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synced 2025-03-04 04:21:16 +01:00
Merge pull request #419 from dcooper16/CN-hostname-match
CN <--> hostname match
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ is($found,1,"We had a finding for this in the JSON output"); $tests++;
like($out, qr/Chain of trust.*?NOT ok.*\(self signed\)/,"Chain of trust should fail because of self signed"); $tests++;
$found = 0;
foreach my $f ( @$json ) {
if ( $f->{id} eq "trust" ) {
if ( $f->{id} eq "chain_of_trust" ) {
$found = 1;
like($f->{finding},qr/^All certificate trust checks failed/,"Finding says certificate cannot be trusted."); $tests++;
is($f->{severity}, "NOT ok", "Severity should be NOT ok"); $tests++;
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ is($found,1,"We had a finding for this in the JSON output"); $tests++;
like($okout, qr/Chain of trust[^\n]*?Ok/,"Chain of trust should be ok"); $tests++;
$found = 0;
foreach my $f ( @$okjson ) {
if ( $f->{id} eq "trust" ) {
if ( $f->{id} eq "chain_of_trust" ) {
$found = 1;
is($f->{finding},"All certificate trust checks passed.","Finding says certificate can be trusted."); $tests++;
is($f->{severity}, "OK", "Severity should be OK"); $tests++;
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ like($out, qr/Chain of trust.*?NOT ok\s+\(chain incomplete\)/,"Chain of trust sh
$json = json('tmp.json');
$found = 0;
foreach my $f ( @$json ) {
if ( $f->{id} eq "trust" ) {
if ( $f->{id} eq "chain_of_trust" ) {
$found = 1;
like($f->{finding},qr/^All certificate trust checks failed.*incomplete/,"Finding says certificate cannot be trusted."); $tests++;
is($f->{severity}, "NOT ok", "Severity should be NOT ok"); $tests++;
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ is($found,1,"We had a finding for this in the JSON output"); $tests++;
#$json = json('tmp.json');
#$found = 0;
#foreach my $f ( @$json ) {
# if ( $f->{id} eq "trust" ) {
# if ( $f->{id} eq "chain_of_trust" ) {
# $found = 1;
# like($f->{finding},qr/^All certificate trust checks failed.*incomplete/,"Finding says certificate cannot be trusted."); $tests++;
# is($f->{severity}, "NOT ok", "Severity should be NOT ok"); $tests++;
@ -132,4 +132,4 @@ sub json($) {
$file = `cat $file`;
unlink $file;
return from_json($file);
@ -3586,7 +3586,7 @@ determine_trust() {
if [[ $OSSL_VER_MAJOR.$OSSL_VER_MINOR != "1.0.2" ]] && [[ $OSSL_VER_MAJOR.$OSSL_VER_MINOR != "1.1.0" ]]; then
addtl_warning="(Your openssl <= 1.0.2 might be too unreliable to determine trust)"
fileout "${json_prefix}trust_warn" "WARN" "$addtl_warning"
fileout "${json_prefix}chain_of_trust_warn" "WARN" "$addtl_warning"
debugme outln
for bundle_fname in $ca_bundles; do
@ -3624,7 +3624,7 @@ determine_trust() {
# all stores ok
pr_done_good "Ok "; pr_warning "$addtl_warning"
# we did to stdout the warning above already, so we could stay here with INFO:
fileout "${json_prefix}trust" "OK" "All certificate trust checks passed. $addtl_warning"
fileout "${json_prefix}chain_of_trust" "OK" "All certificate trust checks passed. $addtl_warning"
# at least one failed
pr_svrty_critical "NOT ok"
@ -3632,7 +3632,7 @@ determine_trust() {
# all failed (we assume with the same issue), we're displaying the reason
out " "
verify_retcode_helper "${verify_retcode[2]}"
fileout "${json_prefix}trust" "NOT ok" "All certificate trust checks failed: $(verify_retcode_helper "${verify_retcode[2]}"). $addtl_warning"
fileout "${json_prefix}chain_of_trust" "NOT ok" "All certificate trust checks failed: $(verify_retcode_helper "${verify_retcode[2]}"). $addtl_warning"
# is one ok and the others not ==> display the culprit store
if $some_ok ; then
@ -3655,7 +3655,7 @@ determine_trust() {
[[ "$DEBUG" -eq 0 ]] && out "$spaces"
pr_done_good "OK: $ok_was"
fileout "${json_prefix}trust" "NOT ok" "Some certificate trust checks failed : OK : $ok_was NOT ok: $notok_was $addtl_warning"
fileout "${json_prefix}chain_of_trust" "NOT ok" "Some certificate trust checks failed : OK : $ok_was NOT ok: $notok_was $addtl_warning"
[[ -n "$addtl_warning" ]] && out "\n$spaces" && pr_warning "$addtl_warning"
@ -3792,42 +3792,128 @@ get_cn_from_cert() {
return $?
