More extensions in socksend_tls_clienthello()

This PR adds the signature algorithms, heartbeat, session ticket, and next protocol extensions to the client hello message created by socksend_tls_clienthello() for TLS 1.0 and above. It also adds the supported elliptic curves and ec points format extensions if the client hello message includes any ECC cipher suites.

I tested this version against several servers with $EXPERIMENTAL set to true and get the same results as with the current code with $EXPERIMENTAL set to false.
This commit is contained in:
David Cooper 2016-04-13 15:39:12 -04:00
parent 199708f94c
commit 7e506e5c5a

View File

@ -4165,40 +4165,127 @@ sslv2_sockets() {
# ARG1: TLS version low byte (00: SSLv3, 01: TLS 1.0, 02: TLS 1.1, 03: TLS 1.2)
socksend_tls_clienthello() {
#FIXME: redo this with all extensions!
local tls_low_byte="$1"
local tls_word_reclayer="03, 01" # the first TLS version number is the record layer and always 0301 -- except: SSLv3
local servername_hexstr len_servername len_servername_hex
local hexdump_format_str
local all_extensions
local hexdump_format_str part1 part2
local all_extensions=""
local -i i j len_extension
local len_sni_listlen len_sni_ext len_extension_hex
local cipher_suites len_ciph_suites len_ciph_suites_word
local cipher_suites len_ciph_suites len_ciph_suites_byte len_ciph_suites_word
local len_client_hello_word len_all_word
#len_servername=$(echo ${#NODE})
hexdump_format_str="$len_servername/1 \"%02x,\""
servername_hexstr=$(printf $NODE | hexdump -v -e "${hexdump_format_str}" | sed 's/,$//')
local ecc_cipher_suite_found=false
local extension_signature_algorithms extension_heartbeat
local extension_session_ticket extension_next_protocol extensions_ecc
code2network "$2" # convert CIPHER_SUITES
cipher_suites="$NW_STR" # we don't have the leading \x here so string length is two byte less, see next
#formatted example for SNI
#00 00 # extension server_name
#00 1a # length = the following +2 = server_name length + 5
#00 18 # server_name list_length = server_name length +3
#00 # server_name type (hostname)
#00 15 # server_name length
#66 66 66 66 66 66 2e 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 2e 66 66 66 target.mydomain1.tld # server_name target
len_ciph_suites_byte=$(echo ${#cipher_suites})
let "len_ciph_suites_byte += 2"
if [[ "$tls_low_byte" != "00" ]]; then
# Add extensions
# Check to see if any ECC cipher suites are included in cipher_suites
for (( i=0; i<len_ciph_suites_byte; i=i+8 )); do
if [[ "$part1" == "0xc0" ]]; then
if [[ "$part2" -ge "0x01" ]] && [[ "$part2" -le "0x19" ]]; then
ecc_cipher_suite_found=true && break
elif [[ "$part2" -ge "0x23" ]] && [[ "$part2" -le "0x3b" ]]; then
ecc_cipher_suite_found=true && break
elif [[ "$part2" -ge "0x48" ]] && [[ "$part2" -le "0x4f" ]]; then
ecc_cipher_suite_found=true && break
elif [[ "$part2" -ge "0x5c" ]] && [[ "$part2" -le "0x63" ]]; then
ecc_cipher_suite_found=true && break
elif [[ "$part2" -ge "0x70" ]] && [[ "$part2" -le "0x79" ]]; then
ecc_cipher_suite_found=true && break
elif [[ "$part2" -ge "0x86" ]] && [[ "$part2" -le "0x8d" ]]; then
ecc_cipher_suite_found=true && break
elif [[ "$part2" -ge "0x9a" ]] && [[ "$part2" -le "0x9b" ]]; then
ecc_cipher_suite_found=true && break
elif [[ "$part2" -ge "0xac" ]] && [[ "$part2" -le "0xaf" ]]; then
ecc_cipher_suite_found=true && break
elif [[ "$part1" == "0xcc" ]]; then
if [[ "$part2" == "0xa8" ]] || [[ "$part2" == "0xa9" ]] || [[ "$part2" == "0xac" ]] || [[ "$part2" == "13" ]] || [[ "$part2" == "0x14" ]]; then
ecc_cipher_suite_found=true && break
#formatted example for SNI
#00 00 # extension server_name
