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2023-01-01 21:33:24 +01:00
title: "The economics of warfare have changed"
date: 2017-06-13T01:42:00+06:00
draft: false
tags: ["security","tech",""]
author: "9x0rg"
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> All wars are won or lost due to either side's ability to secure supply lines, logistics, transportation, provisions, military hardware, and communications. And the ability to pay for all of them. Just as any business which can't finance its plans goes belly up so, too, does any army.
> Now, imagine an army with the ability to decentralise all of these elements.
> This army is actually technologically and economically backward. This doesn't sound threatening until you realise that:
> - This army can and does utilise the technology and economics of its enemy. No need to develop its own.
> - Transportation is not only provided to them but provided by their enemy.
> - This army benefits from acquiring its transport, provisions, and even military hardware from its enemy.
> - This army uses the communication tools necessary to conduct attacks at fractional cost... tools produced more often than not by its enemy... now out in the public realm
> Remember, the most basic social contract a citizen has with his government is that of security and government cannot provide it.
> The answers lie with private enterprise.
> -- [Chris @ capitalistexploits.at](https://web.archive.org/web/20201024150212/https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-11/economics-warfare-have-changed) (internet archive.org)