determine_optimal_sockets_params() makes two attempts to send a TLS 1.2 ClientHello, with each attempt trying 127 ciphers. However, this leaves 97 ciphers from etc/cipher-mapping.txt that are not tried, most of which use ARIA or CAMELLIA. This commit adds a third attempt a send a ClientHello that offers these 97 remaining ciphers. This helps to ensure that support for TLS 1.2 is detected and that later calls to tls_sockets() work, even if the server only supports the ARIA/CAMELLIA ciphers that are not included in TLS12_CIPHER or TLS12_CIPHER_2ND_TRY.
In some rare cases a server does not support any of the ciphers in $TLS12_CIPHER, but does support at least one cipher in $TLS12_CIPHER_2ND_TRY. In such cases, TLS12_CIPHER should be changed to $TLS12_CIPHER_2ND_TRY so that subsequent tests using $TLS12_CIPHER will succeed.
This commit removes the '0a' character from public keys used in the key_share extension. New key pairs were created by repeatedly generating new keys until one was found that had no '0a' characters in the public key.
Support for X448 was recently added to the development branch of OpenSSL 1.1.1. This PR adds an X448 key pair to etc/tls_data.txt (that was generated using OpenSSL 1.1.1) and adds X448 to the supported_groups extension for TLS 1.3 ClientHello messages.
This PR adds support for TLSv1.3 to run_server_preference(). It only provides partial support, as it only works if the support supports and earlier TLS protocol (in order to determine whether the server has a cipher order). It also will only show TLSv1.3 as the "Negotiated protocol" if $OPENSSL supports TLSv1.3.
This PR also fixes a bug in which the variable "proto" was defined as used as both a regular variable and as an array.
Update `$TLS12_CIPHER` to contain only 128 ciphers (so that it will work with servers that can't handle larger ClientHello messages), and also add some newer ciphers to `$TLS12_CIPHER`. Also define a `$TLS12_CIPHER_2ND_TRY` containing a list of 127 ciphers that do not appear in `$TLS12_CIPHER`. `$TLS12_CIPHER_2ND_TRY` is used in `run_protocols()` in order to perform a second test against servers that do not establish a TLSv1.2 connection when offered `$TLS12_CIPHER`.