# Return 0 if the server name provided in arg1 matches the CN or SAN in arg2, otherwise return 1.
# Return 0 if the name provided in arg1 is a wildcard name
local certname="$1"
# If the first label in the DNS name begins "xn--", then assume it is an
# A-label and not a wildcard name (RFC 6125, Section 6.4.3).
[[ "${certname:0:4}" == "xn--" ]] && return 1
# Remove part of name preceding '*' or '.'. If no "*" appears in the
# left-most label, then it is not a wildcard name (RFC 6125, Section 6.4.3).
basename="$(echo -n "$certname" | sed 's/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*//')"
[[ "${basename:0:1}" != "*" ]] && return 1 # not a wildcard name
# Check that there are no additional wildcard ('*') characters or any
# other characters that do not belong in a DNS name.
[[ -n $(echo -n "${basename:1}" | sed 's/^[\.a-zA-Z0-9\-]*//') ]] && return 1
return 0
# Return 0 if the name provided in arg2 is a wildcard name and it matches the name provided in arg1.
local servername="$1"
local certname="$2"
local basename
local -i basename_offset len_certname len_part1 len_basename
local -i len_servername len_wildcard
# Use rules from RFC 6125 to perform the match.
# Assume the "*" in the wildcard needs to be replaced by one or more
# characters, although RFC 6125 is not clear about that.
[[ $len_servername -lt $len_certname ]] && return 1
is_wildcard "$certname"
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && return 1
# Comparisons of DNS names are case insenstive, so convert both names to uppercase.
certname="$(toupper "$certname")"
servername="$(toupper "$servername")"
# Extract part of name that comes after the "*"
basename="$(echo -n "$certname" | sed 's/^[A-Z0-9\-]*\*//')"
