
4.6 KiB

  • - DTP Scanner - simple script trying to determine type of configured switchport and DTP negotation mode in order to assist in VLAN Hopping attacks. (gist)

  • smtpdowngrade.rb - Bettercap TCP Proxy SMTP Downgrade module - prevents the SMTP client from sending "STARTTLS" and returns "454 TLS Not available..." to the client. (gist)

  • - Network-configuration Credentials extraction script - intended to sweep input configuration file and extract keys, hashes, passwords. (gist)

  • - VLAN Hopping via DTP Trunk (Switch) Spoofing exploit - script automating full VLAN Hopping attack, from DTP detection to VLAN Hop with DHCP lease request (gist)

    Sample output:

$ ./ --help

        :: VLAN Hopping via DTP Trunk negotiation 
        Performs VLAN Hopping via negotiated DTP Trunk / Switch Spoofing technique
        Mariusz B. / mgeeky, '18

usage: ./ [options]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i DEV, --interface DEV
                        Select interface on which to operate.
  -e CMD, --execute CMD
                        Launch specified command after hopping to new VLAN.
                        One can use one of following placeholders in command:
                        %IFACE (choosen interface), %IP (acquired IP), %NET
                        (net address), %HWADDR (MAC), %GW (gateway), %MASK
                        (full mask), %CIDR (short mask). For instance: -e
                        "arp-scan -I %IFACE %NET%CIDR". May be repeated for
                        more commands. The command will be launched
                        SYNCHRONOUSLY, meaning - one have to append "&" at the
                        end to make the script go along.
  -E CMD, --exit-execute CMD
                        Launch specified command at the end of this script
                        (during cleanup phase).
  -m HWADDR, --mac-address HWADDR
                        Changes MAC address of the interface before and after
  -f, --force           Attempt VLAN Hopping even if DTP was not detected
                        (like in Nonegotiate situation).
  -a, --analyse         Analyse mode: do not create subinterfaces, don't ask
                        for DHCP leases.
  -v, --verbose         Display verbose output.
  -d, --debug           Display debug output.

$ sudo ./ -i enp5s0f1

        :: VLAN Hopping via DTP Trunk negotiation 
        Performs VLAN Hopping via negotiated DTP Trunk / Switch Spoofing technique
        Mariusz B. / mgeeky, '18

[+] VLAN Hopping IS possible.
[>] After Hopping to other VLANs - leave this program running to maintain connections.
[>] Discovering new VLANs...
==> VLAN discovered: 10
==> VLAN discovered: 20
==> VLAN discovered: 30
==> VLAN discovered: 99
[+] Hopped to VLAN 10.:
[+] Hopped to VLAN 20.:
[+] Hopped to VLAN 30.:
[+] Hopped to VLAN 99.:
  • - Script converting nmap's greppable output (-oG) into a printable per-host tables. (gist)

  • - Running Hosts scanner leveraging ICMP Destination Unreachable response upon UDP closed port packet. (gist)

  • smb-credential-leak.html - SMB Credentials leakage by MSEdge as presented in Browser Security White Paper, X41 D-Sec GmbH. (gist)

  • - Microsoft IIS WebDAV Write Code Execution exploit (based on Metasploit HDM's <iis_webdav_upload_asp> implementation). (gist)

  • - SMTP VRFY python tool intended to check whether SMTP server is leaking usernames. (gist)

  • - Quick Python Scapy-based ping-sweeper. (gist)

  • - ripped out from Violent Python - by TJ O'Connor. (gist)