Further improvements to certificate_info()

* add cn and issuer_CN to the output both on screen and file
* the severity rating for intermediates are just a shot (20/40 days) and
  deserve a second thought
* replace the expiry check by one test statement and make grep futile
* replace at some places "$openssl x509 -in $filename"  by  "$openssl x509 <<< $var"
* the thing with 25*60*60 was fie readability. When it's used >20 times it maybe is not
  (and maybe costs to much time) --> replaced by $secsaday
* adjusted the loop for bad ocsp check for readability
This commit is contained in:
Dirk 2020-10-01 17:49:14 +02:00
parent 67afa6c372
commit a7bcf9ec7f

View File

@ -8043,7 +8043,7 @@ etsi_ets_visibility_info() {
# external functions to obtain the DER encoded certficate.
if [[ "$cert_txt" =~ X509v3\ Subject\ Alternative\ Name:.*othername:\<unsupported\> ]] || \
[[ "$cert_txt" =~ X509v3\ Subject\ Alternative\ Name:.*othername:\ ]]; then
dercert="$($OPENSSL x509 -in "$cert" -outform DER 2>>$ERRFILE | hexdump -v -e '16/1 "%02X"')"
dercert="$($OPENSSL x509 -outform DER 2>>$ERRFILE <<< "$cert" | hexdump -v -e '16/1 "%02X"')"
if [[ "$dercert" =~ 0603551D110101FF04[0-9A-F]*060604009B430301 ]] || \
[[ "$dercert" =~ 0603551D1104[0-9A-F]*060604009B430301 ]]; then
# Look for the beginning of the subjectAltName extension. It
@ -8346,6 +8346,7 @@ determine_dates_certificate() {
local cert_txt="$1"
local startdate enddate yearnow y m d yearstart clockstart yearend clockend
local diffseconds=0 days2expire=0
local -i secsaday=86400
startdate="${cert_txt#*Validity*Not Before: }"
# FreeBSD + OSX can't swallow the leading blank:
@ -8371,7 +8372,7 @@ determine_dates_certificate() {
# We take the year, month, days here as old OpenBSD's date is too difficult for real conversion
# see comment in parse_date(). In diffseconds then we have the estimated absolute validity period
diffseconds=$(( d + ((m*30)) + ((y*365)) ))
diffseconds=$((diffseconds * 3600 * 24))
diffseconds=$((diffseconds * secsaday))
# Now we estimate the days left plus length of month/year:
yearnow="$(date -juz GMT "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")"
y=$(( ${yearend:0:4} - ${yearnow:0:4} ))
@ -8382,7 +8383,7 @@ determine_dates_certificate() {
startdate="$(parse_date "$startdate" +"%F %H:%M" "%b %d %T %Y %Z")"
enddate="$(parse_date "$enddate" +"%F %H:%M" "%b %d %T %Y %Z")"
days2expire=$(( $(parse_date "$enddate" "+%s" $'%F %H:%M') - $(LC_ALL=C date "+%s") )) # first in seconds
days2expire=$((days2expire / 3600 / 24 ))
days2expire=$((days2expire / secsaday))
diffseconds=$(( $(parse_date "$enddate" "+%s" $'%F %H:%M') - $(parse_date "$startdate" "+%s" $'%F %H:%M') ))
safe_echo "$startdate,$enddate,$diffseconds,$days2expire,$yearstart"
@ -8406,11 +8407,12 @@ certificate_info() {
local ct="${12}"
local certificate_list_ordering_problem="${13}"
local cert_sig_algo cert_sig_hash_algo cert_key_algo cert_spki_info
local hostcert=""
local common_primes_file="$TESTSSL_INSTALL_DIR/etc/common-primes.txt"
local -i lineno_matched=0
local cert_keyusage cert_ext_keyusage short_keyAlgo
local outok=true
local expire days2expire secs2warn ocsp_uri crl
local days2expire secs2warn ocsp_uri crl
