mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 23:11:15 +01:00
* help without <> now and |
* socket SNI issue: As it turns out Apache 2.2/2.4 is not behaving according to https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6066#section-3 .
This commit is contained in:
@ -1296,11 +1296,12 @@ runprotocols() {
pr_bold " TLS 1 ";
#if [ $SSL_NATIVE -eq 0 ] || [ -n "$STARTTLS" ]; then
if [ $SSL_NATIVE -eq 0 ] || [ -n "$STARTTLS" ] || [ "$EXPERIMENTAL" != "yes" ] ; then
testprotohelper "-tls1"
#tls_sockets "01" "$TLS_CIPHER"
echo -n "(socket:) "
tls_sockets "01" "$TLS_CIPHER"
case $? in
0) outln "offered" ;; # nothing wrong with it -- per se
1) outln "not offered" ;; # neither good or bad
@ -1310,7 +1311,12 @@ runprotocols() {
pr_bold " TLS 1.1 ";
testprotohelper "-tls1_1"
if [ $SSL_NATIVE -eq 0 ] || [ -n "$STARTTLS" ] || [ "$EXPERIMENTAL" != "yes" ] ; then
testprotohelper "-tls1_1"
echo -n "(socket:) "
tls_sockets "02" "$TLS_CIPHER"
case $? in
0) outln "offered" ;; # nothing wrong with it
1) outln "not offered" ;; # neither good or bad
@ -1319,7 +1325,12 @@ runprotocols() {
pr_bold " TLS 1.2 ";
testprotohelper "-tls1_2"
if [ $SSL_NATIVE -eq 0 ] || [ -n "$STARTTLS" ] || [ "$EXPERIMENTAL" != "yes" ] ; then
testprotohelper "-tls1_2"
echo -n "(socket:) "
tls_sockets "03" "$TLS12_CIPHER"
case $? in
0) pr_greenln "offered (OK)" ;; # GCM cipher in TLS 1.2: very good!
1) pr_brownln "not offered (NOT ok)" ;; # no GCM, penalty
@ -1976,6 +1987,14 @@ code2network() {
NW_STR=$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/,/\\\x/g' | sed -e 's/# .*$//g' -e 's/ //g' -e '/^$/d' | tr -d '\n' | tr -d '\t')
hex2dec() {
printf "%d" "0x$1"
dec2hex() {
printf "%x" "$1"
len2twobytes() {
len_arg1=$(echo ${#1})
[[ $len_arg1 -le 2 ]] && LEN_STR=$(printf "00, %02s \n" $1)
@ -2057,13 +2076,17 @@ display_sslv2_serverhello() {
# arg1: name of file with socket reply
display_tls_serverhello() {
local tls_hello_ascii=$(hexdump -v -e '16/1 "%02X"' $1)
local tls_hello_initbyte tls_hello_protocol tls_len_all
#TODO: all vars here
# server hello, handshake details see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security-SSL#TLS_record
# byte 0: type: x16=TLS, 0x15=TLS alert, 0x14=CCS, 0x18=HB
# byte 0: type: 0x14=CCS, 0x15=TLS alert x16=Handshake, 0x17 Aplication, 0x18=HB
# byte 1+2: TLS version word, see below. 1st byte is always 03
# byte 3+4: length all
# byte 5: handshake type (2=hello) TLS alert: level (2=fatal), descr (0x28=handshake failure)
# byte 5: handshake type (2=hello) TLS alert: level (2=fatal), descr (0x28=handshake failure)
# byte 6+7+8: length server hello
# byte 9+10: 03, TLS version byte (00=SSL3, 01=TLS1 02=TLS1.1 03=TLS 1.2
# byte 9+10: 03, TLS version byte 00=SSL3, 01=TLS1 02=TLS1.1 03=TLS 1.2
# byte 11-14: TLS timestamp
# byte 15-42: random, 28 bytes
# byte 43: session id length
@ -2071,24 +2094,35 @@ display_tls_serverhello() {
# byte 46+sid-len: compression method: 00: none, 01: deflate
# byte 47+48+sid-len: extension length
tls_hello_ascii=$(hexdump -v -e '16/1 "%02X"' $1)
[[ "$DEBUG" -eq 5 ]] && echo $tls_hello_ascii # one line without any blanks
[[ -z $tls_hello_ascii ]] && debugme echo "server hello empty, TCP connection closed" && return 0 # no server hello received
# now scrape two bytes out of the reply per byte
tls_hello_initbyte="${tls_hello_ascii:0:2}" # normally this is x16
tls_hello_initbyte="${tls_hello_ascii:0:2}" # normally this is x16
if [[ $tls_hello_initbyte != "16" ]] ; then
if [[ $tls_hello_initbyte == "15" ]] ; then # TLS ALERT
tls_err_level=${tls_hello_ascii:10:2} # 1: warning, 2: fatal
