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synced 2025-02-05 07:11:16 +01:00
Improve standard cipher lists section
To finalize #1157 following was done * move 3DES one line above * put 128 bit CBC ciphers (ARIA, Camellie and AES) SEED and IDEA into 128Bit * the remaining 256 bit ciphers NOT supporting AEAD Mac into high Also 128 bit ciphers are getting a small complaint (LOW, yellow) if available instead of red (for SEED and IDEA before) To ease the (future) output rated_output() is included, but it's not being used yet. Also often I have docker hosts for testing. If I use them while the external network is down, I still experience DNS timeouts. I added for dig timeout values which proved to be reasonable in my tests with and without network. Also if an IPv4 or an IPv6 address was supplied testssl.sh doesn't do (futile) DNS lookups anymore.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2987,7 +2987,7 @@ sub_cipherlists() {
if [[ -n "$6" ]] || listciphers "$1" "$2" $proto; then
if [[ -z "$6" ]] || ( "$FAST" && listciphers "$1" "$2" -tls1 ); then
for proto in -no_ssl2 -tls1_2 -tls1_1 -tls1 -ssl3; do
if [[ "$proto" == "-tls1_2" ]]; then
if [[ "$proto" == -tls1_2 ]]; then
# If $OPENSSL doesn't support TLSv1.3 or if no TLSv1.3
# ciphers are being tested, then a TLSv1.2 ClientHello
# was tested in the first iteration.
@ -3061,24 +3061,23 @@ sub_cipherlists() {
fileout "${jsonID}_$5" "MEDIUM" "not offered"
1) if [[ $sclient_success -eq 0 ]]; then
# High is good to offer
pr_svrty_good "offered (OK)"
fileout "${jsonID}_$5" "OK" "offered"
# FIXME: the rating could be readjusted if we knew the result of STRONG before
# FIXME: we penalize the absence of high but don't know the result of strong encryption yet (next)
pr_svrty_medium "not offered"
fileout "${jsonID}_$5" "MEDIUM" "not offered"
0) if [[ $sclient_success -eq 0 ]]; then
# medium is not that bad
pr_svrty_medium "offered"
fileout "${jsonID}_$5" "MEDIUM" "offered"
pr_svrty_low "offered"
fileout "${jsonID}_$5" "LOW" "offered"
out "not offered (OK)"
fileout "${jsonID}_$5" "OK" "not offered"
out "not offered"
fileout "${jsonID}_$5" "INFO" "not offered"
-1) if [[ $sclient_success -eq 0 ]]; then
@ -3122,6 +3121,48 @@ sub_cipherlists() {
return $ret
# Generic function for a rated output, no used yet.
# arg1: rating from 2 to -4 if available or not
# arg2: no/yes: decides whether positive or negative logic will be applied and "not" will be printed
# arg3: jsonID
rated_output() {
local jsonID=$3
local logic=""
if [[ $2 == no ]] || [[ $2 == negative ]]; then
logic="not "
case $1 in
2) pr_svrty_best "${logic}offered (OK)"
fileout "${jsonID}" "OK" "${logic}offered"
1) pr_svrty_good "${logic}offered (OK)"
fileout "${jsonID}" "OK" "${logic}offered"
0) out "${logic}offered"
fileout "${jsonID}" "INFO" "${logic}offered"
-1) pr_svrty_low "${logic}offered"
fileout "${jsonID}" "LOW" "${logic}offered"
-2) pr_svrty_medium "${logic}offered"
fileout "${jsonID}" "MEDIUM" "${logic}offered"
-3) pr_svrty_high "${logic}offered (NOT ok)"
fileout "${jsonID}" "HIGH" "${logic}offered"