local startdate enddate issuer_CN issuer_C issuer_O issuer sans san all_san="" cn
local issuer_DC issuerfinding cn_nosni=""
local cert_fingerprint_sha1 cert_fingerprint_sha2 cert_serial cert
@ -8421,7 +8423,7 @@ certificate_info() {
local has_dns_sans has_dns_sans_nosni
local trust_sni_finding
local -i i certificates_provided=0
local cnfinding trustfinding trustfinding_nosni
local cn_finding trustfinding trustfinding_nosni
local cnok="OK"
local expfinding expok="OK"
local -i ret=0
@ -8437,6 +8439,7 @@ certificate_info() {
local yearstart
local gt_398=false gt_398warn=false
local gt_825=false gt_825warn=false
local -i secsaday=86400
local first=true
local badocsp=1
@ -8773,20 +8776,22 @@ certificate_info() {
fileout "${jsonID}${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$cert_ext_keyusage"
out "$indent"; pr_bold " Serial / Fingerprints "
cert_serial="$(determine_cert_fingerprint_serial "$HOSTCERT" "-serial")"
cert_serial="$(determine_cert_fingerprint_serial "$hostcert" "-serial")"
fileout "cert_serialNumber${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$cert_serial"
cert_fingerprint_sha1="$(determine_cert_fingerprint_serial "$HOSTCERT" "-fingerprint -sha1")"
cert_fingerprint_sha1="$(determine_cert_fingerprint_serial "$hostcert" "-fingerprint -sha1")"
outln "$cert_serial / SHA1 $cert_fingerprint_sha1"
fileout "cert_fingerprintSHA1${json_postfix}" "INFO" "${cert_fingerprint_sha1}"
cert_fingerprint_sha2="$(determine_cert_fingerprint_serial "$HOSTCERT" "-fingerprint -sha256")"
cert_fingerprint_sha2="$(determine_cert_fingerprint_serial "$hostcert" "-fingerprint -sha256")"
fileout "cert_fingerprintSHA256${json_postfix}" "INFO" "${cert_fingerprint_sha2}"
outln "${spaces}SHA256 ${cert_fingerprint_sha2}"
# " " needs to be converted back to lf in JSON/CSV output. watch out leading/ending line containting "CERTIFICATE"
fileout "cert${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$(< $HOSTCERT)"
fileout "cert${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$hostcert"
[[ -z $CERT_FINGERPRINT_SHA2 ]] && \
CERT_FINGERPRINT_SHA2="$cert_fingerprint_sha2" ||
@ -8796,19 +8801,19 @@ certificate_info() {
out "$indent"; pr_bold " Common Name (CN) "
cnfinding="Common Name (CN) : "
cn_finding="Common Name (CN) : "
cn="$(get_cn_from_cert $HOSTCERT)"
if [[ -n "$cn" ]]; then
pr_italic "$cn"
cn="no CN field in subject"
out "($cn)"
fileout "cert_commonName${json_postfix}" "$cnok" "$cnfinding"
fileout "cert_commonName${json_postfix}" "$cnok" "$cn_finding"
if [[ -n "$sni_used" ]]; then
if grep -q "\-\-\-\-\-BEGIN" "$HOSTCERT.nosni"; then
@ -8822,24 +8827,24 @@ certificate_info() {
if [[ -z "$sni_used" ]] || [[ "$(toupper "$cn_nosni")" == "$(toupper "$cn")" ]]; then
elif [[ -z "$cn_nosni" ]]; then
out " (request w/o SNI didn't succeed";
cnfinding+="request w/o SNI didn't succeed"
cn_finding+="request w/o SNI didn't succeed"
if [[ $cert_sig_algo =~ ecdsa ]]; then
out ", usual for EC certificates"
cnfinding+=", usual for EC certificates"
cn_finding+=", usual for EC certificates"
outln ")"
elif [[ "$cn_nosni" == *"no CN field"* ]]; then
outln ", (request w/o SNI: $cn_nosni)"