tls_err_descr=${tls_hello_ascii:12:2} # 112/0x70: Unrecognized name, 111/0x6F: certificate_unobtainable,
# 113/0x71: bad_certificate_status_response, #114/0x72: bad_certificate_hash_value
if [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]]; then
echo "tls_hello_initbyte: 0x$tls_hello_initbyte"
echo "tls_hello_protocol: 0x$tls_hello_protocol"
echo "tls_len_all: $tls_len_all"
echo "tls_err_level: ${tls_hello_ascii:10:2}"
echo "tls_err_descr: 0x${tls_hello_ascii:12:2}"
echo "tls_hello_initbyte: 0x$tls_hello_initbyte"
echo "tls_hello_protocol: 0x$tls_hello_protocol"
echo "tls_len_all: $tls_len_all"
echo "tls_err_level: ${tls_err_level}"
echo "tls_err_descr: 0x${tls_err_descr} / $(hex2dec ${tls_err_descr})"
# now, here comes a strange thing....
# IF the apache 2.2 server e.g. has a default servername configured but we send SNI <myhostname>
# we get a TLS ALERT saying "unrecognized_name" , see RFC https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6066#page-17
# we need to handle this properly -- otherwise we always return that the protocol or cipher is not available!
if [[ "$tls_err_descr" == 70 ]] && [[ "${tls_err_level}" == "01" ]] ; then
: # ignore Unrecognized name *warning*
#FIXME: the SID_OFFSET is not the correct one then!
return 1
return 1
@ -2109,13 +2143,13 @@ display_tls_serverhello() {
if [[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]]; then
echo "tls_hello: 0x$tls_hello"
echo "tls_hello: 0x$tls_hello"
if [[ $DEBUG -ge 4 ]]; then
echo "tls_hello_protocol2: 0x$tls_hello_protocol2"
echo "tls_sid_len: $tls_sid_len"
echo "tls_hello_protocol2: 0x$tls_hello_protocol2"
echo "tls_sid_len: $tls_sid_len"
echo "tls_hello_time: 0x$tls_hello_time ($tls_time)"
echo "tls_cipher_suite: 0x$tls_cipher_suite"
echo "tls_hello_time: 0x$tls_hello_time ($tls_time)"
echo "tls_cipher_suite: 0x$tls_cipher_suite"
echo "tls_compression_method: 0x$tls_compression_method"
@ -2177,14 +2211,13 @@ sslv2_sockets() {
# ARG1: TLS version low byte (00: SSLv3, 01: TLS 1.0, 02: TLS 1.1, 03: TLS 1.2)
socksend_tls_clienthello() {
local tls_low_byte
local tls_low_byte="$1"
local servername_hexstr len_servername len_servername_hex
local hexdump_format_str
local len_sni_listlen len_sni_ext len_extension_hex
local cipher_suites len_ciph_suites len_ciph_suites_word
local len_client_hello_word len_all_word
len_servername=$(echo ${#NODE})
hexdump_format_str="$len_servername/1 \"%02x,\""
servername_hexstr=$(printf $NODE | hexdump -v -e "${hexdump_format_str}" | sed 's/,$//')
@ -2234,7 +2267,7 @@ socksend_tls_clienthello() {
# TLS header ( 5 bytes)
,16, 03, $tls_low_byte # TLS Version
,16, 03, $tls_low_byte # TLS Version #TODO: in wireshark this is always 00! (TLS 1.0-1.2)
,$len_all_word # Length <---
# Handshake header:
,01 # Type (x01 for ClientHello)
@ -2251,6 +2284,30 @@ socksend_tls_clienthello() {
,01 # Compression methods length
,00" # Compression method (x00 for NULL)
#TODO,add (see heartbleed)
# extension lenghth (word)
# extension ec_point_formats (4 words) 1st: 00 0b
#len 00 04
# ec prot formats len: 03
# uncompressed 00
# EC point format: ansiX962_compressed_prime 01
# EC point format: ansiX962_compressed_char2 02
# ec, 1st: 00 0a
# 2nd length: (word) e.g. 0x34
# 3rd: ec curve len ln-2 e.g. 0x32
# 4.-n. curves e.g. 25 words
# Extension: Session Ticket 00 23
# Extension: Signature Algorithms 00 0d
# len e.g. 00 20 (32 bytes)
# bytes... 1-32 16 words
# Extension: Haertbeat 00 0f
# len 00 01
# peer allowed to send requests 01
if [ "$tls_low_byte" == "00" ]; then
