mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 07:21:14 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Time went by, I was adding support for more and more SMTP headers - and here we
## Info
This tool accepts on input an `*.EML` or `*.txt` file with all the SMTP headers. It will then extract a subset of interesting headers and using **79+** tests will attempt to decode them as much as possible.
This tool accepts on input an `*.EML` or `*.txt` file with all the SMTP headers. It will then extract a subset of interesting headers and using **95+** tests will attempt to decode them as much as possible.
This script also extracts all IPv4 addresses and domain names and performs full DNS resolution of them.
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ In order to embellish your Phishing HTML code before sending it to your client,
### Processed headers
Processed headers (more than **67+** headers are parsed):
Processed headers (more than **76+** headers are parsed):
- `X-forefront-antispam-report`
- `X-exchange-antispam`
@ -109,6 +109,16 @@ Processed headers (more than **67+** headers are parsed):
- `X-microsoft-antispam-untrusted`
- `X-sophos-senderhistory`
- `X-sophos-rescan`
- `X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id`
- `X-OriginatorOrg`
- `IronPort-Data`
- `IronPort-HdrOrdr`
- `X-DKIM`
- `DKIM-Filter`
- `X-SpamExperts-Class`
- `X-SpamExperts-Evidence`
- `X-Recommended-Action`
- `X-AppInfo`
Most of these headers are not fully documented, therefore the script is unable to pinpoint all the details, but at least it collects all I could find on them.
@ -201,7 +211,7 @@ Having sent more than 60 mails already, this is what I can tell by now about Mic
# Message contained <a href="https://something.com/file.html?parameter=https://another.com/website"
# - GET parameter with value, being a URL to another website
'45080400002' : 'Mail body contained <a> tag with URL containing GET parameter with value of another URL: ex. href="https://foo.bar/file?aaa=https://baz.xyz/"',
'45080400002' : 'Something about <a> tag\'s URL. Possibly it contained GET parameter with value of another URL: ex. href="https://foo.bar/file?aaa=https://baz.xyz/"',
# Message contained <a> with href pointing to a file with dangerous extension, such as file.exe
'460985005' : 'Mail body contained HTML <a> tag with href URL pointing to a file with dangerous extension (such as .exe)',
@ -216,6 +226,29 @@ Having sent more than 60 mails already, this is what I can tell by now about Mic
'121216002' : 'First Hop MTA SMTP Server used as a SMTP Relay. It\'s known to originate e-mails, but here it acted as a Relay. Or maybe due to use of "with ESMTPSA" instead of ESMTPS?',
# Triggered on message with <a> added to HTML: <a href="https://support.spotify.com/is-en/">https://www.reddit.com/</a>
'966005' : 'Mail body contained link tag with potentially masqueraded URL: <a href="https://attacker.com">https://example.com</a>',
# Message1: GoPhish EC2 -> another EC2 with socat to smtp.gmail.com:587 (authenticated) -> Target
# Message2: GoPhish EC2 -> Gsuite -> Target
# Subject, mail body were exactly the same.
# Below two rules were added to the second message. My understanding is that they're somehow referring
# to the reputation of the first-hop server, maybe reverse-DNS resolution.
'5002400100002' : "(GUESSING) Somehow related to First Hop server reputation, it's reverse-PTR resolution or domain impersonation",
'58800400005' : "(GUESSING) Somehow related to First Hop server reputation, it's reverse-PTR resolution or domain impersonation",
'19625305002' : '(GUESSING) Something to do with the HTML code and used tags/structures',
'43540500002' : '(GUESSING) Something to do with the HTML code and used tags/structures',
'460985005' : '(GUESSING) Something to do with either more-complex HTML code or with the <a> tag and its URL.',