-4) pr_svrty_critical "${logic}offered (NOT ok)"
fileout "${jsonID}" "CRITICAL" "${logic}offered"
*) pr_warning "FIXME: error around $LINENO, (please report this)"
fileout "${jsonID}" "WARN" "return condition $2 when $1 unclear"
return 1
return 0
openssl2rfc() {
local rfcname=""
@ -5381,22 +5422,22 @@ run_cipherlists() {
# ~ egrep -w '64|56|RC2|RC4' etc/cipher-mapping.txt | grep -v export
local low_ciphers="00,15, 00,12, 00,0f, 00,0c, 00,09, 00,1e, 00,22, fe,fe, ff,e1, c0,11, c0,07, 00,66, c0,0c, c0,02, 00,05, 00,04, 00,92, 00,8a, 00,20, 00,24, c0,33, 00,8e, 00,ff"
local sslv2_low_ciphers="01,00,80, 03,00,80, 08,00,80, 06,00,40, 06,01,40, FF,80,00"
# ~ egrep -w 128 etc/cipher-mapping.txt | egrep -v "Au=None|AEAD|ARIA|Camellia|AES|RC2|RC4"
local medium_ciphers="00,9a, 00,99, 00,98, 00,97, 00,96, 00,07, 00,21, 00,25, 00,ff"
local sslv2_medium_ciphers="05,00,80"
# ~ egrep -w '3DES' etc/cipher-mapping.txt
local tdes_ciphers="c0,12, c0,08, c0,1c, c0,1b, c0,1a, 00,16, 00,13, 00,10, 00,0d, c0,0d, c0,03, 00,0a, 00,93, 00,8b, 00,1f, 00,23, c0,34, 00,8f, fe,ff, ff,e0, 00,ff"
local sslv2_tdes_ciphers="07,00,c0, 07,01,c0"
# ~ equivalent to 'egrep -w "GOST|128|256" etc/cipher-mapping.txt | grep -v '=None' | egrep -vw 'RC4|AEAD|IDEA|SEED|RC2'. Attention: 127 ciphers currently
local high_ciphers="c0,28, c0,24, c0,14, c0,0a, c0,22, c0,21, c0,20, 00,b7, 00,b3, 00,91, c0,9b, c0,99, c0,97, 00,af, c0,95, 00,6b, 00,6a, 00,69, 00,68, 00,39, 00,38, 00,37, 00,36, c0,77, c0,73, 00,c4, 00,c3, 00,c2, 00,c1, 00,88, 00,87, 00,86, 00,85, c0,2a, c0,26, c0,0f, c0,05, c0,79, c0,75, 00,3d, 00,35, 00,c0, c0,38, c0,36, 00,84, 00,95, 00,8d, c0,3d, c0,3f, c0,41, c0,43, c0,45, c0,49, c0,4b, c0,4d, c0,4f, c0,65, c0,67, c0,69, c0,71, 00,80, 00,81, ff,00, ff,01, ff,02, ff,03, ff,85, c0,27, c0,23, c0,13, c0,09, c0,1f, c0,1e, c0,1d, 00,67, 00,40, 00,3f, 00,3e, 00,33, 00,32, 00,31, 00,30, c0,76, c0,72, 00,be, 00,bd, 00,bc, 00,bb, 00,45, 00,44, 00,43, 00,42, c0,29, c0,25, c0,0e, c0,04, c0,78, c0,74, 00,3c, 00,2f, 00,ba, c0,37, c0,35, 00,b6, 00,b2, 00,90, 00,41, c0,9a, c0,98, c0,96, 00,ae, c0,94, 00,94, 00,8c, c0,3c, c0,3e, c0,40, c0,42, c0,44, c0,48, c0,4a, c0,4c, c0,4e, c0,64, c0,66, c0,68, c0,70"
# no SSLv2 here and in strong
# ~ equivalent to 'grep AEAD etc/cipher-mapping.txt | grep -v Au=None'
# ~ egrep -w 128 etc/cipher-mapping.txt | egrep -v "Au=None|AEAD|RC2|RC4"
local medium_ciphers="00,07, 00,21, 00,25, 00,2F, 00,30, 00,31, 00,32, 00,33, 00,3C, 00,3E, 00,3F, 00,40, 00,41, 00,42, 00,43, 00,44, 00,45, 00,67, 00,8C, 00,90, 00,94, 00,96, 00,97, 00,98, 00,99, 00,9A, 00,AE, 00,B2, 00,B6, 00,BA, 00,BB, 00,BC, 00,BD, 00,BE, C0,04, C0,09, C0,0E, C0,13, C0,1D, C0,1E, C0,1F, C0,23, C0,25, C0,27, C0,29, C0,35, C0,37, C0,3C, C0,3E, C0,40, C0,42, C0,44, C0,48, C0,4A, C0,4C, C0,4E, C0,64, C0,66, C0,68, C0,70, C0,72, C0,74, C0,76, C0,78, C0,94, C0,96, C0,98, C0,9A, 00, FF"
# Attention we have a SSLv2 cipher here: IDEA-CBC-MD5 / SSL_CK_IDEA_128_CBC_WITH_MD5
local sslv2_medium_ciphers="05,00,80"
