* also ca_hashes.txt
* Used Java SDK 15 instead of JRE 8
* Used Windows 10 20H2
* Java Keystore has added 5 certificates (90 --> 95)
Updated Readme and make instructions more reproducible
Other than before teh Java store was extracted directly from a keystore
from a Java JRE from https://jdk.java.net/.
The Debian keystore used previously used the certificates from the Debian
machine itself (installation script in ``/etc/ca-certificates/update.d/``.
Check with ``keytool -list -rfc -keystore /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts | grep -i 'alias'``
As a consequence this store contains less certificates:
and needs some testing whether it really should be still included.
This is an update of the root certificate stores. Date from each store
is from yesterday.
Description update.
Also the Java certificate store was added. Previously Java was omitted
as it appeared not to be complete. I tested successfully this store.