# Triggered on an empty text message, subject "test" - that was marked with "Domain Impersonation", however
# ForeFront Anti-Spam headers did not support that Domain Impersonation. Weird.
'22186003' : '(GUESSING) Something to do with either Text message (non-HTML) or probable Domain Impersonation'
@ -347,9 +380,22 @@ C:\> py decode-spam-headers.py -l tests
77 - Other interesting headers
78 - Security Appliances Spotted
79 - Email Providers Infrastructure Clues
80 - X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info
81 - Decoded Mail-encoded header values
80 - X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info (use -a to show its results)
81 - Decoded Mail-encoded header values (use -a to show its results)
82 - Header Containing Client IP
83 - Office365 Tenant ID
84 - Organization Name
85 - MS Defender For Office365 Safe Links Version
86 - Suspicious Words in Headers
87 - AWS SES Outgoing
88 - IronPort-Data
89 - IronPort-HdrOrder
90 - X-DKIM
91 - DKIM-Filter
92 - X-SpamExperts-Class
93 - X-SpamExperts-Evidence
94 - X-Recommended-Action
95 - X-AppInfo
@ -79,6 +79,14 @@
# - X-sophos-rescan
# - X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id
# - X-OriginatorOrg
# - IronPort-Data
# - IronPort-HdrOrdr
# - X-DKIM
# - DKIM-Filter
# - X-SpamExperts-Class
# - X-SpamExperts-Evidence
# - X-Recommended-Action
# - X-AppInfo
# Usage:
# ./decode-spam-headers [options] <smtp-headers.txt>
@ -91,6 +99,7 @@
# authored by: Nick Quinlan (nick@nicholasquinlan.com)
# Requirements:
# - python-dateutil
# - packaging
# - dnspython
# - requests
@ -107,13 +116,21 @@ import textwrap
import socket
import time
import base64
from html import escape
from dateutil import parser
from html import escape
from email import header as emailheader
from datetime import *
from dateutil.tz import *
from dateutil import parser
except ImportError:
[!] You need to install python-dateutil:
# pip3 install python-dateutil
import packaging.version
@ -133,7 +150,6 @@ except ImportError:
import dns.resolver
@ -148,12 +164,14 @@ except ImportError:
options = {
'debug': False,
'verbose': False,
'nocolor' : False,
'log' : sys.stderr,
'format' : 'text',
'dont_resolve' : False,
class Logger:
@ -373,7 +391,7 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
'yandex', 'yandexbot', 'zillya', 'zonealarm', 'zscaler', '-sea-', 'perlmx', 'trustwave',
'mailmarshal', 'tmase', 'startscan', 'fe-etp', 'jemd', 'suspicious', 'grey', 'infected', 'unscannable',
'dlp-', 'sanitize', 'mailscan', 'barracuda', 'clearswift', 'messagelabs', 'msw-jemd', 'fe-etp', 'symc-ess',
'starscan', 'mailcontrol'
'starscan', 'mailcontrol', 'spamexpert'
Interesting_Headers = (
@ -385,7 +403,7 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
'X-ICPINFO', 'x-locaweb-id', 'X-MC-User', 'mailersend', 'MailiGen', 'Mandrill', 'MarketoID', 'X-Messagebus-Info',
'Mixmax', 'X-PM-Message-Id', 'postmark', 'X-rext', 'responsys', 'X-SFDC-User', 'salesforce', 'x-sg-', 'x-sendgrid-',
'silverpop', '.mkt', 'X-SMTPCOM-Tracking-Number', 'X-vrfbldomain', 'verticalresponse',
'yesmail', 'logon', 'safelink', 'safeattach',
'yesmail', 'logon', 'safelink', 'safeattach', 'appinfo',
Security_Appliances_And_Their_Headers = \
@ -412,6 +430,7 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
('MS Defender Advanced Threat Protection' , 'X-MS.+-Atp'),
('MS Defender Advanced Threat Protection - Safe Links' , '-ATPSafeLinks'),
('Cisco Advanced Malware Protection (AMP)' , 'X-Amp-'),
('n-able Mail Assure (SpamExperts)' , 'SpamExperts-'),
('MS ForeFront Anti-Spam' , 'X-Microsoft-Antispam'),
('MS ForeFront Anti-Spam' , 'X-Forefront-Antispam'),
@ -822,6 +841,17 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
SpamExperts_Classes = {
'spam' : logger.colored("system was not confident enough to block the message", "red"),
'unsure' : logger.colored("system was not confident enough to block the message", "magenta"),
'ham' : logger.colored("", "yellow"),
SpamExperts_Actions = {
'accept' : logger.colored("Message is accepted.", "green"),
'drop' : logger.colored("Message is dropped.", "red"),
SEA_Spam_Fields = {
'gauge' : 'Spam Message Gauge result',
'probability' : 'Spam Probability (100% - certain spam)',
@ -1502,8 +1532,16 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
('83', 'Office365 Tenant ID', self.testO365TenantID),
('84', 'Organization Name', self.testOrganizationIsO365Tenant),
('85', 'MS Defender For Office365 Safe Links Version',self.testSafeLinksKeyVer),
('86', 'Suspicious Words in Subject line', self.testSuspiciousWordsInSubject),
('87', 'Suspicious Words in Thread-Topic line', self.testSuspiciousWordsInThreadTopic),