# ~ egrep -w "256" etc/cipher-mapping.txt | grep -v '=None' | egrep -vw 'RC4|AEAD|IDEA|SEED|RC2|GOST'
local high_ciphers="00,35, 00,36, 00,37, 00,38, 00,39, 00,3D, 00,68, 00,69, 00,6A, 00,6B, 00,84, 00,85, 00,86, 00,87, 00,88, 00,8D, 00,91, 00,95, 00,AF, 00,B3, 00,B7, 00,C0, 00,C1, 00,C2, 00,C3, 00,C4, C0,05, C0,0A, C0,0F, C0,14, C0,20, C0,21, C0,22, C0,24, C0,26, C0,28, C0,2A, C0,36, C0,38, C0,3D, C0,3F, C0,41, C0,43, C0,45, C0,49, C0,4B, C0,4D, C0,4F, C0,65, C0,67, C0,69, C0,71, C0,73, C0,75, C0,77, C0,79, C0,95, C0,97, C0,99, C0,9B"
# ~ grep AEAD etc/cipher-mapping.txt | grep -v Au=None
local strong_ciphers="13,01, 13,02, 13,03, 13,04, 13,05, cc,14, cc,13, cc,15, c0,30, c0,2c, 00,a5, 00,a3, 00,a1, 00,9f, cc,a9, cc,a8, cc,aa, c0,af, c0,ad, c0,a3, c0,9f, 00,ad, 00,ab, cc,ae, cc,ad, cc,ac, c0,ab, c0,a7, c0,32, c0,2e, 00,9d, c0,a1, c0,9d, 00,a9, cc,ab, c0,a9, c0,a5, c0,51, c0,53, c0,55, c0,57, c0,59, c0,5d, c0,5f, c0,61, c0,63, c0,6b, c0,6d, c0,6f, c0,7b, c0,7d, c0,7f, c0,81, c0,83, c0,87, c0,89, c0,8b, c0,8d, c0,8f, c0,91, c0,93, 16,b7, 16,b8, 16,b9, 16,ba, c0,2f, c0,2b, 00,a4, 00,a2, 00,a0, 00,9e, c0,ae, c0,ac, c0,a2, c0,9e, 00,ac, 00,aa, c0,aa, c0,a6, c0,a0, c0,9c, 00,a8, c0,a8, c0,a4, c0,31, c0,2d, 00,9c, c0,50, c0,52, c0,54, c0,56, c0,58, c0,5c, c0,5e, c0,60, c0,62, c0,6a, c0,6c, c0,6e, c0,7a, c0,7c, c0,7e, c0,80, c0,82, c0,86, c0,88, c0,8a, c0,8c, c0,8e, c0,90, c0,92, 00,ff"
local cwe="CWE-327"
local cwe2="CWE-310"
local cve=""
# decoding the SSLv3-TLS1.2 ciphers, e.g:
# decoding the >= SSLv3 ciphers in the code above , e.g:
# echo "00,15, c0,11, fe,fe' | sed -e 's/00,/0x00,0x/g' -e 's/c0,/0xc0,0x/g' -e 's/cc,/0xcc,0x/g' -e 's/13,/0x13,0x/g' -e 's/16,/0x16,0x/g' -e 's/fe,/0xfe,0x/g' -e 's/ff,/0xff,0x/g' -e 's/, /\n/g' | \
# while read ci; do grep -wi $ci etc/cipher-mapping.txt; done
@ -5414,7 +5455,7 @@ run_cipherlists() {
pr_headlineln " Testing cipher categories "
# argv[1]: cipher list to test in OpenSSL syntax (see ciphers(1ssl) or run 'openssl ciphers -v/-V)'
# argv[1]: cipher list to test in OpenSSL syntax (see ciphers(1ssl) or run 'openssl ciphers -v/-V)', TLS 1.3 ciphers will be treated automatically
# argv[2]: string on console / HTML or "finding"
# argv[3]: rating whether ok to offer
# argv[4]: string to be appended for fileout
@ -5428,15 +5469,15 @@ run_cipherlists() {
ret=$((ret + $?))
sub_cipherlists 'LOW:DES:RC2:RC4:!ADH:!EXP:!NULL' "" " LOW: 64 Bit + DES, RC[2,4] (w/o export) " -2 "LOW" "$low_ciphers" "$sslv2_low_ciphers" "$cve" "$cwe"
ret=$((ret + $?))
sub_cipherlists 'MEDIUM:!aNULL:!AES:!CAMELLIA:!ARIA:!CHACHA20:!3DES:!RC2:!RC4' \
"" " Weak 128 Bit ciphers (SEED, IDEA) " -1 "128Bit" "$medium_ciphers" "$sslv2_medium_ciphers" "$cve" "$cwe2"
sub_cipherlists '3DES:!aNULL:!ADH' "" " Triple DES Ciphers " -1 "3DES" "$tdes_ciphers" "$sslv2_tdes_ciphers" "$cve" "$cwe2"
ret=$((ret + $?))
sub_cipherlists '3DES:!aNULL:!ADH' "" " Triple DES Ciphers (Medium) " 0 "3DES" "$tdes_ciphers" "$sslv2_tdes_ciphers" "$cve" "$cwe2"
"" " 128 Bit ciphers (SEED, IDEA, 128 Bit CBC) " 0 "128Bit" "$medium_ciphers" "$sslv2_medium_ciphers" "$cve" "$cwe2"
ret=$((ret + $?))