out " (CN in response to request w/o SNI: "; pr_italic "$cn_nosni"; outln ")"
fileout "cert_commonName_wo_SNI${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$cnfinding"
fileout "cert_commonName_wo_SNI${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$cn_finding"
sans=$(grep -A2 "Subject Alternative Name" <<< "$cert_txt" | \
grep -E "DNS:|IP Address:|email:|URI:|DirName:|Registered ID:" | tr ',' '\n' | \
@ -8868,14 +8873,14 @@ certificate_info() {
out "$indent"; pr_bold " Issuer "
#FIXME: oid would be better maybe (see above)
issuer="$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -issuer -nameopt multiline,-align,sname,-esc_msb,utf8,-space_eq 2>>$ERRFILE)"
#FIXME: oid would be better maybe (see above). And the line by line input could be done w/o awk
issuer="$($OPENSSL x509 -noout -issuer -nameopt multiline,-align,sname,-esc_msb,utf8,-space_eq 2>>$ERRFILE <<< "$hostcert")"
issuer_CN="$(awk -F'=' '/CN=/ { print $2 }' <<< "$issuer")"
issuer_O="$(awk -F'=' '/O=/ { print $2 }' <<< "$issuer")"
issuer_C="$(awk -F'=' '/ C=/ { print $2 }' <<< "$issuer")"
issuer_DC="$(awk -F'=' '/DC=/ { print $2 }' <<< "$issuer")"
if [[ "$issuer_O" == "issuer=" ]] || [[ "$issuer_O" == "issuer= " ]] || [[ "$issuer_CN" == "$cn" ]]; then
if [[ "$issuer_O" == issuer= ]] || [[ "$issuer_O" == issuer=\ ]] || [[ "$issuer_CN" == "$cn" ]]; then
prln_svrty_critical "self-signed (NOT ok)"
fileout "${jsonID}${json_postfix}" "CRITICAL" "selfsigned"
set_grade_cap "T" "Self-signed certificate"
@ -9065,7 +9070,7 @@ certificate_info() {
out "$indent"; pr_bold " ETS/\"eTLS\""
out ", visibility info "
etsi_ets_visibility_info "${jsonID}${json_postfix}" "$spaces" "$HOSTCERT" "$cert_txt"
etsi_ets_visibility_info "${jsonID}${json_postfix}" "$spaces" "$hostcert" "$cert_txt"
# *Currently* this is even listed as a vulnerability (CWE-310, CVE-2019-919), see
# https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2019-9191, https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-9191
# For now we leave this here. We may want to change that later or add infos to other sections (FS & vulnerability)
@ -9081,19 +9086,16 @@ certificate_info() {
debugme echo -n "diffseconds: $diffseconds"
expire=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -checkend 1 2>>$ERRFILE)
if ! grep -qw not <<< "$expire" ; then
if ! [[ "$($OPENSSL x509 -checkend 1 2>>$ERRFILE <<< "$hostcert")" =~ \ not\ ]]; then
pr_svrty_critical "expired"
set_grade_cap "T" "Certificate expired"
secs2warn=$((24 * 60 * 60 * days2warn2)) # low threshold first
expire=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -checkend $secs2warn 2>>$ERRFILE)
if grep -qw not <<< "$expire"; then
secs2warn=$((24 * 60 * 60 * days2warn1)) # high threshold
expire=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -checkend $secs2warn 2>>$ERRFILE)
if grep -qw not <<< "$expire"; then
# low threshold first
if ! [[ "$($OPENSSL x509 -checkend $((secsaday*days2warn2)) 2>>$ERRFILE <<< "$cert")" =~ \ not\ ]]; then
# high threshold
if ! [[ "$($OPENSSL x509 -checkend $((secsaday*days2warn1)) 2>>$ERRFILE <<< "$cert")" =~ \ not\ ]]; then
pr_svrty_good "$days2expire >= $days2warn1 days"
expfinding+="$days2expire >= $days2warn1 days"