('87', 'AWS SES Outgoing', self.testXSESOutgoing),
('88', 'IronPort-Data', self.testIronPortData),
('89', 'IronPort-HdrOrder', self.testIronPortHdrOrdr),
('90', 'X-DKIM', self.testXDKIM),
('91', 'DKIM-Filter', self.testDKIMFilter),
('92', 'X-SpamExperts-Class', self.testXSpamExpertsClass),
('93', 'X-SpamExperts-Evidence', self.testXSpamExpertsEvidence),
('94', 'X-Recommended-Action', self.testXRecommendedAction),
('95', 'X-AppInfo', self.testXAppInfo),
# These tests shall be the last ones.
@ -1523,6 +1561,7 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
testsReturningArray = (
('82', 'Header Containing Client IP', self.testAnyOtherIP),
('86', 'Suspicious Words in Headers', self.testSuspiciousWordsInHeaders),
ids = set()
@ -1552,12 +1591,45 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
def resolveAddress(addr):
return SMTPHeadersAnalysis.gethostbyaddr(addr)
resolved = {}
def gethostbyaddr(addr, important = True):
if not important or options['dont_resolve']:
return ''
if addr in SMTPHeadersAnalysis.resolved.keys():
return SMTPHeadersAnalysis.resolved[addr]
res = socket.gethostbyaddr(addr)
return ', '.join([x for x in res if len(x) > 0])
if len(res) > 0:
SMTPHeadersAnalysis.resolved[addr] = res[0]
return res[0]
return ''
def gethostbyname(name, important = True):
if not important or options['dont_resolve']:
return ''
if name.lower() in SMTPHeadersAnalysis.resolved.keys():
return SMTPHeadersAnalysis.resolved[name]
res = socket.gethostbyname(name)
if len(res) > 0:
SMTPHeadersAnalysis.resolved[name.lower()] = res
return res
return ''
def parseExchangeVersion(lookup):
@ -1603,6 +1675,13 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
for (num, header, value) in self.headers:
if header.lower() == _header.lower():
m1 = re.search(r'\=\?[a-z0-9\-]+\?Q\?', value, re.I)
if m1:
v1d = emailheader.decode_header(value)[0][0]
if type(v1d) == bytes:
v1d = v1d.decode()
value = v1d
return (num, header, value)
similar_headers = (
@ -1616,6 +1695,12 @@ class SMTPHeadersAnalysis:
for (num, header, value) in self.headers:
if header.lower() == _header.lower():
m1 = re.search(r'\=\?[a-z0-9\-]+\?Q\?', value, re.I)
if m1:
v1d = emailheader.decode_header(value)[0][0]
if type(v1d) == bytes:
v1d = v1d.decode()
value = v1d
return (num, header, value)
return (-1, '', '')
@ -1837,7 +1922,7 @@ Results will be unsound. Make sure you have pasted your headers with correct spa
return ''
parts = fqdn.split('.')
