2.6 New: * display matching host key (HPKP) * LOGJAM 1: check DHE_EXPORT cipher * LOGJAM 2: displays DH(/ECDH) bits in wide mode on negotiated ciphers * "wide mode" option for checks like RC4, BEAST. PFS. Displays hexcode, kx, strength, DH bits, RFC name * binary directory provides out of the box better binaries (Linux 32+64 Bit, Darwin 64 bit, FreeBSD 64 bit) * OS X binaries (@jvehent, new builds: @jpluimers) * ARM binary (@f-s) * FreeBSD binary * TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV check -- thx @JonnyHightower * (HTTP) proxy support! Also with sockets -- thx @jnewbigin * Extended validation certificate detection * Run in default mode through all ciphers at the end of a default run * will test multiple IP adresses of one supplied server name in one shot, --ip= restricts it accordingly * new mass testing file option --file option where testssl.sh commands are being read from, see https://twitter.com/drwetter/status/627619848344989696 * TLS time and HTTP time stamps * TLS time displayed also for STARTTLS protocols * support of sockets for STARTTLS protocols * TLS 1.0-1.1 as socket checks per default in production * further detection of security relevant headers (reverse proxy, IPv4 addresses), proprietary banners (OWA, Liferay etc.) * can scan STARTTLS+XMPP by also supplying the XMPP domain (to-option in XML streams). * quite some LibreSSL fixes, still not recommended to use though (see https://testssl.sh/) * lots of fixes, code improvements, even more robust Full log @ https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/commits/2.6/testssl.sh 2.4 New: * "only one cmd line option at a time" is completely gone * several tuning parameters on the cmd line (only available through environment variables b4): --assuming-http, --ssl-native, --sneaky, --warnings, --color, -- debug, --long * certificate information * more HTTP header infos (cookies+security headers) * protocol check via bash sockets for SSLv2+v3 * debug handling significantly improved (verbosity/each function leaves files in $TEMPDIR) * BEAST check * FREAK check * check for Secure Client-Initiated Renegotiation * lots of cosmetic and maintainability code cleanups * bugfixing Full changelog: https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/commits/2.4/testssl.sh 2.2. new features as: * works fully under BSD (openssl >=1.0) * single cipher check (-x) with pattern of hexcode/cipher * check for POODLE SSL * HPKP check * OCSP stapling * GOST and CHACHA20 POLY1305 cipher support * service detection (HTTP, IMAP, POP, SMTP) * runs now with all colors, b/w screen, no escape codes at all * protocol check better * job control removes stalling * RFC <---> OpenSSL name space mapping of ciphers everywhere * includes a lot of fixes Full changelog @ https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh/commits/2.2/testssl.sh 2.0 major release, new features: * SNI * STARTTLS fully supported * RC4 check * (P)FS check * SPDY check * color codes make more sense now * cipher hexcodes are shown * tests ciphers per protocol * HSTS * web and application server banner * server prefereences * TLS server extensions * server key size * cipher suite mapping from openssl to RFC * heartbleed check * CCS injection check --------------------- Details: 1.112 - IPv6 display fix 1.111 - NEW: tested unter FreeBSD (works with exception of xxd in CCS) - getent now works under Linux and FreeBSD - sed -i in hsts sacrificed for compatibility - reomved query for IP for finishing banner, is now called once in parse_hn_port - GOST warning after banner - empty build date is not displayed anymore - long build date strings minimized - FIXED: IPv6 address are displayed again 1.110 - NEW: adding Russian GOST cipher support by providing a config file on the fly - adding the compile date of openssl in the banner 1.109 - minor IPv6 fixes 1.108 - NEW: Major rewrite of output functions. Now using printf instead of "echo -e" for BSD and MacOSX compatibility 1.107 - improved IP address stuff 1.106 - minor fixes 1.105 - NEW: working prototype for CCS injection 1.104 - NEW: everywhere *also* RFC style ciphers -- if the mapping file is found - unitary calls to display cipher suites 1.103 - NEW: telnet support for STARTTLS (works only with a patched openssl version) --> not tested (lack of server) 1.102 - NEW: test for BREACH (experimental) 1.101 - BUGFIX: muted too verbose output of which on CentOS/RHEL - BUGFIX: muted too verbose output of netcat/nc on CentOS/RHEL+Debian 1.100 - further cleanup - starttls now tests allciphers() instead of cipher_per_proto (normal use case makes most sense here) - ENV J_POSITIV --> SHOW_EACH_C - finding mapping-rfc.txt is now a bit smarter - preparations for ChaCha20-Poly1305 (would have provided binaries but "openssl s_client -connect" with that ciphersuite fails currently with a handshake error though client and server hello succeeded!) 1.99 - BUGFIX: now really really everywhere testing the IP with supplied name - locking out openssl < 0.9.8f, new function called "old_fart" ;-) - FEATURE: displaying PTR record of IP - FEATURE: displaying further IPv4/IPv6 addresses - bit of a cleanup 1.98 - http_header is in total only called once - better parsing of default protocol (FIXME shouldn't appear anymore) 1.97 - reduced sleep time for server hello and payload reply (heartbleed) 1.96 - NEW: (experimental) heartbleed support with bash sockets (shell only SSL handshake!) see also https://testssl.sh/bash-heartbleed.sh 1.95 (2.0rc3) - changed cmdline options for CRIME and renego vuln to uppercase - NEW: displays server key size now - NEW: displays TLS server extensions (might kill old openssl versions) - brown warning if HSTS < 180 days - brown warning if SSLv3 is offered as default protocol 1.94 - NEW: prototype of mapping to RFC cipher suite names, needed file mapping-rfc.txt in same dir as of now only used for 'testssl.sh -V' - internal renaming: it was supposed to be "cipherlists" instead of "ciphersuites" - additional tests for cipherlists DES, 3DES, ADH 1.93 - BUGFIX: removed space in Server banner fixed (at the expense of showing just nothing if Server string is empty) 1.92 - BUGFIX: fixed error of faulty detected empty server string 1.91 - replaced most lcyan to brown (=not really bad but somehow) - empty server string better displayed - prefered CBC TLS 1.2 cipher is now brown (lucky13) 1.90 - fix for netweaver banner (server is lowercase) - no server banner is no disadvantage (color code) - 1 more blank proto check - server preference is better displayed 1.89 - reordered! : protocols + cipher come first - colorized prefered server preference (e.g. CBC+RC4 is light red now, TLSv1.2 green) - SSLv3 is now light cyan - NEW: -P|--preference now in help menu - light cyan is more appropriate than red for HSTS 1.88 - NEW: prototype for protocol and cipher preference - prototype for session ticket 1.87 - changed just the version string to rc1 1.86 - NEW: App banner now production, except 2 liners - DEBUG: 1 is now true as everywhere else - CRIME+Renego prettier - last optical polish for RC4, PFS 1.85 - NEW: appbanner (also 2 lines like asp.net) - OSSL_VER_MAJOR/MINOR/APPENDIX - less bold because bold headlines as bold should be reserved for emphasize findings - tabbed output also for protocols and cipher classes - unify neat printing 1.84 - NEW: deprecating openssl version <0.98 - displaying a warning >= 0.98 < 1.0 - NEW: neat print also for all ciphers (-E,-e) 1.83 - BUGFIX: results from unit test: logical error in PFS+RC4 fixed - headline of -V / PFS+RC4 ciphers unified 1.82 - NEW: output for -V now better (bits seperate, spacing improved) 1.81 - output for RC4+PFS now better (with headline, bits seperate, spacing improved) - both also sorted by encr. strength .. umm ..err bits! 1.80 - order of finding supplied binary extended (first one wins): 1. use supplied variable $OPENSSL 2. use "openssl" in same path as testssl.sh 3. use "openssl.