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                                        <h3>The Company</h3>
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                                        <p><strong>AGR Asia Solutions Pte. Ltd.</strong> is the successor to both <strong>Asia Global Risk Ltd.</strong>, a company with over 30 years of experience in Asia and <strong>Amarante International Asia Pte. Ltd.</strong>, which was established in Singapore in 2018. In 2023, it was decided to bring the companies together under a single banner.</p>
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                                        <p><strong>AGR Asia Solutions Pte. Ltd.</strong> (Singapore)<br> Co. Reg. 201807009E<br> 3 Coleman Street, #04-35, Peninsula Shopping Complex, Singapore 179804</p>

### GPG key ###

### GPG Key fingerprint ###
26BC C458 2D54 0A23 FE24  0C27 CAAD 3644 77DA 43C8