#!/usr/bin/env bash # # PoC for unit tests in bash. Basic test with s_server, works under Linux only atm OPENSSL="bin/openssl.$(uname).$(uname -m)" $OPENSSL version -a || exit 1 FILE=tmp.json remove_quotes() { sed -i 's/"//g' "$FILE" } # arg1: id_value # arg2: string to check against severity_value (optional) # arg2,3: string to check against finding_value # return: 0 whether it contains arg2 or arg3 (0: yes, 1: matches not) check_result() { # id : sslv3, # ip : localhost/, # port : 4433, # severity : HIGH, # finding : SSLv3 is offered local json_result="" local severity_value="" local finding_value="" remove_quotes json_result="$(awk '/id.*'"${1}"'/,/finding.*$/' "$FILE")" [[ -z $json_result ]] && exit 1 # is4lines? finding_value="$(awk -F':' '/finding/ { print $2" "$3" "$4 }' <<< "$json_result")" if [[ $# -eq 2 ]]; then [[ $finding_value =~ "$2" ]] && return 0 || return 1 fi severity_value="$(awk -F':' '/severity/ { print $2 }' <<< "$json_result")" if [[ $finding_value =~ "$3" ]] && [[ $severity_value =~ "$2" ]] ; then return 0 else return 1 fi } ### generate self signed certificate $OPENSSL req -new -x509 -out /tmp/server.crt -nodes -keyout /tmp/server.pem -subj '/CN=localhost' &>/dev/null || exit 2 echo ### 1) test protocol SSlv2: $OPENSSL s_server -www -ssl2 -key /tmp/server.pem -cert /tmp/server.crt &>/dev/null & pid=$! rm "$FILE" 2>/dev/null echo "Running testssl.sh SSLv2 protocol check against localhost for SSLv2: " ./testssl.sh -p -q --warnings=off --jsonfile="$FILE" localhost:4433 check_result SSLv2 CRITICAL "vulnerable with 9 ciphers" [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && echo "SSLv2: PASSED" || echo "FAILED" echo kill -9 $pid wait $pid 2>/dev/null ### 2) test NPN + ALPN $OPENSSL s_server -cipher 'ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL' -alpn "h2" -nextprotoneg "spdy/3, http/1.1" -www -key /tmp/server.pem -cert /tmp/server.crt &>/dev/null & pid=$! rm "$FILE" echo "Running testssl.sh HTTP/2 protocol checks against localhost: " ./testssl.sh -q --jsonfile="$FILE" --protocols localhost:4433 if check_result NPN "spdy/3, http/1.1"; then echo "SPDY/NPN: PASSED" else echo "SPDY/NPN: FAILED" fi if check_result ALPN "h2"; then echo "HTTP2/ALPN: PASSED" else echo "HTTP2/ALPN: FAILED" fi kill -9 $pid wait $pid 2>/dev/null rm "$FILE" ### 3) test almost all other stuff $OPENSSL s_server -cipher 'ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL' -www -key /tmp/server.pem -cert /tmp/server.crt &>/dev/null & pid=$! rm "$FILE" echo "Running baseline check with testssl.sh against localhost" ./testssl.sh -q --jsonfile="$FILE" localhost:4433 #check_result sslv2 CRITICAL "is offered" kill -9 $pid wait $pid 2>/dev/null rm "$FILE" ### test server defaults # ./testssl.sh -q --jsonfile=$FILE --server-defaults localhost:4433 # -serverpref # -no_ticket # -no_resumption_on_reneg # -status # vim:ts=5:sw=5:expandtab