#00 1a # length = the following +2 = server_name length + 5
#00 18 # server_name list_length = server_name length +3
#00 # server_name type (hostname)
#00 15 # server_name length
#66 66 66 66 66 66 2e 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 2e 66 66 66 target.mydomain1.tld # server_name target
hexdump_format_str="$len_servername/1 \"%02x,\""
servername_hexstr=$(printf $NODE | hexdump -v -e "${hexdump_format_str}" | sed 's/,$//')
# convert lengths we need to fill in from dec to hex:
len_servername_hex=$(printf "%02x\n" $len_servername)
len_sni_listlen=$(printf "%02x\n" $((len_servername+3)))
len_sni_ext=$(printf "%02x\n" $((len_servername+5)))
len_extension_hex=$(printf "%02x\n" $((len_servername+9))) #FIXME: for TLS 1.2 and IIS servers we need extension_signature_algorithms!!
len_ciph_suites_byte=$(echo ${#cipher_suites})
let "len_ciph_suites_byte += 2"
00, 0d, # Type: signature_algorithms , see RFC 5246
00, 20, # len
00,1e, 06,01, 06,02, 06,03, 05,01, 05,02, 05,03,
04,01, 04,02, 04,03, 03,01, 03,02, 03,03, 02,01, 02,02, 02,03"
00, 0f, 00, 01, 01"
00, 23, 00, 00"
33, 74, 00, 00"
# Supported Elliptic Curves Extension and Supported Point Formats Extension.
00, 0a, # Type: Supported Elliptic Curves , see RFC 4492
00, 3a, 00, 38, # lengths
00, 01, 00, 02, 00, 03, 00, 04, 00, 05, 00, 06, 00, 07, 00, 08,
00, 09, 00, 0a, 00, 0b, 00, 0c, 00, 0d, 00, 0e, 00, 0f, 00, 10,
00, 11, 00, 12, 00, 13, 00, 14, 00, 15, 00, 16, 00, 17, 00, 18,
00, 19, 00, 1a, 00, 1b, 00, 1c,
00, 0b, # Type: Supported Point Formats , see RFC 4492
00, 02, # len
01, 00"
00, 00 # extension server_name
,00, $len_sni_ext # length SNI EXT
,00, $len_sni_listlen # server_name list_length
,00 # server_name type (hostname)
,00, $len_servername_hex # server_name length. We assume len(hostname) < FF - 9
,$servername_hexstr # server_name target
if $ecc_cipher_suite_found; then
code2network "$all_extensions" # convert extensions
all_extensions="$NW_STR" # we don't have the leading \x here so string length is two byte less, see next
len_extension_hex=$(printf "%02x\n" $len_extension)
,00, $len_extension_hex # first the len of all extentions.
# we have additional 2 chars \x in each 2 byte string and 2 byte ciphers, so we need to divide by 4:
len_ciph_suites=$(printf "%02x\n" $(($len_ciph_suites_byte / 4 )))
@ -4245,45 +4332,6 @@ socksend_tls_clienthello() {
,01 # Compression methods length
,00" # Compression method (x00 for NULL)
#TODO,add (see heartbleed)
# extension lenghth (word)
# extension ec_point_formats (4 words) 1st: 00 0b
#len 00 04
# ec prot formats len: 03
# uncompressed 00
# EC point format: ansiX962_compressed_prime 01
# EC point format: ansiX962_compressed_char2 02
# ec, 1st: 00 0a
# 2nd length: (word) e.g. 0x34
# 3rd: ec curve len ln-2 e.g. 0x32
# 4.-n. curves e.g. 25 words
# Extension: Session Ticket 00 23
00, 0d, # Type: signature_algorithms , see RFC 5246
00, 20, # len
00,1e, 06,01, 06,02, 06,03, 05,01, 05,02, 05,03,
04,01, 04,02, 04,03, 03,01, 03,02, 03,03, 02,01, 02,02, 02,03"
# Extension: Haertbeat 00 0f
# len 00 01
# peer allowed to send requests 01
if [[ "$tls_low_byte" == "00" ]]; then
else #FIXME: we (probably) need extension_signature_algorithms here. TLS 1.2 fails on IIS otherwise
,00, $len_extension_hex # first the len of all (here: 1) extentions. We assume len(hostname) < FF - 9
,00, 00 # extension server_name
,00, $len_sni_ext # length SNI EXT
,00, $len_sni_listlen # server_name list_length
,00 # server_name type (hostname)
,00, $len_servername_hex # server_name length
,$servername_hexstr" # server_name target
fd_socket 5 || return 6
code2network "$TLS_CLIENT_HELLO$all_extensions"