificate date properties determination
determine_dates_certificate() is now determining the important dates of a certificate passed via argument. It works of course for host and any other certificates. Returning multiple parameters is being done via CSV and passed to a read statement which seemed the best choice for bash. ToDo: * $expok is not set properly for intermediate certificates * check if expired at least in the UI (JSON+CSV: echo the dates so far) * for multiple host certificates the naming scheme (jsonID + intermediate certnumnber kind of sucks: "id" : "intermediate_cert_fingerprintSHA256 <cert#1> 1", "id" : "intermediate_cert_notAfter <cert#2> 1", The whole thing is kind of hackish as the code has been historically grown. At some certian point we may want to reconsider how we determine properties of certificates in certificate_info()
This commit is contained in:
@ -3567,7 +3567,7 @@ run_cipher_match(){
if [[ ${#hexc} -eq 9 ]]; then
if [[ "${hexc:2:2}" == "00" ]]; then
if [[ "${hexc:2:2}" == 00 ]]; then
@ -8321,11 +8321,16 @@ certificate_transparency() {
# and $OPENSSL x509 -noout -in $HOSTCERT -fingerprint -sha256/-sha1
determine_cert_fingerprint_serial() {
local cert="$1"
local cert_file="$1"
local ossl_command="$2"
local result=""
result="$($OPENSSL x509 -noout -in $1 $2 2>>$ERRFILE)"
if [[ -r "$cert_file" ]]; then
result="$($OPENSSL x509 -noout -in $cert_file $ossl_command 2>>$ERRFILE)"
# not really a file but the variable which holds the certificate
result="$($OPENSSL x509 -noout $ossl_command 2>>$ERRFILE <<< "$cert_file")"
# remove strings in text output, colon only appear in fingerprints
@ -8333,6 +8338,56 @@ determine_cert_fingerprint_serial() {
safe_echo "$result"
# Returns startdate, enddate, diffseconds, days2expire as CSVs as strings
# arg1: human readable text string for certificate (openssl x509 -text -noout)
determine_dates_certificate () {
local cert_txt="$1"
local startdate enddate yearnow y m d yearstart clockstart yearend clockend
local diffseconds=0 days2expire=0
startdate="${cert_txt#*Validity*Not Before: }"
# FreeBSD + OSX can't swallow the leading blank:
enddate="${cert_txt#*Validity*Not Before: *Not After : }"
debugme echo "$enddate - $startdate"
# Now we have a normalized enddate and startdate like "Feb 27 10:03:20 2017 GMT" -- also for OpenBSD
# Best we want to do under old versions of OpenBSD, first just remove the GMT and keep start/endate for later output
startdate="$(parse_date "$startdate" "+%s")"
enddate="$(parse_date "$enddate" "+%s")"
# Now we extract a date block and a time block which we need for later output
startdate="$(parse_date "$startdate" +"%F %H:%M" "%b %d %T %Y %Z")"
enddate="$(parse_date "$enddate" +"%F %H:%M" "%b %d %T %Y %Z")"
read yearstart clockstart <<< "$startdate"
read yearend clockend <<< "$enddate"
debugme echo "$yearstart, $clockstart"
debugme echo "$yearend, $clockend"
y=$(( ${yearend:0:4} - ${yearstart:0:4} ))
m=$(( ${yearend:5:1} - ${yearstart:5:1} + ${yearend:6:1} - ${yearstart:6:1} ))
d=$(( ${yearend:8:2} - ${yearstart:8:2} ))
# We take the year, month, days here as old OpenBSD's date is too difficult for real conversion
# see comment in parse_date(). In diffseconds then we have the estimated absolute validity period
diffseconds=$(( d + ((m*30)) + ((y*365)) ))
diffseconds=$((diffseconds * 3600 * 24))
# Now we estimate the days left plus length of month/year:
yearnow="$(date -juz GMT "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")"
y=$(( ${yearend:0:4} - ${yearnow:0:4} ))
m=$(( ${yearend:5:1} - ${yearnow:5:1} + ${yearend:6:1} - ${yearnow:6:1} ))
d=$(( ${yearend:8:2} - ${yearnow:8:2} ))
days2expire=$(( d + ((m*30)) + ((y*365)) ))
startdate="$(parse_date "$startdate" +"%F %H:%M" "%b %d %T %Y %Z")"
enddate="$(parse_date "$enddate" +"%F %H:%M" "%b %d %T %Y %Z")"
days2expire=$(( $(parse_date "$enddate" "+%s" $'%F %H:%M') - $(LC_ALL=C date "+%s") )) # first in seconds
days2expire=$((days2expire / 3600 / 24 ))
diffseconds=$(( $(parse_date "$enddate" "+%s" $'%F %H:%M') - $(parse_date "$startdate" "+%s" $'%F %H:%M') ))
safe_echo "$startdate, $enddate, $diffseconds, $days2expire, $yearstart"
certificate_info() {
local proto
@ -8378,7 +8433,7 @@ certificate_info() {
local provides_stapling=false
local caa_node="" all_caa="" caa_property_name="" caa_property_value=""
local response=""
local yearstart yearend clockstart clockend y m d
local yearstart
local gt_398=false gt_398warn=false
local gt_825=false gt_825warn=false
local badocsp=1
@ -8735,7 +8790,7 @@ certificate_info() {
CERT_FINGERPRINT_SHA2="$cert_fingerprint_sha2" ||
( [[ $cert_key_algo = *RSA* ]] || [[ $cert_key_algo = *rsa* ]] ) &&