return '.'.join(parts[-2:])
return '.'.join(parts[-2:]).replace('<','').replace('>','')
def decodeSpamcause(msg):
@ -2366,6 +2451,82 @@ Results will be unsound. Make sure you have pasted your headers with correct spa
self.securityAppliances.add('Proofpoint Email Protection')
return self._parseProofpoint(result, '', num, header, value)
def testXSpamExpertsClass(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('X-SpamExperts-Class')
if num == -1: return []
result = f'- n-able Mail Assure (SpamExperts) Class: {self.logger.colored(value, "yellow")}\n'
if value.lower() in SMTPHeadersAnalysis.SpamExperts_Classes.keys():
result += f'\n\t- {value}: ' + SMTPHeadersAnalysis.SpamExperts_Classes[value.lower()] + '\n'
self.securityAppliances.add('n-able Mail Assure (SpamExperts)')
return {
'header': header,
'value' : value,
'analysis' : result,
'description' : '',
def testXSpamExpertsEvidence(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('X-SpamExperts-Evidence')
if num == -1: return []
result = f'- n-able Mail Assure (SpamExperts) Evidence:\n\t- {self.logger.colored(value, "magenta")}\n'
m = re.match(r'.+\s+\(([\.\d]+)\).*', value)
if m:
score = float(m.group(1))
col = 'yellow'
msg = ''
if score < 0.5:
col = 'green'
msg = self.logger.colored('Message not quarantined and considered harmless.', col)
elif score < 0.9:
col = 'yellow'
msg = self.logger.colored('Message not quarantined but raised some suspicions', col)
col = 'red'
msg = self.logger.colored('Message quarantined.', col)
result += f'\t- Score: {self.logger.colored(score, col)}\n'
result += f'\t- Verdict: {msg}\n'
self.securityAppliances.add('n-able Mail Assure (SpamExperts)')
return {
'header': header,
'value' : value,
'analysis' : result,
'description' : '',
def testXRecommendedAction(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('X-Recommended-Action')
if num == -1: return []
result = f'- n-able Mail Assure (SpamExperts) Recommended Action on e-mail: {self.logger.colored(value, "yellow")}\n'
if value.lower() in SMTPHeadersAnalysis.SpamExperts_Actions.keys():
result += f'\n\t- {value}: ' + SMTPHeadersAnalysis.SpamExperts_Actions[value.lower()] + '\n'
self.securityAppliances.add('n-able Mail Assure (SpamExperts)')
return {
'header': header,
'value' : value,
'analysis' : result,
'description' : '',
def testXTMVersion(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('X-TMASE-Version')
if num == -1: return []
@ -2440,17 +2601,24 @@ Results will be unsound. Make sure you have pasted your headers with correct spa
return self._parseSpamAssassinStatus(result, '', num, header, value, thresholds)
def testSuspiciousWordsInSubject(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('Subject')
if num == -1: return []
def testSuspiciousWordsInHeaders(self):
outputs = []
headers = set({
'From', 'To', 'Subject', 'Topic',
return self._findSuspiciousWords(num, header, value)
for (num, header, value) in self.headers:
#if header.lower().endswith('-to'): headers.add(header)
#if header.lower().endswith('-topic'): headers.add(header)
#if header.lower().endswith('-subject'): headers.add(header)
def testSuspiciousWordsInThreadTopic(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('Thread-Topic')
if num == -1: return []
for header in headers:
(num, hdr, value) = self.getHeader(header)
if num != -1:
outputs.append(self._findSuspiciousWords(num, hdr, value))
return self._findSuspiciousWords(num, header, value)
return outputs
def _findSuspiciousWords(self, num, header, value):
foundWords = set()
@ -2459,34 +2627,21 @@ Results will be unsound. Make sure you have pasted your headers with correct spa
result = ''
false_positives = (
for title, words in SMTPHeadersAnalysis.Suspicious_Words.items():
found = set()
for word in words[1]:
if word.lower() in foundWords:
if word.lower() in foundWords or word.lower() in false_positives:
totalChecked += 1
if re.search(r'\b' + re.escape(word) + r'\b', value, re.I):
pos = value.find(word.lower())
if pos != -1:
line = ''
N = 50
if pos > N:
line = value[pos-N:pos]
line += value[pos:pos+N]
pos2 = line.find(word.lower())
line = line[:pos2] + logger.colored(line[pos2:pos2+len(word)], "red") + line[pos2+len(word):]
line = line.replace('\n', '')
line = re.sub(r' {2,}', ' ', line)
context += '\n' + line + '\n'
if len(found) > 0:
totalFound += len(found)
@ -3027,6 +3182,17 @@ Results will be unsound. Make sure you have pasted your headers with correct spa
self.securityAppliances.add('Cisco IronPort')
return self._originatingIPTest(result, '', num, header, value)
def testXSESOutgoing(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('X-SES-Outgoing')
if num == -1: return []
result = f'- E-Mail sent through Amazon SES. Outgoing: \n\n'
vals = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.flattenLine(value).replace(' ', '').split('-')
result += f'\t- Date: {vals[0]}'
return self._originatingIPTest(result, '', num, header, vals[1])
def _originatingIPTest(self, topicLine, description, num, header, value):
result = ''
@ -3206,6 +3372,50 @@ Results will be unsound. Make sure you have pasted your headers with correct spa
'description' : '',
def testIronPortHdrOrdr(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('IronPort-HdrOrdr')
if num == -1: return []
self.securityAppliances.add('Cisco IronPort / Email Security Appliance (ESA)')
if self.decode_all:
dumped = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.hexdump(SMTPHeadersAnalysis.safeBase64Decode(value))
result = f'- Cisco IronPort Data encrypted blob:\n\n'
result += dumped + '\n'
result = f'- Cisco IronPort Data encrypted blob. Use --decode-all to print its hexdump.'