`uname -m`" in same path as testssl.sh 4. use anything in system $PATH (return value of "which" 1.79 - STARTTLS options w/o trailing 's' now (easier) - commented code for CRIME SPDY - issue a warning for openssl < 0.9.7 ( that version won't work anyway probably) - NPN protos as a global var - pretty print with fixed columns: PFS, RC4, allciphers, cipher_per_proto 1.78 - -E, -e now sorted by encryption strength (note: it's only encr key length) - -V now pretty prints all local ciphers - -V <pattern> now pretty prints all local ciphers matching pattern (plain string, no regex) - bugfix: SSLv2 cipher hex codes has 3 bytes! 1.77 - removed legacy code (PROD_REL var) 1.76 - bash was gone!! desaster for Ubuntu, fixed - starttls+rc4 check: bottom line was wrong - starttls had too much output (certificate) at first a/v check 1.75 - location is now https://testssl.sh - be nice: banner, version, help also works for BSD folks (on dash) - bug in server banner fixed - sneaky referer and user agent possible 1.74 - Debian 7 fix - ident obsoleted 1.72 - removed obsolete GREP - SWURL/SWCONTACT - output for positive RC4 better 1.71 - workaround for buggy bash (RC4) - colors improved - blue is now reserved for headline - magenta for local probs - in RC4 removal of SSL protocol provided by openssl 1.70 - DEBUG in http_headers now as expected - <?xml marker as HTML body understood 1.69 - HTTP 1.1 header - removed in each cipher the proto openssl is returning + NEW: cipher_per_proto 1.68 - header parser for openssl - HSTS - server banner string - vulnerabilities closer+condensed 1.68 - header parser for openssl - HSTS - server banner string - vulnerabilities closer+condensed 1.67 - signal green if no SSLv3 - cipher hex code now in square brackets [..] 1.36 * fixed issue while connecting to non-webservers 1.35 * fixed portability issue on Ubuntu 1.34 * ip(v4) address in output, helps to tell different systems apart later on * local hostname in output 1.31 (Halloween Release) * bugfix: SSLv2 was kind of borken * now it works for sure but ssl protocol are kind of ugly 1.30b (25.10.2012) * bugfix: TLS 1.1/1.2 may lead to false negatives * bugfix: CMDLINE -a/-e was misleading, now similar to help menu 1.3 (10/13/2012) * can test now for cipher suites only * can test now for protocols suites only * tests for tls v1.1/v1.2 of local openssl supports it * commandline "all "is rename to "each-cipher" * banner when it's done 1.21a (10/4/2012) * tests whether openssl has support for zlib compiled so that it avoids a false negative 1.21 (10/4/2012) * CRIME support 1.20b * bugfixed release 1.20a * code cleanup * showciphers variable introduced: only show ciphers if this is set (it is by default now and there's a comment * openssl version + path to it in the banner 1.20 * bugfix (ssl in ssl handshake failure is sometimes too much) * date in output * autodetection of CVS version removed 1.19 * bugfix 1.18 * Rearragement of arguments: URL comes now always last! * small code cleanups for readability * individual cipher test is now with bold headline, not blue * NOPARANOID flag tells whether medium grade ciphers are ok. NOW they are (=<1.17 was paranoid) 1.17 * SSL tests now for renegotiation vulnerabilty! * version detection of testssl.sh * program has a banner * fixed bug leading to a file named "1" * comment for 128Bit ciphers 1.16 * major code cleanups * cmd line options: port is now in first argument!! * help is more verbose * check whether on other server side is ssl server listening * https:// can be now supplied also on the command line * test all ciphers now * new cleanup routine * -a does not do standard test afterward, you need to run testssl a second time w/o -a if you want this 1.12 * tests also medium grade ciphers (which you should NOT use) * tests now also high grade ciphers which you SHOULD ONLY use * switch for more verbose output of cipher for those cryptographically interested . in rows: SSL version, Key eXchange, Authentication, Encryption and Message Authentication Code * this is per default enabled (provide otherwise "" as VERB_CLIST) * as a courtesy I am providing 64+32 Linux binaries for testing 56 Bit ciphers 1.11 * Hint for howto enable 56 Bit Ciphers * possible to specify where openssl is (hardcoded, $ENV, last resort: auto) * warns if netcat is not there 1.10 * somewhat first released version