@ -9114,15 +9116,15 @@ certificate_info() {
# Internal certificates or those from appliances often have too high validity periods.
# We check for ~10 years and >~ 5 years
if [[ $diffseconds -ge $((3600 * 24 * 365 * 10)) ]]; then
if [[ $diffseconds -ge $((secsaday*365*10)) ]]; then
out "$spaces"
prln_svrty_high ">= 10 years is way too long"
fileout "cert_validityPeriod${json_postfix}" "HIGH" "$((diffseconds / (3600 * 24) )) days"
elif [[ $diffseconds -ge $((3600 * 24 * 365 * 5)) ]]; then
fileout "cert_validityPeriod${json_postfix}" "HIGH" "$((diffseconds / secsaday)) days"
elif [[ $diffseconds -ge $((secsaday*365*5)) ]]; then
out "$spaces"
prln_svrty_medium ">= 5 years is too long"
fileout "cert_validityPeriod${json_postfix}" "MEDIUM" "$((diffseconds / (3600 * 24) )) days"
elif [[ $diffseconds -ge $((3600 * 24 * 398 + 1)) ]]; then
fileout "cert_validityPeriod${json_postfix}" "MEDIUM" "$((diffseconds / secsaday)) days"
elif [[ $diffseconds -ge $((secsaday*398 + 1)) ]]; then
# Also "official" certificates issued from september 1st 2020 (1598918400) aren't supposed
# to be valid longer than 398 days which is 34387200 in epoch seconds
@ -9137,12 +9139,12 @@ certificate_info() {
out "$spaces"
if "$gt_398warn" && "$gt_398"; then
prln_svrty_medium "> 398 days issued after 2020/09/01 is too long"
fileout "cert_validityPeriod${json_postfix}" "MEDIUM" "$((diffseconds / (3600 * 24) )) > 398 days"
fileout "cert_validityPeriod${json_postfix}" "MEDIUM" "$((diffseconds / secsaday)) > 398 days"
elif "$gt_398"; then
outln ">= 398 days certificate life time but issued before 2020/09/01"
fileout "cert_validityPeriod${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$((diffseconds / (3600 * 24) )) =< 398 days"
fileout "cert_validityPeriod${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$((diffseconds / secsaday)) =< 398 days"
elif [[ $diffseconds -ge $((3600 * 24 * 825 + 1)) ]]; then
elif [[ $diffseconds -ge $((secsaday*825 + 1)) ]]; then
# Also "official" certificates issued from March 1st, 2018 (1517353200) aren't supposed
# to be valid longer than 825 days which is 1517353200 in epoch seconds
@ -9157,10 +9159,10 @@ certificate_info() {
out "$spaces"
if "$gt_825warn" && "$gt_825"; then
prln_svrty_medium "> 825 days issued after 2018/03/01 is too long"
fileout "cert_validityPeriod${json_postfix}" "MEDIUM" "$((diffseconds / (3600 * 24) )) > 825 days"
fileout "cert_validityPeriod${json_postfix}" "MEDIUM" "$((diffseconds / secsaday)) > 825 days"
elif "$gt_825"; then
outln ">= 825 days certificate life time but issued before 2018/03/01"
fileout "cert_validityPeriod${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$((diffseconds / (3600 * 24) )) =< 825 days"
fileout "cert_validityPeriod${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$((diffseconds / secsaday)) =< 825 days"
# All is fine with valididy period
@ -9229,7 +9231,7 @@ certificate_info() {
out "$indent"; pr_bold " OCSP URI "
ocsp_uri=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -ocsp_uri 2>>$ERRFILE)
ocsp_uri="$($OPENSSL x509 -noout -ocsp_uri 2>>$ERRFILE <<< "$hostcert")"
if [[ -z "$ocsp_uri" ]]; then
outln "--"
fileout "${jsonID}${json_postfix}" "INFO" "--"