return {
'header' : header,
'value': value,
'analysis' : result,
'description' : '',
def testIronPortData(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('IronPort-Data')
if num == -1: return []
self.securityAppliances.add('Cisco IronPort / Email Security Appliance (ESA)')
if self.decode_all:
dumped = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.hexdump(SMTPHeadersAnalysis.safeBase64Decode(value))
result = f'- Cisco IronPort Data encrypted blob:\n\n'
result += dumped + '\n'
result = f'- Cisco IronPort Data encrypted blob. Use --decode-all to print its hexdump.'
return {
'header' : header,
'value': value,
'analysis' : result,
'description' : '',
def testXIronPortSenderGroup(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('X-IronPort-SenderGroup')
if num == -1: return []
@ -3601,7 +3811,7 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
out = self._parseAsteriskRiskScore('', '', num, header, value)
tmp += f'\t({num0:02}) {self.logger.colored("Header", "magenta")}: {header}\n'
tmp += out['analysis']
@ -3651,6 +3861,7 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
tmp += f'\t Keyword: {dodgy}\n'
tmp += f'\t Value: {value[:120]}\n\n'
elif dodgy in value.lower() and header.lower():
@ -3675,6 +3886,7 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
tmp += f'\t Keyword: {dodgy}\n'
tmp += f'\t {self.logger.colored("Value", "magenta")}:\n\n{ctx}\n\n'
if len(tmp) > 0:
@ -3809,7 +4021,7 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
if num == -1: return []
result = ''
m = re.search(r'<([^<@\s]+)@([^\s]+)>', value)
m = re.search(r'<?([^<@\s]+)@([^\s]+)>?', value)
domain = ''
if m and len(self.received_path) < 3:
@ -3827,16 +4039,16 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
firstSenderAddr = ''
mailDomainAddr = socket.gethostbyname(domain)
revMailDomain = socket.gethostbyaddr(mailDomainAddr)[0]
mailDomainAddr = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.gethostbyname(domain)
revMailDomain = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.gethostbyaddr(mailDomainAddr)
if(len(firstHop['ip'])) > 0 and len(revFirstSenderDomain) == 0:
revFirstSenderDomain = socket.gethostbyaddr(firstHop['ip'])[0]
revFirstSenderDomain = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.gethostbyaddr(firstHop['ip'])
if(len(firstHop['host'])) > 0:
firstSenderAddr = socket.gethostbyname(firstHop['host'])
firstSenderAddr = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.gethostbyname(firstHop['host'])
if len(revFirstSenderDomain) == 0:
revFirstSenderDomain = socket.gethostbyaddr(firstSenderAddr)[0]
revFirstSenderDomain = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.gethostbyaddr(firstSenderAddr)
@ -3846,6 +4058,9 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
if len(senderDomain) == 0: senderDomain = domain
if len(firstHopDomain1) == 0: firstHopDomain1 = firstHop["host"]
senderDomain = senderDomain.replace('<','').replace('>','').strip()
firstHopDomain1 = firstHopDomain1.replace('<','').replace('>','').strip()
result += f'\t- Mail From: <{email}>\n\n'
result += f'\t- Mail Domain: {domain}\n'
result += f'\t --> resolves to: {mailDomainAddr}\n'
@ -3863,7 +4078,7 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
if domain.endswith('.'): domain = domain[:-1]
response = dns.resolver.resolve(domain, 'TXT')
except (dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN, dns.resolver.NoAnswer) as e:
except Exception as e:
response = []
spf = False
@ -4145,9 +4360,9 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
if obj['host'] == '' and obj['ip'] != '':
res = socket.gethostbyaddr(obj['ip'])
res = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.gethostbyaddr(obj['ip'])
if len(res) > 0:
obj['host'] = res[0]
obj['host'] = res
@ -4160,9 +4375,9 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