# Check that initial part of $servername matches initial part of $certname
# and that final part of $servername matches final part of $certname.
[[ "${servername:0:len_part1}" != "${certname:0:len_part1}" ]] && return 1
[[ "${servername:basename_offset:len_basename}" != "$basename" ]] && return 1
# Check that part of $servername that matches "*" is all part of a single
# domain label.
[[ -n $(echo -n "${servername:len_part1:len_wildcard}" | sed 's/^[A-Z0-9\-]*//') ]] && return 1
return 0
# Compare the server name provided in arg1 to the CN and SAN in arg2 and return:
# 0, if server name provided does not match any of the names in the CN or SAN
# 1, if the server name provided matches a name in the SAN
# 2, if the server name provided is a wildcard match against a name in the SAN
# 4, if the server name provided matches the CN
# 5, if the server name provided matches the CN AND a name in the SAN
# 6, if the server name provided matches the CN AND is a wildcard match against a name in the SAN
# 8, if the server name provided is a wildcard match against the CN
# 9, if the server name provided matches a name in the SAN AND is a wildcard match against the CN
# 10, if the server name provided is a wildcard match against the CN AND a name in the SAN
local servername=$1
local cert=$2
local cn dns_sans ip_sans san basename
cn="$(get_cn_from_cert $cert)"
if [[ -n "$cn" ]]; then
[[ "$cn" == "$servername" ]] && return 0
# If the CN contains a wildcard name, then do a wildcard match
if echo -n "$cn" | grep -q '^*.'; then
basename="$(echo -n "$cn" | sed 's/^\*.//')"
[[ "$cn" == "*.$basename" ]] && [[ "$servername" == *".$basename" ]] && return 0
local servername="$(toupper "$1")"
local cert="$2"
local cn dns_sans ip_sans san
local -i ret=0
# Check whether any of the DNS names in the certificate match the servername
dns_sans=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $cert -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -A2 "Subject Alternative Name" | \
dns_sans=$($OPENSSL x509 -in "$cert" -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -A2 "Subject Alternative Name" | \
tr ',' '\n' | grep "DNS:" | sed -e 's/DNS://g' -e 's/ //g')
for san in $dns_sans; do
[[ "$san" == "$servername" ]] && return 0
# If $san is a wildcard name, then do a wildcard match
if echo -n "$san" | grep -q '^*.'; then
basename="$(echo -n "$san" | sed 's/^\*.//')"
[[ "$san" == "*.$basename" ]] && [[ "$servername" == *".$basename" ]] && return 0
[[ $(toupper "$san") == "$servername" ]] && ret=1 && break
# Check whether any of the IP addresses in the certificate match the serername
ip_sans=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $cert -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -A2 "Subject Alternative Name" | \
tr ',' '\n' | grep "IP Address:" | sed -e 's/IP Address://g' -e 's/ //g')
for san in $ip_sans; do
[[ "$san" == "$servername" ]] && return 0
return 1
if [[ $req -eq 0 ]]; then
# Check whether any of the IP addresses in the certificate match the servername
ip_sans=$($OPENSSL x509 -in "$cert" -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -A2 "Subject Alternative Name" | \
tr ',' '\n' | grep "IP Address:" | sed -e 's/IP Address://g' -e 's/ //g')
for san in $ip_sans; do
[[ "$san" == "$servername" ]] && ret=1 && break
# Check whether any of the DNS names in the certificate are wildcard names
# that match the servername
if [[ $req -eq 0 ]]; then
for san in $dns_sans; do
wildcard_match "$servername" "$san"
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && ret=2 && break
cn="$(get_cn_from_cert "$cert")"