EXTENSION_CONTAINING_SNI="" # RFC 3546 doesn't specify SSLv3 to have SNI, openssl just ignores the switch if supplied
@ -2274,7 +2331,8 @@ socksend_tls_clienthello() {
return 0
# ARG1: TLS version low byte (00: SSLv3, 01: TLS 1.0, 02: TLS 1.1, 03: TLS 1.2)
# arg1: TLS version low byte
# (00: SSLv3, 01: TLS 1.0, 02: TLS 1.1, 03: TLS 1.2)
tls_sockets() {
local ret save
local lines
@ -2296,7 +2354,6 @@ tls_sockets() {
socksend_tls_clienthello "$tls_low_byte" "$cipher_list_2send"
ret=$? # 6 means opening socket didn't succeed, e.g. timeout
# if sending didn't succeed we don't bother
if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then
sockread_serverhello 32768
@ -2314,17 +2371,17 @@ tls_sockets() {
lines=$(hexdump -C "$SOCK_REPLY_FILE" 2>/dev/null | wc -l | sed 's/ //g')
[[ "$DEBUG" -ge 2 ]] && out " (returned $lines lines) "
# printf "Protokoll "; tput bold; printf "$tls_low_byte = $tls_str"; tput sgr0; printf ": "
# printf "protocol "; tput bold; printf "$tls_low_byte = $tls_str"; tput sgr0; printf ": "
# determine the return value for higher level, so that they can tell what the result is
if [[ $save -eq 1 ]] || [[ $lines -eq 1 ]] ; then
ret=1 # NOT available
ret=1 # NOT available
if [[ 03$tls_low_byte -eq $DETECTED_TLS_VERSION ]]; then
ret=0 # available
ret=0 # protocol available, TLS version returned equal to the one send
[[ $DEBUG -ge 2 ]] && echo -n "send: 0x03$tls_low_byte, returned: 0x$DETECTED_TLS_VERSION"
ret=2 # NOT available, server downgraded
ret=2 # protocol NOT available, server downgraded to $DETECTED_TLS_VERSION
debugme outln
@ -2341,7 +2398,7 @@ tls_sockets() {
####### vulnerabilities follow #######
# general overview which browser supports which vulnerability:
# general overview which browser "supports" which vulnerability:
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security-SSL#Web_browsers
@ -3234,44 +3291,43 @@ help() {
$PROG_NAME <options>
<-h|--help> what you're looking at
<-b|--banner> displays banner + version of $PROG_NAME
<-v|--version> same as previous
<-V|--local> pretty print all local ciphers
<-V|--local> pattern what local cipher with <pattern> is a/v?
-h|--help what you're looking at
-b|--banner displays banner + version of $PROG_NAME
-v|--version same as previous
-V|--local pretty print all local ciphers
-V|--local <pattern> what local cipher with <pattern> is a/v?
$PROG_NAME <options> URI ("$PROG_NAME URI" does everything except ciphers per proto/each cipher)
<-e|--each-cipher> checks each local cipher remotely
<-E|--cipher-per-proto> checks those per protocol
<-f|--ciphers> checks common cipher suites
<-p|--protocols> checks TLS/SSL protocols
<-S|--server_defaults> displays the servers default picks and certificate info
<-P|--preference> displays the servers picks: protocol+cipher
<-y|--spdy|--npn> checks for SPDY/NPN
<-x|--single-cipher> pattern tests matched <pattern> of cipher
<-U|--vulnerable> tests all vulnerabilities
<-B|--heartbleed> tests for heartbleed vulnerability
<-I|--ccs|--ccs-injection> tests for CCS injection vulnerability
<-R|--renegotiation> tests for renegotiation vulnerabilities
<-C|--compression|--crime> tests for CRIME vulnerability
<-T|--breach> tests for BREACH vulnerability
<-O|--poodle> tests for POODLE (SSL) vulnerability
<-Z|--tls-fallback> checks TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV mitigation
<-F|--freak> tests for FREAK vulnerability
<-A|--beast> tests for BEAST vulnerability
<-J|--logjam> tests for LOGJAM vulnerability
<-s|--pfs|--fs|--nsa> checks (perfect) forward secrecy settings
<-4|--rc4|--appelbaum> which RC4 ciphers are being offered?