sub_cipherlists 'HIGH:!NULL:!aNULL:!DES:!3DES:!AESGCM:!CHACHA20:!AESGCM:!CamelliaGCM:!AESCCM8:!AESCCM' \
"" " High encryption (AES+Camellia, no AEAD) " 1 "HIGH" "$high_ciphers" ""
"" " High encryption (AES/Aria/Camellia, !AEAD)" 1 "HIGH" "$high_ciphers" ""
ret=$((ret + $?))
sub_cipherlists 'AESGCM:CHACHA20:AESGCM:CamelliaGCM:AESCCM8:AESCCM' 'ALL' \
" Strong encryption (AEAD ciphers) " 2 "STRONG" "$strong_ciphers" ""
ret=$((ret + $?))
@ -16482,6 +16523,11 @@ get_a_record() {
return 0
if is_ipv4addr "$1"; then
# This saves walking through this. Also it avoids hangs e.g. if you run docker locally without reachabale DNS
echo $1
return 0
OPENSSL_CONF="" # see https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/issues/134
if [[ "$NODE" == *.local ]]; then
@ -16495,7 +16541,7 @@ get_a_record() {
if [[ -z "$ip4" ]]; then
if type -p dig &> /dev/null ; then
ip4=$(filter_ip4_address $(dig +short -t a "$1" 2>/dev/null | awk '/^[0-9]/'))
ip4=$(filter_ip4_address $(dig +timeout=2 +tries=2 +short -t a "$1" 2>/dev/null | awk '/^[0-9]/'))
if [[ -z "$ip4" ]]; then
@ -16523,6 +16569,14 @@ get_aaaa_record() {
[[ "$NODNS" == none ]] && return 0 # if no DNS lookup was instructed, leave here
OPENSSL_CONF="" # see https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/issues/134
if is_ipv6addr "$1"; then
# This saves walking through this. Also it avoids hangs e.g. if you run docker locally without reachabale DNS
echo "$1"
return 0
elif is_ipv4addr "$1"; then
# we need also this here as get_aaaa_record is always called after get_a_record and we want to handle this at a low level
return 0
if [[ -z "$ip6" ]]; then
if [[ "$NODE" == *.local ]]; then
@ -16533,10 +16587,10 @@ get_aaaa_record() {
fatal "Local hostname given but no 'avahi-resolve' or 'dig' available." $ERR_DNSBIN
elif type -p dig &> /dev/null; then
ip6=$(filter_ip6_address $(dig +short +timeout=2 +tries=2 -t aaaa "$1" 2>/dev/null | awk '/^[0-9]/'))
elif type -p host &> /dev/null ; then
ip6=$(filter_ip6_address $(host -t aaaa "$1" | awk '/address/ { print $NF }'))
elif type -p dig &> /dev/null; then
ip6=$(filter_ip6_address $(dig +short -t aaaa "$1" 2>/dev/null | awk '/^[0-9]/'))
elif type -p drill &> /dev/null; then
ip6=$(filter_ip6_address $(drill aaaa "$1" | awk '/ANSWER SECTION/,/AUTHORITY SECTION/ { print $NF }' | awk '/^[0-9]/'))
elif type -p nslookup &>/dev/null; then
@ -16567,7 +16621,7 @@ get_caa_rr_record() {
if type -p dig &> /dev/null; then
raw_caa="$(dig $1 type257 +short)"
raw_caa="$(dig +timeout=3 +tries=3 $1 type257 +short)"
# empty if no CAA record
elif type -p drill &> /dev/null; then
raw_caa="$(drill $1 type257 | awk '/'"^${1}"'.*CAA/ { print $5,$6,$7 }')"
@ -16739,7 +16793,8 @@ determine_rdns() {
rDNS=$(dig -x $nodeip @ -p 5353 +notcp +noall +answer | awk '/PTR/ { print $NF }')
elif type -p dig &> /dev/null; then
rDNS=$(dig -x $nodeip +noall +answer | awk '/PTR/ { print $NF }') # +short returns also CNAME, e.g. openssl.org
# 1+2 should suffice. It's a compromise for if e.g. network is down but we have a docker/localhost server
rDNS=$(dig -x $nodeip +timeout=1 +tries=2 +noall +answer | awk '/PTR/ { print $NF }') # +short returns also CNAME, e.g. openssl.org
elif type -p host &> /dev/null; then
rDNS=$(host -t PTR $nodeip 2>/dev/null | awk '/pointer/ { print $NF }')
elif type -p drill &> /dev/null; then
Reference in New Issue
Block a user