@ -9353,9 +9355,7 @@ certificate_info() {
# We should keep in mind though this is somewhat redundant code. We do similar stuff elsewhere,
# e.g. in extract_certificates() and run_hpkp() but don't keep the certificates
#FIXME: output
# intermediate CN / (what about issuer. moving it?)
# fix the numbering schem of certificates_provided below
#FIXME: the numbering scheme of certificates_provided below: we start @ 0 and always add 1. Careful with Intermediate Bad OCSP
# Store all of the text output of the intermediate certificates in an array so that they can
# be used later (e.g., to check their expiration dates).
@ -9367,9 +9367,7 @@ certificate_info() {
intermediates="${intermediates#${cert}-----END CERTIFICATE-----}"
cert="-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----${cert}-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
# we count as humans in the file output here. This needs later to be adjusted in the code
fileout "intermediate_cert <#$((certificates_provided + 1))>${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$cert"
fileout "intermediate_cert_fingerprintSHA256 <#$((certificates_provided + 1))>${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$(determine_cert_fingerprint_serial "$cert" "-fingerprint -sha256")"
intermediate_certs_txt[certificates_provided]="$($OPENSSL x509 -text -noout 2>/dev/null <<< "$cert")"
@ -9384,18 +9382,31 @@ certificate_info() {
out "$indent$spaces"
if ! $OPENSSL x509 -checkend $((24*3600*20)) 2>>$ERRFILE <<< "$cert" | grep -qw not; then
out "#$((certificates_provided+1)): less then "; pr_svrty_high "20 days"
outln " at $enddate"
out "#$((certificates_provided+1)): "
if ! [[ "$($OPENSSL x509 -checkend 1 2>>$ERRFILE <<< "$cert")" =~ \ not\ ]]; then
pr_svrty_critical "$cn_finding"
elif ! [[ "$($OPENSSL x509 -checkend $((secsaday*20)) 2>>$ERRFILE <<< "$cert")" =~ \ not\ ]]; then
cn_finding="expires <= 20 days"
pr_svrty_high "$cn_finding"
elif ! $OPENSSL x509 -checkend $((24*3600*40)) 2>>$ERRFILE <<< "$cert" | grep -qw not; then
out "#$((certificates_provided+1)): less then "; pr_svrty_medium "40 days"
outln " at $enddate"
elif ! [[ "$($OPENSSL x509 -checkend $((secsaday*40)) 2>>$ERRFILE <<< "$cert")" =~ \ not\ ]]; then
cn_finding="expires <= 40 days"
pr_svrty_medium "$cn_finding"
outln "#$((certificates_provided+1)): longer than 40 days ($enddate)"
cn_finding="valid > 40 days"
pr_svrty_good "$cn_finding"
out " ($enddate). "
cn="$(awk -F= '/Subject:.*CN/ { print $NF }' <<< "${intermediate_certs_txt[certificates_provided]}")"
issuer_CN="$(awk -F= '/Issuer:.*CN/ { print $NF }' <<< "${intermediate_certs_txt[certificates_provided]}")"
pr_italic "$cn"; out " <-- "; prln_italic "$issuer_CN"
fileout "intermediate_cert_notAfter <#$((certificates_provided + 1))>${json_postfix}" "$expok" "$enddate"
fileout "intermediate_cert_expiration <#$((certificates_provided + 1))>${json_postfix}" "$expok" "$cn_finding"
fileout "intermediate_cert_chain <#$((certificates_provided + 1))>${json_postfix}" "INFO" "$cn <-- $issuer_CN"
@ -9404,8 +9415,7 @@ certificate_info() {
out " (exp.) "
for (( i=0; i < certificates_provided-1; i++ )); do
for (( i=1; i < certificates_provided; i++ )); do
cert_ext_keyusage="$(awk '/X509v3 Extended Key Usage:/ { getline; print $0 }' <<< "${intermediate_certs_txt[i]}")"
[[ "$cert_ext_keyusage" =~ OCSP\ Signing ]] && badocsp=0 && break