( [[ $cert_key_algo =~ RSA ]] || [[ $cert_key_algo =~ rsa ]] ) &&
out "$indent"; pr_bold " Common Name (CN) "
@ -8812,7 +8867,7 @@ certificate_info() {
out "$indent"; pr_bold " Issuer "
#FIXME: oid would be better maybe (see above)
issuer="$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -issuer -nameopt multiline,-align,sname,-esc_msb,utf8,-space_eq 2>>$ERRFILE)"
issuer="$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -issuer -nameopt multiline,-align,sname,-esc_msb,utf8,-space_eq 2>>$ERRFILE)"
issuer_CN="$(awk -F'=' '/CN=/ { print $2 }' <<< "$issuer")"
issuer_O="$(awk -F'=' '/O=/ { print $2 }' <<< "$issuer")"
issuer_C="$(awk -F'=' '/ C=/ { print $2 }' <<< "$issuer")"
@ -9019,9 +9074,19 @@ certificate_info() {
cert="${intermediates%%-----END CERTIFICATE-----*}"
intermediates="${intermediates#${cert}-----END CERTIFICATE-----}"
cert="-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----${cert}-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
# we count as humans in the file output here. This needs later to be adjusted in the code
fileout "intermediate_cert $((certificates_provided + 1 ))" "INFO" "$cert"
fileout "intermediate_cert${json_postfix} $((certificates_provided + 1 ))" "INFO" "$cert"
fileout "intermediate_cert_fingerprintSHA256${json_postfix} $((certificates_provided + 1 ))" "INFO" "$(determine_cert_fingerprint_serial "$cert" "-fingerprint -sha256")"
intermediate_certs_txt[certificates_provided]="$($OPENSSL x509 -text -noout 2>/dev/null <<< "$cert")"
# We don't need every value here. For the sake of consistency we add the rest
IFS=',' read -r startdate enddate diffseconds days2expire yearstart < <(determine_dates_certificate "${intermediate_certs_txt[certificates_provided]}")
fileout "intermediate_cert_notBefore${json_postfix} $((certificates_provided + 1))" "INFO" "$startdate"
expok="OK" #FIXME!
fileout "intermediate_cert_notAfter${json_postfix} $((certificates_provided + 1))" "$expok" "$enddate"
@ -9054,44 +9119,8 @@ certificate_info() {
# For now we leave this here. We may want to change that later or add infos to other sections (FS & vulnerability)
out "$indent"; pr_bold " Certificate Validity (UTC) "
# FreeBSD + OSX can't swallow the leading blank:
startdate="${cert_txt#*Validity*Not Before: }"
enddate="${cert_txt#*Validity*Not Before: *Not After : }"
debugme echo "$enddate - $startdate"
# Now we have a normalized enddate and startdate like "Feb 27 10:03:20 2017 GMT" -- also for OpenBSD
# Best we want to do under old versions of OpenBSD, first just remove the GMT and keep start/endate for later output
startdate="$(parse_date "$startdate" "+%s")"
enddate="$(parse_date "$enddate" "+%s")"
# Now we extract a date block and a time block which we need for later output
startdate="$(parse_date "$startdate" +"%F %H:%M" "%b %d %T %Y %Z")"
enddate="$(parse_date "$enddate" +"%F %H:%M" "%b %d %T %Y %Z")"
read yearstart clockstart <<< "$startdate"
read yearend clockend <<< "$enddate"
debugme echo "$yearstart, $clockstart"
debugme echo "$yearend, $clockend"
y=$(( ${yearend:0:4} - ${yearstart:0:4} ))
m=$(( ${yearend:5:1} - ${yearstart:5:1} + ${yearend:6:1} - ${yearstart:6:1} ))
d=$(( ${yearend:8:2} - ${yearstart:8:2} ))
# We take the year, month, days here as old OpenBSD's date is too difficult for real conversion
# see comment in parse_date(). In diffseconds then we have the estimated absolute validity period
diffseconds=$(( d + ((m*30)) + ((y*365)) ))
diffseconds=$((diffseconds * 3600 * 24))
# Now we estimate the days left plus length of month/year:
yearnow="$(date -juz GMT "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")"
y=$(( ${yearend:0:4} - ${yearnow:0:4} ))
m=$(( ${yearend:5:1} - ${yearnow:5:1} + ${yearend:6:1} - ${yearnow:6:1} ))
d=$(( ${yearend:8:2} - ${yearnow:8:2} ))
days2expire=$(( d + ((m*30)) + ((y*365)) ))
startdate="$(parse_date "$startdate" +"%F %H:%M" "%b %d %T %Y %Z")"
enddate="$(parse_date "$enddate" +"%F %H:%M" "%b %d %T %Y %Z")"
days2expire=$(( $(parse_date "$enddate" "+%s" $'%F %H:%M') - $(LC_ALL=C date "+%s") )) # first in seconds
days2expire=$((days2expire / 3600 / 24 ))
diffseconds=$(( $(parse_date "$enddate" "+%s" $'%F %H:%M') - $(parse_date "$startdate" "+%s" $'%F %H:%M') ))
IFS=',' read -r startdate enddate diffseconds days2expire yearstart < <(determine_dates_certificate "$cert_txt")
# We adjust the thresholds by %50 for LE certificates, relaxing warnings for those certificates.
# . instead of \' because it does not break syntax highlighting in vim
if [[ "$issuer_CN" =~ ^Let.s\ Encrypt\ Authority ]] ; then
Reference in New Issue
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