##### Credits also to * Peter Mosmans - started way better cmd line parsing - cleanups, fixes - openssl sources support with the "missing" features * John Newbigin - Proxy support (sockets and openssl) * Jonathan Roach - TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV checks * Mark Felder - lots of cleanups - Shellcheck static analysis * Frank Breedijk - Detection of insecure redirects - JSON and CSV output - Client simulations * David Cooper - Detection + output of multiple certificates - several cleanups of server certificate related stuff - improved parsing of TLS ServerHello messages - speed improvements when testing all ciphers * Jean Marsault - client auth: ideas, code snipplets * Maciej Grela - colorless handling * Olivier Paroz - conversion xxd --> hexdump stuff * @typingArtist - improved BEAST detection * @f-s - ARM binary support * Jeroen Wiert Pluimers - supplied new Darwin binaries * Julien Vehent - supplied Darwin binary * Rechi - initial MX stuff - fixes * Laine Gholson - avahi/mDNS support - HTTP2/ALPN - bugfixes * Дилян Палаузов - bug fix for 3des report - reported a tricky STARTTLS bug * Viktor Szépe - color function maker * Thomas Martens - colorblind - no-rfc mapping * Jonathon Rossi - fix for bash3 (Darwin) - and other Darwin fixes * @nvsofts (NV) - LibreSSL patch for GOST * Markus Manzke: - Fix for HSTS + subdomains - LibreSSL patch * Dmitri S - inspiration & help for Darwin port * Bug reports: - Viktor Szépe, Olivier Paroz, Jan H. Terstegge, Lorenz Adena, Jonathon Rossi, Stefan Stidl, Frank Breedijk ##### Last but not least: * OpenSSL team for providing openssl. * Ivan Ristic/Qualys for the liberal license which made it possible to use the client data