Fix order for -U and --ids-friendly

Workaround for bug see #1717. In addition: Bring  the test closer to a cleaner style,
as the others

Should --ids-firednly could be as well be removed when travis runs faster.
This commit is contained in:
Dirk Wetter 2020-12-11 20:49:15 +01:00
parent 4f375de26c
commit 39132fe3d0

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@ -15,13 +15,18 @@ my (
$tests = 0;
my $prg="./";
my $check2run = '-S -e --ids-friendly -U --severity LOW --color 0';
my $uri = '';
printf "\n%s\n", "Doing severity level checks";
die "Unable to open $prg" unless -f $prg;
unlink 'tmp.json';
pass(" .. running against to create a JSON report with severity level equal greater than LOW (may take 2~3 minutes)"); $tests++;
$out = `./ -S -e -U --ids-friendly --jsonfile tmp.json --severity LOW --color 0`;
pass(" .. running against $uri to create a JSON report with severity level >= LOW (may take 2~3 minutes)"); $tests++;
$out = `$prg $check2run --jsonfile tmp.json $uri`;
$json = json('tmp.json');
unlink 'tmp.json';
$found = 0;
@ -35,8 +40,8 @@ foreach my $f ( @$json ) {
is($found,0,"We should not have any finding with INFO level"); $tests++;
pass(" .. running against to create a JSON-PRETTY report with severity level equal greater than LOW (may take 2~3 minutes)"); $tests++;
$out = `./ -S -e -U --ids-friendly --jsonfile-pretty tmp.json --severity LOW --color 0`;
pass(" .. running against $uri to create a JSON-PRETTY report with severity level >= LOW (may take 2~3 minutes)"); $tests++;
$out = `$prg $check2run --jsonfile-pretty tmp.json $uri`;
$json_pretty = json('tmp.json');
unlink 'tmp.json';
$found = 0;