# If the CN contains any characters that are not valid for a DNS name,
# then assume it does not contain a DNS name.
[[ -n $(echo -n "$cn" | sed 's/^[\.a-zA-Z0-9*\-]*//') ]] && return $ret
# Check whether the CN in the certificate matches the servername
[[ $(toupper "$cn") == "$servername" ]] && ret+=4 && return $ret
# Check whether the CN in the certificate is a wildcard name that matches
# the servername
wildcard_match "$servername" "$cn"
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && ret+=8
return $ret
certificate_info() {
@ -3844,9 +3930,9 @@ certificate_info() {
local cert_fingerprint_sha1 cert_fingerprint_sha2 cert_fingerprint_serial
local policy_oid
local spaces=""
local wildcard=false
local trust_sni=0 trust_nosni=0 has_dns_sans
local -i certificates_provided
local cnfinding
local cnfinding trustfinding trustfinding_nosni
local cnok="OK"
local expfinding expok="OK"
local json_prefix="" # string to place at beginng of JSON IDs when there is more than one certificate
@ -4058,19 +4144,6 @@ certificate_info() {
if [[ -n "$cn" ]]; then
pr_dquoted "$cn"
if echo -n "$cn" | grep -q '^*.' ; then
out " (wildcard certificate"
cnfinding+="(wildcard certificate "
if [[ "$cn" == "*.$(echo -n "$cn" | sed 's/^\*.//')" ]]; then
out " match)"
cnfinding+=" match)"
cnfinding+=" NO match)"
#FIXME: we need to test also the SANs as they can contain a wild card (google.de .e.g) ==> 2.7dev
cn="no CN field in subject"
out "($cn)"
@ -4088,40 +4161,23 @@ certificate_info() {
#FIXME: check for SSLv3/v2 and look whether it goes to a different CN (probably not polite)
debugme out "\"$NODE\" | \"$cn\" | \"$cn_nosni\""
if [[ "$cn_nosni" == "$cn" ]]; then
outln " (works w/o SNI)"
cnfinding+=" (works w/o SNI)"
elif [[ $NODE == "$cn_nosni" ]]; then
if [[ $SERVICE == "HTTP" ]] || $CLIENT_AUTH ; then
outln " (works w/o SNI)"
cnfinding+=" (works w/o SNI)"
outln " (matches certificate directly)"
cnfinding+=" (matches certificate directly)"
# for services != HTTP it depends on the protocol, server and client but it is not named "SNI"
if [[ "$(toupper "$cn_nosni")" == "$(toupper "$cn")" ]]; then
elif [[ -z "$cn_nosni" ]]; then
out " (request w/o SNI didn't succeed";
cnfinding+=" (request w/o SNI didn't succeed"
if [[ $cert_sig_algo =~ ecdsa ]]; then
out ", usual for EC certificates"
cnfinding+=", usual for EC certificates"
outln ")"
elif [[ "$cn_nosni" == *"no CN field"* ]]; then
outln ", (request w/o SNI: $cn_nosni)"
cnfinding+=", (request w/o SNI: $cn_nosni)"
if [[ $SERVICE != "HTTP" ]]; then
#pr_svrty_mediumln " (non-SNI clients don't match CN but for non-HTTP services it might be ok)"
#FIXME: this is irritating and needs to be redone. Then also the wildcard match needs to be tested against "$cn_nosni"
elif [[ -z "$cn_nosni" ]]; then
out " (request w/o SNI didn't succeed";
cnfinding+=" (request w/o SNI didn't succeed"
if [[ $cert_sig_algo =~ ecdsa ]]; then
out ", usual for EC certificates"
cnfinding+=", usual for EC certificates"
outln ")"
elif [[ "$cn_nosni" == *"no CN field"* ]]; then
outln ", (request w/o SNI: $cn_nosni)"
cnfinding+=", (request w/o SNI: $cn_nosni)"
out " (CN in response to request w/o SNI: "; pr_dquoted "$cn_nosni"; outln ")"
cnfinding+=" (CN in response to request w/o SNI: \"$cn_nosni\")"
out " (CN in response to request w/o SNI: "; pr_dquoted "$cn_nosni"; outln ")"
cnfinding+=" (CN in response to request w/o SNI: \"$cn_nosni\")"
fileout "${json_prefix}cn" "$cnok" "$cnfinding"
@ -4178,6 +4234,90 @@ certificate_info() {
fileout "${json_prefix}issuer" "INFO" "Issuer: $issuerfinding"
out "$indent"; pr_bold " Trust "
compare_server_name_to_cert "$NODE" "$HOSTCERT"