<-H|--header|--headers> tests HSTS, HPKP, server/app banner, security headers, cookie
-e, --each-cipher checks each local cipher remotely
-E, --cipher-per-proto checks those per protocol
-f, --ciphers checks common cipher suites
-p, --protocols checks TLS/SSL protocols
-S, --server_defaults displays the servers default picks and certificate info
-P, --preference displays the servers picks: protocol+cipher
-y, --spdy, --npn checks for SPDY/NPN
-x, --single-cipher <pattern> tests matched <pattern> of cipher
-U, --vulnerable tests all vulnerabilities
-B, --heartbleed tests for heartbleed vulnerability
-I, --ccs, --ccs-injectio tests for CCS injection vulnerability
-R, --renegotiation tests for renegotiation vulnerabilities
-C, --compression, --crime tests for CRIME vulnerability
-T, --breach tests for BREACH vulnerability
-O, --poodle tests for POODLE (SSL) vulnerability
-Z, --tls-fallback checks TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV mitigation
-F, --freak tests for FREAK vulnerability
-A, --beast tests for BEAST vulnerability
-J, --logjam tests for LOGJAM vulnerability
-s, --pfs, --fs,--nsa checks (perfect) forward secrecy settings
-4, --rc4, --appelbaum which RC4 ciphers are being offered?
-H, --header, --headers tests HSTS, HPKP, server/app banner, security headers, cookie
special invocations:
<-t|--starttls> protocol does a default run against a STARTTLS enabled service
<--mx> domain/host tests MX records from high to low priority (STARTTLS, port 25)
<--ip> ipv4 tests the one supplied ipv4 instead of resolving host(s) in URI
"one" means: just test the first DNS returns (useful for multiple IPs)
-t, --starttls <protocol> does a default run against a STARTTLS enabled service
--mx <domain/host> tests MX records from high to low priority (STARTTLS, port 25)
--ip <ipv4> a) tests the supplied <ipv4> instead of resolving host(s) in URI
b) "one" means: just test the first DNS returns (useful for multiple IPs)
partly mandatory parameters:
@ -3283,15 +3339,15 @@ tuning options:
--assuming-http if protocol check fails it assumes HTTP protocol and enforces HTTP checks
--ssl-native fallback to checks with OpenSSL where sockets are normally used
--openssl <PATH> use this openssl binary (default: look in \$PATH, RUN_DIR of $PROG_NAME
--openssl <PATH> use this openssl binary (default: look in \$PATH, \$RUN_DIR of $PROG_NAME
--sneaky be less verbose wrt referer headers
--wide wide output for tests like RC4, BEAST. also with hexcode, kx, strength
--show-each for each wide output (see --wide, -V, -x, e, -E): display all ciphers not only succeeded ones
--wide wide output for tests like RC4, BEAST. PFS also with hexcode, kx, strength, RFC name
--show-each for wide outputs: display all ciphers tested -- not only succeeded ones
--warnings <batch|off|false> "batch" doesn't wait for keypress, "off|false" skips connection warning
--color <0|1|2> 0: no escape or other codes, 1: b/w escape codes, 2: color (default)
--debug [0-6] 1: screen output normal but debug output in itemp files. 2-6: see line ~60
--debug <0-6> 1: screen output normal but debug output in itemp files. 2-6: see line ~60
All options requiring a value can also be called with '=' (e.g. testssl.sh -t=smtp --color=0 --openssl=/usr/bin/openssl <URI>
All options requiring a value can also be called with '=' (e.g. testssl.sh -t=smtp --wide --openssl=/usr/bin/openssl <URI>
Need HTML output? Just pipe through "aha" (Ansi HTML Adapter: github.com/theZiz/aha) like
@ -3944,10 +4000,11 @@ startup() {
-q) ### this is a development feature and will disappear:
-q) ### this is a development feature and will disappear
# DEBUG=3 ./testssl.sh -q 03 "cc, 13, c0, 13" google.de
# DEBUG=3 ./testssl.sh -q 01 yandex.ru
if [ $# -eq 4 ]; then # protocol AND ciphers specified
@ -4134,4 +4191,4 @@ fi
exit $ret
# $Id: testssl.sh,v 1.286 2015/06/20 17:36:10 dirkw Exp $
# $Id: testssl.sh,v 1.287 2015/06/22 16:30:26 dirkw Exp $
Reference in New Issue
Block a user