if len(obj['host2']) == 0:
if obj['ip'] != None and len(obj['ip']) > 0:
res = socket.gethostbyaddr(obj['ip'])
res = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.gethostbyaddr(obj['ip'])
if len(res) > 0:
obj['host2'] = res[0]
obj['host2'] = res
obj['host2'] = self.logger.colored('NXDomain', 'red')
@ -4270,7 +4485,7 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
if obj and (obj['ip'] == None or len(obj['ip']) == 0):
if obj['host'] != None and len(obj['host']) > 0:
obj['ip'] = socket.gethostbyname(obj['host'])
obj['ip'] = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.gethostbyname(obj['host'])
@ -4867,6 +5082,38 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
'description' : '',
def testXDKIM(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('X-DKIM')
if num == -1: return []
vvv = self.logger.colored(value, 'magenta')
result = f'- X-DKIM header was present and contained value: {vvv}\n'
result + ' This header typically indicates DKIM verification filter version.'
return {
'header' : header,
'value': value,
'analysis' : result,
'description' : '',
def testDKIMFilter(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('DKIM-Filter')
if num == -1: return []
vvv = self.logger.colored(value, 'magenta')
result = f'- DKIM-Filter header was present and contained value: {vvv}\n'
result + ' This header typically indicates DKIM verification filter version.'
return {
'header' : header,
'value': value,
'analysis' : result,
'description' : '',
def testXMailer(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('X-Mailer')
if num == -1: return []
@ -4883,6 +5130,22 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
'description' : '',
def testXAppInfo(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('X-AppInfo')
if num == -1: return []
vvv = self.logger.colored(value, 'magenta')
result = f'- X-AppInfo header was present and contained value: {vvv}\n'
result + ' This header typically indicates sending client\'s name (similar to User-Agent).'
return {
'header' : header,
'value': value,
'analysis' : result,
'description' : '',
def testUserAgent(self):
(num, header, value) = self.getHeader('User-Agent')
if num == -1: return []
@ -5162,10 +5425,7 @@ Src: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/esa/esa11-1/user_guide/b_ESA
if self.resolve:
self.logger.dbg(f'testResolveIntoIP: Resolving {d}...')
out = socket.gethostbyname(d)
if type(out) == list:
out = out[0]
out = SMTPHeadersAnalysis.gethostbyname(d)
tmp += f'\t- Found Domain: {d2}\n\t\t- that resolves to: {out}\n'
@ -5239,6 +5499,7 @@ def opts(argv):
tst.add_argument('-i', '--include-tests', default='', metavar='tests', help='Comma-separated list of test IDs to run. Ex. --include-tests 1,3,7')
tst.add_argument('-e', '--exclude-tests', default='', metavar='tests', help='Comma-separated list of test IDs to skip. Ex. --exclude-tests 1,3,7')
tst.add_argument('-r', '--resolve', default=False, action='store_true', help='Resolve IPv4 addresses / Domain names.')
tst.add_argument('-R', '--dont-resolve', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not resolve anything.')
tst.add_argument('-a', '--decode-all', default=False, action='store_true', help='Decode all =?us-ascii?Q? mail encoded messages and print their contents.')
args = o.parse_args()
@ -5356,9 +5617,10 @@ def main(argv):
an = SMTPHeadersAnalysis(logger)
(a, b, c) = an.getAllTests()
tests = a+b+c
d = a+b+c
e = [x for x in sorted(d, key=lambda item: int(item[0]))]
for test in tests:
for test in e:
(testId, testName, testFunc) = test
if test in b:
@ -5437,6 +5699,5 @@ Experiencing a bad-looking output with unprintable characters?
Use -N flag to disable console colors, or switch your console for better UI experience.
if __name__ == '__main__':
Reference in New Issue
Block a user