#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use Test::More; use Data::Dumper; use JSON; my $tests = 0; pass("This test was intentionally left blank"); $tests++; #pass("Running openssl based client simulations against testssl.sh"); $tests++; #my $opensslout = `./testssl.sh -c --ssl-native --jsonfile tmp.json --color 0 testssl.sh`; #my $openssl = json('tmp.json'); #unlike($opensslout, qr/Running browser simulations via sockets/, "Tests didn't run via sockets"); $tests++; #pass("Running socket based client simulations against testssl.sh"); $tests++; #my $socketout = `./testssl.sh -c --jsonfile tmp.json --color 0 testssl.sh`; #my $socket = json('tmp.json'); #like($socketout, qr/Running browser simulations via sockets/, "Tests ran via sockets"); $tests++; #my $i = 0; #foreach my $o ( @$openssl ) { # my $s = $$socket[$i]; # if ( $o->{id} =~ /^client_/ ) { # pass("Comparing $o->{id}"); $tests++; # cmp_ok($o->{id}, "eq", $s->{id}, "Id's match"); $tests++; # cmp_ok($o->{severity}, "eq", $s->{severity}, "Severities match"); $tests++; # if ( $o->{finding} eq $s->{finding} ) { # pass("Findings match"); $tests++; # } elsif ( # # TODO: The no connection thing is weird, need to look at it, but not now # $o->{finding}=~/(TLSv1\.[012] EC|No Connection)/ && # $s->{finding}=~/TLSv1\.[012] (DH|RSA|AES)/ && # $o->{id} =~/^client_(chrome_[456789]|ie_[891]|edge_1|yahoo|android_[6789])/ # ) { # pass("Findings differ, most likely due to curve differences.\nSockets: $s->{finding}\nOpenSSL: $o->{finding}"); $tests++ # } else { # cmp_ok($o->{finding}, "eq", $s->{finding}, "Findings match"); $tests++; # } # } # $i++; #} done_testing($tests); sub json($) { my $file = shift; $file = `cat $file`; unlink $file; return from_json($file); }