# Find out if the subjectAltName extension is present and contains
# a DNS name, since Section 6.3 of RFC 6125 says:
# Security Warning: A client MUST NOT seek a match for a reference
# identifier of CN-ID if the presented identifiers include a DNS-ID,
# SRV-ID, URI-ID, or any application-specific identifier types
# supported by the client.
$OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | \
grep -A2 "Subject Alternative Name" | grep -q "DNS:" && \
has_dns_sans=true || has_dns_sans=false
case $trust_sni in
0) trustfinding="certificate does not match URI" ;;
1) trustfinding="Ok via SAN" ;;
2) trustfinding="Ok via SAN wildcard" ;;
4) if $has_dns_sans; then
trustfinding="Ok via CN, but not SAN"
trustfinding="Ok via CN"
5) trustfinding="Ok via SAN and CN" ;;
6) trustfinding="Ok via SAN wildcard and CN"
8) if $has_dns_sans; then
trustfinding="Ok via CN wildcard, but not SAN"
trustfinding="Ok via CN wildcard"
9) trustfinding="Ok via CN wildcard and SAN"
10) trustfinding="Ok via SAN wildcard and CN wildcard"
if [[ $trust_sni -eq 0 ]]; then
pr_svrty_medium "$trustfinding"
elif $has_dns_sans && ( [[ $trust_sni -eq 4 ]] || [[ $trust_sni -eq 8 ]] ); then
pr_svrty_medium "$trustfinding"
out "$trustfinding"
if [[ -n "$cn_nosni" ]]; then
compare_server_name_to_cert "$NODE" "$HOSTCERT.nosni"
$OPENSSL x509 -in "$HOSTCERT.nosni" -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | \
grep -A2 "Subject Alternative Name" | grep -q "DNS:" && \
has_dns_sans=true || has_dns_sans=false
if $has_dns_sans && [[ $trust_nosni -eq 4 ]]; then
trustfinding_nosni=" (w/o SNI: Ok via CN, but not SAN)"
elif $has_dns_sans && [[ $trust_nosni -eq 8 ]]; then
trustfinding_nosni=" (w/o SNI: Ok via CN wildcard, but not SAN)"
elif [[ $trust_nosni -eq 0 ]] && ( [[ "$trust_sni" == "ok" ]] || [[ "$trust_sni" == "warn" ]] ); then
trustfinding_nosni=" (SNI mandatory)"
elif [[ "$trust_sni" == "ok" ]] || [[ "$trust_sni" == "warn" ]]; then
trustfinding_nosni=" (works w/o SNI)"
elif [[ $trust_nosni -ne 0 ]]; then
trustfinding_nosni=" (however, works w/o SNI)"
if $has_dns_sans && ( [[ $trust_nosni -eq 4 ]] || [[ $trust_nosni -eq 8 ]] ); then
pr_svrty_mediumln "$trustfinding_nosni"
outln "$trustfinding_nosni"
if [[ "$trust_sni" == "ok" ]]; then
fileout "${json_prefix}trust" "INFO" "${trustfinding}${trustfinding_nosni}"
fileout "${json_prefix}trust" "WARN" "${trustfinding}${trustfinding_nosni}"
# http://events.ccc.de/congress/2010/Fahrplan/attachments/1777_is-the-SSLiverse-a-safe-place.pdf, see page 40pp
out "$indent"; pr_bold " EV cert"; out " (experimental) "
# only the first one, seldom we have two
@ -4400,23 +4540,23 @@ run_server_defaults() {
# $NODE being tested or if it has the same subject
# (CN and SAN) as other certificates for this host.
compare_server_name_to_cert "$NODE" "$HOSTCERT"
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && success[n]=0 || success[n]=1
if [[ ${success[n]} -ne 0 ]]; then
cn_nosni="$(get_cn_from_cert $HOSTCERT)"
sans_nosni=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -A2 "Subject Alternative Name" | grep "DNS:" | \
sed -e 's/DNS://g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/,/ /g' -e 's/othername:<unsupported>//g')
cn_nosni="$(toupper "$(get_cn_from_cert $HOSTCERT)")"
sans_nosni="$(toupper "$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -A2 "Subject Alternative Name" | \
tr ',' '\n' | grep "DNS:" | sed -e 's/DNS://g' -e 's/ //g' | tr '\n' ' ')")"
echo "${previous_hostcert[1]}" > $HOSTCERT
cn_sni="$(get_cn_from_cert $HOSTCERT)"
cn_sni="$(toupper "$(get_cn_from_cert $HOSTCERT)")"
# FIXME: Not sure what the matching rule should be. At
# the moment, the no SNI certificate is considered a
# match if the CNs are the same and the SANs (if
# present) contain at least one DNS name in common.
if [[ "$cn_nosni" == "$cn_sni" ]]; then
sans_sni=$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -A2 "Subject Alternative Name" | grep "DNS:" | \
sed -e 's/DNS://g' -e 's/ //g' -e 's/,/ /g' -e 's/othername:<unsupported>//g')
sans_sni="$(toupper "$($OPENSSL x509 -in $HOSTCERT -noout -text 2>>$ERRFILE | grep -A2 "Subject Alternative Name" | \
tr ',' '\n' | grep "DNS:" | sed -e 's/DNS://g' -e 's/ //g' | tr '\n' ' ')")"
if [[ "$sans_nosni" == "$sans_sni" ]]; then
Reference in New Issue
Block a user