#!/usr/bin/env perl # Just a functional test, whether there are any problems on the client side # Probably we could also inspect the JSON for any problems for # "id" : "scanProblem" # "finding" : "Scan interrupted" use strict; use Test::More; use Data::Dumper; use JSON; my $tests = 0; my $check2run ="--client-simulation -q --ip=one --color 0"; unlink "tmp.json"; printf "\n%s\n", "Running socket based client simulations against google.com ..."; # $tests++; my $socketout = `./testssl.sh $check2run --jsonfile tmp.json google.com`; my $socket = json('tmp.json'); #FIXME: This comparison is maybe not sufficient yet: unlike($socketout, qr/(e|E)rror|(f|F)atal/, ""); $tests++; unlink "tmp.json"; printf "\n%s\n", "Running OpenSSL based client simulations against google.com ..."; # $tests++; my $opensslout = `./testssl.sh $check2run --ssl-native --jsonfile tmp.json google.com`; my $openssl = json('tmp.json'); #FIXME: This comparison is maybe sufficient yet: unlike($opensslout, qr/(e|E)rror|(f|F)atal|Oops|s_client connect problem/, ""); $tests++; unlink "tmp.json"; printf "\n%s\n", "STARTTLS: Running socket based client simulations against smtp-relay.gmail.com:587 ..."; # $tests++; my $socketout = `./testssl.sh $check2run --jsonfile tmp.json -t smtp smtp-relay.gmail.com:587`; my $socket = json('tmp.json'); unlike($socketout, qr/(e|E)rror|(f|F)atal/, ""); $tests++; unlink "tmp.json"; printf "\n%s\n", "STARTTLS: Running OpenSSL based client simulations against smtp-relay.gmail.com:587 ..."; # $tests++; my $opensslout = `./testssl.sh --ssl-native $check2run --jsonfile tmp.json -t smtp smtp-relay.gmail.com:587`; my $openssl = json('tmp.json'); unlike($opensslout, qr/(e|E)rror|(f|F)atal|Oops|s_client connect problem/, ""); $tests++; #my $i = 0; #foreach my $o ( @$openssl ) { # my $s = $$socket[$i]; # if ( $o->{id} =~ /^client_/ ) { # pass("Comparing $o->{id}"); $tests++; # cmp_ok($o->{id}, "eq", $s->{id}, "Id's match"); $tests++; # cmp_ok($o->{severity}, "eq", $s->{severity}, "Severities match"); $tests++; # cmp_ok($o->{finding}, "eq", $s->{finding}, "Findings match"); $tests++; # } # $i++; #} done_testing($tests); unlink "tmp.json"; sub json($) { my $file = shift; $file = `cat $file`; unlink $file; return from_json($file); }